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Running Head: H1N1 VACCINATION

Narrative Response about the H1N1 Vaccination

[Name of Student]

[Date of Submission]

Narrative Response about the H1N1 Vaccination

In this era of development and research, it is easier to find any information. When it

comes to health, though it is easy too not every information can be authentic and reliable.

The misinformation can not only misinform but can also have an impact on the health

conditions if suggestions and advice learned from the unreliable source are adapted.

Therefore, it is very necessary to know about common and viral diseases especially.

However, the information learned must be authentic so that health hazards can be avoided. In

order to realize the significance of accurate information related to health, personal experience

has shared in this paper.

Being an author of this paper, I want to share a personal experience of life. It was

2009 when a pandemic disease spread all around the globe (Greenberg et al., 2009).

According to the existing literature, the first case was recorded in Mexico which was later

transferred to the other parts of the country. Up to 2019, this disease “Swine Flu” was

considered as the fastest moving pandemic in history (Greenberg et al., 2009). There was a

large number of infected persons and at the initial stage, there was no vaccination and sound

control over the disease. The scientist all around the world was working to discover the

vaccine of the Swine Flu and their greatest concern was to rapidly control over the spread of

the Swine Flu.

However, there was a fear among the people and people were recommending ways to

control the outbreak of Swine Flu. This made me realize the importance of authentic

knowledge and that is why I research the real cause and ways of controlling it. I collected

some data from the random websites and I came to know that Swine Flu has been spreading

due to eating pork meat. Because that virus has infected the pigs. So, people should not eat

pork meat until and unless all the pigs have been treated. On the next day, I met my friend

who is a doctor he told me that Swine Flu is also called H1N1 influenza and it can also

spread from human to human. Then I went through many authentic websites and this news

was spread to the people so that they can maintain a hygienic environment for preventing

virus spread through coughs or sneezes.

Afterward, I started to learn about the H1N1 vaccination and I used the same research

method. I explored several websites so that I can get an idea about the different perceptions

of people and researchers. While doing this, I realized that there are two perceptions of

people regarding the vaccination. According to the first perception, the H1N1 vaccination is

good because it prevents the viral attack. Contrary to this, the second perception is based on

the logic that this vaccination itself contains a virus that develops immunity to the disease but

it is not good so people should not use H1N1 vaccination (Seale et al., 2010). These both

perceptions were confusing though.

Consequently, I developed more interest in learning more about H1N1 and explored

the official websites of vaccination providers and manufacturers. Thereby, I also found some

statistical data which revealed that people who have injected with H1N1 vaccination can live

free from the fear of Swine Flu. The manufacturers of the vaccination clearly expressed the

chemical formulae and the materials used in the preparation. At that time, I was a bit

confident that this vaccination cannot be bad. I tried to consult a professional, and luckily, she

gave me an hour from her busy schedule. We discussed all the perceptions which I researched

and found a conclusion that this vaccination has developed after a lot of experiments

(Greenberg et al., 2009). This vaccination cannot harm someone but rarely some people

might develop side effects likewise the other medicines and drugs.

This period of 'learning about the H1N1 vaccination was quite long but was reliable. I

believe that the best of learning is to research while using the internet and asking the people

as well. Besides this, one can look for the results of any statistical data is available. However,

this is an effort and time taking process but one can understand the things going around. In

short, it can be stated that the above-discussed process of learning might be difficult and time

talking but it is better than believing in the one-sided argument. Because human have intellect

and the things learned by using human intellectual opens the mind. Moreover, consulting

with a professional can be satisfactory especially in case of health and disease and it is a

sensitive matter. Moreover, the final decision of injecting the H1N1 vaccine depends on the

doctor because a doctor can suggest whether to inject it or not depending upon the health

condition and allergies, etc.

Summing up the discussion, the reliability of the information I learned was verified by

authentic research because I went through the formula and possible side facts. Moreover, the

facts and figures also helped me in that confusion. At last, when a professional thoroughly

explained the reason why people are claiming that the vaccination is bad or good finally

helped me to find the right answer. It was the best experience ever, therefore, I recommend

people that not every data and every perception is authentic so we have to clarify and believe

the rumors and perception very carefully.



Greenberg, M. E., Lai, M. H., Hartel, G. F., Wichems, C. H., Gittleson, C., Bennet, J., ... &

Basser, R. L. (2009). Response to a monovalent 2009 influenza A (H1N1)

vaccine. New England Journal of Medicine, 361(25), 2405-2413.

Seale, H., Heywood, A. E., McLaws, M. L., Ward, K. F., Lowbridge, C. P., Van, D., &

MacIntyre, C. R. (2010). Why do I need it? I am not at risk! Public perceptions

towards the pandemic (H1N1) 2009 vaccine. BMC infectious diseases, 10(1), 99.

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