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Challenger @ ADULT READING SERIES Corec Murphy New Readers Press Images courtsy of Pr8yp.1Op 4, 1, p23, 0.21, p. St p. 8, p42. 52 p88 8.7, p78. 7, . 80 pf 04, p. 100 p01, p.107, 0.106, 113. 114 © 3008 hptenmages Corporati: p47 ilockphotecom Casenger 1, 2nd Elon ISON a76156420-568°1 Copyright © 2010 New Readers Poss New Renter Press ProLiraey's Publishing Dison 1800 demeaile Avenue, Syracuse, Now York 19210 vvncureasereens com Alt eserved No part ofthis book may be reproduca or wane in y form or ‘Ey ary means, lection cemachanealmctcingphetooopying, econ oy 7 Information storage and reieval ssa thot passen weg Hom Pe puch Printed te Ute Stats of Arica eee Proceeds rm the slo New Fics Press mtr support pofesina ‘evelopment raring, and ternal asetance programe a re iterery {hat bone ecalracy programs inthe U.S aed around the globe Developmental Eto: Toe Linke CContrbuting Wetor Nira Shope Creative Director: Andrea Woodbury Production Specialist ryson Catay ‘Aton Design Superior: Jes Wislace Cover Desig Can Walace Table of Contents Lesson 1 Char: The Long and Short Vowels 5 Story: Bob Is Lote & Exercise 1. Copying Sentences. 7 2. Word Sounds: 8 Lesson 2 ‘Chart: More Werk with Long and. ‘Shor Vowels See. Story: Bob Meet Don Rare 10 Exe 1, Copying Sentences. n 2. Word Sounds 12 Lesson 3 ‘Chart: More Work with Long and Short Vowel 13 Story: Eddie's Girlriond 14 Exercises: 1. Word Sound nn 15 2. Marking the Vowels. 15 Lesson 4 ‘Chart: Changing the First Consoncnt Sound..1.7 ‘Story: Kate Bakes 0 Cake: ae Exercises 1. Word Sounds 19 2 Yeout No. om 220 Word index: Lessons 1-4 21 Lessons 5 ‘Chor: Changing the End Consonant Sound .22 Story: Talking with Aunt Lovee. 23 Exercises: 1. Adding ed, 26 2, Word Sounde 2a Lesson 6 ‘Chart: Ending Consonont Blends 26 Story: Eddie's Bad Lock 7 Exercises 1. Adding -e. 28 2. Word Sounds 29 Lesson 7 ‘Chart: More Work with Ending Consonant Blends 20 Story: The Wrong Side ofthe Bed 31 Exercises: 1 Adding ng 2 2. Werd Sounds coisa Lesson 8 ‘Chor: Review of Vowels and Coneonants Story: At the Amusement Park Exercises: 1. Word Sounds 2. Using o and on, 3, Marking the Vowels. 44, Words thot Macon the Same. 5. Waling Sentenee8 Word Index: Lessons 1-3 Lesson 9 Chart: Vowel Sounds for y Story: A Birthday Porty for Bob, Exercises: 1. Adding + to Words. 2. Weeds That End in iy 3, Moce Words Thot End in. 44, Words Thot Mean the Some Lesson 10 ‘Chor: Silent Later 1. Ward Sounds 2. Werd Opposies 3. Weed Study, Lesson 17 ‘Chart: The rContalled Vowels. The Fortune elle, 1. Adding er to Words 2. More Words That End in-er 3. Chonging the yo ond Adding er 14. Who Does What? Lesson 12 ‘Chor: Vowel Combinations ‘Story: The Fight Exercises: 1. Context Clues 2. Word Sound 3. Writing Sentences. Word Index: Lessons 1~12 Lesson 13 ‘Chor: The rContolled Vowel Combinations ‘Story: Nigh Schoo! 4 48 9 50 Table of Contents 3 Exercises: 1. Ward Sounds 2) Words That End in-er 3. Word Std 4. Marking the Vowels Lesson 14 ‘Chart: Vowels Followed by the Letter ‘Story: Paying Bil. Exercises! 1, The Ending “Ul. 2. The Ending less 3: Weeds That Mecn the Same 4. Weed Opposites 5. Compound Words Lesson 15 ‘Char: Digraphs and Consonant Blends Story: Kote Shops Online. Exercises: 1. The Ending st 2. Changing the yt ond Adding “est 3. Words That Mean the Some Sounds 4. Werd Sounds Lesson 16 ‘Chart: Consonant Blends Story: Love, Exercises 1. Word Sounds 2. Compound Words. 3, Wing Sentences. Word Index: Lessons 1-16 Lesson 17, ‘Chart: More Conzonon Blends Story: Bob Hos 2 Problem. Exercises 1. Word Sounds. 2. Putting Words in Closes. 3, Best ond Leas. Lesson 18 ‘Chor More Digrophs and Consonant Blends Son Table of Contents 68 70 71 71 73 74 75 76 76 77 78 20 81 a1 a2 83 85 88 89 90 93 94 95 97 98 99 ‘Story: A Woy with Kids. Exercises: 1. Word Sounds 2. Numbers 3. Compound Words. Lesson 19 Chart: Stil More Consonant Blends, Story: Kate Buys © Scooter. Exercises: 1. Word Sounds 2. Colors. 