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I was scheduled at Smithfield Dental on February 5th for my first rotation of the

semester. Although there were a few things I would have improved upon, I felt like the day went

very well in the face-paced environment that was presented to us. From the moment I got there, I

noticed how helpful and welcoming the staff was. There was a staff meeting before the day

started, which I thought was a great idea. I’ve never worked at an office that has a daily staff

meeting, but I would love to incorporate that into my future dental practice. Lauren S. took two

of the patients scheduled and I took three.

My first patient was a young adult who had generalized gingivitis. When I inquired about

her flossing habits, she was reluctant to tell me she rarely flosses and that she has been talked to

about waterpiks before. I tried to elaborate on how the periodontal disease of gingivitis is

reversible until it progresses to periodontitis. I was finally able to work on implants with my

second patient. I used the rubber tip ultrasonic tip and that’s one thing I would like to improve

on. I plan on watching videos to improve my technique with implant cleaning. I was impressed

by the care given by Dr. Quiros throughout the day. This patient presented with two lost

composite fillings on implant crowns, and we were all able to work together to provide the

restorative service in the hygiene op, while also completing all other required services. As I

cleaned up my room for my last patient of the day, I clicked the schedule and his appointment

was gone. I went up to the front desk and confirmed the cancellation with the front desk. Cheryl

was up there at the time and offered to give away her patient if we needed the requirement, so

my last patient ended up being Cheryl’s perio maintenance patient which went very smoothly.

After reflecting on my observation, I’ve noticed the patient’s concerns are always being

addressed. This is because each patient must rate their smile on a scale of 1-10. This gives the

patient the opportunity to discuss any restorative or cosmetic concerns, and Dr. Quiros can offer

all available options. During an exam, Dr. Quiros learned about one patient’s concern of her

attrition on the mandibular anteriors. So he utilized intraoral photos to explain and present a

cosmetic procedure that would align the incisal edges using composite only. For next time, I

would like to prepare more hands-on tools to practice oral hygiene instruction. I also want to

improve my speed with the ultrasonic, as well as increasing my subgingival depth. I am thankful

for the experience at Smithfield Dental and am looking forward to having just as good a day next

rotation day.

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