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Notes on Lacan –Thando Skenjana

The Mirror Stage

The Three Registers

Dimensions of Psychic Subjectivity

The Imaginary: Who we think we are, what we hear within a conversation subject to
our preconceived view of ourselves
-What our understanding is outside of Psychoanalytic
-Daily lived reality
-Necessary Fictions: Imaginings of what is happening
-Transference, Ego

The Symbolic
-Structure into which each Human being is born
-Rituals, Rites, Institutions, Norms, Mores, Practices
-Unconscious is structured as communicative Language
-Unconscious: intricate web of connections and representation
-Unconscious: Non-Natural

The Real
-Alien to that which can be represented
-“Impossible” according to the symbolic structure
-Mother= Overwhelmingly there yet because of inability to merge, unbearably absent.
-“Jouissance”= French for overwhelming pleasure of female orgasm

The imaginary is the space in which the symbolic is confused for the real and the real
for the symbolic.


“It establishes in the defense’s of the ego, a genetic order,

“But unfortunately the concept grasp negativity only within the limits of a self-
sufficiency of consciousness.”

“The formation of the I is symbolized in dreams by a fortress”

“The very normalisationof this maturation being henceforth dependant in man

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