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Tete aT BY 62 he A od eS re EXTRA! A LETTER TO CHRISTOPHER LEE ee ~4 aie J This WILD JUNGLE CAPTIVE, who came out of the Universal jungle in 1945, in 1965 about MONSTER WORLD. You'll be too— it'll soothe your jungled nerves or dou! MONSTER WORLD om esa) JAMES WARREN FORREST J ACKERMAN caters Pee founder & publisher ceditorin-chief ‘es, ortar Vie Peso LENT HARRY CHESTER WALTER DAUGHERTY EBENenconean aa vway out layout special photography ness G. JOHN EDWARDS STEVEN JOCHSBERGER 2 ‘editorial research editorial research OVERSEAS CORRESPONDENTS: Michel Coen, Chris Collier, Alan Dodd, Peter J. Jarman, JeanClaude Michel, Jean Claude Romer, Giovanni Seognamiilo, Klaus Unbehaun. CONTENTS FANG MAIL Growls from the Monster Mail Bag. 3 “THE LIGHTHOUSE OF HORROR” Our Feature Fictional Attraction by Edgar Allan Poe & Robert Bloch! FRANKENSTEIN 1970 Fhe Most Famous Monster of All speaks to you from The Puture. 16 FACES THAT LAUNCHED 1000 SHRIEKS sonorwaxmsam amma TTT Not to be Read by Candlelight..n.nnnennmensernnn®O. IT CONQUERED THE WORLD--ALMOST . The Space Creature & The Wing-Thing. 32 DEAR MR. LEE \ Christopher Lee Answers some Vital 34 TERROR TALK “Bela” Obbagy’s Horrorwood News. 40 IT ASKED FOR YOU Kongalu Grants Requests Before They're Asked... THE MUNSTER KOACH All about the Kooky-Spooky TV car driven by The Munsters 46 THE SCREAM TEST Howl You Make Out?.. 52 im deck Gronara, Curtis Hartington, "Accereg fOr vacate fas ‘Shirey ington, Dan Levit” Clon Lilixidge, “Chon ite cones corriontt, Cats tama tumignne co, Watting Oboe, Lynne, Unkete, Van Pat, Wooiner box. & IY beta i wrscue Dk IW FART IME WRITTEN PRAIGION THON Ee Dovls Pub Co ‘He euntaven Protea G8, 2 FANG To PETE A. BECKMAN, Seiow, this issue of MONSTER WORLD is cedested’ in appreciation fh constant flow of informational service 10 Bo our magaies. ‘GIRL GHOUL SPEAKS 1 aly at appnee Monster mols ate nding hapiy think The Munsters ef. FSlways ied wen went to FRANENSTEIN {LDHACUA movies because | fel so sory for the poor things: they anys ended tagleally lor the monsters. Aged Hitehcock hs praduted the ind of ight" i wich has mental ‘monsters. 1 dont fel s0"sad when they end ‘he Munsters makes light of the “Teared fag fi andi be ony way. oti en, re an Chaney J. realy cast. bad ight on hiner when be cuted [0 the Footed Flckers series. yore with half'a sense fe {he riieuius. and-@ Sense of humor woulen {ake ofense at such an action Me should be ‘ater that hs ead could be used Tor seme: thing The that Twas only good-natured Ts 1 never thought Chaney Ir. was. gear, snyay. Now 1 hao ere a few monster Jokes | Ove up whats 2 werenalt?™ ecg Sater me, Tonior—eo cond your “hen thar isthe one about Countess Dracula and her werenoll husband, who went to teit {amiycousetor, "Yes," con see bow Your Insaeble thst for Sod, cgutes, ard Your husband's turning into. wolt when the soon 15 ful ould lead to mariage diets,” the fcansaln oneeriee “But thas fot our problem." the exuntess lnterupted. “Ye,” the erenell agreed, “whet Wwe mato Anow i how can we tell ou S00 Fs"atopted?™ 4 MAIL | never knew who Bela Lugosi was before tead"your magazine altho 1" had seen many pictures In wit Re performed. He played such an fective monster that ony” recogized fim for his roles imagine that te was often fecngnized oly for his Tole and. not 3s_ an indidual—" rather, disgusting sition fer anyone, Ig thre 2 Bela Logos! an Cl which eeu ia? BEvERLy caLiconT Spokane, Was. pear Ben bine Eade gro UNFAVORITE LETTER OF THE MONTH Regarding the Wetter MW? about the particular “circumstances of “Lugosts death, Sh ot Rep Neg the fot te Wat pe aati TAYLOR CALOWELL Chataneoga, Tenn ‘9.The tone of your letter i one chaleng eleanor'n conte, fo reveal 9 ait se gist was Abope abot herrea oil te, nd Fm som. he ou Tete Sle tng oat ofthe exited hse {at inane, wil ret no rate i hepig ha fale ia Mn adit in eaant ee, gneraly cnn up Some “ioels rininal loath Ap mtlan rrechess Teeace mn aise ote? Lnpal wa none ‘Would be caret say'he bene ete oags. Dates preeied ish oeerate fain. Aer de Ms system raved the drug, Toward he nd of hI, frown fh pee a a yo stil sh to crcily Mr. Lugosi after his death i. alone You may ase feat to’ fnow he. was hes rik. a Peeler to report that he was a supporter of Al IANGEROUS” QUESTION Was the” movie BLOODLUST in. any way sini to" the movie THE MOST” DANGEROUS sale? JIM. MecLuNa Somerset 1 yn the same classi short, story “The Most Dangerous Game’ by Richard Conte. A mast ppt ear xscape Ing human Beinge—it has. alse served. a2 ie forthe fine K GAME’ OF DEATH and UN FOR THE SUM. ‘cunious uesTion late fo xl a os te oe AMES SEERA ‘Wo acres pubiedomain*meaniog™ anyone ih the image of Dracula, As fr Iytheal character evened) tr in Sbeut 1838. Ms MaRS OF 1985 Tram incosing 2 pltue of my daughter who reads every iste of your magacine general, Before Ido. She orebably wil Be the. frst woman to\go fo Wars! LoRRE LORE Was Peter Lore widely known as the Black Angel of ad the editor make Up the name? TANCT MeLAUKHLIN Drexel Hil, Pa 9 | never remem Bint in fet t mye iio you Temasd no | ugh a LOERLY READER Tam only 8 Years old ard monsters are my frends. Tyas very ite when all the feonsters shows were out. My moiter Wout Fete see ther” Now I can eu them at mre good shows, ae out. They ae all omy Tike ATOM AGE VAMPIRE ong KONGA, | wien fey would bring back, same of the ld menster mavies “Tike “FRANKENSTEIN, “WOLFMAN DRACULA. Something sHould be cone TenRy.TUaWeLL Bastrop, Le Scones by Edgar Allan Poe Ce Cea Ca TMM i] the depths of his desperate mind or a she-creature from the fathomless depths of the haunted midnight sea? —————— a a) FOREWORD Terie ET EO CT Cer Feneeaara nome ae CUS COS V oLa Tis ee reer ee a Ronan PP a CeO ce Me ieee sere ren Cee ee Geran Res SN rere he aT TT eo Robert Bloch) for re-publication here. PUR om a cee When Poe died in 1849, he left the story you ry are about to read unfinished. Robert Bloch cit POTN meee ae) ray Tear nea ac ae ace Cera quainted with the Se on OCC me Rc macaw oie tr Ce CRTC Laer enough.) Bloch, of PSYCHO fame; and Return out of the pen (for the last. time we hope) ‘of Psycho; Motor Psycho; Psycho Strikes Back; and completed the story that is about to make Psycho Mlogical; Sicko, Son of Psycho; not to you turn on every light in the house SON OO VATE ET Roa eNO RAC Cleo ne ee sane “The beast burst from his prison and flung him- self upon the creature!” (Scene suggested by foto from THE KILLER SHREWS.) “Her eyes, fishlike & staring, swam close (Scene suggested by foto of Belle Donovan in make-up by Geo. Westmore.) Jan. 1—1796. ‘This day—my first on the light house—I can make this entry in my Diary, as agreed on with DeGraet. As regularly as 1 can keep this journal, I will—but there is no telling what may happen to a man all alone as I am— may get sick or worse . So far well! The cutter had a narrow escape— but why dwell on that, since I am here, all safe? My spirits are beginning to revive already, at the mere thought of being—for once in my life at least—thoroughly alone. It is strange that I never observed, until this moment, how dreary a sound that word has— “alone'!'I could half fancy there was some pe- culiarity in the echo of these cylindrical walls— but oh, no!—that is alll nonsense. I do believe T am going to get nervous about my insulation, That will never do. I have not forgotten DeGraet’s prophecy. Jan. 2. 1 have passed this day in a state that I find it impossible to describe. My passion for soli: tude could scarcely have been more thoroughly gratified, Jan. 3. A dead calm all day. Towards evening, the sea looked very much like glass. A few se ‘weeds came in sight; but besides them absolutely. nothing all day—not even the slighest speck of cloud -. .. Occupied myself in exploring the light: house Jan, 4. 