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‫أسئلة مادة التغذية‬

‫صلي علي حبيبنا وشفيعنا واستعن باهلل وال تعجز واهلل ولي الصابرين‬
‫النهارده ان شاء اهلل هيكون فيه اسئلة على اول عشرين صفحة تغذية استعدوا‬

: Nutrients body can't make or make in insufficient quantities, therefore,

must obtain these nutrients foids ]
- nutrition
- balanced diet
- essential nutrients
- food security
: The science of the nutrients in foods and their actions within the body]
- food
- nutrition
- nutrients
- diet
: Diet is composed of the different foods we eat ]
- T
- F
: .... is the diet which provides a mixture of foods having all the essential
nutrients for the prevention of deficiency disease ]
- A balanced diet
- biet
- food security
- essential nutrients
: Chemical substance obtained from food and used in the body to
provide energy..... ]
- food
- nutrients
- diet
- blalnced diet
: optimal nutrition is the physiological state of an individual which results
from the balance]
- T
- F
: is a diet the is varied and contained all nutritional elements in
amounts...... ]
- Optimal nutrition
- nutritional status
- nutritional well-being
- balanced diet
[Poll: nutritional well being should be greater than minimum
requirements to cover variation in health and diseases and provide
- T
- F
: Nutritional status depends on the availability of the essential nutrients
at the cell level ]
- T
- F
: ... is influenced by the nutrient content of food consumed and its
absorption by the body ]
- optimal nutrition
- nutritional status
- nutritional well being
- nutrition
: healthy diet means macronutriants and micronutriants only ]
- T
- F
: All of the following are considered principles in planning adequate diet
Except... ]
- The nutritional requirements and local feeding habits
- food unavailable in community and the season and climate
- the physiological needs and providing alternatives to avoid monotony
- no one

: All of the following are considered predominant function of food Except
- Energy
- body building
- protection of the body
- provide sufficient amount of essential nutrients
: Community nutrition is influenced by..... ]
- the demands of the body and access
- foid availability, cultural factors and cooking skills
- Knowledge and personal preferences
- ‫🧸 كلهم‬
: Energy is an essential nutrient to the body ]
- T
- F
: The average caloric values of protein, fats and carbohydrates ........
respectively ]
- 9-4-9 kg
- 4-9-4g
- 4-9-4kg
- 4-4-9 kg
: 1kg =....... ]
- 1000mj
- 0.001mj
- 4.184mj
- 4.184kj
: 1kcal is equivalent to 4.184mj ]
- T
- F
: functions of energy...... ]
- physical activity and head production
- metabolism and BMR
- required for growth in children
- All
: The most important factor affecting energy requirements is........ ]
- physical activity only
- age, sex and body composition and size
- physical activity and age
- all

: Women have a lower BMR than men ]

- T
- F
: the more a person weights, the less energy is expended on basal
metabolism ]
- T
- F
: ....... it is the energy expenditure of a fasting individual at complete rest
used for activity of vital organs... ]
- Energy needs
- nutrition
- balanced diet
: Micronutriants present and needed in small quantities in grams ]
- T
- F
: All of the following are the characteristics of macronutriants Except... ]
- form the bulk of the diet present in quantities of one gram or more in the
daily diet
- energy yielding
- Its examples carb, fat and protein
- water is considered micronutriant and doesn't provide energy
: its energy yield is 17kj ]
- carb
- protein
- fat

- minerals
: its mean function is provide energy...... and it is the bigest in nutrient
energy yield ]
- carb, protein
- carb, fat
- carb, carb
- carb, vitamins
: Alcohol.......... ]
- contributes 7 kcal per g and is considered a nutrient
- contributes 10 kcal per g and isn't considered a nutrient
- contributes 7 kcal per mg and isn't considered a nutrient
- contribute 7kcal per g and isn't considered a nutrient
: Recommended dietary allowance....... ]
- is a level of intake corresponding to mean +-2 standard deviation
- covers requirements of 97.5% of population
- both
- non
: All of the following provide energy Except ]
- Carb
- fat
- protein
- water
: protein is a food comonent made of amino acid ]
- T
- F
: Which from the following resists the breakdown of protein ]
- heart
- brain
- skeletal muscle
- liver
: The body needs of amino acids to function]
- 11 essential, 9 non-essential
- 11 non-essential, 9 essentials
- 10 essential, 10 non-essential
- 20 essentials
: Non-essential amino acids......]
- 11
- the body can make them
- known as non-essential dispensable
- all
: Essential amino acid..... ]
- 9 amino acids the body can't make
- non-essential dispensable
- must not be obtained from foods
- all
: the dependent of plant source to obtain protein more than animal
- T
- F
: ..... reflects the similarity in amino acid composition of protein that of
animal tissues ]
- Biological value
- reference protein
- supplementary action of protein
- limiting amino acid
: A perfect match is....... with a value of 100 ]
- milk
- egg
- gelatin
- soya beans
: All animal protein are high biological value proteins ]
- T
- F
: Soya beans has a low biological value ]
- T
- F

