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ISBT Science Series (2020) 15, 68–80

© 2020 The Author. Journal Compilation © 2020 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

SECTION 3 ISBT Science Series
DOI: 10.1111/voxs.12590

Antigen-antibody reactions
Original author: Beryl Armstrong
Reviewers for Second Edition: Veera Sekaran Nadarajan & Masja de Haas

Introduction Learning objectives

In Section 2: Immunology the role of antibodies in the pre- By the end of this section, the student should be able to
vention of infection was dealt with in some detail. Although describe the common types of antigen–antibody reactions,
this is the prime function of antibodies, and the reason they discuss the factors that influence them and use this
are produced as part of the immune response to foreign knowledge to carry out laboratory tests in such a way as
immunogens, antibodies have been extensively used by labo- to obtain the best results. The student should have a good
ratory scientists for in vitro investigations. The fact that anti- understanding of the following topics:
bodies are by their nature specific makes them a useful tool in • Binding of antibodies to red cell antigens
the detection and identification of antigens in the laboratory. • Common types of antigen–antibody reactions
Blood bankers are often concerned with in vivo reactions – haemagglutination
that take place between antigens on red blood cells and – sensitisation
antibodies in plasma. Antibodies against red cell antigens – haemolysis
transfused to a recipient, can cause transfusion reactions, – neutralisation
ranging in severity from the shortened survival of incom- – precipitation
patible transfused red cells without any clinical symptoms, • Factors that influence antigen–antibody reactions
to a fatal reaction and the death of the recipient. • Use of proteolytic enzymes
In the laboratory, though, we are concerned with • Use of high molecular mass substances
in vitro reactions. • Use of low ionic strength saline solution
In vitro antigen–antibody reactions can occur in differ- • Use of labelled antibodies
ent ways, influenced by the volume and strength of reac- • Role of complement
tants and methods used. Antigen–antibody reactions are – factors that influence the action of complement
enhanced intentionally in the laboratory to make very in laboratory tests
weak reactions observable, enabling the laboratory tech- • Role of antihuman globulin
nologist to draw practical conclusions and report on clin- – application of antiglobulin tests in the laboratory
ical conditions with accuracy. Provided that the correct • Polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies
methods are followed, it is usually not difficult to deter- • Recent developments
mine blood groups and the nature and specificity of cir-
culating blood group antibodies. Occasionally, however,
Binding of antibodies to red cell antigens
this can be more challenging, and it sometimes takes con-
siderable knowledge, skill and experience to accurately When a blood sample is drawn, it is taken either into a dry
interpret anomalous test results, determine what tests test tube, leading to clot formation, or into a test tube con-
should be performed next, carry out further tests appro- taining an anticoagulant to prevent clotting and keep both
priately and then correctly interpret the results. the cellular and plasma component of the blood available
In addition to antibodies obtained from the plasma of for analysis. If blood is taken into a dry tube, and given
blood donors, serologists often make use of reagent anti- sufficient time to coagulate, the fluid part of blood, which
bodies that are produced synthetically explicitly for the is called serum, can be collected when clotting is complete.
purpose of antigen detection and identification. In respect to the presence of antibodies, serum has similar
In this section the focus is on serum/plasma antibody properties to plasma, but the advantage is that serum
reactions with antigens on red cells and how to visualize retains the viability of complement factors for a limited
these. Section 4: Principles of laboratory techniques period of time, and these can therefore be activated to par-
describes the principles of methodologies currently used ticipate in the reaction. On the other hand, complement is
in the laboratory. generally inactivated by anticoagulants and plasma

Antigen-antibody reactions 69

samples are therefore unsuitable for use in tests that require

• The presence of complement.
the demonstration of complement activity in a reaction. There are five types of antigen-antibody reaction, each
Another difference between serum and plasma is that with a different observable outcome, that are commonly
coagulation factors are utilised in the clotting process and used in the serology (blood bank) laboratory:
are therefore absent from serum samples. To prevent (1) Haemagglutination.
coagulation, an anticoagulant, such as acid citrate dex- (2) Sensitisation.
trose (ACD), ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) or (3) Haemolysis.
heparin is added to the blood drawing tubes prior to col- (4) Neutralisation.
lection of the sample, but as previously stated, anticoagu- (5) Precipitation.
lants prohibit the participation of complement in tests.
Red cell antigen-antibody reactions Every red cell carries an electrical charge that is depen-
dent on the characteristics of its membrane-bound pro-
When red cells carrying the target antigen are mixed with teins and the solution in which the red cell is suspended.
serum, plasma or a reagent in which the corresponding anti- The negative charge on red cells keeps the cells apart.
body is present, an antigen-antibody reaction occurs. The This is the natural repulsive force that exists between
antibodies make random contact with the red cells and can molecules with the same electrical charge and is called
then bind to the corresponding red cell antigens. The speed zeta potential.
and strength of the reaction is variable and dependent on Red cells suspended in normal saline are kept 50–100
many factors that will be discussed later in this section. The Angstrom units ( A) apart by zeta potential. The nega-
initial binding of antibodies to red cells occurs rapidly but is tively charged red cells in saline or suspending medium
not necessarily visible. To obtain a demonstrable effect of attract a cloud of positively charged ions around them.
attachment of antibodies to red cell antigens, the reaction These positive ions may hinder (interfere with or ham-
may need to be enhanced in the laboratory. However, many per) the ability of the antibody to bind with the anti-
red cell antigen-antibody reactions are visible from the out- gen, a phenomenon called steric hindrance, and tests
set due to haemagglutination – the term used for the clump- may be designed to reduce the strength of this ionic
ing of red cells that occurs when they come into contact layer around the cells to promote or improve antibody
with the corresponding/ specific antibodies. The prefix binding.
‘haem’ refers specifically to red cells, while the term aggluti- IgM antibodies, being 300 A long, are able to span the
nation is used to refer to the clumping of particles in general. distance between adjacent red cells and as a result, bring
The most widely used strategy in the laboratory to hasten about haemagglutination of cells with the corresponding
agglutination is centrifugation. After allowing enough time antigen. This is what typically happens in ABO blood
for the antibody to recognise and react with its correspond- grouping tests.
ing antigens, which may occur within seconds or may take Haemagglutination takes place when serum/plasma
much longer, even up to hours, the test mixture can be cen- antibody (e.g. anti-A) is mixed with red cells carrying the
trifuged under conditions of time and speed of rotation such corresponding antigen (i.e. A antigen). This reaction may
that the centrifugal force will force the red cells closer occur in a test tube, on a microscope slide, or in a
together. In this way the agglutination of cells to which anti- microwell. The result is the development of a three-di-
body has become bound is enhanced, whereas cells lacking mensional latticework of red cells held together by anti-
the corresponding antigen, remain unagglutinated. bodies and visible as clumping.
Figure 1 shows a range of haemagglutination reaction
Common types of antigen–antibody reactions strengths, from strong agglutination that is easily visible,
to very weak agglutination that is difficult to discern.
When an antigen-antibody reaction takes place in vitro,
the outcome that can be observed is dependent on many
factors, including:
• The class of immunoglobulin to which the antibodies
belong (e.g. IgG, IgM).
• The location of the antigens (e.g. on red cells, or as
soluble antigens in body fluid).
• The test environment (e.g. test tubes, slides, or gel).
• The presence of additional or supplementary reagents Fig. 1 Range of reaction strength – haemagglutination.
(e.g. enzymes, or high molecular mass reagents).