1 am now prepared to resume work on ‘my book. Already I have carried enough oll, water & food to the upper levels to last me for an entire month—I need stir from my two rooms only to replenish the wicks For the rest, I am free! utterly free—for my ime is my own, and in this lofty realm { rule as King. Iam master of the sun that rises from the sea at dawn, emperor of wind and monarch of the gale, sultan of the waves that sport or roar in roll Ing torrents about the base of my palace pinnacle Tcommand the moon in the heavens, and the very ebb & flow of the tide does homage to my reign. But enough of fancies~DeGraet warned me 10 refrain from morbid or from grandiose speculation —now I shall take up in all earnestness the task that Ties before me. Jan. 11. A week has passed since my last entry in this ‘diary, and as I readit over, I ean scarce comprehend that it was I who penned those words. Alone! I, who breathed the word as if it were some mystic incantation bestowing peace, have come— I realize it now to loathe the very Sound. And the ghastliness of meaning I know full well ‘The world is 200 miles away; T will not know it again for an entire year. And it in turn—but no more! T cannot put down my thoughts wh the grip of this morbid mood. Jan. 13. "Two more days—two more centuries!— have passed. Can it be less than two weeks since I was immured in this prison tower? I mount the turret of my dungeon and gaze at the horizon; 1am not hemmed in by bars of steel but by col: umns and pillars and webs of wild and raging water, The sea has changed; gray skies have wrought a wizardry so that I’ stand surrounded by a tumult that threatens to become a tempest. T endlessly pace the narrow, circular confines “Only a moment, FOR SALE.) of my tower of torment. Wild words, these? And yet I am not alone in my affliction—my dog Neptune feels it too. Per- haps it is but the approach of the storm that agitates him so—for Nature bears closer Kinship. with the beast. Thave just mounted to the platform and gazed out at the spectacle of gathering storm, The waves are fantastically high; they sweep against the light- hhouse in titanic tumult. T am surrounded by a billowing blackness thundering against me Back below now, as-lightning flickers. I will set down a further statement. I must, if only to prove to myself that reason again prevails. In writing. of my venture up to the platform—my viewing of the sea & sky—I omitted to mention the mean- ing of a single moment. There came upon mo, as I gazed down at the black & boiling madness of the waters below, a wild & willful craving to be- come one with it: But why should I disguise the naked truth?—I felt an insane impulse to hurl myself into the seal Tt has passed now; passed, I pray, forever. I did not yield to this perverse prompting and I am back here in my quarters, writing calmly once again. Yet the fact remains—the hideous urge to destroy myself came suddenly, and with the force of one of those monstrous waves, And what—I force myself to realize—was the meaning of my demented desire? It was that T sought escape, escape from loneliness. It was as if by mingling with the sea and the storm T would no longer be alone. But I defy the elements. I defy the powers of the earth and of the heavens. Alone I am, alone T must be—and come what may, I shall survive! ‘My laughter rises above all your thunder! ‘So—ye spirits of the storm—blow, howl, rage, hurl your watery weight against my fortress—I am greater than you in all your powers. But wait! Neptune . .. something has happened to the cre ture—I must attend him, Jan, 16. ‘The storm is abated. I am back at my desk now, alone—truly alone. I have locked poor Neptune in the store-room below: the unfortunate beast seems driven out of his wits by the forces of ‘How shail I describe the horrors of the storm I faced alone? ‘There is no need to write of the fancies & fan- tasies which assailed me through those unhallowed 2 ‘Lam now prepared to resume work on my book. (Scene suggested by a foto from A BUCKET OF BLOOD.) “She was from below, where the drowned dead lie dreaming, and | had awakened her and clothed her with a horrid life. A life that thirsted, and must drink” (Scene suggested by a foto from DEMENTIA 13.) hours. At times I felt that the lighthouse was giving way and that T would be swept into the sea. ‘AL times I knew myself to be a victim of a colos sal plot—I cursed DeGraet for sending me, know- ingly, to my doom. At times (and these were the worst moments of ail) I felt the full force of lone liness, crashing down upon me in waves higher than those wrought by water. But all has passed, and the sea—and myself are calm again, A peculiar calmness, this; as T ‘gaze out upon the water there are certain pheno- mena T was not aware of until this very: moment. Before setting down my observations, let me re- assure myself that I am, indeed, quite calm; no trace of my former tremors or agitation yet re- mains. The momentary madness caused by the storm had departed and my brain is free of phan: ‘tasms—indeed, my senses seem to be sharpened to an unusual extent. It is almost as though I find myself in posses- sion of an additional sense, an ability to analyze and penetrate beyond former limitations super- imposed by Nature ‘The water on which I gaze is placid once more. ‘The sky is only lightly leaden in hue. But wiat— low on the horizon creeps a sudden flame! It is the sun, the Arctic sun in sullen splendor, emerg- ing momentarily from the pall to redden the ocean. Sun & sky, sea & air about me, turn to blood. Can it be I who byt a moment ago wrote of re- turned, regained sanity? I, who have just shrieked aloud, “Alone!”—and halé-rising from my chair, heard the muffled booming echo through the lone: ly lighthouse, its sepulchral accent. intoning “Alone!” in answer? It may be that I am, despite all resolution, going mad; if so, I pray the end ‘comes soon. Jan. 18, There will be no end! I have conceived ‘a notion, a theory which my heightened faculties soon will test; T shall embark upon an experi- ment. « Jan. 26. A week has passed here in ‘my solitary prison. Solitary?—perhaps, but not for long. ‘The experiment is proceeding. I must set down what hhas occurred. ‘The sound of the echo set me to thinking. One sends out one’s voice and it comes back. One sends ut one’s thoughts and—can it be that there is a response? Sound, as we know, travels in waves & patterns, The emanations of the brain, perhaps, travel similarly, And they are not confined by physical laws of time, space, or duration. Can one’s thoughts produce a reply that ma- terializes, just as one’s voice produces an echo? ‘An echo is a product of a certain vacuum. A thought . . . Coneentration is the key to my ex- periment. Concentration, by its very nature, is a difficult task: I addressed myself t6 it with no little fear. Strive but to remain seated quietly with a mind “empty” of all thought, and one finds in the space of a very few minutes that the errant body is en- gaged in all manner of distracting movement— foot tapping, finger twisting, facial grimacing. This I managed to over come after a matter of many hours—my first three days were virtually exhausted in an effort to rid myself of nervous agitation and assume the inner & outer tranquil- “Hallucination, vision, apparition? Pale & trembling, arisen from the depths of the sea.” (Scene Pree ea aL Ca) See ek ee ese cee ee peta eee oe ferme trea sets rs “Long-drowned & dead, risen from the slime and to that slime returning.” (Scene suggested by foto from TORMENTED.) ity of the Indian fakir. Then came the task of “filling” the empty consciousness—filling it com- pletely with one intense and concentrated