: Examples of reference protein... ]
- gelatin and eggs
- soya beans and breast milk
- eggs and breast milk
- gelatin and soya beans

: Amino acids most deficit in proteins of a food items are limiting amino
acids ]
- T
- F
: supplemenetary action of protein ]
- The capacity of vitamins to complete one another deficiencies
- the capacity of minerals to complete one another deficiencies
- the capacity of proteins to complete one another deficiencies
- the capacity of fats to complete one another deficiencies
: functions of protein....... ]
- structural materials and facilitate chemical reactions
- regulate body process and maintain the volume and compsoition of body
- transport substance, protect the body and provide energy and glucose
- all of above
: pregnancy raise protein needs by about.... in a week ]
- 6 grams
- 36 grams
- 42 grams
- 0.8grams

: Factors affecting protein requirements..... ]

- growth and physiological state
- pathological state and climate
- physical exercise
- all

: in the 2nd trimester the pregnant women need...... of protein per day ]
- 925 gram
- 1.2 gram
- 10.7 gram
- 15gram
: all of the following are considered acute causes of protein deficiency
Except ]
- hemorrhage and burns
- during weaning and fevers
- gastrointeritis and food poisoning
- fever and burns
: Symptoms of protein deficiency...... ]
- poor growth, anemia and muscle wasting
- multiple nutritional deficiency and changes in skin hair, failure of
wound healing
- delayed and impaired tooth development and osteoporosis
- all

: prevention protein deficiency.... ]

- improve the quality and quantity of protein in food
- sound feeding habits and nutrition education of mother
- proper weaning of infants
- all of them
: if protein excess calcium will increase in blood ]
- T
- F
: All of the following occur in case of protein excess except ]
- burned for feul and acidosis
- increased loss of renal mass over life span
- increase blood cholesterol and alkalosis
- increase in incidence of certain cancer

: maternal nutritional depletion characterized by....... ]
- goiter, osteomalacia and protein energy malnutrition
- anemia, xerophthalmia and susceptibility to infection
- fatigue and decrease productivity
- all
: Carbohydrate are mostly plant products in origin ]
- T
- F
: All of the following are considered simple sugar Except....... ]
- Monosaccharides
- Disaccharides
- polysaccharides
- no one
: An animal polysaccharide, a storage form of glucose manufactured and
stored in the liver and muscles ]
- starch
- glucose
- glycogen
- fibers
: the nonstarch polysaccharides that are not digested by human digestive
enzymes ]
- glycogen
- dietary fibers
- starch
- simple carbohydrates
: glycogen is the structural parts of plants ]
- T
- F
: There are three types of dietary fibers ]
- T
- F
: cellulose is an example of soluble fibers ]
- T

- F
: which from the following is a function of soluble and insoluble fibers ]
- lower risk of heart disease
- lower risk of colon and rectal cancer
- lower risk of diabetes
- increase satiety

: Function of carbs...... ]
- meats the body needs for energy
- spares the burning of proteins for energy and complete oxidation of fat
for energy
- provide the bodu with dietary fibers
- all

: 1gm of.....=4.1kcal ]
- C3H6O
- CH2O
- CHO2
: Animal source of Carbs ]
- Glycogen and lactose only
- rice and corn
- glycogen and wheat
- all
: All of the body cells depend on glucose Except brain and central
nervous system ]
- T
- F
: 50-100 gm of carbs is advisable in diet in order to......... ]
- give body needs for energy
- prevent excessive amount of energy
- prevent tissue breakdown and loss of cations

- increase ketosis
: Excessive intake of carbs leads to Obesity ]
- T
- F
: Excess fibers limit the absorption of nutrients by ]
- binding to minerals
- speeding the transit of foid through the GIT
- both
- This information are false

: a family compounds that includes triglycerides, phospholipids and

sterols ]
- protein
- fat
- carbs
- vitamins
: consist of one glycerol and three fatty acids only ]
- Triglycerides
- phospholipids
- sterols
- lipids
: There is no double bonds in it ]
- saturated triglycerides
- monounsaturated triglycerides
- polyunsaturated triglycerides
- omega 3
: Polyunsaturated triglycerides ]
- more than one double bonde
- depending on the location of the double bonds
- its examples are omega three and omega six
- all are true

