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Summative Test # 2

Grade 9 - SCIENCE
Week 2
General Instructions:
Read and understand the problems/questions carefully. Write all your answers in one
(1) whole intermediate or bond paper. Make sure to write your NAME, SECTION,

I. Multiple Choice: Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. Which of the following is the correct use of a Punnet Square?

a. Testing of the presence of the recessive allele
b. Determining the DNA sequence of a given gene
c. Identifying the gene locus where alleliac variations are possible
d. Predicting the result of genetic crosses between organisms of known genotype
2. Which of the following statements is TRUE about non-Mendelian inheritance?
a. It is a pattern of inheritance which follows the Law of segregation
b. It is a pattern of inheritance which does not follow Mendels Genetic Laws
c. It is a pattern of inheritance which was proposed by Sir Alexander Fleming
d. It is a pattern of inheritance that solely explains the existence of dominant and recessive
3. What Non-Mendelian pattern of inheritance occurs has phenotype of the off-spring
somewhere between the phenotypes of both parents and a completely dominant allele does
not occur?
a. dominance c. multiple alleles
b. codominance d. incomplete dominance
4. In incomplete dominance, the heterozygote offspring shows ______.
a. A phenotype of the dominant parent
b. A phenotype of the recessive parent
c. A phenotype that is intermediate between the 2 homozygous phenotypes
d. A phenotype that is a combination between the 2 homozygous phenotype
5. In ABO Blood group system, O is recessive. Therefore, for this blood type to be expressed as ___
a. Two alleles must be present
b. One O allele and 1 B allele must be present
c. The alleles A, B, and O must all be present
d. The alleles A, B and O must all not be present

II. Show the possible alleles that can be found in each offspring.
Possible alleles from Father
Possible alleles A
from Mother B

Guide Question:
9-10. What blood type can be found in an offspring if a mother has type A blood and the
father has type B blood?______
Summative Test # 1
Grade 9 - SCIENCE
Week 1

III. Multiple Choice: Choose the letter of the correct answer.

4. Which of the following is the function of the respiratory system?

a. Absorption of nutrients c. gas exchange
b. Transport of oxygen d. skeletal support
5. Which of the following statements describes the functions of the diaphragm?
6. It contracts and relaxes during the respiration to change the volume of the chest
7. It serves as the passage of air into the lungs
8. It carries blood throughout the body
9. It is the site if gas exchange
10. The lungs bring ___ into the body, and eliminates ___ from the body.
a.carbon monoxide, oxygen c. carbon ,onoxide, carbon dioxide
b. oxygen, carbon dioxide d. oxygen, carbon monoxide
4. A baby swallows her food and accidentally, it does not enter the esophagus. What structure
does not function properly and diverted the food into the respiratory tract instead of the
a. trachea b. epiglottis c. larynx d.
5. What happens to the pressure in your chest cavity when you inhale?
a. air pressure remains the same c. air pressure is increased
b. air pressure is reduced d. air pressure changes

IV. Essay.
1. As a student, how will you create an environment that will have a healthy air?

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