effort What echo could I bring forth from nothing- ness? What. companionship would T seek here in my loneliness? What was the sign or symbol I desired? What symbolized to me the whole absent world of life & light? DeGraet would laugh me to scorn if he but knew the concept that I chose. Yet I,’ the cynical, the jaded, searched my soul, plumbed my longing, and found that which I most desired—a simple ign, a token of all the earth removed: a fresh & growing flower, a rose! Yes, a simple rose is what I have sought—a rose, torn from its living stem, perfumed with the sweet incarnation of life itself. Seated here before the window I have dreamed, I have mused, I have then concentrated with every fiber of my being upon a rose. My mind was filled with redness—not the red: ness of the sun upon the sea, or the redness of blood, but the rich & radiant redness of the rose. My soul was suffused with the seent of a rose: as I brought my faculties to bear exclusively on the image, these walls fell away, the walls of my very flesh fell away, and I seemed to merge in the texture, the odor, the color, the actual essence of a rose. Shall 1 write of this, the 7th day, when seated at. the window as the sun emerged from the sea, 1 felt the commanding of my consciousness? Shall 1 write of rising, descending the stairs, opening the iron door at the base of the lighthouse anc Deering out at the billows that swirled at my very feet) Shall I write of stopping, of grasping, oF wolding? ‘Shall I write that I have indeed descended those iron stairs and returned here wave-borne trophy-—that this very day, from waters 200 miles distant from any shore, 1 have reached down and plucked a fresh rose? Jan, 28. It has not withered! I keep it before me ‘constantly ina vase on this table, and it isa price- Tess ruby plucked from dreams. it is real—as real as the howls of poor Neptune, who senses that some- hing odd is afoot. His frantic barking does not distur me; nothing disturbs me, for I am master ofa power greater than earth or space or time. ‘And I shall use this power, now, to bring me the final boon. Here in my tower I have become qui the philosopher. I realize my need is simply this Companionship. And now, with the power that is mine to control, I shall have it! Jan. 30. ‘The storm has returned, but I pay it ino heed; nor do T mark the howlings of Neptune, although the beast. is now literally dashing. him: Self against the door of the store-room. One might " fancy that his efforts are responsible for the shud- dering of the very lighthouse itself, but no; it is the fury of the Northern gale. I pay it no heed, as I say, but I fully realize that this storm surpasses in ex: tent and intensity anything I could imagine as wit- ness to its predecessor. Yet it is unimportant; even though the light ‘above me flickers and threatens to be extinguished by the sheer velocity of wind that seeps through these stout walls; even though the ocean sweeps against the foundations with a force that makes solid stone seem as flimsy as straw; even though the sky is a single black roaring mouth that yawns low upon the horizon to engulf me. For the past several days I have bent my facul- ties to my will, concentrating utterly and to the uttermost upon the summoning of a Companion. This Companion will be—I confess it!—a wo- man; a woman far surpassing the limitations of common mortality. She is the woman of whom I have always dreamed. DeGraet would scoff that she is but the figment of a dream—but DeGraet did not see the rose, 2 'y dog Neptune was worked into a frenzy, whining & pawing & wheeling in circles.” (Scene sug- ‘gested by Christopher Lee in European horror film.) It was the rose which I set before me when first I composed myself to this new effort, of will. T gazed at it intently until vision faded, senses stilled, and I lost myself in the attempt. of conjur ing up my vision of a Companion. Hours later, the sound of rising waters from ‘without aroused me. I gazed about, my eyes sought the reassrance of the rose and rested only upon a foulness. Where the rose had risen proudly in its vase, red crest rampant upon a living stem, I now perceived only a noxious, utterly detestable strand of ichorous decay. No rose this, but only Seaweed; rotted, noisome and putrescent. I flung it away, but for long moments T could not banish a wild presentiment—was it true that I had de- ceived myself? Was it a weed, and only a weed I plucked from the ocean's breast? Did the force Of my thought momentarily invest it with the attributes of a rose? Would anything I called up from the depths—the depths of sea or the depths ‘of consciousness—be truly real? ‘Once again now I shall lay my pen a turn:to the great task—the task of ” shattered, and must fall with it. you will—and I shall not fail. The fear (I admit IU) of loneliness is enough to drive me forward to unimaginable brinks. She, and she alone, can save me, shall save me, musi save me! I can see her now’. ... Somewhere upon these storm-tossed seas she exists, I know it—and wherever she may be, my call will come to her and she will respond, Jan. 31. The command came at midnight. Roused from the depths of the mast profound innermost communion by a thunderclap, T rose as though in the grip of somnambulistic compulsion and moved down the spiral stairs, The lantern I bore trenibled in my hand; light wavered in the wind, and the very iron treads beneath my feet shook with the furious force of the storm. The booming of the waves as titey struck the lighthouse walls seemed to place me within the center of a maelstrom of ear-shattering sound, yet over the demoniacal din I could detect. the frenzied howls from poor Nepture as I passed the door behind which he was confined. ‘The door shook with the combined force of the wind and of still desperate efforts to free himself—but I 1 know now that the lighthouse will shatter & fall. | am already (Scene suggested by Christopher Lee in European horror film.) hastened on my way, descending to the iron door ai the base of the lighthouse. ‘To open it required the use of both hands, and I set the lantern down at one side. To open it, moreover, required the summoning of a resolutio I scarcely possessed—for beyond that door was the force & fury of the wildest storm that ever shrieked across these seething. seas. T knew, | thrilled to the certainty that she was without the iron portal. T unbolted the door. The door swung open— blew open—roared open—and the storm burst upon me; a ravening monster of black-mouthed waves capped with white fangs. The sea & sky surged forward as if to attack, and I stood en: veloped in Chaos. A flash of lightning revealed the immensity of utter nightm are. T saw it not, for the same lash illumined the form of she who I sought. ‘Hallucination? Vision? Apparition? My trembling fingers sought, and found, their answer. Her flesh was real-—cold as the icy water 13 “1 can ascribe the alteration in my feelings to naught but some inner alchemy; ‘that a distrubing change has taken place, suggesting A HAUNTED HOUSE.) from whence she came, but palpable and perma nent, I thought of the storm, of doomed ships and drowning mea, of a girl casi upon the waters and struggling towards the succor of the lighthouse beacon. I thought of a thousand explanations, a thousand miracles, a thousand riddles or reasor 14 beyond rationality. Yet only one thing mattered— my Companion was here, and I had but to step for. ward and take her in my arms. No word was spoken, nor could one be heard in all that Inferno. No word was needed, for she smiled. Pale lips’ parted—and 1 saw the pointed teeth, set in rows like those of a shark. Her eyes, fishlike & staring, swam closer, As I recoiled, her arms came up to cling, and they were cold as the waters beneath, cold as the storm, cold as death. In one monstrous moment I knew, knew with uttermost certainty, that the power of my will had indeed summoned, the call of my conscious. ness had been answered. But the answer came not from the living, for nothing lived in this storm, Thad sent my will out over the waters, but the will penetrates all dimesions, and my answer had come from below the waters. She was from below, where the drowned dead lie dreaming, and T had awakened her and clothed her with a horrid life, A life that thirsted, and must drink... I think I shrieked, then, but I heard no sound. Certainly, I did not hear the howls from Neptune as the beast, burst from his prison, bounded down the stairs and flung himself upon the creature. His furry form bore her back and obscured my ion; in an instant she was falling backwards, away. into the sea that spawned her. Then, and only then, did I catch a glimpse of the final mo- ment of animation in that which my consciousness had summoned. Lightning seared the sight in exorably upon my soul—the sight of the ultimate blasphemy T had created in my pride, The rose had wilted . 