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Challenger (4) ADULT READING SERIES Corea Murphy New Readers Press Acknowledgments: Insets: Adapted rom Insets ram Case Up by Eeanor Fanning. © 1965 by Thomas Crowe. ‘Kove, Forks, and Spoons: From Food in History by Reay Tanai copyright 1978, 908 by Ray Tanne, Used by permission of Crown Pushers, dvon of Pando ‘Accepting Who You Ae: Adept rom The Winners Notebook by Dr. Theodero fsa Fubin Used by pemiston othe author. ‘An Franz From Tho Diary ofa Yeung Git The Defitve Eon by Aone Fran, ‘ete by Oto H. Frank and Mian Presley, treltd by Suzan Maceo nition ‘epyigt © 1885 by Doubleay deen o Random Hou, Inc Used by passe of ‘Doubled, a divin of Random House. “Tho Nunbor One Eater in Amari © 1964 Amercen Hestage Publishing Coho. Fepreted by pomision om Th Amarin rege Cootsook The Great Hungor: Adapted rom The Grew Hunger by Ceol Wacchen-Smith, Reprinted wih pormiscon a Harper & ow © 1064, mages courtesy of Syn. 14. 16p. 7p. 19, on, buterty, cockroach, geashoppe, der. 20, 2p. 25 p&p. 98 p42, p48, pA 48, p59, p. 63, p70, 79,283,904, 85, p. 106 p 10, p, 116, nal © 2008.sypitetnagee Corps. 8 sow '; p 10.18 layup ck, honeybee, tart, Howey pp. SB, -73:p. 105, p71: Pubic Domaln Wem Conransh p69 © 2008 Gey hes, 104 Urry f Congress Pants and Potoorphe Dison Chater 4 2nd aon ISBN OT6-56420-5715 Copyright ©2010, 1985 New Reoders Press New ences Prese ProLteracys Publishing Dison 14 Marcss Stet, Syracuse, New Yer 19204 snreaderepress. com ‘ts rserved, No par ois bock maybe repreduoe or wanemited in any form of by any means, secon r mechanics, Icing patoconyn, roaring. ery ey formation storage end reveal ester, without permission wing fo the push ‘Protein the Unies States o Amarios oe Proceeds fromthe oof Now Readers Press mater suppression ‘evelopment, ining, and tetra aseatancs programe of Prot eraoy tat boot eal tery prepara nthe US. an around he pode Developmental Eator: Toro Like COonirbuting Weiter Tey Ledyard Creative Director: cen Woodbury Predotion Specialist Mareen Casey ‘xt and Design Supervisor Janes Place ‘Cover Design: Carey Wace Table of Contents Lesson 1 Reoding: The Heart Exeries: 1. About the Reading, 2. The Human Body. 3. The Ending -r 4. Syllables 5. Brain Benders Lesson 2 Reading: Danica Patrick. Exercises: 1. About the Reading... 2. Games ond Spent 3. Mote Work withthe Ending er. 44, Words That Meon the Some, 5. Word Opposies 6. Syllable. Lesson 3 Reading: Energy Crisis Exercises: 1. About the Reoding 2. Syllbles 13, The Ending 44, True or Fle? ‘5. Which Word Boas Not Fi? Lesson 4 Reading Ineecs Exercises: 1, About the Reading 2. Nome That Bug. 3, Which Word Fie Best? 44, More Werk with the Ending 5. Syllbles Lesson 5 Reading: Cell Phones Exercises: 1. About the Reading 2. Sylables 3. Singulor ond Ploral Wards 44, Wostking with Headings. ‘5. Words That End in Review: Lessons 1-5 Exercises: 1. Answer These Questions 2. Word Sty, 3, Words That Mean the Same. 44, Word Opposites Word index: Lessons 1-5 n 12 2 13 13 3 20 21 a7 23 23 24 25 28 26 28 1 2. Wosking with Headings 3 4 ‘About the Reading, Compound Words. The Ending ng 55. Some Confusing ing Words. Lesson 7 Reading: Thomas Edison. Exercises: 1 2 “About the Reading Sylobles 3, Mace Werk with Compound Words 14, Which Word Fits Best? 1 : 2. The Last Word on Knives. 3 ‘About the Reading Food for Thought. Knives, Forks, ond Spoons. 4, Singular ond Plural Words. 