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Chapter | A Rich Man Disappears (Charles Hatfield Baker TIT was a very rics man, These wasn’ 2 riche man in New York Giry. He was the boss oF large number snpanies. He owned very Targe gatdeas and housss on the country, He ad boxts ond horses and an aeroplane. Buc he of important sas a nice man, He likes ebe everyday things oF Hits wood cup, fof cole «smile fiom 4 presey gira walk through cho park on a Fine aururnn day. He had all these things on chis Wednesday morning, Fle drank nyo cups of very good fulian coffee for breaktst, His daughter, Joli. smile and sid," Goodbye. Have a mice day, Dad? And he lett his Hat for the wall to his office. He always walled throug (Gooeral Pack to is office on Columbus Sexe down forty floors co the suet door. ‘Good morning, Mr Baker! sid Angelo, dhe doorman. ‘Have goal day He went nthe lit Thank you, Angelo. You too! be answered. ‘See you dis De Angelo didn't see him thot evening. He never se bits again. Because Mr Baker never arrived at his office. Beeween (Gontral Park and the oifces of Hasficld International, Chars Hattie! Baker II dissppeared, The police tried to tind him: They looked everywhere for hits in the park, They sorted eory in the morning and finished Tate 2t night. Bue dhete was nothings They coulda’ find anything. They save thnoe big police dogs hi old biue shir. The dogs noses were very busy fora miavte or wo, then they ram aeross the surwet te Central Patk, ut inside che pork, hey soppedsThey ran up and down, up and dawn, this way and dar way Again nothing. Decectves wont to the airports to dhe train stations and to the bus suatiows They showed photeyraphs.‘Did you sce this nian lst week? A ell an wih white hair in expemive grey tousers and 9 jacket. Did he come dhcough here ast Wesinesday or Thursday?” 'No} everybody sid. 'T dow't remember that man The detectives questioned Julia, the grey mon atthe office, the office workers and the doormen. They asked again and agit ‘Where do you chink Mr Baker i? Why did he disoppen Pethape he waned ta disippeac! Why? ‘The answer wos alsays "I don't know: 1 dont understand. 1 cart cell you, There were telephone call between the FBI* and Scotland Yard*: In the end, everybody said. "Kidhnappers! Thar’ the answer. CChuatles Hatfill Baker IT isa very rich mas, you kuowe They kidnapped him for money" ‘They sited and waited fora Teter ora telephone ca “The kidnappers will ask for a lor of money” they ssid Nothing came Noe + word. ‘The newspapers said, ‘Somebody knows something about Mr Baker Well yive thers $10,000 when they call a Nothing happened Julia st near the wlephone every chy and every might. She never went outside, She dide' ery because she rally never ered, Bu she got thinner and th didn’ sep, She loved her fer 1 know he isn't dead, she thought. “Is he tryin sonething? Bur what? What does he want me to do? ine. Her eyes were red because she 4 FOL Senn Ynl-Ameican al Eh destin. Chapter 2. The New Boss Foe diys, and chen weeks, Julia hoped fora telephone eall abou her father, bat nothing came. After a time, the newspapers were tired of the story. Their writers woote about other things. The police stopped asking questions The months came nd wen. Julia saw ce fie snow of winter through che windows of her welve-maom fat. In one hous Manbastan vey white with stony — white and quiet. Was cis really New York, or 2 village in the moun “Bue it New York? she thought. “I's nor ueually quiet. This strange. know New York. my hoane! Julia wa eighteen years old. Her fife was the life of rich wan’ ‘daughter. She went to the best school, She could speak French and Spanish. She could dance and play music. She bought her clothes frou the best shops, and she ate chocolate cake in expensive cafés, She drove though the city sueets in big, ‘Bu julia oti She saw her fice in the window She was a tall yi with dark tub ly knew nothing aboue New York. She knew sho the Eves of ether New Yorkers ud green ex Her fie ses ice but noe pretty — i wae 4 very dno Face “Tisten, she said to her fice in the window: ‘You kuow thar her don't coming back, Why are you sitting ere and ‘waiting? Who’ going «help you? You're the bose now. T dink ‘he cellng