3 ‘The rose had wilted and become seaweed. And now, she was gone and in her place was the bloated, swollen body of thing long-drowned and dead, risen from the slime and to that slime returning. Only a moment, and then the waves overwhelmed it, bore it back ‘into the blackness. Only a mo- ment, and the door was slammed shut. Only a moment, and I raced up the iron stairs, Neptune yammering at my heels. Only a moment, and T Teached the safety of this sanctuary. Safety? There is no salety in the universe for me, no safety here—the wrath of the waves in creases with every moment, the anger of the sea and its creatures rises to an inevitable crescendo, Mad or sane, it does not matter, for the end is the same in either case. I know now that the light: house will shatter and fall. I am already shat tered, and must fall with it, There is time only to gather these notes, strap them securely in a cylinder and attack it to Nep- tune’s collar. It may be that he can swim, or cling to a fragment of debris. It may be that a ship, passing by this toppling beacon, may stay and search the watets for a sign—and thus find and rescue the gallant beast. That ship shall not tind me.1 go with the light- house, and go willingly, down to the dark depths. Perhaps I shal join my Companion there forever. erhaps ‘The lighthouse is trembling. The beacon flickers above my head and I hear the rush of waters in their final onslaught, There is—yes—a wave, bear- iz down upon me. It is higher than the tower, it blots out the sky iiself, everything ae Caan Pennies > REEPT MAGAZINE Substgtin Dep MW DEE Weshngtos Lae: Pin Pac 8 Titans Eve ican font ae ee | 5 Aa ylal, ct am a Lhd Baron Frankenstein gazing at the door of the tomb inscribed Richard Freiherr von Frankenstein I: Frankenstein, began my work in the year 1740 A.D, with all good intention Fine tous tthe high p probing the secrets of Life itself, 1 the betterment of Mankind.” ‘Ha! So wrote my celebrated ancesto But first, he had to learn how flesh was ‘made; he had to discover the art of trans- planting vital organs from human beings Into his creature and knitting them together until they had all the attributes of God- Ihepteed bieth “Of course, one must, admit that perhaps hhe was not too scrupulous about where he got his ‘raw materials; but after 17 his labors were at last rewarded « ated a living man! But t Gid he discover but that his creation was a Monster—hideous, foul, its evil brain’ with Dut one thought, that of survival. In order to survive, it killed and killed and killed again!—until it became the very image of the Devil incarnate. ‘Then he realized what he created, he must Il, But because he was the creator, he could not bring himself to destroy it... utterly In this stone sarcophagus, deep in the bowels oof the earth, he burried his creature, his Creation, ina passage in an ancient vault of the family burial place, He sealed it away for all time, without vital organs or soul so that nevermore could it bring terror to mor- tal man or challenge God, the only true creator for, whose merciful forgiveness he prayed. END Peeeroaccetati cl) smile--you're CO CC UC Serer ene] Pa eA tL OY ra ry ] Pete Ct et (st bi way-out places ‘THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA MEETS THE ABOMINABLE ACKERMONSTER! lease starring Johnny “Tarzan” Weissmuller in the rugged role of Jungle Jim. Jungle Jim had stumbled on the trail of a murderous creature, presumably half man & half ape, which had Falded several native villages, sending the in- habitants into panic. Jungle Jim, with the assistance of several “white hunters, succeeded in tracking down the monster, then came his biggest problem: to cap- ture the creature and somehow’ keep him from escaping. Of course, the beastman did escape again, and in order to find out how the story ended we had to wait until after the commercial. For J, Bwana toothpaste! skull-face the great It is doubtful to us on the staff of MW that there ever was—or ever will be—a face more terrifying than that of the one & only PHANTOM OF THE OPERA. Lon Chaney's greatest. char- acterization, his greatest contribution to the world of horror films, cannot be erased from the minds of those who witnessed the unveiling of 20 the Phantom’s face even once in their lifetime, This skulllike visage extends a strange fascin- ation over all who behold it. It is symbolic of hor- ror, bridging the gulf between Life & Death, with all the appearance of a corpse, yet with the ani- mation of a living human being. There have been 2 remakes of the silent classic, and one Mexiean take-off; but none could hold & candle to the original. ‘They all lacked that. spe- cial quality—that aura of believable horror, that sense of having glimpsed something which should never have been scen in one's lifetime—which makes the 1925 film the unforgettable experience itis. Lon Chaney & The Phantom of the Opera shall not diel face behind the scenes Also in this article appears another, so-called, “face” which Vince Price thinks should be cut off and hung in the Hall of Flames—with real flames. His closest fiends consider him as horrifying as The Phantom. He doesn't look that horrifying, you say’ Well, consider this: ELSA LANCHESTER KARLS OFF HER ENGAGEMENT TO MONSTER BORIS! It's the face of The Editor of MONSTER WORLD! ‘The hideous Ackermonster! Without make-up, even! Yes, we thought you'd finally agree devilish duo Question: Who is the most famous couple in monsterdom? The Munsters, Lily & Herman? No. The Addams Family, Morticia & Gomez? No. Bewitched, Darrin & Samantha? No. rankenstein's Monster & his Bride! From THE BRIDE OF FRANKENSTEIN, (1035 Uni versal) of course! Once upon a midnite eerie, while Henry Franken- stein (Colin Clive) pondered, weak & weary, and sinister Dr. Pretorious (Ernest Thesiger) paced to, & fro across the floor ‘The Monster had demanded a mate, and Frankenstein had been forced to submit to his wishes when Pretorious had kidnapped his bride. Now the Monster's mate, created by the joint talents of Frankenstein & Pretorious, lay swathed in bandages to await the suspenseful "marriage" ‘She moved-she was alive. Karloff plodded heavily into the room and gazed wistfully at the not-quite-human creature who was to become Mrs. Monster. Slowly her creators unwound the bandages from her face as The Monster stared on with anticipation, the bride who cried Finally the bandages lay on the floor and the face of The Bride (Elsa Lanchester) was revealed. She turned her head from side to side with jerk: ing birdlike movements, looking all about her thru the wide eves of one who had never lived ‘The Monster