5. One Knifo/Two Knives. Lesson 10 Recs Exerc 1 2 4 5 ‘About the Reading Which Woed Does Not Fi. Singuler ond Pliral Words Fourlener Words. The Ending 4 ‘About the Reoding ‘About Meteors 3. Choosing he Right Word Speling Check. Word Sey Review: Lessons 1-10 Exercises: 1. Answer These Questions 2 3 4, 5 6 Word Stdy ‘Weeds thot Mean Word Opposites. Sylobles Menus The Sound for de. he Solar System the Some Word index: Lessons 1-10 Table of Contents 37 38 39 40 41 a2 43 44 44 45 a7 48 a 50 3) 52 53 54 55 58 56 37 58 58 59 61 61 62 4 Lesson 11 Reading: Accepting Who YOU Are onsnn6B Exercees: 1. About the Reading, ba. 2 Changing the yt 65 3, Woed Endings. 6 4. Silent Leer. 66 5. Hoppiness 7 Lesson 12 Reading: Anne Frank: Patt cnnsnn6B Exerdies: 1. About the Reading, 2, Word Beginnings... 3. Words That Mean the Same 44. Word Opposites 5. Words That End in Hard or Sof g...72 Lesson 13 Reading: Anne Frank: Port 73 Exercises: 1. About the Reading.ncnnnsnnnneninZA 2. Weed War re 3. Citas, Soles, and Counties 076 44, More Work with Word Endings ...77 Lesson 14 Reading: The Ship ofthe Desett..cnsnse78 Exerdses: 1. About the Reading mae) 2. Compound Words 80 3: More Werk wih Word Endings 8) 4, Syllables 82 Lesson 15 Reading: Cloningewranonnesenrninnsnsese®S Exercises: 1. About the Reading on 8 2. Syllobles 85 3, True of Fee? 86 4, Singular and Poral Words. 87 Review: Lessons 1-15 Exerdses: 1. Answer These Questions son 8B 2. Woed Swdy. es 38 3, Matching 89 44. Matching 90 5. Mest Me. Brown... 90 6: Speling Check nee 1 7. More Work with Sylables 0000091 Word Index: Lessons 1-15 oe ‘Table of Contents Lesson 16 Reading: Some Thoughts about Dying 94 Eee 1. About the Reading... sn 9S 2. What Do You Think? 9% 3. The Ending -y. 7 4 More Work wil the nding 98 ‘5. More Work with Compound Words 98 Lesson 17 Reading: The Number One Eater in Amesica.100 Exerciees: 1. About the Reading. 101 2. Food fr Thought, 102 3. The Ending il. 103 4. Working with Sylabes “104 Lesson 18 Reading: The Great Hunger 105 Evercses 1. About the Reading. 106 2. More about Palos, 07 3. Where Would You Find i? 108 4. The Ending dese 109 Lesson 19 Reading: Digestion no Exercises: 1. About the Read mM 2, More about Digestion el 3. Cave and Effoa. ons 4. The Humon Body. 213 5. Word Endings na Lesson 20 Reading: Nail Soup 16 Exercises: 1. About the Reading ne 2. May IToke Your Order? ng 3. Same or Opp? vr. 120 4. More Work with Ward Endings 120 Review: Lessons 1-20 1. Matching 122 2, Word Siudy "123 3. Which Word Boes Not Fi 124 4, Syllables 125 5. Fourleter Words 126 Word Index: Lessons 1-20 17 Word Index: Books 1-4 129 Answer Key ol 39 ee ea Words for Study collects inches located stomp veins normally upper foes crteries ‘oxygen carbon dioxide onto te 8 ee The Heart Day after day, he heart pumps blood throughout your body. is beat goes on and on with very litle help from you. When the hear beois, it pumps five quarts of blood throughout the body in about sixly seconds. In just one year, the heart pumps enough blood to fill rom 97 to 200 tank cars with 8,000 gollons each! The heart is really two pumps in one. Each side of the heart performs «diferent pumping job. The right side takes blood from the body and pumps it info the lungs. The left side collects blood from the lungs and then pumps it fo the body, Iis the job of the vein in the body to bring the blood back into the hear. ‘Aeries, on the other hand, carry blood from the heart fo all pats ofthe body. Your heart does enough work in just one hour to lift © weight of 1¥ tons more than ‘one foot off the ground, yeti is only about as big as your fis. In adults, the heart is obout five inches long, three and one-half inches wide, ond hwo and one-half inches thick. A man’s hear! weighs about eleven ounces. A woman's hear! weighs ‘about nine ounces. The heart lies near the middle of the chest toward the front. The lower end ofthe heart isthe part that you feel beating, AA person's heart normally beats about 70 to 80 times o minute, but the