© 2020 The Author. Journal Compilation © 2020 Blackwell Publishing Ltd. ISBT Science Series (2020) 15, 68–80

Sensitisation sensitising globulins (antibodies), bridging the gap

Sensitisation occurs when an antibody binds to the corre- between sensitised cells and bringing about their
sponding antigen on the red cell, but agglutination does agglutination.
not occur, and the reaction remains invisible. Sensitising Apart from antibodies of IgG class, antibodies of IgA
antibodies are, in the majority of cases, IgG antibodies class can also be formed against red cell antigens and
that are about 120  A in length. Although they are able to when binding with these antigens will cause sensitisation.
sensitise red cells with the corresponding antigens, zeta These serum/plasma antibodies are monomeric IgA, dif-
potential must be reduced or altered for the red cells to fering in structure from the dimeric IgA found in saliva
move closer together, so that the smaller IgG antibodies and other mucosal fluids. Furthermore, not all IgM class
are able to reach an antigen on an adjacent red cell and antibodies induce haemagglutination, but rather sensitise
achieve haemagglutination. Laboratory tests have there- the cells.
fore to be modified in a prescribed way to enable sensiti-
sation to become observable in vitro. Additives such as Antibody affinity and avidity.
bovine serum albumin or proteolytic enzymes like papain • The strength of the actual bond between a single
or bromelin are able to reduce zeta potential, and thereby antibody combining site and a single epitope is
change the environment surrounding the red cells so as known as the affinity of the antibody and relates to
to allow sensitised cells to become agglutinated. The sen- its goodness of fit with the corresponding antigen.
sitisation reaction, although just as significant as • The combined strength of multivalent antibody bind-
haemagglutination, is not observable. There is a notable ing to many epitopes on the same carriers (such as
exception to this rule, and that is agglutinating IgG anti- red blood cells) is known as the avidity of the anti-
A and anti-B, mentioned in Section 4: Principles of labo- body. In blood banking terms, this condition could
ratory techniques. apply to IgM or IgG antibodies, as both have more
Figure 2 illustrates red cell sensitisation and the ionic than one binding site per molecule.
cloud of positively charged ions surrounding the nega-
tively charged red cells, kept apart by zeta potential. The prozone effect. On rare occasions, an undiluted
There are two commonly used ways to cause sensitised antibody with high avidity, when mixed with a suspen-
cells to become agglutinated, and these are described in sion of red cells containing the corresponding antigen,
detail later in this section. In brief, the principles of these will fail to show any demonstrable reaction in vitro, but
methods are: will do so when diluted and mixed with these same cells.
• Reduction of zeta potential – substances such as pro- Testing this undiluted sample will therefore result in a
teolytic enzymes or bovine serum albumin may be false negative outcome. The prozone effect (also called
used to reduce the repelling force between red cells, the hook effect) is the result of antibody excess in the
bringing them closer together so that if sensitised, neat (undiluted) serum/plasma that prevents the develop-
they are able to become agglutinated. ment of a regular latticework resulting in visible aggluti-
• Bridging the gap between sensitised cells – antihu- nation. When suitably diluted, the number of antibody
man globulin (AHG) is an antibody to human globu- molecules is reduced sufficiently to allow normal aggluti-
lin and is used in the laboratory to react with nation of the cells to take place. This is discussed in more
detail under the causes of false results in Section 4: Prin-
ciples of laboratory techniques.

Qualitative and quantitative agglutination tests.

• Qualitative tests determine the presence or absence
of an antigen or antibody. Blood grouping tests that
are performed to determine the presence or absence
of an antigen using an antibody of known specificity
are qualitative tests. For example, ABO blood group-
ing may be carried out by cell (or forward) grouping
using reagent anti-A and anti-B with patient or
donor red cells of unknown group to determine
which of the antigens is present, and reverse group-
ing of unknown serum/plasma with reagent red cells
with known ABO groups, usually A cells and B cells,
Fig. 2 Red cell sensitisation showing ionic cloud. to determine which of the antibodies is present.