you that You are Julia Aun Havfild Baker ~ the fir!” She put on her cout and her hat and wene oue expemine eles For the nexe dhree hours, Julia weoe dough meny of the streets of New York for the fist time, She didn's drive in her father’ cars. She took taxis and she walked. She Tooke! ae Iuilngs and abe looked a people. She looked into windows, tl her very she saw people in theie cold rooms She looked at women in the sree, Their faces told er about the bungry children an their homes, She looked at men — men without jobs and without hope She say this and she slowly understood “Hkaiow none! she shove. "T knows that T cin use my father’s money well Next morning, she aveived at the offices of Hatield International at nine o'clock, “I samt to a the dircetors ofthe company’ at cen o'clock she said to Miss Bentley, in her father ofc ‘Act she looked at the five grey men route Inge table in the meeting room, *U nonw these men she thou eit noses when | 1 pulled was a baby. J anced with them at Christmas when | was a litle sgt Yes, [ know ehem. Or do Perhaps they think that they now a. Theyte going to be surprised. ‘She looked ae them gain These fces col her nothing, ‘Goud morning’ she said. 'T called this mecting. Perhaps you were suprised, ‘Nex! thoy si Thoy sve surprised — very sueprised we me more than ball of the You knew thae may father conan? They knew: bs they sverent very happy aboot that *L want to make some elanges, ie first would Wke to see the company files, L want to kriow about the company, ovr money anxt~ very important — ou plans forthe fotuce The eyes ofthe gxey’ mien met “Of eau, my deat said ome man, ‘No problem: sid another man, ‘But why? they wanted to kuowt ‘What changes docs che syant? Why does she sot eo lowe our plans for dhe fre? Why does she know about Hatfield Internationa Chapter 3. Power For we day, Julia Looked ar pages of numbers and read abou her fader commpany.The numbers were very lange, and the files were thick and heavy, Jolin Tearne a lor of new things about the company: Hatfield International owned places everywhere: in Texas, Ausra, Afric, the Arctic, Canada... Hatfield Inter power “Thc power? she thought, ‘cam change people’ Tis im wonderful ways. I ean give thea jobs, hospitals schools, veachers But it cam ako do other ehings — bad things. And sometimes Haulield International uses this power becauve power? ional had power ~ 2 Jot of ‘This was her futher greae company, and his fathers company, sd is fers company: “And mow T have vw be the new boss julia thowgkt. Julia mother died when Julia wx only a baby. She ida member het, bat she had old phocoutaphs of her Julia had her mother’ dark Iie and green eyes She w: ako hee facher’ daughter Jolin understood money: Some people understand music, er sport, cw dance, These dings sve easy for them. For Julia, money was easy- After cwo days wih the files oF Batfield Incerisaions, she Knew 8 Lat of things about fhe company They were ro very interesting days for her. ‘Outside, it gor colder and colder hnside che Harfild building, Jelis sae and read — words and numbers, words nd numbers, People came andl went, but she saw only the papers iv fein of her nom of the second day, she looked at the bse fle on the table. Ir yas a red fle The files wore all diferent colours. Rest files were about future plans — projects for the foture Do this tefl Juia react PROJECT OMEGA. She opened i, There wore no papers in it~ only one word on the inside of dhe fils “Never! Ii wos her Ether’ writing. She put the telephone eo ber eat Aes minute, somebody answered Julasi,"Miss Bente ‘Miss eotley went home. Everybody went home, Can I help you The spesker wae i To looking for he papers about Project Omega For a minute the gel sd nothing. Then she sid, TT sorry, 1 don know aye abou it Chonught- Julia, “The gel 36 aad oF “1 don't believe her something” Julia por down the telephone, She walked to Miss Bentley’ office [A gitl stood near the telephone there, She wns about Jake oe, sanall and pretty. She nur afraid Julia could see chat ‘want ta see che papers about Project Omega Julia said. 