rate changes in order to give the body as much oxygen as it needs. For example, your heart beats much faster when you exercise. It is rushing more oxygen fo your body by speeding up the flow of blood. There ore many other examples of how the heart changes is rate of beating to meet a certain need. When you become angry, afraid, o¢ excited, your heart haa beais harder ond faster. This is one ofthe reasons why being angry or upset a lot is unhealthy itis jus oo hard on your heart. However, it seems that many people 4 in the United States do not know how imporignt it so live calm and peaceful lives because more than 800,000 people die from heart ehysase’ Sve yea ni Lesson 1 5 1 About the Reading. Answer hese questions. 1. Tive or false? Write true if he sentence is true. Write false if the sentence is false. «©. A person’s heart normally beats about seventy to eighty times minute. b. A woman's heat is larger than @ man’s heart Each side of the heart has o different job, d. The heart beats five quarts of blood throughout the body in about sixty minutes. €. The heat is about as big os your fis. f. The heart is located on the left side of the chest 4. The heart is really hwo pumps. hh The heart is working harder when you are playing sports. | beating, i The upper end of the heart isthe part you _i: When the heort beots fast, it sends less oxygen to the body. 2. Explain how o person who gets ongry « lo is hurting his health, 3. How mony people inthe United States die from heart disease every year? What do you think? 4. Do you think that people would lose their tempers less offen if hey knew how much this hurts their health? Be sure to explain your answer. Lesson} (eheetset ad 2. The Human Body. Match the words below to the sentences on the right crtery bloodstream brain lungs nose spleen elbow nerve ribs vein 1. This cartes blood away from the heart. 2. This corties blood fo the heart. 3. This contains the sense of smell and is used for inhaling air. 4, This controls many of your body actions ond is the place in which thinking happens. 5, This he joint between the lower and the upper aem, 6. This isthe steam of blood flowing through living body. 7. This sends messages from one part ofthe body to another. 8, These are twelve pairs of long, curved bones that extend from the spine. 9. These take carbon dioxide from the blood and give oxygen to it. (You have two of them.) 10. This works as a blood filter and stores blood. 3 The Ending -er. Add -er to the words listed below. Study the examples before you begin. 1. deol dealer 4, print 2. read 5. perform _ 3. blend 1. trode _ trader 4, line 2. shoke_ 5. believe 3. hike a Lesson 1 7 ee 4. flip = 2. drum Sp 3. bid 4 Syllables. Each ofthe words ised below has two syllables. Write these two syllables on the lines to the right ofthe word. Fa vowel is underlined, mark it ether ong or shor, Study the ‘examples before you begin. 1. bookcase __book _* cise _ 6. hopeless 2. winner win +__ner Tenormal 3. gallon . Bforgive ee 4. cluter . 9. copper et 5. locate . Wono '5 Brain Benders. Each ofthese common sayings mentions 0 part ofthe body. Choose he anewer that best explains each saying, and write it onthe line. If you've never heard the saying before, geo friend fo help you or make a good guess. 1. Tf your heat isin the right place, you're healthy «. ike everybody else b. kind 4. normal 2. IF your heats set on something, you «. fallin love «lie down b. hug somebody ! sport inets you send messages, make phone calls, and play your favorite music. 1 About the Reading. Answer these questions 1. Call phones orn’ relly phones ctl Theyre smell . radios b. cells c, bose sitions «signal 2. Cell phones have low-power inthem. 