© 2020 The Author. Journal Compilation © 2020 Blackwell Publishing Ltd. ISBT Science Series (2020) 15, 68–80
Antigen-antibody reactions 71

• Quantitative tests determine the highest dilution at saliva containing A antigen be mixed with anti-A in the
which an antibody can react with its corresponding laboratory, then this anti-A reagent will become neu-
antigen. This endpoint is the titre of the antibody, tralised. The antibody binds to the soluble group A anti-
expressed as a reciprocal (or inverse) of the highest gen in the saliva and in this way the antigen-binding site
dilution at which agglutination was observed. For of the antibody becomes occupied. This is called neutrali-
example, if the highest dilution at which a reaction sation or inhibition of the antibody. Such a reaction is
is observable is 1 in 32, then the titre is expressed as usually not observable and can only be deduced later in
32. Quantitative tests may include comparing the the second stage of the process. The neutralised anti-A
strength of the antibody with an International Stan- reagent, when mixed with the corresponding antigen
dard and presenting the results in International Units expressed by the group A red cells does not lead to the
(IU) per ml. expected agglutination. Figure 4 is a diagrammatic repre-
sentation of the process of neutralisation or inhibition of
Haemolysis anti-A by soluble A antigen so that it can no longer
Sometimes antigen–antibody reactions result in lysis, agglutinate red cells containing A antigen.
which is the breakdown or rupture of the cell membrane
on which the epitopes or antigenic determinants are situ- Precipitation
ated, resulting in the release of the cell contents into the Precipitation is commonly seen as a precipitin line, such
surrounding fluid. When the cells lysed are red blood as in the process of immunodiffusion, when antibody and
cells, this is called haemolysis, and causes the release of antigen are added to different wells cut into a semi-solid
haemoglobin. This is an observable reaction in laboratory medium such as agar gel set onto a microscope slide. For
tests and must be noticed and recorded as a positive anti- example, anti-Z may be added to a central well cut into
gen-antibody result. For haemolysis to occur in vitro, the the gel, and several unknown samples that are being
antibody involved in the reaction must be able to utilise tested for the presence of the corresponding soluble Z
complement, present in fresh serum. As will be discussed antigen added to different wells surrounding it. After
later in this section, complement is a group of proteins allowing time under the correct conditions for diffusion
which when triggered by antibody adherence (attachment of all the solutions into the gel, it is examined for the
or sensitisation) to the cell, act in a chain reaction to presence of precipitin lines. If the antibody diffusing out
attack and break or rupture the cell membrane. Haemoly- from the central well comes into contact with the corre-
sis of this nature is therefore a demonstrable endpoint of sponding antigen that has diffused out from one of the
certain antigen–antibody reactions. Figure 3 illustrates peripheral wells, then a white line of reaction may be
the appearance of haemagglutination and haemolysis in seen in the gel between them – where they have come
test tubes, compared with an unagglutinated test. into contact with each other. This line is formed by the
precipitation of insoluble antigen–antibody complexes.
Neutralisation (agglutination inhibition)
Most individuals (approximately 80% in most popula-
tions) secrete water soluble ABO blood group antigens in
their body fluids such as saliva. For example, should

Fig. 3 Haemagglutination and haemolysis in test tubes, and an unagglu-

tinated test. Fig. 4 Neutralisation of anti-A by soluble A antigen.

© 2020 The Author. Journal Compilation © 2020 Blackwell Publishing Ltd. ISBT Science Series (2020) 15, 68–80

Precipitin lines in an immunodiffusion gel are shown in antigens that are located only sparsely on the cells. Cells
Fig. 5. that are homozygous for a particular antigen may carry
more antigen sites (or epitopes) than cells which are
heterozygous. This is termed the gene dosage effect. For
Factors that influence antigen–antibody reactions
example, Jka-positive red cells from donors who are
Distance between reactive sites on antibodies genetically Jka/Jka (thus with two Jka-encoding alleles,
The distance between adjacent red blood cells is an which are equally well transcribed and translated, result-
important factor in the outcome of an antigen-antibody ing in a double dose of Jka) may react more strongly with
reaction. Red cells suspended in saline are generally 50– anti-Jka than cells which are heterozygous Jka/Jkb,
100  A apart, and this distance must be bridged by anti- depending on the anti-Jka used in the tests.
bodies if agglutination is to occur. If the distance cannot
be bridged, the result will not be agglutination, but will Goodness of fit
be sensitisation, which is not visible. Antigens and antibodies react in a ‘lock-and-key’ way.
IgM antibody molecules are 300  A long and are able to When the combination between lock and key is precise,
react observably by haemagglutination of red cells in sal- then the goodness of fit is high, and the reaction will be
ine. IgG antibodies are 120  A long and usually sensitise stronger; a weak fit results in a weaker reaction. The
cells in saline. strength of the bond between antigen and antibody is
Monomeric IgA is also 120  A long and can also sensi- also known as antibody affinity and is dependent on
tise cells in saline. non-covalent bonds such as hydrogen bonds, electrostatic
forces and Van der Waals forces.
Electric repulsion between red cells – zeta potential
The repelling force between red cells that carry the same Effects of time
negative electrical charge is called zeta potential, which Reactants should be incubated for the optimum time for a
prevents the agglutination of sensitised red cells in saline. good antigen–antibody reaction to develop. Too short an
Zeta potential must therefore be reduced or altered in incubation period means that the antigen and the anti-
some way for the shorter IgG antibodies to achieve agglu- body may not have had sufficient time to form a good
tination. bond. On the other hand, prolonged incubation may
cause antigen–antibody complexes to dissociate. The opti-
Site of the antigenic determinants mal time should be determined, documented and followed
It is thought that some antigens (such as the A and B each time tests are performed.
antigens) protrude from the red cell surface further than
others (such as the Rh antigens). Because of this, the Effects of temperature
actual distance between antigens on adjacent cells may Cold antibodies, which are usually IgM, react well at 2°C
vary to a certain extent, affecting the nature of the reac- to 10°C, agglutinating or sensitising red cells in the cold.
tion or the ability of corresponding antibodies to react These antibodies will usually dissociate from the cells
with them. when the temperature of the tests is raised. Thus, cold
antibodies may be eluted (removed or forced to be
Number of antigenic determinants released) from red cells by raising the temperature from
It is easier for antibodies to react with antigens that are 2°C to 37°C.
more abundant on each red cell, than to react with Most IgG antibodies react best with the corresponding
antigens at 37°C. At this temperature, the speed of their
reaction is also increased. In order to dissociate antigen–
antibody complexes formed by antibodies with an opti-
mum reaction temperature of 37°C, one would have to
raise the temperature to about 56°C. At this temperature,
antibody would be eluted from the cells and could then
be isolated and further tested. Red cells however, become
denatured at temperatures in excess of 50°C and would
have to be discarded.

