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USING Adaptive Gabor Filter

III / IV B.Tech.,
Computer Science Engineering
Siddharth Institute of Engg. & Tech.,
ABSTRACT compresses the information contained in

In this paper we describe a the iris into a computationally meaningful

mobile iris recognition system, where a "iris code", which can then be easily

mobile camera is used in iris recognition compared to other such iris codes, in order

system. The demand for high confidence to validate the identity of the owner of the

authentication of human identity using test iris image. The two-dimensional

biometric technique has grown steadily in Gabor transform used in iris recognition is

the recent past. But the big problem lies particularly sensitive to the frequency, size

in implementing these biometric systems and location of the distinguishing features

is it can be implemented only in costly of an iris. The Matching record is send to

mobiles especially 3G mobiles. In mobile the Mobile device via GPRS.

iris recognition system a mobile device

with camera is used to capture the iris
image. Captured image is transmitted to
IServer via GPRS. (General Packet Radio KEYWORDS:

Service).It can also be used as mobile

tracker by using GPRS and also for  GPRS (General Packet Radio

security purposes. Service).

Most users have tendencies  Mobile device

to use the mobile phone in outdoor and  IServer
sunlight (which includes much amount of  Gabor transform
IR(Infra-Red) light) may have much effect  SGSN (Serving GPRS Support
on the input iris image in spite of the Node).
visible light cut filter attached in front of  GGSN (Gateway GPRS Support
iris camera lens. To overcome such Node)
problems, we propose a new method of  GSM (Global System for Mobile
extracting the accurate iris code based on communication)
AGF (Adaptive Gabor Filter). The kernel
size, frequency and amplitude of Gabor 1. INTRODUCTION
filter are determined by the amount of The implementation of this
blurring and sunlight in input image, technique involved analysis at three
adaptively .A two-dimensional Gabor different levels. First, capturing and
transform is used to extracts and transmitting the iris image. Here iris image
is captured by a mobile device with a SGSN interacts with the mobile devices
camera. The captured image is the and is responsible for delivery of data
transmitted to I-Server using GPRS packets from and to these devices. The
network. Next, Processing and matching SGSN in connected to GGSN which act as
the iris image. Here a macroscopic a gateway to the internet. A GGSN
operator searched for the boundaries of the (Gateway GPRS Support Node) is an
iris by locating points about which there interface between the GPRS enabled
was a high degree of circular symmetry. network and the external packet switching
The iris was then mapped onto a set of network (internet). I-Server is connected to
stretched, normalized polar coordinates to the internet which enables it to receive the
ensure commensurability. Then the iris Iris image. This is illustrated in Figure 1.
code was extracted from the polar
coordinate iris image using a Gabor
wavelet transform. Finally, the resulting
iris code was compared to a database of
other iris codes by computing the
hamming distances between the test code
and other codes in the database. Finally,
transmitting the matched profile to the
mobile device via GPRS network is done.