smiled and took her hand. She turned to him, eyebrows flaring up in a look of amazement & terror. ‘She—skreeked! While to her. the face of The Monster had been the face that launched the shrieks, to the spell bound audience both were pretty horrible. If screams could be hung in picture frames, we would enshrine the scream of Bisa Lanchester with those of Fay Wray and other super-shrickers in our Hall of Pain, in Batlantic City, Transyl- vania, 21 Witch woman from Bert Gordon's MAGIC ‘SWORD. FRANKENSTEIN’S EXPERIMENT, scarring Aub Marks. Mystery Foto! Do you recognize her? ‘On these pages you may find several faces rare- ly, if ever, seen before in any human magazine. ‘among these is the bloodcurdling visaze of a character from the serial DRUMS OF FU MAN- CHU Sax: Rohmer’. “insidious” creation had again gone on a rampage in this film and set out to conquer the world with the aid-of his vam- pirish assistants, one of whom is pictured in these pages: Note the weird expression in his eyes and the curious angle of his fangs. He had just been asked the question: How does a Fu Man’ Chew? that’s the way the prune wrinkles Speaking of vampirish characters, our old friend Vampira is included in this assembly of fiendish faces. Can you recognize her? If vou are used to seeing her as the brunet blood-luster among the interplanetary, grave0b- bers in PLAN 9 FROM OUTER SPACE, it is not too likely that you can. But if you remember that she played a wrinkled & scraggly-haired old hag in Bert I. Gordon's THE MAGIC SWORD, that's a hearse of a differ- ent color. Isn't she lovely? (That's right!—She isn't!) Strangely enough, she's already gotten several proposals of marriage via mail, delivered from exotic places all over the world. Like Forest Lawn. Lycanthropia, Tibet. Tomb #2, Hamon-Rye, Upper Nile, Egypt. ‘And the Editorial Offices of FAMOUS MON- STERS .. the great profile...! ‘The second of our neverbeforeseen faces is that of Aub Marks as Ygor in FRANKENSTEIN'S EXPERIMENT, a Buropean amateur movie pro- duction by Delta Films. With that profile Mr. Marks may become an- other John Barrymore, Or Bury-more, Or even one of the Marks Brothers! (Harpy Marks?) hidden horror’s hideout Our next face is a mystery. Quite frankly, we cannot remember ever hav- ing seen it before, and no matter how much trou- ble we go thru in searching for the identity of the creature, we still can find no answer. Can any readers out there help us? All we know about it is that while Pat Field: ing, scriptwriter, toured the prop department of United Artists she came upon this creature, which wore a dress like that worn by Allison in THE UNDEAD. Miss Fielding posed with it for publicity shots on the set of her screen story, THE MONSTER THAT CHALLENGED THE WORLD. We feel reasonably safe in saying-that “it” did not appear in that fi Or, if it did, we missed it. Or, possibly, the scene was cut out before final release. Help! Abbot & Costello play Hyde & Go Sick! Send us the answer and win an all-expenses- paid vacation (one way] to Dante's Inferno, where your host Satan Bugg will give you a hot time. Seriously, we would appreciate any help from readers of MW or FM. a ripping good time Meet JACK THE RIPPER, Occupation: murderer, Actually the scene we've shown from the 1959 Paramount release is not that of the actual mur- derer of that name—obviously!—nor that of the actor who portrayed him. But the man whose identity was revealed as Jack the Ripper in the end didn't even have a fiendish face! Like they say, Looks are deceiving. The real Jack'the Ripper—who murdered more than half a'dozen women in London almost a cen- tury ago and fiendishly turned them inside out— was never arrested or executed. Some people say he retired and settled down with a nice little bust ness somewhat along his line. He ran a butcher shop. Hydes of a feather ‘And finally we show a trio of unfamiliar faces (because, let's face it: who would want to get familiar with them?)—the end result of a group of Keystone Kops having drunk a bottle of a po- on given to them by a certain sinister Dr: Henry jekvl, ‘Hooks like it must have been Hate Potion #9. ither that or a cure for baldness and the spilled it on their faces by mistake If those British “bobbies” could get their hairy re on the mad doctor, they'd probably tan his del ‘END 25 SON OF WAX MUSEUM horrorwood has its own tallow-vision stars! YEARS & years & years ago there is known to have existed # Wax Museum in Hollywood. A record of it, in the form of @ souvenir pampl ieee eae z rbochen—it doesn't look anything mere Co keen meet pee eee Ty ET PO eee eC a ay PS eras mC oR CRAWLS a Age. wonno MS OF THE EAVAe cnlaarigh&MiCiOneAne ‘0, RAGING WITH BLOOO- LUSTING FURY STORY TOLD IN ‘Our OFTWESEATHEYCAME _. Trans. [J sex THE MosT MORRIBLE cREATURE EVER Forming “A CAREFREE, TWISTiNG AND) CREATED! See THE HUMAN VAMPIRE RISE FROLIC-FILLED TEENAGE BEACH PaRTY ff AGAIN THE SCREEN's GREATEST DOUBLE: INTO A,MIGKTMARE OF wOKsrens, MS- J CREATURE SQW BOTH IN THs ALL-EW rere PHOTO-STORY MAGAZINE! OAV, iy naan aad aa CONQUERED naa he ain Aor mone ae CM 6) ded |: Ee eae re ee ee ee ey Ree ert a ee Se a es Cucumber Creature on an unsuspecting public, attacked victims and sank their sharp litte tusks ee ter Meee 3:39 Saree ee a ae CETL a ie aa iment eee eet cer eT Oe Cre SI a ONT eae ma Sen Ce NL at ser ines one OR CR ee Oe RT Ce ee eo eat Ceo eM CUR eS cs fe peer eros Site re oe ees ame Dales Sencar es eee Ee ‘tack her. Once In the grasp of the “fying fingers’ she will become as a slesperalker ae iy aM tii) King of Monsters replies... 1g CO eed te ee ec ee ee LLL) Cra Cre Wat) ee Lee puts his best foot forward as, with the magnified s 1-9 5. ). What are your favorite suj Did you ever base your acting on prede- cessors in your monster portrayals; that is, did you study former Frankenstein mon- sters, vampires & mummies, or did you de- cide on your own methods of acting? I have never based by performances on those of other actors, and have not seen Lugosi's DRACULA or Karloff's MUMMY. lid see the latter's FRANKENSTEIN but could not re-produce it even if I had wanted to, as the copyright was strict! reserved. All my professional portrayal were out of my oun mind. rnatural tales? My favorite supernatural tales are. those by Poe, Arthur Machen, Ambrose Bierce, Algernon Blackwood, HPLovecraft & Ray Bradbury. . How would you define horror & terror? would define horror & terror as basic- “ ally the same emotions. 1. How lon; did it take to make up for your role in THE MUMMY and to put in the teeth for DRACULA? . It took over an hour and a half to make up for THE MUMMY and a few seconds to slip on the plastic teeth caps used in DRACULA. ‘Since it seems that in most of your movies ‘ou never make it to the last reel, do you find it difficult doing so many different death scenes? . It is indeed increasingly difficult to por- tray death scenes in a very different way, 4s there are only so many forms of extinc- tion and most of them have been exhausted, I try to react as the character concerned would do, with regard to the situation and the surroundings, and to make each fresh ‘of the wire mesh in THE MUMMY, 1959 Universal 6-Q. . There are so many ‘of a mummy, he makes ¢ mishmash ‘relosse. ending a completely new experience for the audience. But it is extremely difficult. Is there any great actor of the past or resent whom you expecially admire? Why? actors both past & present that I admire that it is very diffi- cult to pick out any particular one. I sup- pose that the names that come most fre- quently to mind are Conrad Veidt, Chaney, Emil Jannings, Raimu & Chaplin. All of them had a great personal magic, they were all great artists, with grandeur, stature, presence and a complete mastery of their