Effects of pH
pH is the measure of alkalinity or acidity of a solution,
Fig. 5 Precipitation by immunodiffusion. with 7.0 being neutral. A lower pH number indicates

© 2020 The Author. Journal Compilation © 2020 Blackwell Publishing Ltd. ISBT Science Series (2020) 15, 68–80
Antigen-antibody reactions 73

acidity and a higher pH number indicates alkalinity. The corresponding antibodies are no longer able to recognise
optimal pH range for red cell antigen–antibody reactions these antigens. As a result of this, certain antibodies will
to occur is between pH 65 and pH 70, with an accept- not be demonstrable using enzyme methods, and thus
able range of pH 60–80. Outside this range, results enzyme methods should supplement but not replace other
become unreliable. techniques. Antigens that are not recognisable after the
addition of enzyme include M, N, S, Fya and Fyb, and to
Effects of ionic strength a certain extent, K. On the other hand, some antigen–an-
Negatively charged red blood cells attract a ‘cloud’ of tibody reactions are enhanced by the addition of enzyme,
positive ions from the surrounding medium, which is usu- and this includes antibody reactions to the Lea, Leb, I, P1
ally saline (sodium chloride dissolved in water). What is and Rh antigens. More information is to be found in Sec-
commonly known as normal ionic strength saline solution tion 6: Blood group systems.
is isotonic with blood; it has the same tonicity as blood. There are several methods for using proteolytic
It is a solution of about 085% to 09% weight to volume enzymes or proteases in blood grouping work.
of sodium chloride in water. Low ionic strength saline
solutions are commonly used to increase the sensitivity of One-stage technique
antigen–antibody reactions, and details on this are to be One-stage methods are simple and fast. One volume each
found later in this section. of serum/plasma, cells and enzyme are added in quick
succession and in this order. Modification of the cells
Concentration of antigen and antibody takes place during incubation.
Although most antigen–antibody reactions provide observ-
able results at various concentrations of either antigen or Two-stage technique
antibody, the best results are obtained when a large num- This is the more sensitive method but is more laborious.
ber of antibody molecules are bound to each cell. Red cells are pre-treated with enzyme and then washed in
saline before being mixed with the serum/plasma. One
Number of fragment antigen binding sites part of serum/plasma is mixed with one part of treated
IgM antibodies have 10 fragment antigen binding (Fab) cells and incubated. There is no dilution of the serum/-
sites, whereas IgG antibodies are monomers with a maxi- plasma under test by the addition of enzyme separately,
mum of two Fab sites. To bring about the agglutination as for the one-stage method.
of two adjacent red cells, an IgM antibody could bind Figure 6 illustrates the action of enzymes on sensitised
with several antigens on one cell and several on the sec- red cells, and how agglutination is achieved by the reduc-
ond cell and form a fairly strong bond. An IgG molecule, tion of zeta potential.
or monomeric IgA molecule, though, could bind to only The choice of enzyme to be used depends largely on
one antigen on one cell and one antigen on another cell, the preferences within the laboratory, although papain is
and unless it is an avid antibody, may form a weaker most often used. Common enzymes used in serology may
bond. In both cases, many molecules of antibody are be obtained from the following sources:
required to result in a demonstrable reaction, but the
principle remains the same.

Use of proteolytic enzymes

Proteolytic enzymes are sometimes added to antigen-anti-
body mixtures or are used to pre-treat reagent red cells
for enhanced sensitivity of agglutination reactions. Prote-
olytic enzymes (proteases) act by reducing the amount of
sialic acid on the red cell membrane, which effectively
reduces the zeta potential; and allows the red cells to
move closer together, assisting in their agglutination by
specific antibodies. Bromelin, for example, lowers the zeta
potential by over 50% and papain by over 35%.
The addition of enzyme to unsensitised cells has no
visible effect. It is important to take into consideration,
however, that enzymes are also able to modify or alter
the expression of certain red cell antigens, so that the Fig. 6 Action of enzymes on sensitised red cells.

© 2020 The Author. Journal Compilation © 2020 Blackwell Publishing Ltd. ISBT Science Series (2020) 15, 68–80

Pineapple stem: source of bromelin. serum/plasma-cells-PEG mixture to be washed, should

Dried latex of fig tree: source of ficin. not present this problem.

Latex of papaya fruit: source of papain. Polybrene is an additive of high molecular mass that is

