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Marketing Plan: 3D Print Mask

Student: Vany Julieth Saiz Castiblanco

○ explanation of product or service

The chosen product is a face mask / mask printed through the 3d modeling and printing process, which
has as Good or added value the personalization in color shape design, among others.

According to (3D Higgs, 2019): "The new professional printers are capable of producing models with a
very high level of detail and smooth surfaces." This is important because the masks must comply with
ideal quality conditions regarding porosities and other technical specifications that 3d printing has, as
mentioned (M., 2020): “This type of masks printed using this method ideally they should be antiviral,
reusable, modular, washable, recyclable and affordable. ” (León, 2019), also tells us that "the
manufacture of products with the 3d printing method can be more economical since these filaments
generate little waste as well as being more accurate since they handle layer-by-layer printing." Likewise
(Alcalá, 2019) tells us that "3d printing has an outstanding personalization feature, since it allows objects
to be modeled according to the designer's taste with elements, figures, shapes and functionalities,
according to the tastes and needs of the consumer".

○ the target group for your promotion

According to the target marketing, we can segment our market objective as all users of disposable face
masks, which for the current situation would be the vast majority of people, focusing on people 18 years
of age and older, because the product has characteristics design and innovation that are generally an
added value attraction factor for the adult public, children would also be taken into account, through
their parents as designers of their own mask.

○ characteristics of the target group


The target group is present throughout the world as it would be the adult public, present in all
geographic locations.


The number of adults in the world.


All adults immersed in the situation of personal care, in terms of biosafety, present throughout the
world immersed in the current situation of COVID-19.
○ the proposed promotional technique, including costs and timelines

To consolidate an appropriate marketing technique for the product, the use of 3 key aspects will be
taken into account (viachanel, 2018):

"Social networks: The product should be promoted on different social networks, with videos, images,
brand pages, among others. As for the cost, it will initially be without investment since the free
resources of social networks would be used. If there is a positive response registered in sales, the
premium advertising resources of social networks will be purchased.

Direct Marketing: In the case of customers who already know our brand, we can deduce with their
purchasing behaviors, in addition to the analysis of their implicit needs in the traceability made to their
commercial movements, which will generate a real panorama of how they perceive our product.

Post-sale surveys: It is a way to feed back our product, requesting that our customers comment on
specific characteristics found during the use of our product.”

○ reasons why this technique will be effective (quoting characteristics of the target group)

-Help the product to improve since this marketing plan has feedback, in post-sale surveys.

-With surveys and the integration of social networks we can establish a more competitive price by being
able to observe the behavior in terms of prices of our competition.

-We can improve aspects of the place or layout according to the information obtained in the marketing
plan, since we can obtain various information.

-With the use of social networks and surveys we can use economies of scale adequately to promote and
speed up the sale of the product.

-With the use of social networks we can determine relevant information, understood as the need of our
clients, to take it to the design, prototype, manufacture, trade and distribution of our product.

○ explanation of how the marketing objectives will support overall business


Taking into account that, our objectives must be framed in the care of the Stakeholders, and the
business in general, we base ourselves on the fact that they have as a pillar the characteristics of the
supplier, along with their selection criteria, as well as lead time and other factors, Also our objectives
must be established taking care of the business capabilities, and finally as an important part of our
objectives, the characterization of all the possible clients or buyers that our product can reach.

○ explanation of how promotional activities support marketing objectives, with reference to:

– advertising

As for advertising, activities would help to understand it in such a way that it is seen as how we are going
to execute the marketing plan.
– Client functions

Our promotional activities will have the client being the one who generates the external information of
the company.

– Employee functions

Our promotional activities will have our employees as those who can generate information for the

– Media announcements

With advertisements in the different media we can more easily establish and communicate the dates so
that all people belonging to the target audience are present at the time of execution of our commercial

– Product launches & web pages

Through the websites, whether premium or free, we can publicize our catalogs and information of
interest such as new developments, promotions, new products in general.

○ reasons why this technique will be cost-effective

1. Allows for continuous feedback.

2. It allows the PHVA Cycle to be implemented as a quality policy.

3. Through indirect marketing (social networks) we can do direct marketing (contact with our

4. With the previous point we can do a data collection, treatment and analysis to generate determinants
in our activity.

○ aims, purpose and objectives of the promotion

Our promotion aims to bring the new, saving, efficient and attractive features to the mind of our client,
so that he can get the good image, which we have to be interested in our product, and start his roll as an
information generator in the integrated logistics system with advertising and marketing.

We also seek to establish our product as an emerging product that everyone wants, and that in addition
to that is needed, since we would have inherent the concepts of creating the customer profile from the
perspectives of designers, generating requirements, understanding the expectations of our customers,
understood as needs.
○ budget plan (resources required) for the promotion

According to (Facebook, 2020) the table of costs for advertising for SME´s is:
Ads Facebook´s CostTable
Monthly visits It depends on the cost per click value.
Create alerts with images Included Included Included Included
Daily campaign administration Included Included Included Included
Account Executive Included Included Included Included
Periodic reports Included Included Included Included
Telephone and mail advice Included Included Included Included
Conversion measurement Integration with Google Analytics Not included Not included Included Included
Creation of company page on Facebook Not included Not included Included Included
Cost AUD 31,64 51,41 79,09 118,64

With the above, we can conclude that for the case study, we could apply the basic plan, since the other
plans have the consolidation and analysis of data added to this, we could do this part autonomously,
while the product is in its stage. of maturity, within its life cycle.

○ outline of action plan for the promotion

Outline promotion´s plan

○ the identification and outline of legislative requirements relevant to the Promotion
Biosecurity masks technical requirements Technical rules reference

EN 14683
Bacterial filtration efficiency
ASTM F-2101

Breathability EN 14683
AATCC 42 / ISO 18695
Splash resistance AATCC 22 / ISO 4920
ASTM-F 1862

Source:[ CITATION Min19 \l 9226 ]

○ organizational policies and procedures

We rely on continuous improvement. Our areas of purchasing, marketing, product design, quality and
production, are integrated to generate a productive structure of value in each of our masks, which allow
our clients to express their opinions in addition to establishing opinions, complaints and restraints.

○ identification of the team required and their roles and responsibilities

Description Roll Responsibility
Graphic designer Advertising design Advertising design belonging to the product
Generate technical specifications of product
Industrial designer Computer aided product design specifications, plans, measurements,
materials, etc.
Data analyst Analysis of data Generate indicators in the requested times
Industrial Engineer Business management General Business management

○ identification of the skills and technology required for the promotion.

Skills Associated technology
Graphic design CAD/CAM software,3D printers.
Industrial design CAD/CAM software,3D printers.
Data analysis Analysis software, Excel, solver, matlab, and others.
Decision making Knowledge and experience in project management

Alcalá, U. d. (2019). masterindustria40.

Facebook. (01 de 06 de 2020). Obtained from


León, C. D. (2019). makeR. Obtained from


M., A. (18 de Marzo de 2020). 3dnatives. Obtained from


Minsalud. (Mayo de 2019). Minsa. Obtained from

viachanel. (2018). viachanel. Obtained from


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