First the iris image is captured in a Mobile
camera with optimum resolution. Iris
image with good resolution was one of the
major problems faced in capturing image
on a mobile camera. But with the
advancement in mobile technology this has
been resolved by mega pixel cameras.
Once the image is captured it is
transmitted to the IServer via GPRS. In
this process first the image is transmitted
to SGSN (Serving GPRS Support Node).
Processing of iris image in I-Server may searched at a coarse resolution and the
be divided into four main functional "best" test point is selected. Next,
blocks: progressively smaller and smaller
(1) Locating the iris neighborhoods are searched using finer
(2)Mapping it onto a normalized, stretched and finer Gaussian filters. The result is a
polar coordinate system (making it search procedure which proceeds at
commensurable) O(log(n)*n2) time complexity. The results
(3) Extracting the iris code using the of this operator may be confirmed or
Gabor wavelet transform rejected if circles outlining the boundaries
(4) Calculating the hamming distance of the iris are superimposed upon the
original image. Figure 2 depicts the
between the test code and other iris codes.
application of the iris location operator on
3.1 Location of the iris boundaries
a test image of a right eye.
The segment, deals with the
location of the iris itself, can best be
understood in the following manner. An
operator is developed which returns a
value representing the degree of circular
symmetry present about a point in the
image, as a function of the radius from that
point. Since the iris-sclera boundary is
clearly the most circular object in any
picture of an eye, this operator generates a
global maximum when it is applied to the
center point of the iris at the radius of the
iris sclera boundary. The operator is then
applied to the region inside the iris-sclera Figure 2. Results of the automatic iris
boundary in order to search for the iris- boundary search
pupil boundary.
3.2 Converting to the stretched polar
coordinate system
The image must be searched in the
Perhaps the main feature of approach to
following manner. First a wide Gaussian
iris identification is that the iris codes it
filter is used, and the entire image is
generates are commensurable, which
simplifies the process of comparing them.
This is possible partly because all human
irises are roughly torroidal in shape. As
such, the iris is well suited for mapping
into a normalized polar coordinate system. 3.3 Extracting the iris code: texture
In this new system, all points within the analysis using wavelet transforms
boundaries of the original iris image are Perhaps the most important part in iris-
located by the coordinates r, ranging from based identification is the manner in which
0 to 1 (0 being the inner boundary and 1 the Gabor wavelets transforms is used to
the outer boundary), and q, ranging from 0 extract discriminating information from
to 2p. As the inner boundary of the iris is the iris image. The exact shape of the
not usually concentric with the outer Gabor wavelets used is specific to the
boundary, it is necessary to use a linear distinguishing features in the iris, and must
stretch transformation to ensure that the therefore be given careful consideration
location of a point in the new coordinate The development of wavelet transforms
system corresponds to the distance and multiresolution analysis clearly flows
between its location in the old system and from Fourier analysis, and is best
the boundaries of the iris. The result of this understood in terms of discrete, variable-
transformation is that all iris images are length Fourier transforms. Basically,
mapped into the same area in the polar wavelet transforms allow the interpretation
coordinate space, although the original of signals (in this case, an image) as a
images may be of different sizes, linear combination of a self similar, though
resolutions, and may be more or less linearly independent, family of signals.
concentric to begin with. The image in These signals (or wavelets) can be chosen
Figure 3 is the result of this transformation so that they respond best to important
(note the artifacts at the corners due to features in an image, in this case bringing
eyelid occlusion and corneal specular out the details which discriminate two
reflection, which must be excluded during different irises. The Figures 4 & 5 depicts
further stages of analysis). the real and imaginary parts of the Gabor
wavelet used to extract the iris code from
the polar coordinate image of the iris.
Figure 3. The right iris as seen in the
stretched polar coordinate system
zero. Otherwise, that bit was cleared.
Finally the comparison between a new
"test" iris code and the database of existing
codes was performed in the following
manner. The exclusive-or function was
taken for each corresponding bit in the iris
code, resulting in a count of the number of
bit-wise differences between the two
codes. This difference was then divided by
Figure 4. Real component of the 2-D the total number of bits, in order to obtain
Gabor function used to compute the iris the percentage difference between the two
code. codes. This value is termed the "hamming
distance". The question now arises, "At
what hamming distance threshold can two
iris codes be considered to have come
from different irises?". To be answered
properly, this question must be considered
in terms of statistical decision theory, and
an extensive test involving a large
population of images must be performed.
As it was not possible to acquire and
Figure 5. Imaginary component of the 2-D
process a large population of iris test
Gabor function used to compute the iris
images, it was necessary to rely on some
early results of 32%. Thus, when two iris
codes differed in more than 32% of their
bits, they were considered to be different;
3.4 Computation of the iris code
if fewer than 32% of their bits disagreed,
Having obtained the output of the Gabor
they were considered to be from identical
transform, the iris code was computed
irises. (Consider that two truly random
merely by
1024 bit codes should differ in exactly half
Comparing the Gabor coefficients to 0.
their bits, or have a hamming distance of
Bits one through 512 were set (1) if each
50 %.)
of the real parts of their corresponding the
Gabor coefficients was strictly greater than
Recognition, Real-Time Imaging, 1997,
4. TRANSMISSION OF PROFILE: 3(3): pp 157-171
Once the hamming distance is calculated [2] John Daugman, High Confidence
and the matching is done, the next step is Recognition of Persons by Iris Patterns,
sending the result to the mobile device. If a Security Technology, IEEE 35th
match is found then the matching profile is International Carnahan Conference on,
sent to the mobile device. Suppose if there 2001, pp 254-263
is no match then appropriate message is [3] J.G Daugman, “Biometric Personal
sent to the mobile device. For transmitting Identification System based on Iris
the result to the mobile device first the I- Analysis”, March 1, 1994.
Server sends the packet to GGSN. The
GGSN in turn send it to SGSN which has
a direct interface with the mobile device.
In this paper iris
recognition using a GSM based GPRS
network is discussed. This system can
make the iris recognition system portable
and easy to implement. Just the application
framework is needed to implement this
system in a real world. Finally, statistical
tests would need to be performed to ensure
that the error rate of the comparison
between two iris codes was sufficiently
low that the system is reliable.


[1] John Daugman, Neural Image

Processing Strategies Applied in Real-
Time Pattern

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