Extract of pig stomach: source of trypsin. introduced to the serum/plasma–cell mixture after the
Raw or concentrated enzymes are potent chemicals and incubation period. Although it is capable of detecting
care should be taken when working with them. For exam- both ABO and IgG incompatibility in crossmatch tests, it
ple, powdered ficin may cause a skin rash and may lead may fail to detect clinically significant antibodies within
to conjunctivitis if accidentally rubbed into the eyes. The the Kell blood group system. It is also prone to false posi-
enzymes listed, as well as pre-treated red cells, are avail- tives with cells coated with complement.
able commercially.
Use of low ionic strength saline solution (LISS)
Use of high molecular mass substances Low ionic strength saline solution is commonly used for
There is a range of substances of high molecular mass red cell suspensions and is commercially available. LISS
that can enhance (potentiate) or demonstrate that a reac- has reduced ionic strength of about 0.03 M as compared
tion has occurred between cells and sensitising antibodies. to 0.17 M for normal saline. The low ionic strength
These include the following: enhances antigen-antibody reactions by reducing the
• Bovine serum albumin ionic cloud around the red cells, thus increasing the rate
• Polyethylene glycol of association between antigen and antibody and
• Polybrene (a polymer of hexadimethrine bromide) enabling a reduction in the incubation time. It is impor-
• Polyvinylpyrrolidone tant that the manufacturer’s instructions are carefully fol-
• Gelatin lowed, otherwise false results may occur. LISS has two
• Gum acacia major benefits:
Note: Potentiators may also be added to reagents to • Reduces the incubation time required for tests.
enhance their reactivity. • Increases the amount of antibody uptake onto red
The addition of 22% bovine serum albumin, particu- cells expressing the antigen.
larly in low ionic strength saline (LISS), has been found Low ionic strength saline solution should not be used
to increase the sensitivity of some antigen-antibody tests, when the quantity of serum/plasma is changed in the test,
but this may be in part due to the low ionic strength either by adding excess serum/plasma, or when serum/-
medium, in which it is diluted. Albumin also enhances plasma is diluted in saline, such as for titration studies,
reactions when used in normal ionic strength saline where the proportion of saline diluent to serum/plasma
(NISS), which was routinely used before LISS became antibody increases from test tube to test tube. It is impor-
available. One theory is that albumin increases the dielec- tant that the ratio (and strength) of cell suspension to the
tric constant, a measure that relates to stored electrical volume of serum/plasma remains within the limits stipu-
energy. lated by the manufacturer of the LISS. Failure to ensure
Being a dipolar molecule, both positively and nega- that tests are carried out according to these concentra-
tively charged, albumin is forced to rotate in the tions could lead to false results.
serum/plasma–cell mixture, as it is alternatively attracted
and repulsed by the negatively charged red cells. In this Use of labelled antibodies
way zeta potential is reduced and as a result the cells are
able to move closer together, so that should these cells Another way to demonstrate antigen–antibody reactions
already be sensitised, they are then able to become agglu- is to put a label or tag onto a known antibody, and then
tinated. use this label or tag to give demonstrable evidence of
Polyethylene glycol (PEG) in a low ionic strength envi- reactions.
ronment is one of the best potentiators to increase anti- Tests using labelled antibodies are designed in such a
body uptake onto cells with the corresponding antigen. It way that the antibody is "trapped” in the test system by
increases the sensitivity of tests involving clinically sig- the antigen, while unbound antibody is removed, usually
nificant antibodies and decreases the interference of clini- by washing. If the presence of the label is confirmed at
cally insignificant antibodies. It may be used in both the end of the test, it can therefore be concluded that an
manual and automated systems, but care should be taken antigen–antibody reaction took place.
when centrifuging, as red cells clump tightly and may Techniques using a label as an indicator include the
not be dispersed. Antiglobulin tests that require the following:

© 2020 The Author. Journal Compilation © 2020 Blackwell Publishing Ltd. ISBT Science Series (2020) 15, 68–80
Antigen-antibody reactions 75

• Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) – the ions (Mg++). C3 convertase cleaves hundreds of molecules
antibody is labelled with an enzyme. Presence of the of C3 into C3a (which dissociates from the cell) and C3b,
antibody is demonstrated by a colour change when which becomes cell bound.
an enzymatic substrate is added. C5 convertase (C4b2a3b) cleaves C5 into C5a and C5b.
• Radioimmunoassay (RIA) – before the development C5b then binds C6, C7, C8 and C9, which results in the
of ELISA tests, the antibody was labelled with a cell membrane being pierced. When C8 is cell bound,
radioisotope. Presence of the antibody is shown by lysis is slight; when C9 is cell bound, lysis is pronounced.
measuring the signal on completion of the test. C3 convertase can progress to the membrane attack
Nowadays, this method is rarely used in the diagnos- stage, or inhibitors can stop the process, which then ends
tic laboratory with C3b coating the cell wall. Cells coated with comple-
• Immunofluorescence (IFA) – the antibody is labelled ment in vivo are removed from the circulation for destruc-
with a fluorescent dye. Presence of the antibody is tion in the liver and/or spleen. Figure 7 shows the chain
shown by measuring the reflection of light from the reaction of the complement cascade in detail. C3b can also
dye. be degraded by inhibitory factor I, resulting in conversion
The commonly used ELISA methods are described in of C3b to iC3b. iC3b is capable of engaging complement
Section 4: Principles of laboratory techniques. receptors as an opsonin. However, it is inactive and unable
to further amplify the complement cascade. Additional
cleavage of iC3b by factor I results in the formation of
Role of complement C3d, which loses both opsonic and complement fixing
activity. C3d is often used as a marker of antibody medi-
The role of complement was introduced in Section 2:
ated complement activation in the laboratory.
Immunology. Complement may participate in red cell
In the laboratory, complement plays several roles:
antigen–antibody reactions in vitro in two ways; either
by red cell adherence, or by causing haemolysis. The nat- • Haemolysin test – used to demonstrate the presence
of immune ABO antibodies that utilize complement
ure of the antigen–antibody reaction determines which
way it becomes involved.
Complement (C0 ) is a large group of more than twenty
proteins present in abundance in the body, and in freshly
drawn serum samples. Complement from one species is
effective in antigen–antibody reactions in many other
species. When complement is activated, a cascade of reac-
tions starts, and is amplified as it progresses. One mole-
cule of C1 attached to the cell wall, results in hundreds of
molecules of C3 being activated.

Summary of classical pathway of complement cas-

When complement-binding antibodies react with their
corresponding antigens, the fragment crystallizable (Fc)
portions undergo a change that attracts the C1 compo-
nent of complement. C1 is a large molecule consisting of
C1q, C1r and C1s that when combined with Fc, react and
cause further changes and cleavage of C1. The complex
C1 component is stabilized in the presence of calcium
ions (Ca++), without which C1 dissociates and becomes
inactive. (This explains why anticoagulants, such as
EDTA, that chelate calcium are anti-complementary.)
Activated C1s cleaves C4 into C4a and C4b. Some C4b
also becomes cell bound and forms the binding site for
C2. C1s also cleaves C2 into C2a and C2b. The larger
fragment, C2b, becomes cell bound and complexes with
C4b forming the activated complex C4b2b, also called C3
convertase. This happens in the presence of magnesium Fig. 7 Detail of complement cascade.