craft. Of the moderns, I most ad- mire actors like Ponda, Paul Newman and perhaps, Brando, for the same reasons in a slightly diminished degree. ). How was the effect of the blood-red eyes obtained in HORROR OF DRACULA? Was a chemical irritant, used? . The blood-red eye effect in DRACULA was obtained by the use of tinted contact lenses. A great irritant to the eyes because of the thickness of the lens, ). Did you use a stand-in during the fight se- quence with Peter Cushing at the climax of HORROR OF DRACULA? T did not use a stand-in during the fight se- ‘quence. I have hardly ever used a stand-in and never during a fight. Peter Cushing had 4 standin for the run along the table and the jump on to the curtain. Were you asked to star in BRIDES OF DRACULA (the sequel to HORROR OF DRACULA) and if s0, why did you turn it down . I was not asked to star in THE BRIDES OF DRACULA as the character did not appear at all in the film. Sgr ee ee Era Road the article and learn one horror star's opinion oe en Riker Pigeon teers Swe ere ay tt Paro ree Were aT) Para ame TTY 7 SHIP PIRATES | grew my oun be Pere mr arr Carrara ther en en ena PLAnmnens ent tt fee ape Panay Notre reas omer ere a om Dare ee ere EGC erm ea re ater ata me area ra a Ce Oe ones PH ea eee ae name rent een oeny td anne ere eae reer rar narra ou a ora orn on Ca anne Piscine a: RO ca ee Te Mey pinion of Lon Chaney Jr. & Bel ram weer a ea aes rms om canny ete sincerity and belief and who gav Sr ina nam Perris cage ST aT URN Tay NOW YOU CAN OWN AND SHOW THESE COMPLETE FILMS RIGHT IN YOUR OWN HOME! co NRA STR Ca) (eee Leila W waror THe |-" UARAN THE BEAST| ~* UNBELIEVABLE j Varan came from a World Below tote Amonster of the Atomic Ag! A towering forge an el te stryafamen opp inthe blast of 2 plutonum Doma feria evens Wat folowed ny 3828, s Vakan! ty 3839. TEENAGE FRANKENSTEIN entre ito ereeping terror youll ever forget only’ 3835, | CREATURE WALKS AMONG US Te Grate captures by slits in age nea a ‘Eatin Ho eseapes and eves a wate of ‘destruction whe tororasng the county Sie, Only $595, APTA COMPAR APTAIW COMPAR Deo. mW-4 sc uh on te flog a a tag & handing tr sat th st ee Sve mins tows.” Cae len gnie Coosa AR AR TE UNRELIABLE ai VADGEFRANKENSTEDN THE CREATURE WALKS AMON US threatens the word with dst werd story. tering fm, Only $5.98 errs are you among the chosen few singled out by Kongalu? KONGALY, the monster that cares, has handpicked another collection of pi (which is pretty difficult to do, consi the people (?) he dedicates them to. Ev Sein rea ies it’s alright with K. the Kreechur if YOU look too. are Cie Joan Zimbal ... Frank Pe rer eres Frank Di Pietro ered oe eed eae 7 Petree ts Pera Le aaertiS sma Peering an eee String ay in DRACULA (Uni- kum Ty IT Lower right: Outer Limits monster, whose face would frankly look bet- ‘ter Outer Focus, chosen for Oscar Garcia... . Edward Jurkiewicz . . . Charles Sankey .. . Stephen Myers ... Carol Mitch... Pat Clark. . - Michael Gille . .. and R. Michael Johnson. Lower ieft: The late trving Pichel, the vampire’s valet in DRAC- ULA'S DAUGHTER, Universal pic- ture, looks sinister here for Tom Jackson... Sharon DeMuth .. . Bil Evashwick ... Don Moore -- - Gary Farris... Gary Ertman . .- Daniel Letievre... Barry La Gravello ‘Tom Lacher .. . and Ron Lizorty: Wwhile (top right) French Monstor from FRANKENSBERG VS. TORTI- COLA makes appearance for Mitchell Kaufman... Scat Kupper .. . Keith R. Garner .. . Gary Pohl... Robert Tate... and Me! Sobel Jr- ae ee en rer erg Richard Teeter David Burnley... John Arroyane .. . Louis Mora... and Pat M. Day oe alt IS THE WORD FOR THE UNSTER na a all about the kookie-spooky tliat eel eo) a) Transylvanian bat-teries SL CM Cm ec hi suitable vehicle for the distinguished Munsters would be to build it Normally to have a car custom-built is a prob- lem in itself. But to build a car specifically to meet the tastes of the Munster family turned out to be a project only the most expert casket-carver could accomplish! George Barris and a number of other top custom ear designers were asked to sub- mit designs for the proposed chariot. The pro- ducers, along with Herman & Grandpa Munster. carefully studied the various submissions and finally chose Geo. Barris’ deathly design for the project. At this point Barris was, called in to ‘meet with the Munster family to hear the spe- cific requirements each had for the car. things looked black Grandpa Munster felt because the family was descended from a long line of used, but good, blood the car should ‘contain noble character: istics befitting their elevated position. Grandpa added that for his personal use "he would require a closed compartment with draw curtains to pro- tect him from daylight.” Naturally, Grandpa's compartment would have to have facilities for carrying on any last-minute experiments in transit Just the thing for a jaunt to the old heunting grounds. hi-powered spook-plugs aried wludhecaiea sais Voxied (be see ate gael a cay Arde ose ee tad a een eae ee ae ie oe ent eee acne ee ta Feces aaa ieee ae the car to have sufficient power and good pick-up from a dead stop." Herman also wanted a fear- Fl gana eat as oat cate ed a ae ate meme roel es Pek er eran ak oe ae inside job Lily Munster, like any modern female, was in terested in the over all looks of the car. That was before she saw it in a pair of overalls. Then she met with Mrs. Barris, who was in charge of cre- ating an appropriate interior. Lily felt the insides should be regally outfitted in velvet & vermin in keeping with the style & beauty of the Munster bloodline. She wanted as much of the trim as pos sible to be done in coffin gold-leaf or ghoul-plated. Off for a family picnic. The Munsters bring their own ants. road hog or road toad? F) 2icie Munster threstened to bold ie breath and turn himself back into a toad if he wasn't | given a chance to voice his requirements for the | car: Kddie wanted a grumble seat exclusively for his use. But, he made it clear, “the. seat would have to be big enough for both myself & my Wut Wat doll Eadie also wanted the ear constructed so when he vas old enoush to drive it would bea “hi | machine’, Herman & Lily tried fo explain to. Ed- die that this was to be a family ear and couldn't te all hopped up the way Eddie pictured it Bidie, sticking ta his earlier promise, held his breath tintil he began to shrink Sn size and grow | warts. His parents, not wanting to create a spec: Tacle gave in to the litle monster 30-day dead-line ‘fics parr Sea ie rpttvsond tok fi Mamaeruscrug erie es eee raving ar oy on Ingora othe ate ee eee ee eee a Brortam en! tae pubtisy peopl ne Universal eee sete See eta ta sees Gate Ane publicity dates. All the draftsmen of Barris Kus- tom City were freed from their projects to work ue eeu eens eee oot pet Roe nest seh aa a aaah ee eee eee eet Srtaeeiae eee SPI ang ie well by Barris in his search for accessories for the car. ee ee as the decorative requirements of Lily. Royal red vel- vet coffin-lining material was bought for the in- terior upholstery. Spook wheels were fashioned after 18th century wooden hearse wheels. It took nearly 3 weeks to obtain the necessary wolfskin Teather for the interior trim. Meanwhile, during the construction, the Mun- sters thought of other added goddies they wanted included in the finished car. ‘Herman wanted a scario to play the funeral march while traffic was tied up on the freeway. ‘Grandpa wanted a terrorvision set so he could tune in Zacherly and his other ghoulish friends, Lily wanted a telephone so Herman could call if he was going to be late for breakfast on his way home from work. ‘Thirty days after the project was initiated, the Munster Koach was’ delivered to. Universal-TV and presented to the Munster family. Like all