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Happy Pig Day!

Narrator 1 Narrator 2 Pig 1 Pig 3

Piggie Gerald Pig 2

Narrator 1: One day, Gerald was sitting by himself.

Narrator 2: He saw Piggie running towards him.

Piggie: Gerald! Gerald! I am so happy!

Gerald: Why are you so happy Piggie?

Piggie: Today is the best day of the year!

Gerald: Today is free ice cream day?

Piggie: No Gerald. Today is…Happy Pig Day!

Gerald: Happy Pig Day?

Piggie: Yes! Happy Pig Day!

Narrator 1: Gerald had never heard of Pig Day.

Gerald: What is Pig Day?

Piggie: The day of the pig! It is the best day
to have a pig party!

Gerald: A pig party?

Piggie: It is the best day to sing pig songs! It

is the best day to dance pig dances!

Narrator 2: Piggie started doing a silly pig


Piggie: It is the best day to eat pig food! It

is the best day to play pig games! It
is the best day to say…Oinky Oink

Gerald: Oinky Oink Oink?

Piggie: That means “Happy Pig Day” in Pig!

Gerald: Oooh! I did not know about Happy

Pig Day.

Piggie: Look!

Narrator 1: Gerald and Piggie saw 3 pigs coming

towards them.

Pig 1: Oinky oink oink.

Piggie: All my friends are here!

Pig 2: Oinky oink oink!

Pig 3: Oinky oink oink!

Narrator 2: Gerald looked at the pigs.

Narrator 1: He thought to himself that there were

a lot of pigs.

All Pigs: Oinky oink oink!

Narrator 2: The pigs started playing together.

Pig 1: Oinky oink oink!

Piggie: Isn’t this great Gerald?

Narrator 1: Piggie looked around, but he didn’t

see Gerald.

Piggie: Gerald?

Narrator 2: Piggie saw Gerald sitting by himself.

Narrator 1: Gerald looked sad.

Piggie: Are you okay?

Gerald: I am sorry, Piggie. I have a trunk.

I have big ears.

Piggie: So?

Gerald: I am gray. I do not have a snout. I

do not have hooves! I am not pink!

Piggie: Gerald, what is wrong?

Gerald: I want to say “Happy Pig Day” in Pig!

But I am not a pig. I am an elephant
and I do not belong.

Narrator 2: Gerald looked sad.

Piggie: Oh Gerald! Happy Pig Day is not just

for pigs. Happy Pig Day is for

Pig 1: Who

Pig 2: Loves

Pig 3: Pigs!

Piggie: What do you say to that?

Gerald: I say…Oinky oink oink!

All: Happy Pig Day to


Today I Will Fly
Narrator 1 Narrator 2. Duck
Piggie Gerald Dog

Narrator 1: Gerald and Piggie were sitting down


Piggie: Gerald, today I will fly!

Gerald: No, Piggie, you will not fly today.

Piggie: What?

Gerald: You will not fly tomorrow. You will

not fly next week. You will never fly!

Piggie: I will try. Good bye!

Narrator 2: Piggie ran off.

Narrator 1: Gerald yelled to Piggie…

Gerald: You will not fly!

Narrator 2: Then, Piggie came running back. Piggie

was flapping her arms, but she was
not flying.

Piggie: Fly, fly, fly, fly, fly!

Gerald: You need help.

Piggie: Thank you. I do need help! I will get


Narrator 1: Gerald wondered where Piggie was


Narrator 2: All of a sudden, PIggie came back and

was being chased by a dog.

Dog: Woof, woof, woof!

Narrator 1: Piggie was so scared that she jumped

on Gerald’s head.

Piggie: I did it! I flew! Thank you your help


Dog: Woof, woof, you are welcome!

Gerald: Piggie, you did not fly.

Piggie: I did not fly?

Gerald: You jumped!

Piggie: I jumped?

Narrator 2: Piggie jumped down.

Piggie: It was a big jump!

Gerald: Yes, it was a big jump, but you did not


Piggie: I will try again.

Gerald: I will eat lunch.

Piggie: Good bye!

Narrator 1: Piggie ran off flapping her arms, but

she was not flying.

Narrator 2: A duck was walking by.

Duck: You need help.

Piggie: I do need help. Will you help me?

Duck: I will. I will help you.

Narrator 1: Duck and Piggie walked away.

Narrator 2: Gerald came back and was looking for


Gerald: Hello?

Narrator 1: Gerald heard Piggie yelling from above.

Piggie: Hello!

Narrator 2: Piggie was hanging from a string

attached to Duck. Duck was flying.

Narrator 1: Thanks to Duck, Piggie was finally


Gerald: Piggie, you are flying! You are flying


Piggie: I am not flying!

Gerald: You are not flying?

Piggie: I am getting help. Thank you Duck for

your help.

Narrator 2: Duck waved goodbye and went back


Gerald: Tomorrow I will fly.

Piggie: Good luck!

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