© 2020 The Author. Journal Compilation © 2020 Blackwell Publishing Ltd. ISBT Science Series (2020) 15, 68–80

when they react with red cells expressing the corre-

• Serum samples stored in the refrigerator at 2°C to
sponding ABO antigens by causing activation all the 10°C lose their complement activity after 24 hours.
way to membrane attack and subsequent haemolysis. Serum samples stored frozen at –18°C or colder will
• Direct or indirect antiglobulin test: used to demon- not lose their complement activity for several weeks,
strate the presence of complement-binding antibod- provided that the sample is frozen while fresh
ies attached to red cells with the corresponding (within a few hours of being taken). Complement
antigens, causing the activation of complement, but activity may be deliberately inactivated in serum by
not all the way to its membrane attack stage. placing it at a temperature of 56°C for 30 minutes.
Instead, the complement cascade stops when it
• If the test to be performed requires complement,
becomes cell bound. This is referred to as comple- either to demonstrate haemolysis or complement-
ment fixation, which is detectable using an antiglob- binding, and the serum to be tested is aged, then
ulin reagent that contains anti-complement complement from an external source may be added.
antibodies and will therefore agglutinate cells with In daily practice one uses freshly drawn or immedi-
complement coating their surfaces. ately frozen and one-time thawed serum from a
Group AB donor who is a non-secretor (lacks A and
Factors that influence the participation of B antigen in solution in the serum).
complement in laboratory tests
Role of antihuman globulin
• Clotted samples are ideal for tests involving comple- In 1945 Robert Coombs, Robert Race and Arthur Mourant
ment. However, most blood samples today are taken introduced a test that had been developed many years
into sample tubes containing anticoagulant. Antico- earlier by Carlo Moreschi, for detecting weak, incomplete
agulants such as citrate, EDTA and oxalate are anti- (sensitising, IgG) antibodies. Previously known as the
complementary, as they chelate or bind calcium. This Coombs’ test, it is now referred to as the antiglobulin test.
means that they block complement participation in Historically, AHG was prepared by injecting animals of
antigen–antibody reactions. The complement cascade another species, for example rabbits or goats, with human
needs calcium to proceed, and if calcium is chelated proteins. The two types of human proteins that were
or bound by the anticoagulant it will prevent the introduced as antigens into the animals were:
complement cascade from proceeding. Therefore, • Immunoglobulin G (IgG)
anticoagulated plasma samples should not be used • Complement
for haemolysin tests or to screen for complement- Several animals were used; the one batch injected with
binding antibodies in antiglobulin tests or to carry IgG and the other with the C3 component of complement.
out complement utilization studies. Because these human globulins/proteins are foreign to the
• Heparin is an example of an anticoagulant that does animals, their immune system was stimulated to respond,
not chelate calcium, so heparinised samples may be not only to human species proteins, but specifically to
used for tests requiring the participation of comple- the IgG and complement proteins, producing antihuman
ment. species (heterophile) antibodies and also antibodies speci-
• Reagent red cells are often suspended in preservation fic to IgG and C3.
fluid rather than normal saline, so that they may be After an appropriate response time, samples of blood
used over a longer period of time (up to 6 weeks). were drawn from the animals, and after adsorption of the
However, this preserving fluid may also be anti- anti-species antibodies, their serum/plasma examined for
complementary, so if the reagent cells are required the presence of anti-IgG and/or anti-C3. To prepare a
for tests dependent on the presence of complement, broad-spectrum reagent, a blend or pool of the best anti-
they should be washed and then resuspended in sal- IgG and anti-C3 was processed and standardised for rou-
ine just before use. tine use in the laboratory.
The purpose of a broad spectrum or polyspecific AHG
Time and temperature reagent is to detect and agglutinate cells which have been
• When a clotted blood sample is taken, it contains sensitised by human IgG or C3 or both. (In order to sim-
complement, but this deteriorates steadily. Its prop- plify the anticomplement activity, in this publication the
erties are also affected by the surrounding tempera- term anti-C3 is used to signify predominantly anti-C3d,
ture; the higher the temperature, the quicker the with or without the presence of anti-C3b). By introducing
deterioration. Complement is said to be ‘labile’ AHG into the test, an antigen–antibody reaction will
because it easily loses its active characteristics. occur between the cell bound globulin/protein and the

© 2020 The Author. Journal Compilation © 2020 Blackwell Publishing Ltd. ISBT Science Series (2020) 15, 68–80
Antigen-antibody reactions 77

