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Blood HW #3

1. Sometimes blood clotting is unwanted, especially during a blood

transfusion or if you are receiving an IV. A drug called heparin is
given to prevent coagulation. How does heparin work?
This works by breaking down the formation of blood clots in your veins, and
allows your blood to flow more smoothly. It can also stop clots you may already
have from getting bigger.

2. Mrs. Smith has had two miscarrages before seeking medical

help with her third pregnancy. She is Rh- and her husband is
Rh+. What course of treatment will be followed.
The doctor will administer two Rh-immune-globulin shots during her first
pregnancy. This prevents the mother from making any antibodies, which protects
the baby.

3. Ms. Pratt is claiming that Mr. X is the father of her child. Ms.
Pratt is O-. Her baby boy is A+. Mr. X is blood type B+. Could he
be the father of her child? If not, what blood type would he be
expected to be?
The father could not be Mr. X because O and B type blood can only create blood
types that are the same. If Mr. X was the father, the child would have either O+ or
B+ blood.

4. A red marrow biopsy is ordered for two patients – a young child

and an adult. The specimen is taken from the tibia of the child
and the iliac crest of the adult. Why are different sites used for
children and adults to obtain red bone marrow.
There is not a lot of bone marrow in both adults and children, so
they must use multiple sites in order to receive the correct

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