'm sorry, Miss Baker. | don’t know anything about i rally [ don't! Jolla saw sermething in the gins cyes. And when the gil spoke, she heusd sore chan the words, There was something in the iTS eyes and in her words ~ berween the words, Was her father laying to tell her something about Projeet Omega when he disappeared? “Arn T wrong about the word “Never!” and the eyes and words of this gir she thought."No! I'm st wrong Chapter 4 Danger Jia stood onl looked 3t the git, Suddenly. she fee very tired. “Tes not inmportan, she sald. She fel sorry forthe unhappy gi. “Perhaps those papers are from an old file 9 1s something wrong, Jolla” It was Mr Berger. He was one of the grey mena distor of hor father’ company."Did [hse yo say “ungeet Omega”? Julia turned. "When did he come into the wom? she thought Yes, Mr Berges. | wanted to 360 the papers front the Proiece Omega file? Dil yous rally Ji?” He I da strange laugh, Julia thought, He had the sole of «kink! ancke ~ af Father Christie bout his eyes cold. He sai, Why are yom vorying shout HatFielals problems, my: den? Do. you wane money? You only have to ask, Youre Charlie Baker’ dhughter, Julia was very angry, but she spoke quietly manor only Charles Haker’s daughter, Me Berger, Lown mon: thm half of Hatfield International. And ow [have to ell you, L want ro se chose papers! ‘OF course, my dene? He taened to the girl arnt sid, “Mise Harper, please get the papers for Miss Boker‘They’re in ee safe Mis Harper said nothing, bat che went to ene oval of the office. ‘There was a Inrge picture there af Charles Bakes’ srandfather. Miss Harper moved the pctre: Behind it, dere ox 2 small very strong door, Her fingors worked quickly They found the Hight numbers and the safe opened Baker! she sid Se cdi’ look a Julia She tmmed back and closed che safe. Then she moved dhe pietnne hack, Here you are, Mi Julia took the papers and put them in herb the office. Hefore the WM door elescd she hear Me I storted to shour at Mass Harper lia went home ina ta “The Ht was warm and quict, She sat down i her father an! open! hoe ba. ‘No's She put the file on the floor and went into the kitchen Thess thought." have some food fst? vas somie fond om the kitchen table for ber: Usually she didn’t eat There were some nice ety much, bur somight she sos hungry Aegetbles, ome meat and some fie. The meat and vegetables ‘were cold, of course, but very. good. And it was ber first good Fad for pearly eo days ‘She did’ take the food into the ving room, but sat Cow ac the kitchen ble. Then she heard ehe telephone. There as a ‘Hlephone in the kiteiew and she went 10 i ‘Yes? she sid Jia —L mean Miss Baker? Te was she gil fiom the office, Miss Harper Ph ine don't be angry with me. had You're in great da °Miss Hap? fs that you? What do you mean?” “They don't want you to know about Project Omega. shink they ~ they're yoing to ~ Ethink dere going to kilo! Please, you have to believe ne!” “Bue whe? Who wanes co Kill me? ~ Miss Harper? Are sou. ther No sound oan fiom the tlephone. Julia sar with che telephone in a cold bsnid. She heard nothing, Ie ws et ~ and ‘hat aneant danger. “Whats happenin Whats happening to. Miss Harper? Does Project Ome mean danger for her coo? Chapter §. An Evil Plan Julia pur the clephone doin, For the fist time, she felt very lonely She wa't aid, bur she was lonely “Tm never lonely’ she thoughe. "Alone sometimes, ys. Bue not lonely: Now without 9 frend in a time oF problems o danger. 1 don't eeally know about danger. What docs the sword “danger” mean | ws always safe wich my fisher! She thought abow: Miss Harper. “They're going 10 Kill se — Whe are shay"? Did “they kl shez? Wha is Projece Omega? And why dont “they” want ne Ko Know aor i ‘She went back co the living oom. The file of papers was on the floor. She sac down and seared co read She read co the end, and dhen se closed the file, She was very worried. “Ich veey bad she thought.“Very bal” Project Omegs was the decors’ plan. They planned vo ake a lor of money ~ ber of money. Fist Hatfield Ins ‘more power thas ‘most countries. But i was the plan of very bad tneti, men without rational had to buy tore power than every other ¢ompam 13 ell fe phn lings. 