antiglobulin reagent. The AHG is able to bridge the gap

between adjacent sensitised cells, agglutinating them and
making the original reaction (between red cell antigens
and specific antibodies, with or without the involvement
of complement) visible.
Most AHG used in laboratories today is commercially
manufactured monoclonal AHG and is readily available
as a blend of anti-IgG and anti-complement or as a
mono-specific reagent for either IgG or complement.
Washing the cells after their incubation with serum/-
plasma, and prior to the addition of the antiglobulin
reagent, is crucial to the success of any AHG test. It is
important to remove all unbound globulin from the cells
to be tested prior to the addition of AHG. If the cells are
not adequately washed, unbound globulins or comple-
ment components are able to react with AHG and in so
doing neutralise it, rendering it inactive and unable to
combine with cell bound material. This leads to false neg-
Fig. 8 Action of broad spectrum AHG on IgG and complement coated
ative results and demonstrates the importance of control-
red cells.
ling AHG tests that are found to be negative. For
additional information, refer to Section 4: Principles of
laboratory techniques. blood cells from a newborn infant indicates haemolytic
The reaction between globulin and antiglobulin is disease of the fetus and newborn,
specific in that the AHG recognises human globulin, or If the DAT is performed with AHG containing antibod-
complement, or both. It does not recognise the actual ies against both IgG and complement and is found posi-
specificity of the antibodies, which originally reacted with tive, one can further specify with monospecific reagents
the antigens on the red cells. if IgG or complement is cell bound. If autoimmune hae-
Unlike proteolytic enzymes and high protein media, molytic anaemia is suspected one can also test with
AHG does not reduce zeta potential, but bridges the gap monospecific reagents which are able to detect cell bound
between sensitised cells. IgA or IgM.
Figure 8 describes and depicts the action of AHG on There are numerous other in vitro uses for the DAT,
IgG and complement sensitised red cells. The last picture such as to confirm that laboratory prepared red cells for
in the figure shows the involvement of both components use in tests to detect IgG antibodies are unsensitised prior
of broad spectrum AHG. to use.
A DAT performed on a refrigerated clotted blood sam-
ple may give false positive results should broad spectrum
Application of antiglobulin tests
AHG be used. This is because complement can become
Direct antiglobulin test (DAT) bound to the red cells in the refrigerator, as a result of
The DAT is performed on red cells to determine whether the presence of cold antibodies, not necessarily of clinical
they were sensitised in vivo. The serum/plasma in the significance. For this reason, many laboratories prefer to
blood sample does not play a role in this test, and there use an anticoagulated sample (i.e. a sample in which the
is no incubation stage. The test involves immediate test- complement was inactivated at the time of collection) for
ing of patient’s red cells, by the addition of AHG. If tested performing the DAT.
in tubes, patient’s cells need to be washed, which is not
always necessary if the column technique is used (see Indirect antiglobulin test (IAT)
Section 4: Principles of laboratory techniques). A positive In the case of the IAT, serum/plasma and cells are incu-
result indicates that the patient’s cells are sensitised in bated in the laboratory to allow sensitisation to take
the body and this has the potential to cause in vivo place. Only then are the cells washed to remove unbound
haemolysis. A positive DAT can indicate the presence of globulins, before the addition of AHG. Agglutination
haemolytic anaemia caused by autoantibodies or induced indicates that an antigen–antibody reaction took place
by drugs, or the sensitisation of transfused red cells, as during the incubation phase.
the result of an incompatible blood transfusion, or vari- When the IAT is carried out, usually the cells or the
ous diseases. A positive DAT result when testing cord serum/plasma has known characteristics. For example,

© 2020 The Author. Journal Compilation © 2020 Blackwell Publishing Ltd. ISBT Science Series (2020) 15, 68–80

one may use an IgG typing reagent in order to establish Outline of process to produce murine monoclonal
whether unknown cells have the corresponding antigen antibody.
or not. This is known as red cell typing. On the other (1) Mice are immunised with human red cells containing
hand, one may use reagent red cells of known antigen the antigen corresponding to the specificity of anti-
type to detect unexpected antibodies in serum/plasma bodies to be produced (e.g. A cells to produce anti-A).
with unknown properties. This is known as antibody (2) After immunisation, B lymphocyte cells are removed
screening or antibody identification. from the mouse’s spleen and fused with human mye-
It is preferable to use fresh serum for the detection of loma cells (plasma cells that have become malignant
complement-binding antibodies in the IAT. If an antibody and can be continuously cultured in vitro).
of this nature is very weak (i.e. if it has low affinity), then (3) After fusion, some of the cells produced are a mixture
it may be dislodged from the cells after incubation during of mouse and myeloma cells – these are called
the washing process. However, if complement became cell hybridomas.
bound, it will not wash off the cells. Use of AHG reagent (4) The cells are placed in a selective medium in which
containing anti-C3 will cause these complement bound any unfused B lymphocytes and unfused myeloma
cells to agglutinate, indirectly indicating that an antibody cells die off. Only hybridoma cells survive.
was present. (5) Those hybridoma cells that are good antibody produc-
ers (the antibodies are secreted into the culture med-
ium) are selected and cloned (clones are reproduced
Polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies
from a single cell and are identical in their inherited
Polyclonal antibodies characteristics).
Polyclonal antibodies are usually of human origin. Poly- (6) In time, clones grow into colonies of monoclonal cells
clonal is a term used to describe antibodies that have the (all the same).
same specificity but are produced by different clones of (7) Antibody content is measured again, and colonies
antibody producing cells (plasma cells) in the body, and producing good antibodies are selected and stored
each antibody molecule is therefore not exactly the same, frozen.
although they react with the same epitope. One may liken (8) These colonies can later be retrieved to produce large-
polyclonal antibodies to several keys that have very simi- scale tissue cultures, secreting monoclonal antibodies
lar structure and are therefore all able to fit and operate of exactly the same specificity.
the same lock. In some cases, such as anti-D, a polyclonal (9) This allows for the production of vast quantities of
is a mixture of antibodies directed against different epi- high titre monospecific antibody for ongoing labora-
topes of the Rh(D) antigen. tory use.
Antibodies produced in one individual are not exactly
the same as those produced in another individual. Advantages of monoclonal antibodies.
Because of this individual variation, batches of anti-A, • Availability of large quantities of monospecific
for example, (or anti-B, etc.) prepared from humans, must reagent antibody that reacts in a reproducible way.
be standardised every time that a new batch is produced, • No variation from batch to batch. Antibodies are
to ensure continuity of reaction behaviour and strength produced in pure form, whereas antibodies of human
from batch to batch and to identify any possible contami- origin are polyclonal.
nating antibodies of other specificities. Because of the
widespread use of monoclonal antibodies as grouping Disadvantages of monoclonal antibodies.
reagents in the laboratory today, variation of this nature • The generation and successful recovery of stable,
is seldom a challenge. cloned hybridomas is time-consuming and expen-
Monoclonal antibodies • The process requires special laboratory equipment
Monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) are produced in vitro, and storage facilities.
using tissue culture techniques involving the production • Murine antibodies (e.g. anti-D) cannot be used in an
of hybridomas. They are produced from a single immune AHG test.
cell line i.e. a clone of cells arising from a single plasma Figure 9 is a diagram that shows the production of
cell, therefore all the antibody molecules produced are murine monoclonal antibodies by hybridoma.
exactly the same. There is no variation from batch to Laboratory reagents such as anti-A and anti-B were
batch prepared from the same antibody producing clone originally of human origin. Antiglobulin was originally
under identical conditions. The starting cell line may be produced in animals. These reagents, being polyclonal
of murine (mouse) or human origin. and subject to batch variation, had to be carefully