0. calls bb. transitiers “bose sitions signals 43, The cellular system splits up eoch into small cell co. building «. caller 4. cily 4, Eoch call hos & cond a smell building fo. bose station «= . cel phone 4. signal . The building holds eed beeen the Interne! mony ‘qestions. ‘ne day, Al overheard the teacher fl he school inspector Arak ihe Eon boy wos eazy. When A told his mother Fs, she wes s0 angry tht she stormed ile the teacher’ aie room She tld him, "My son bos more ht trae fiager thon you have in your whole body!” SHB, then took her sn out of school end begen 6 teach Fre herself. Ths, Thomas Edison only went 12 pool fortes months in sentir el The conductor on the tran, who wos very angry, boxed Al's ears and threw him and al his things of the air The conductor's blows may have caused Edison’ later deafness, but Eden himself thought his deainess wes beveuse of Edison never became fompletely dec, although in his last yeors he could barely hear a shout. He dn scon a. Inind, however, because he found that he ‘ould think much beter if he couldn't hen, ‘What was going on around him, 1 In what state was Thomas A. Edison bon ee 2 What isthe date of his bink? 2 nwt ste ion gow aon ee “For how long did Edison goto school ee 5. What was the nickname thot Edison's family gave him? ——— ee § For what reason dd Edison tlk bis friend into taking some medicine? 11 Thomas A. Eon died on Oetobet 18: 1931, How old wos he when he dled? = ‘What do you think? ‘nos been sid tht Thomas Edison wor? uch of fry an, Why do you isk Hs wet wo? = oe oe 2 Syjlebles. Each of the words {eed below has either two or three syllables, Write these sabes 2 Sines tote ight of each word oe ee ie ee oe oe ee oe Lesson? box dish hand hour Jock mouse ace pad sond screw cus driver Yoloss hammer lock maker oper lone trop washer hourglase 1. Before the invention of clocks, People used this o help tem keep track of time. oe 2 People use this invention fy to keep their homes and property safe from robbers. 3. People who hate the sight of piles of dity dishes love this invention 4. Police ‘nap on this invention when they caich people they think have the law. This invention i covered riway Car that carries freight fom one place to another, 6. This invention Is « hand too used for ee turing screws. 7. This invention is used to dil eck, ee 8. This invention is heavy paper coated ee ©” one side with sand and used for smoothing wood, 9 This invention has been exterely helpful to people who have hear roblems, | = 10. This vention is required in all eutomobiles, When two brothers sueceshily ne oF hese for the ist tne extly 1900s, they started new Way oF geting from 40 another. o a Work properly is @ ‘and some starving mic ‘4 Which Word Fits Best? Fill in each blank with the word that best completes the sentence. 1. Soap is to dirt as medicine is to a. disease b. doctor . nurse d. pills Entice is to whole as some is a. everything b. nothing . port d. foal 3. Baggage iso suitcases as bag isto ©. brown b. carry &. fill up backpack 4, Meet is to solid as gravy isto @. chemical b. gas «. liquid . water Blind isto eyes as deaf is to ears b. hearing noise 4. sound Airbag is to car as lifeboat is to a. life by ship ©. car 4. plane 7 Detroit is to city as Michigan is os 0. ay b. county ©. stole 4. town 8, Inspect isto study as gaze isto ©. glance b. sight ©. stare d. strain 9. Cause is fo reason as elfect isto «. problem b. reason ec. result . trouble 10, Conductor is to train as actor isto «. lines b. play c. tole 4. stage i | : : Lesson? at Words for Study caveman item soupspoon Asia museum crudely widely peeler futkey yogurt Italy diagram copple cranbery x prongs salod broiler hamburger Rashid LESSON 8 Knives, Forks, and