'Thene was only one word for its el. fe was rea They’ wete the directors of her father compan; aul she had to gop them. In the -egnnning only the day bofone yeseeday ~ Jutta had a pn for her father’s money, She wanted to help people in New York. She wanted to give chem Bette homies, more jobs.aIappier lik, “L went to Hatfield's offices tr that) she thought. "T newer waned to Find this. What do [ hase to d ' hve to tell the police — and the newspapers. I have t0 tell che world about Project Omegs. Yes tell the world. That ~ al only that sil sty 1 ave €0 do thar — in the morning Julia wene to bed. For the Fire time, she creamed about Det father. They were in a siall boat in bod weather, They were 10 How can Top i govt dhnger, But he pac his arms round het ‘sal ight, he said in her dream, ‘Tan here, Don't be affaid We ean’ be alsid, We have to be stroma ‘When Julia woks up. dhe felt song. She remernbered her Pethaps Dad is dead she chonaht, but hes with we. | believe that the power of good is stonger than che power of evi. In my drat Daa sid, "We cont be aftaid” So eae’ al ight? Julia wasn’t aid — noe now ‘She heart Clars in the kitchen, Cla cleaned and cooked for hrer She wins a mother to her, an lia loved het Jolin walks ineo the kitchen. ‘Good morning, Che Morning, Miss fla, Your very cold, You'll be suprised. Only a week before Chrisun! A iy, eS cold ouside for the holiday, | hope: Not slo You're mot going to say h org gil has to ha Dear Clara, She ‘worried abowe m lin thought, She sie 1“ 1 chinks about Christa liter, Clara This morning [have co de somethings ~ and it ci wai ‘She dresed very quickly. Then she put dhe Ones file in her bpagaand son ont ‘he op: ‘Only cold, block nothing The ground was forty floors below her She started 0 fil d the door ofthe lif "Nol" There was no lit there Chapter 6A Friend Iulia cine IL Two strong arms pulled her back fron she dark 1 think they broke the lit door! Yes. chey di lia dronk the or, black eofive. When she put the cup down, she started 10 ery. For the she wanted a fiend, She knew it becasse she wae with thie young smuan ~ this young man with the Rigndly eyes. tS all right he sid. "You're safe now? ‘No, 'm nos! Jolla answered. Tm in gteat danger’ And she told him the story about hor father, and then Miss Harpers telephone call, She told him about Project Omega.'And now the lit —s0 | really any in danger? He said again," all righe! And, ‘Tm here nove’ Her father's svords in her dream. ‘can help you. There are vo of us now Welll show the world the Omega file. We'll ake it to the newspapers — fo the New Yor Times, ve gor some fiends there Well op ehis evil plan. Don't worry” Julia now had a fiend. He wanted to help ber. She was very happy. “Yes! che sid, “Well rake the file to the newspaper. ll get my bag It has che Ornega papers ii ‘But where was the bag? le wasnt in the lar. wasnt beeween the lat and the lif. She looked for it. Clara looked fori e isnt here! Julia told Edward, “And now 1 don’t have anything for the newspapers. Who will believe that Project (Omega is so evil? They won't believe is without the papers. fre time in hee eighteen years oF its, Chaptor 7 Happy Christmas! ‘What are we going to do?" Julia asked. She was happy — sery happy ~ Because she could say ‘we "We have to ger another copy of the file” Eaward answered. “OF course, But how? I don't want to go back to Hatfield and ask for one, Whie... Miss Harpe! “Can she get us a copy’ “Ske our only hope. Jolla went to the telephone. She called Hatfield Tncomstionl “Good morning. This # Julia Baker (Yd like to speak to Miss Harper She listened for a minute.‘T undersian down the celephone and walked to the windows: She sid quietly ‘She didn't come to work this morning. Edhar, she disappeared Ist night: First, my fate ‘Horper. Edvward! You dan think they Edward went co Julia and pur his arma round het.'No, No, they didn’ huet Miss Harpes, She’ clever gil Peshaps she lef the city. She’ safe, I know it. Now come and sit down! Edward apd Jelia sae down. He took er hand ‘Juli, T wane you eo listen tae AAvhar ea 1 do? hough Julia, T have ¢o listen to you she ssid, “You have to work with me. Go co Hatfield offices. Ask for fother files, bot nt the Omews fle. Then they'll eel happier. But you have to go back chore, When they're not looking, you ean get aiiother copy of he Omega file! Yes! sad Jia TH go now “UT ell you every