© 2020 The Author. Journal Compilation © 2020 Blackwell Publishing Ltd. ISBT Science Series (2020) 15, 68–80
Antigen-antibody reactions 79

by this method is expected to be less expensive than

conventional culture methods, and for antibodies against
infectious diseases has the advantage of not requiring the
use of an antigen.
During the 2014–2015 Ebola outbreak in Liberia two
American medical workers were treated with plantibodies
produced by incorporating the genes for the Ebola anti-
body into tobacco plants with promising results.

Key Points
• Red cell antigen-antibody reactions occur in two
stages; the first is rapid and the second takes time
for the reaction to become demonstrable.
• Antibodies bound to red cells can be detected in dif-
ferent ways for IgM or IgG (and IgA) antibodies.
• Complement fixing antibodies can be detected by
the presence of C3 on the red cell surface.
• Centrifugation is the most widely used way to
enhance antigen–antibody reactions.
• Haemagglutination or the clumping of red cells
occurs when IgM antibodies react with their corre-
sponding red cell antigens.
• Sensitisation occurs when IgG antibodies adhere to
their corresponding red cell antigens. However, this
reaction is not observable.
Fig. 9 Production of mouse monoclonal antibodies by hybridoma. • To investigate if red cells are sensitised with anti-
bodies, potentiators may be used to enable sensitised
cells to become agglutinated.
standardised every time a batch was produced. With the • Haemolysis is the result of antigen-antibody reac-
development of monoclonal antibodies that lack varia- tions utilising the complement cascade all the way
tion, it is not surprising that they are now the reagents of to cell membrane attack and rupture.
choice. Unlike human polyclonal antibodies, monoclonal • Neutralisation of antibody occurs in the presence of
antibodies are highly specific and of high titre. They are the corresponding antigen in soluble form. An anti-
not subject to interference with non-specific cross-reac- body that has been neutralised cannot thereafter
tions like their polyspecific counterparts. Because of their react with red cells containing the corresponding
high affinity for antigen, they are able to react strongly antigen.
even with weakly expressed antigens. Commercially pre- • Immunodiffusion allows for the development of a
pared type IgM, IgG and various blends of monoclonal precipitin line between soluble antigen and antibody,
antibodies are now commonly used in blood grouping in an appropriate gel medium.
and antiglobulin tests. • Many factors influence antigen–antibody reactions;
these include the number and site of antigenic deter-
minants on cells, the distance between epitopes, the
Recent developments
electric repulsion between red cells, the goodness of
A promising technology developed in recent years to fit between antibody and antigen, the immunoglobu-
produce inexpensive mAbs is the use of genetically engi- lin class, the concentration of antibody, as well as
neered plants (these antibodies are called “plantibodies”). the effects of time, temperature, pH and ionic
In this process DNA encoding a specific antibody is strength of the surrounding test environment.
introduced into the plant’s cells and these transgenic • Proteolytic enzymes are able to reduce zeta poten-
plants then produce antibodies similar to those that tial, causing sensitised cells to agglutinate.
would be produced by immunised humans. Several har- • Enzymes may be used in one- or two-stage tech-
vesting and purification steps are required before the niques; it is important to note, however, that some
antibodies are rendered useful. Production of antibodies antigens are modified by enzymes and that their

© 2020 The Author. Journal Compilation © 2020 Blackwell Publishing Ltd. ISBT Science Series (2020) 15, 68–80

corresponding antibodies will therefore not be

• Antihuman globulin (AHG) causes the agglutination
detectable in an enzyme medium. of sensitised cells by bridging the gap between them.
• The proteolytic enzymes in laboratory use include AHG may be monospecific, or broad spectrum, con-
bromelin, ficin, papain and trypsin. taining antibodies to both IgG and complement.
• High molecular mass substances such as albumin,
• The direct antiglobulin test (DAT) will detect red cell
polyethylene glycol, and polybrene, are also able to sensitisation in vivo.
affect zeta potential and cause the agglutination of
• If the DAT is positive with broad spectrum AHG,
sensitised cells. monospecific AHG should be used to detect if IgG or
• Instead of normal ionic strength saline (NISS), low complement or both are bound to the red cells.
ionic strength saline (LISS) is commonly used in
• The indirect antiglobulin test (IAT) is used to deter-
antibody detection tests because incubation time is mine whether an unknown serum/plasma sample
reduced, and antibody uptake is increased. Therefore, contains IgG anti-bodies or to determine, when
the sensitivity of antigen–antibody reactions is using an IgG grouping reagent, whether a red cell
enhanced. sample contains a particular antigen.
• Complement is a serum/plasma protein complex that
• Monoclonal antibodies are produced using hybri-
amplifies antigen–antibody reactions. When involved doma technology. Each monoclonal antibody is pro-
in antigen–antibody reactions, it either leads to lysis, duced from an ‘immortal’ single cell line and
or complement fixation (binding to cell walls). produces antibody of exactly the same specificity
• In vitro, complement is labile and adversely affected every time. There is therefore no need for compre-
by time and temperature. Its action is also prevented hensive standardisation from batch to batch in the
by anticoagulants, which block calcium, an ingredi- blood bank, as for human polyclonal antibodies.
ent required in the complement cascade.

© 2020 The Author. Journal Compilation © 2020 Blackwell Publishing Ltd. ISBT Science Series (2020) 15, 68–80

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