: A fatty acid carrying the maximum possible number of hydrogen atoms
- unsaturated fatty acid
- saturated fatty acid
- essential fatty acid
- non essential fatty acid
: fats from animal origin tend to be unsaturated ]
- T
- F

: High intakes of SFA lead to....... ]

- increase High density lipoprotein
- decrease low density lipoprotein with atherosclerosis and cardiovascular
- increase low density lipoprotein with atherogensis and cardiovascular
- decrease high density lipoprotein with cardiovascular disease
: add antioxidants to compete for the oxygen and protect fat containing
products against randicidy ]
- T
- F
: Saturated fatty acid a fatty acid that lacks hydrogen atoms ]
- T
- F
: essential fatty acid that the body requires but can't make ]
- T
- F
: Arachiodinic acid can be obtained from dietary linolenic acid ]
- T
- F
: All of the following are functions of essential fatty acids Except ]
- provide the body with dietary fiber and participate in immune process
and vision

- help form cell membranes
- aid in the production of hormone like compounds
- needed for growth and brain development in infants
: We can get cholesterol from foods only ]
- T
- F
: we eat about.... cholesterol per day ]
- 300gm
- 300mg
- 700gm
- 700mg
: Functions of cholesterol ]
- Has structural roles in lioproteins and membranes
- is a precursor for bile acids steroid hormones and vitamin D
- myelination of central nervous system in infants
- all
: Mean function of phospholipids ]
- give energy
- transport materials
- protect the body
- structural role
: phospholipids can help fat soluble substances to pass easily in and out
of cells because ]
- they are insoluble in water but soluble in fat
- they are soluble in water only
- they are insoluble in water and fat
- they are soluble in fat and water
: functions of fat ]
- energy sources and storing energy
- insulting and protecting thw body
- fat provide essential fatty acids and carreier for fat soluble vitamins A,
D, E and K
- all

: food sources of fat animal fats and vegetables oils ]
- T
- F
: diet containing no more than 25-30% of energy as fat and all of them
are a saturated fat ]
- T
- F
: Essential fatty acids deficiency in infants causes ]
- growth failure and abnormal scaliness
- erythematous skin lesions and poor wound healing
- increase susceptibility to infection and decrease capillary resistance
- all
: Chylomicrons transport all classes of lipids ]
- T
- F

: The type that transport cholesterol back to the liver from the cells ]

- Chylomicrons
: ..... are complex chemical substances required by the body in very small
amounts ]
- Minerals
- Vitamins
- proteins
- fats
: Vitamins can be manufactured by the body ]
- T
- F
: Fat soluble vits....... ]

- are not excreted in urine
- can make toxicity
- all are true
: Vitamins deficiency is less common in fat soluble than in water soluble
vitamins ]
- T
- F
: ..... is anti infectious vitamins and present in retina ]
- Vitamin A
- Type of fat soluble vitamins
- Retinol
- all are true
: Vitamin A is primary alcohol that is soluble in water ]
- T
- F
: Vitamin A....... ]
- its absorption is completely in adults but poor in infants
- can be formed in the body from cartotenoids
- its other name Retinol
- all of them
: It is necessary for the synthesis of visual purple responsible for dim
light ]
- Vit A
- Vit B1
- Vit B12
- Vit C

: Functions of Vit A..... ]

- supporting reproduction and regulating growth
- powerful antioxidant
- influence in metabolism of fats and carbs
- all

: Recommended daily intake of vit A ]
- 2500 gm per adult
- 2500 IU per adult
- 2mg
- 400mc
: It is estimated that ten million children are vit A deficent ]
- T
- F
: Vit A deficiency is the second most frequent nutritional problem ]
- T
- F
: Causes of vit A deficiency ]
- artificial feeding
- infections as diarrhea
- fatty infiltration
- all
: Is the first clinical syndrome of vit A deficiency ]
- Bitot spot
- conjunctival xerosis
- corneal xerosis
- keratomalacia
: Bitot spot is the most common in children aged 1-3 years ]
- T
- F
: Keratomalacia are triangular, pearly white or yellowish, foamy spots
on bulblar conjunctiva, on either side of cornea ]
- T
- F
: Is a grave medical emergency ]
- conjunctival xerosis
- bitot spot
- keratomalacia
- corneal xerosis

