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he routine I'm currently running has me working out every 4th day and looks like



Bench Press 2 x 6-8

Incline Press 1 x 6-8
Rest 5 min
Squats 3 x 4-6
Close-Grip Bench* 1 x 6-8 Pushdowns 1 x 10-12
Chins, body weight x max

* paused for 3 s on chest


Deadlift 2 x 2-3
Overhead Press 1 x 4-6
Rest 5 min
Reverse Leg Curl 1 x 8-10
Leg Extensions 1 x 8-10
Chins, weighted, 1 x 6-8


Same as A1, but reverse order of pressing (incline/bench).


Chins, weighted, 3 x 4-6, alternated with overhead press 3 x 4-6.

Probably going to add deads at 80% of B1 weights here, non-failure, 3x3 or similar.

All sets done in reverse pyramid fashion (see the blog post 'reverse pyramid
revisited'), or in the case of 1 set, to failure.

I created this routine in order to allow for maximal results per time unit invested
- my goals are currently to increase relative strength at a slow pace, not
necessarily to put on slabs of muscle as fast as I can. I'm quite busy as it is,
and have no great desire to spend too much time in the gym for the time being.

Since I'm currently doing fasted workouts on most days, I add 10 g BCAA pre-
workout. Besides that, fish oil and a multivitamin. Not a big fan of supplements

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