families that just get_a new car, the Munsters took it for a drive. Herman seemed extremely pleased with the Cobra engine .. . unfortunately, the mileage wasnt as economical as he had hoped for—3 miles to a rallon of embalming fluid. Grandpa made good use of the portable al- chemist’s equipment in his compartment by mixing ‘a potion that would quickly eliminate any police- men trying to stop or slow Herman down ‘The happy Munsters took the black pearl car for an afternoon picnic at Forest Lawn Ceme- tary to show it off to all their friends. Tt wasn't exactly a pienic for producers Connelly & Mosher when they found out that the Munster Koach cost just under $18,000 ... that's ghoul biz!! ghoulsmobile Barris was asked how he felt about this ghoulish creation and he simply smiled as he pointed to a casket sitting in the back of his shop. He said, “I am now going to build the world’s fastest casket.” Yes, an actual coffin on 4 wheels, aimed at competition drag racing. Watch for the unveil- ing of Barris’ coffin on’ wheels, Dragular, in a future issue of FAMOUS MONSTERS, our com- panion filmonster magazine. END ent eke Parad roa oo Era Porn MEETS Potion irr Distr karan 44 Captain Comoany Dept MW-4 Box 13, Pha 36, Penna, ugh me the Complete MUNSTER ROACH RIF totay! Enclosed is ‘S130 phe 38e fr postage and Fandling(Ttak $1.88). NAME. nore. fie aes STATE sen BP. PLAY 1965 BIG LEAGUE BASEBALL GAMES . iy Stettotantic 80g ep © PITCHING 5 ‘Sealed on ranogeal eisor tan tae * HITTING Soest ens aereeeronreeey © FIELDING vag wan Bae * RUNNING ~ You, tho managar, nat only decid nuns, ase rung, 3nd Stesing also, al payers wil perirm @ MANAGINI realstealy, The above are just some of STRAT-0- fun, and squeze-pay AU sivtery moves MATIC's Nahlens. For the entire ston, Be posse with STRAT-O- MATIC mall coup fr 3 colrful FREE BROCHURE Contain fll stale iormatan ane control overall 40 major FREE STHAT-O-MATIC SAMPLES. Dor iayersewho. actually Mt, teh, lay. Write today! field an run according to thelr basebal Shute ach player has truly indviual quali. We sms and oes lato hat streak, er~ forme eftes and comms erfrs. With STRAT-O-MATIC all quali of bapayer realste, Yow nave toy Strat-O-Matic Game Co, ne. Dop. MWS Box S41, Great Meck, WY. Sond exciting FREE Stat-0-Mate Baseball Game offer and samples a cast mall {For snooty Tat clase delivery, send 1e in coin o stamps.) AME ADDRESS... For example, in hating Harman Xilebcew ‘Wil be among the eades noth homerun nd strtoous. Roberto Clament il Sone your batig average esers, be Ailes homeruns thar the averaze bal player. ty pti, J Basten wil delay gong cm... i TONE at TATE Sentrl be ait tot but wil Meld et 51 Pee ee CRO) eS ARCA a 2 CORT) ABBOTT & COSTELLO IN ROCKET & ROLL WAR OF THE PLANETS A runamay rocket. ship, thing Desperate men trom a strange Saucers and beauties of Venus universe kidnap a noted scien tive Abbott and Corteleaisng fist t hep stom the unearthly 2 rltous ert of zy tun far fale of a0" ontaw plane. A fone lric™ maneuvering In | powerful barrage ofp buter space! Only $58 for t ‘im, $1098 for Tem, the daring capture ofthe ‘savage boadthestygorla, c= A soace shi falters in fight ‘ally'captured: and photo- And sping ta earth wth Ts aghed on salar darkest iystorous monster vistors. A tain one of the sores brave seletst battles apnnst ‘most breath taking senest ERE ie to send the unoartny man ‘Saree tote pec, Siac PRENSTORIC OIND- Dacia The Wot Manan evn SARS ac shown abate fo {Bein een the death as covenen watch ‘tty chmreactan of un 23 cone sive gin as te Sombiogy sams. the ss SSrty monet engon Preane’costtes ra fr rit ‘the monster. as ee Co Lwmant the 8mm A £.C IN ROCKET AND CI want the Bim IT CAME FROM OUTER f= ————" ROLL Enclosed is $875 plus 25e fr han- SPACE, Enclosed Is $5.75 plus 25¢ for 4 CAPTAIN COMPANY Dept. MW-¢ tls aeliog 50x 73 Co Lwant the 16 mm A&C IN ROCKET ARDC | want the TS mm IT CAME FROM OUTER | PHILADELPHIA 38, PERNA NOLL ect 078 pe ert SHEE, Ensed hs STO7S ps ZB fe tig. yanding. Iieen the 8mm WAR OF THE PLANETS. CI notte Bm A. LE, MEET FRAME | gang Enclosed is $875 plus 25e for handing, STEIN. Enclosed. is $5.75 lus 25 : I wat the 16 mm Wak OF THE PLANETS. | want the 16mm A.C. MEET FRANKEN Enclosed is $107 plus 25 for andl STEM, Enclosed Ts $1015 plus 25 im KILLER GORILLA. Enlosed C) | watt the 2 for handing. Enclosed is fmm KILLER GORILA, Enels- C) want 28 for handling. Enclosed is $1075 ing TTL OF THe ciaxrs. | © us 28¢ for handing. U State_ se NO C.OD’s PLEAS. Print name & adress clearly on all orders Vee Se LS] BORIS KARLOFF in Pee AN ea 7) ma Cn Pera ere nearer eee ea ae a eR Pee ee cc te ree c me eg ecra ce h am a e a Ponerinae er tee eee em eT er PSC a ac Se ee ee baat THE BRIDE OF eS i SL FRANKENSTEIN AS “DRACULA” oe ee ee a ey ier ee are a een ea eae Pore gree er) OT mera aCe a Peering mre ee an a ey ee ee ae rae Tee TTD Pee ae Sede eres cers LAGOON. Enclosed is $10.75 pls 250 tor THMADELPHIA 98, PENNA. ‘andling. 1 Enclosed is $105 plus 25 Enclased fs $10.75 plas 25¢ fr banding. V siatp ee ed NO CO.D’s PLEAS, Print name & adress clety on all ores. 87 BORIS KARLOFF, DROP DEAD MR. FRANKENSTEIN HIMSELF - TELLS YOU: “TALES OF MYSTERY & IMAGINATION” RLOFF IMAGINATION APTAIN OL, Dept Box 6573 Pidgin 38, Pa WAR OF THE WORLDS Deana oa) ci jis a ea RUM OC ‘o'r came fom ute TARANTULA ‘©THE INCREDIBLE ee a TALES OF MYSTERY & IMAGINATION: $1.86 bluse or postage & handing (0 THE MOUSE OF FRIGHT, $196 pls 25¢ for postage & handirg. FAMOUS GHOST & HORROR STORIES fead by. Neon Olmstead te Inoue shiter voice Inloder THE SIG. RAL MAN by Cherie Diels THE Munuirs £67, WHAT Was Tt, THE f0DY SNATCHER OCCURRENCE AT GN CREEK BRIDGE ond then Only 38 ese rash me the follwing LONE PAYING ALBUMS, 1D THEMES FROM HORROR MOVIES $3.58 plus 35 fr postage & handing, (1) MIGMTMABE: $156 plus: 25c for postage & rani. MAN ayer RUT SU dee aD HE SON. OF NIGHT. CAPTAIN COMPANY Dont. mw.4 Bax 8573 Phiadegna 38, Peon, CI MUSIC’ FOR ROBOTS; $1.98 plus 25¢ for CI HORROR $1.98pIus2Sctorpostagekhanding. MAME cael ee postage handing. SHOOK: $3.88 pls 25 for postage & handing. 1 DROP DEAD: $598 plus 25c for postage & C] SLEEP NO MORE: $498 plus 28 Tor postage ADDRESS cen trang ‘hang (WAR OF THE WORLDS; $598 plus 25¢ for Cl SPIKE JONES IN HL; $398 plus 25¢ for CITY... STATE. postage & handy. postage : hag G TeRsOR 1.98 ps 2etorpostaget handing. [NO COs PLEAS, Print name & adress clearly on all odors 59 THIS PLANT ACTUALLY EATS INSECTS AND BITS OF MEAT! $1.00 THE WORLD'S MOST VENUS UNUSUAL HOUSE PLANT! FLY TRAP A AUTIFL PLANT The VENUS FLY EASY TO GROW! The VENUS FLY TRAP TRAP ts unvsualy beautifull It bears bulbs grow especialy well nthe home lovely white towers on 12" sts. ts They tive in las contiers and rk ren leaves ate tioped mith lowe will develop traps In 3 Wy pik rapeeclorta and unusual! ach order inles fine FUL a Sere fae pm SPECIAL GROWING ABTERAL paced in trap contains it-at rector is Bsc bag. Only 1 {hs colar and Sweetness which tracts {We ansnpecting see Oe be enters ‘ea, naps st Digestive ues then Gsscue him. When the insect hs been completly absortes, the top re pen. and pretty avats another in FEED IT RAW BEEF there ae no in CAPTAIN COMPAR. Dept Ms BOX 6573, PHILA. 