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Peter Chin, Samuel Reid, Sean Wray, Yoko Yamazaki. (2011). Academic Writing Skills 2 Student's
Book, Book 2. Cambridge University Press

There are several ways to learn foreign language. Student can learn alone from a book, or go to a
country where the language is spoken and study while you living there. Taking private or group
language lessons is an easy option for most student. Some people believe that private language
lessons are a better way to understand a language because they are more flexible and so can meet
students specific needs. However, in reality group language lessons are the best way to understand a
language because allows students to learn from one another and provides a supportive atmosphere.
The conclusion, although many people believe more that one on one or private lessons will lead to
more effective language learning, but learn English in group language lessons provides ample
opportunity to practice various skills important in mastering the target language. Many student
choose group language lessons because the price cheaper than private language lessons, but it
seems clearer that this choice also wise in terms of effective learning.

In my opinion I am agree with the author of this article that the fastest ticket to fluency is go to
country where the language is spoken and study while you living there and also learn in group
language lessons is the best way to learn foreign language. In my experience learn in group language
lessons can help us to be more active in speaking foreign languages, because we learn foreign
languages with our peers, it might increase our self confidence to express our opinion more. I think
learning a foreign language is also a challenge for shy people like me, so it will be easier for him to
learn a foreign language if he is in group language lessons, because he might meet people who have
the same challenges as him and that can be a motivation for him to continue learning.

In group languages lesson we can find a positive atmosphere and it’s helpful for student in learning a
foreign languages, the most important condition for language learning is that students are not
intimidated and tired.

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