3, Which Word Does Not Fi “4. Words That Begin with un- 5. Words That Begin with Lesson 20 ‘Chart: Sounds for cand 9. ‘Story: Bob's Dole with June Exercises: V, Word Sounds ncn 2. Pung Werds in Class. 3. Twelve Questions 4. Writing Sentences First Review Word Chat Exercises: : 1. Choosing the Best Answer. 2. Words Thot Meon the Same. 3. Word Opposites 44, Using @ and on. 5. Puting Words in Classes, Second Review ‘Word Chat Exercises: 1. Choosing the Best Answer 2. Numbers 23, Which Word Fis Bes? 44. Word Pairs 5. Writing Sentences. Word index: Lessons 1-20 Answer Key 100 101 103 105 106 107 108 109 110 m1 m n2 3 ns 6 7 one ng 120 a2 122 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 134 LESSON The Long and Short Vowels nome save hate 2% can had ‘and see need feel let get fen bed Eddie time tide nine Mike fire o go so. woke Jones hope Bob job got lot not rule rude tube, use fuse but mud sun vp Lesson 1 5 Words tor study o'clock would said of was friend to do for have you know Me the money park Bob Is Late Bob woke up at nine o'clock. He was late for his job. He hoped Mr. Jones would not fie him. Bob got a ride with a friend named Eddie. His friend Eddie did not have a job at the fime. Eddie said to Bob, “Is Mr. Jones going to fire you?" “Thope not,” said Bob. “Thate the job, but Ineed the money. If had «a lot of money, I would quit.” “If you do get fired, let me know,” said Eddie. “Mike is going to the park with me at ten ofelock. You can go with us if you do get fired.” ‘Mr, Jones did fire Bob, so Bob rode to the park with Eddie and Mike. ten ens 1 Read and Write. 1. The name of Bob's friend is Eddie. 2. Do you know if he got the job? 3. Bob and his friends had fun at the park. 4. Mike did not know the rules, but Eddie did. 5. Can you save money? 6. He knows I am not late for the job. 7. The sun woke Eddie up at ten o'clock 8. Bob did not feel he was rude to Mr. Jones. Lesson 1 1 2 Read and Write. Note the silent e rule. time Tim tube tub not note can cane quit quite Lesson 1 1) dd pol nave fo go to the pork. 2. the was for the : 3. Bob did geto _from Mr, Jones. 4. 2 5. Bob did not , but he was late. LESSON 2 re Work with Long an mile bike five hire sit six fix which home hole rose joke cop box ‘mom Bob june duke huge cute cup rub gum hug Lesson 2 Short Vowels 9 Words tor Study on without down very that reloxed okay by from until let's or how want ‘around work Bob Meets Dan Rose Bob had a date fo see a man named Dan Rose. Mr. Rose had a home on Red Gate Lane. That was six miles from Bob’s home. Dan Rose was a friend of Bob's dad, and he had a Job for Bob. The job was fixing bikes. Bob did not know how to fix bikes. But it was so bad fo be without a job that he had said to his dad he would take the job. Bob said to Eddie, “I hope I feel relaxed when I meet Dan. I do not have to see him until five o'clock." Eddie did not want to let his friend down. So he said, “Okay, let's ride round until itis time to see him.” Bob was very relaxed by the time he got fo Dan's home at five o'clock Dan said he would hire Bob to fix bikes 1 Read and Write. 1. Tim rode five miles on his bike 2. Eddie and Mike joked with the cop. 3. The duke was quite rude fo the man at the gate. 4, Do you know if Mom is Feeling okay? 5. Dad said, "You can use the cup if you want fo." 6. Bob said that he would be home around six o'clock. 7. The mud was so bad that Mr. Lane did not ride his bike to work. 8. Do you use a pen to do the work? Lesson2 1 2 Read and Writ huge or hug cute or cut meet or met use or us cope or cop rode or rod hopes or holes ate or at 12 Lesson 2 . Note the silent e rule. 1. Mom needed a box for the roses. 2. Mike had a bad and had fo go home. 3. Eddie got to the park by six o'clock and his friends. 4, It was so late that Mr. Jones wanted to ge home. 5. Tim knows that he ean with his job. 6. We down to Dan’s home to see how he was feeling. 7. Bob ____ he can fix the bikes. 8. “If you want fo do the work, you have to keep it,” said Dan. ahr a gh

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