38, PENNA 1 Hse i 2.00 25 oy ang ford Ay SPECIAL CROWN TERIAL, Rus! 11 Enclosed is $1.75 plus 25¢ handing & main STAY TRAPS ANG. SPECIL GROMING MATERIAL tops tiny slvers of taw beet The ane, plant wl thive an uch fond. When there 1s 90 food fot the traps, the none lant wil fees normaly though is al system Ne Canaan Ordets—US, Ony 8mm Motion Picture Projector AMAZINGLY LOW $998 PRICED AT ONLY Fully ELECTRIC Automatic Rewind Motor & Light Switch Projector Projects Both Color & Black & White 8 MM Film CAPTAIN cf ws PAIADELP 3 PN, Box 8573, 60 NO C0. PLEASE. Pint ame & oiressclery on at odes. TE BELA LUGOSI in THE HUMAN MONSTER The grat Sle Logo stars in the never-o-e-foratancaesc Chile "THE HUMAN MONSTER Teriying as oly he canbe it fn ar ace ciao et (480 et fH hat wl unt ou ng ter you'veseenthem rly ona of the grestes tims made by that master of hora, Lagos. Only S106 CO RCM Sere me LUTE PAAR aaa eae aL CLT Pa To COR Be eC ORL EO ORT a el Here is the original trend-setting horror classic, eC mane Me Te maa ee mT Considered by many to be “the weirdest film ever made — past, ca ee CE eed Starring Conrad Veidt, Werner Krauss and Lil Dagover this motion Cem eee eC eC MCC Ce Crane Ca ae Ha arenas eae co ha aoe ery PaaS aT a come a SCL rg Te Ps aa a aes Read The orignal 1922 version of “Dracula” now comes tothe home seraen. Aeap- {ed from the German classic "NOSFERATU". you'l se ane of the screens Woirdest choracters as the vampire kog. Filmed in the Gays before Bela Ligost ever put a cape on shock comes after shock ae the fim unrcls ‘hs i horrors hottest hall Hour tna huge 2-eel show. Super 400 version raw ony $885 THE VAMPIRE BAT At last avaliable to callestors fs thie all-te chil special staring Lone ‘Atwiand Fay Wray, Reunited als fimatter the euceese n “DOCTOR X” aera of Te WAx MEM (ra versal HOUSE OF WAX til and Wray nead a major cast including Melvyn Douglas and Dwight Frye. ‘Ths 1033 production i oad with Vampire, weld character Ute and al the eter fim fend tat fangs of “Tha Vampire Bat’ are sharp a8 find out wnat this eal about. Fl nad scien Supect ina super-shocke. Tae ‘Wetime soon find out, Naw YOU feet ony $435, CAPTAIN COMPANY Dept. MW-4 ox 6573 Phlaelphia 38, Pema, Please rash me: NE TAN MONSTER turing Bl Les Cound e095 pu Se ange dln a [COME CABINET OF DR. CALIGARI (complete 11/4 htm) Enclosed i $3485 pus 75c postage & handling. Name Atos HE VAMPIRE BAT-Exclosod i $4.95 plus 25 postaze handing city state EAST SIDE KIDS FSS FAST SIDE KIDS TEIBELA LUGOS! fegaiiauet Ia son Shthtucost Sige. Kids maton te sige-spiting FOR id, th ou ary fae Hal OR HOME MOVIES Secon 200 FEET—BLACK & WHITE 8mm FILM SHOW ITIN CAPTAIN COMPANY, Dept. MW-4 YOUR OWN HOME! Box 6573, Ph, 38, Pa 0 just the a any witout i tana leaves ‘ENO (WITH 5c) TO: Dent. MW Dr, ek witout Me Hiya, | SERRUMTSLTE ent Yes, YOU, with tis issue in your “i%é Kone winoit Fay Wray. oF | 1426 E WASHINGTON LANE ds. the tnvisble Man ting to | PHILADELPHIA, PENNA ‘pardon me-are those claws? cat Ms har infront of 2 ror Excuse my lariat you ut | Dear Dr. Aca Name wanted tomake sue lcauohtyour Say, ive been missing a bat Bttntion. Naw if youre already meat bet Youbet youre want | ADDRESS frvaed inthe AMOUS MONSTERS. fo be one of the gang Here's my CLUB, tis Isn't news to yo, but TSe to epster meas sVica-Pesi- CITY. if youre one of those por vnfor- dent of te FAMOUS MONSTERS. funate norgonzed Uitte Monsters CLUB and send me all he goodies | STATE Wh dose have listed above, plus | understand | (A) OFICIAL BADGE have the rveg of subritig & SR (@) clus ceRTFicare {eon ad. ond mgt even get my {G) MEMBERSHIP CARD picture published PROJECT ANY PICTURE UP TO 4 FEET WIDE ‘The MABNAJECTOR is a brandnew inver- tion that enlarges ANY TILUSTRATED. MA- TERIAL to 3 lant fourfoowide image on ary screen of wall. Will clearly” project ANYTHING that can be placed under the lens opening, such as insects, lets, et Aoproved by Underwriter" Laboratories — plugin anywtere. Only $68 pls. 70e pastage and handling CAPTAIN €0., Dept. MW-4 Box 6873 Piladelpha 28, Pa, RODAN-THE FLYING MONSTER 200 FEET or intsran inst tear SMM FILM! 82 cissos ches ict Realistic Plastic Relea of Real Shall Is Perfect For Desk, De Booksbell—or For Scaring Lite ut of Friends & Relatives SKULL is. excellent. decorative plete; place cansle on top of headlet wax drip dawn onto face for eerie eect. Construct In one piece of ugh, un breakable white. plastic. Looks ke the real thing. Oni $1.25 plus 25e postage & handing CAPTAIN COMPANY, Dept, MW Box 6873 Pildephia with ‘haror as ts monster fos (ver the earth terefying nation. Reser, See the forces of man Nght and f Finally conguer the errr that | would “ssetroy the earth ‘Mtogan The Fiyng Monster." Oy $535 pus 25 postage captain Company Dept, MW-4 Box e573 Philadelphia 38, a, 6 SL UES VT a CU UN LEN rear HERE THEY ARE! s The MUNSTERS ES _) a TELEVISION'S - = A ‘a MONSTEROUSLY FUNNY ¢: FAMILY-NOW AVAILABLE : IN RUBBER MASKS! HERMAN GRANDPA LILY. MUNSTER MUNSTER MUNSTER AL MASKS ON Ths PAGE-S485 EAC AN COMPANY DEPT ws sanisacrion suanamern ts Zoe POSTAGE HANOLING TA PMICABELEMTA 9 PA ‘GRMONEY REFUNDED IN FULL bi: REVENGE pT NOW AVAILABLE in . Neda EN 8mmHOME MOVIES Cane ae TBE 200 FEET— TT ae eel Pies cre Cea) a alas a SEE THE MOST GHASTLY FILM EVER RELEASED FOR HOME MOVIES! ---WE DARE YOU 10 GET THIS FILM! WE DOUBLE DARE YOU TO FORGET IT! GREAT ADVENTURE STORIES in SOUND! NEW LP sco82 CAPTAIN COMPANY, SPT Bo 6572 Priadegha 36, Pen anoness HAMB ABER COUPON TO ORDER NEW! “IRON-ON” ER EUUILLOTINE MONSTERS sights GUILLOTINE Send me the Chamber of Horrors Gulltie, or whic | enclose 98¢ bs 2c shipping charges. Money Back Guarantee, cae Pn ee Parton end Name. BO ama tot Re go eee cme arose eee ne erat Pn ea emer city. See ea SC a Bae MOST THUONTERMA HORROR MOVIE Seaaare oi SCENE EVER MADE! Ra! Zi THE ORGINAL PHANTOM OFTHE OPERA LON CHANEY net GiranicensT=n 100 FEET tomm 35-95 hs 2 postage & handing HUMAN SKELETON tvs, és ‘Anatomy Chart included! eed {UMAN SKELTON . 3.00 Rican sea are plus 25¢ for shiping handling. Rom Meer eed CAPTAIN CO, Dept. wW-4 Box 6573 Philadelphia 88, Pa 65 I ez yo nttobay te et 6 sues fii Gree ta Testead, jst cl and have god ae ie ey wed Sou every other month Save tne & ot Akar get tre ood dazing yourset eu of {he gave every 8 weeks. {san eck & relaxin your favarite electric char wile we sondhipivatage hts cle Fate Fora, Oo MONSTER {EFAMGUS MONSTERS can eer you such {astle tant features as Flnooks, Terr ‘atk Asked For You Monster Comics and 3 Una graveyard Tl of ether devilshasights nd‘ of course you already substribe to FAMOUS MONSTERS Mo one Ms wrong woul be save, withoot 2" subseription to MO aut sone tere corse i yur cot {o fed your malbor bulging wth 400 ge booked pages worth of MONSTER WGRLD {very yo Al fr ony $20. eS more gear than being 2 zomBestle! ar Er sualloakesl ieoa t t f Siscrpion Den Wt Ia stay envoone 126 € Nason ne {Rep men we [tht Gamer 1 GONSTER WORLD is ust what ve Gon wat 4g Yor lease send'me the net clo 1 penta" uti oe US, nf fr ach 1 Rbserinlons : tame ‘ ouside the US, US possessions, Pat-Amerean Unicr-pesse 2d or each b-sue arr monster raha Pe an Did you (morstaus) somehow miss you tow ripe beind yout tombstone, quaking avery thunderbt, trembling dhe sgh of hate Ting overheat Do you ove tror a he hard ‘ought that someone Somewhere someday (or somnight) might scorer Yearhobiesert Now ‘you an sod infor the facinating back issues of MONSTER WORLD ‘ie hap eer Aweater! By spell ra rain we have smugeed ths ‘anpou! of icles back mumbers arass the Transyanon bert st to feseue you Wckesltecomers am aot worse tan ae Tio your tangs ss you roads about The Bate of tne Prankers! Atwi the Awesome act we SHECREATORE THE BLACK SLEEP Mes Dass Paved irankcnsten.- THE MOMMY. ns mor tog with tr Sins)” and beta you can transa nto chinese we't Tush MONSTER WORLDS 1.23 to youby suecialaxores! Ti Copies Walled ent MW NOSE WasSncton ane Pte Poma, |" 2S Exlore 4 ish me, oe orn! COLLECTORS EDITION: MONSTER WORLD. | lose SO fortis 6 tage Treasure Chest of MONSTERS. : ia: ashe #2 of MONSTER WORD. Enclosed is $02, fash me the great She Creature Issue 3. Enclosed is 50. [LEW UYU IT REALLY WORKS! na a) ey ALL fetta 9) ees *HORRORS || war we en LL LEN ANS PROFESSIONAL, CUSTOM HAND-PAINTED

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