Spoons ae The early caveman ate only enough food to stay alive. He did no! think of eating 105 a nice way fo pass the ime, ond he didn’t care how sloppy he looked when he te, The only eating fool he used was a spoon, which was very crudely made. ‘After thousands of years hod passed, life was no longer so hard for people as it had been during the caveman’s ime, People started to think of eating as more than just something you had fo do in order to stay alive. They began to care about how they looked while they were eating In 1100, the wife of a very rich man in Italy started fo use forks at her dining 00m table because she thought people who picked up pieces of mea! with their hands looked like cnimals, These early forks that she and others used hod only two prongs. At first, not very many forks were made. It wasn't until four hundred years loter that forks became & commen item on the dining room tables in aly. The people in Holy also began to set their tables with knives at his time. Up unt the 1500s, everyone carried o knife in his belt which was used af mealtime ond any other time o knife was needed. When dinner was over, the guests would normally just wipe off their knives and stick them back into their belts. The knife ‘and fork did not become widely used in Fronce and England until the middle 1600s. The frst fork was brought to America in 1630, ‘As people started fo use knives, forks, and spoons all the fime, they began io make up rules about how to set table a For example, they decided that knives should always be to the right of the dinner plate with their cuting edges turned toward the plate. This rule doesn't sound {3 i i's too hord fo learn, but if you ‘were very rich and gave lots of toney ner paras, you woud Have 2 seo books and sy ord in ore! Trrow how to seta proper be: Justo give you an idea of how complex seing table cn be Fete S diogeam the place seting fora fancy dinnet pasty in America ‘hs you con see, eating has chenged quite 0 bit since the Danica sshboard over ‘def deofnese sealer degree desert desperote ‘desperately sevice diogrom iah ol tone diager ‘downvard ‘rowing ummer e Easter Edison, T. cleatie tlecronie tlecronice ‘engine cnt equipment oohale F famous femenely fer fish Alpper ter feos foreign fa 6 Sealy or Sion sin a Soon Son a s = cy holene renberger coe io tse in \ Bins inch Indtanopotis Indy inning insider inspect inspector Interest inventor lly J Joethomer ea Seager 62 Word Index: Lessons 1-10 jogging jumper Jupiter kK L boy teojoug foeh Icy Ietrer tony iy lin locate Iokes leer ” ‘magazine ‘major ‘marble Mars mating meadow mmedicoe Meresry merging meteor meteorite Mexico Miehigon monly moonlight moonshine mmowsetap mmovsy rmouthport N Neptune rey inh nonstop rommal seormally ° cfr fice hie onto range cutine ‘usider ‘overheard ‘onygen P pacemoker podoek posty Prick peter pase Peepy per perormer personal personally Photo pickles Pienie pleosing prot Pluto pocket Poker popular populery Pon Huron poly powetl prayer rine process Prodoce profile rong a quote quoting ® soe! ie ‘ey me fond peat anty ‘cut regularly relecee religion result ‘aging rocky rookie vosty s soled some render Scum ly screwdriver setng Sonal Shadow shoter shore signal Sigior = per teh skyline skperoper slop sper snogay snapper soooy wos fer ter ye soupspecn specte speedy ‘paling ier sponge sponay Soop ‘reine Sronaiy sway sesden Siflower sunaroke sunfon| spely swallow swamp. vid siting 1 talent verte text Thomas liptee tee Tommy tongue ‘ear totaly trader franemiter vrvel ner key u unknown pper pword Uranus Venus version w swomblooded watcher whaszy ‘whiskey widely wiper worship x Y yogut oes

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