hour, [1 know then that youre OK, And don't worry. Nothing cam happen co you. Tia here: Julia arrived at Htfield toternational half a hour later, All morning she looked dhrough fle on workers She looked at Miss loxpee’ fle: Her family Lived in Adanta."Pethaps she went home to her parents. Yes. That it) she thought Shel be sll right. They ‘ean’ do anything co her there All morning Juli waited for the right time, She wanted to be I Thank you? She pot now Miss alone i the olfiee. The files for Future projects were on a shelf near the doo. ‘Atone o'clock, Edvard called forthe thitd tims ‘Meet me in ers minutes a the ene door of the building’ he said And please dow tbe kt Ton minutes later, julia was outside the fiont door There were a Tot of people in the stret. Ie wis nearly Chrisemas, and they looked bappy and bun is rernembered lst Charitiss. She was ‘with her father then, and Ws very important Iwo very tall mon came across the street. They had the long rod coats of Father Christmas and they called Happy Chests to you! Happy Chests! Suddenly, they were nest co her They toak ber arms and ‘Pushed! her across the sewer. ‘What are you doing? she shouted. “Take your hands off me! No, no! 8 car door opened, and they pushod her inside, Strong arms took her arms She fought them and hit her hexd on the car door, Her orld sorted to go dirk... She remembered one lst thing ‘ere was an arm round her. (as an asi in 9 green jacket ‘nsand West ~ Edward West one of them! Chapter 8 Father and Daughter Julia opened hor eyes The world wont rome anx! rourid, And ‘ene were noes in her head No Not in her head The noises were the sounds of an aeroplane. She was ona plane, Féward was est t0 bet Egan, weren't “Yes, we were. We sre saved your life agin fond Did you ‘Yes. Mv Terger and his friends phinned another itl “accident For you. [had to take vou away fiom New York: ‘Where am 1 Now? We'e flying over Flori, Jolia looked round. “Bue this ~ this is my father's plane. Wha fare you doing wily may fathers plane? Ita long story, Give me dave and TH ell ou everything Start now! irst,a drink? | don’t want a drink wanean answer Edward smiled, “Thies the sad thing about rich irks They ahways want everything new: Ob, OK He started to tll her, ula licened and warched his fice wasn won 41 work for your father! he said. ‘Aer he diappeared, 1 swatehied you ne she thought."He¥ a good person: ly every hour of every day. He was very worried about you, He wanted mie to wateh you, bet he dida’t want you ‘Where is my father toll you that in a minuce, Fist, you have w know something. Your father had to leave New York quickly, He leneae about Project Omega, and he wanted © stop his dieectors. They twied to kill him. He had to disppew “My ther knew about Project Omega? Why did't he tell she world about it? “He couldn’, He didn't want (@ het che company — your conypany.“L can't do that ta hee” he told me "She can Gish the company, But ri me:” So you make your future — he doesn’ anak it “Whae do you mean?! “Wait and help her when the time comes” he ssid eo me “When she learns about Projes: Omega” ‘OK. Peshaps [ Believe you. Bur where are you taking mie? To your fither, He’ waiting for you, Ob, and T fond Miss Harper She's sale She’ staying with her aunt ouside Adlant ‘Oh, good. Las wort about her, She tried to help me ‘And she clever! She's yor another copy of dhe Omega file! The plane came down the grown, Exbwatd opened the door and jumped down, fli followed hi. Je weas hot, and he could se flowers and trees. They were a lon ay fiom winter in New York! ‘Them she saw hint. A tall nian with a lor of white hai His ce vvas brown fron the sa Dad Liver that evening, they sa ih a garden and talked above che ola. my dear, don't want to go back to NewYork. Pil lke ta ithe stn! aid Chavles Mtield Baker TET enjoy shis Julia smiled at hint, with Jove in her eyes."Peshaps when Tm seventy. ll enjoy fe with you, Bue now Eve gor am innparrant jab. Hcfické International is going te disppear, but there’ 2 lot of snvoney’ the =. want 10 use chat money for good projects [want «co help people? She looked at Edward. Edward looked at hee Trike to help you with thats he suid

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