: ...... may occur because of the deficiency of vit A ]
- growth retardation and anemia
- increase blodder stone formation and incidence of lung cancer
- neurological manifestation and Keratinizing metaplasia in middle ear...
- all
: There are three main strategies to prevent vit A deficiency ]
- T
- F
: in case of children whi take large dose of vit A> 3000,000 IU ]
- Hypervitaminosis in general
- acute case of hypervitaminosis
- chronic case of hypervitaminosis
- vit A deficiency
: Chronic case of hypervitaminosis manifested by signs of increase
intracranial pressure ]
- T
- F
: it acts as a hormone and maintain calcium and phosphate homoeostasis
and optimises bone health and muscle function ]
- Vit A
- Vit D
- Vit K
- Vit B complex
: .... found in human skin by exposure to sunlight ]
- Vit D1
- ergocalciferol
- cholecarciferol
- calcitrol
: Vit D its other name PPF ]
- T
- F

: Functions of vit D ]
- promote absorption of calcium and phosphate
- used in bone formation
- regular excretion of ca and phosphate in urine
- all
: Dietary source of vit D only in foods of animal origin ]
- T
- F
: Exposure of the skin to sun is a source for ]
- Vit A
- vit D
- vit B1
- vit B12

: Recommended daily intake of vit D ]

- adult 400 IU
- 2500IU
- infant and pregnant women 400IU
- 2mc
: Deficiency of vit D leads to tickets in children and osteoporosis in adults
- T
- F
: insufficient exposure to sun loght is a maternal cause of rickets ]
- T
- F
: all of tha following are considered maternal cause of rickets Except ]
- maternal malnutrition
- insufficient exposure to sun light
- repeated unspaced pregnancies
- lake of vit D supplements

: clinical pictures of rickets....... ]
- frontal bossing and delayed closure of anterior fontanelle
- hypotonia, abdominal distention and delayed sitting and walking
- increase alkaline phosphatase and inorganic phosphorus in serum
- all
: To prevent rickets in the third month of life....... ]
- 400IU of vit D routinely given to the infant
- 15000 IU of vit D routinely given to the infant
- 150,000IU of vit D routinely given to the infant
- 150,000IU of vit D routinely given to the mother
: Hypervitaminosis D 400,000 IU per day for 1-4 months lead to toxicity ]
- T
- F
: Which from the following is considered antioxidant ]
- Vit A
- vit E
- retinol
- all
: The richest dietary sources of vit E are...... ]
- leafy vegetables
- rice and wheal
- edible vegetables oils
- no one
: Function of vit E ]
- prevention of diabetes, cancer and delayed symptoms of alzhimer
- promote absorption of calcium and phosphorus
- supporting reproduction and regulating growth
- all
: Deficiency of vit E lead to ]
- male sterility
- fetal death and vision problem
- ms weakness
- all
: formed from intestinal bacterial folra into blood ]
- phyloquinone
- menaquinone
- menadione
- K1
: functions of vit K... ]
- important for the coagulation factors
- important for osteocalcin
- both
- no one
: vit K deficiency....... ]
- increase the ability to form clotting factors and coagulation
- difficult to bruise
- hemorrhage disease of newborn and echmyosis
- all
: ....... synthetic use as anti coagulant ]
- dicumarol
- warfarin
- clindamycin
: New born infant may associated with deficiency of vit K because of........
- impaired absorption of fat
- sterile intestine and bacterial flora free
- sever liver disease
- lake of bile salts as in obstruction jaundice
: vit B 1 is essential for normal metabolism of carbs ]
- T
- F
: Thiamine pyrophosphate is the coenzyme of carboxylase ]
- T
- F

: The enzyme concerned with oxidation of pyruvic acide lead to lactic
acid ]
- thiamine pyrophosphate
- carboxylase
- Vit A
- vit D
: the only source of vit B1 is the synthesis by intestinal flora]
- T
- F
: Recommended daily intake of vit B1 ]
- in adult male = female
- adult male <female
- adult femal < male
- adult femal> male
: Deficiency of vit B1 its disease most common in egypt ]
- T
- F
: its characters are perepheral neruologic changes ]
- dry beri beri
- infantile beri beri
- wet beri beri
- beri beri in general
: infantile bwri beri odema of the legs and face ]
- T
- F
: infantile beri beri....... ]
- peripheral neurologic changes
- cardiac failure and aphonia
- odema of the legs and face
- congestive heart disease
: its only function acts as a coenzyme ]
- Riboflavin
- vit B1

- retinol
- vit D
: Recommended daily intake of B2 in male> female ]
- T
- F
: deficiency of riboflavine...... ]
- angular stomatitis and cheilosis of the lips
- soreness of the tongue and nasolabial serborrhea
- vascularzation of cornea and scrotal or vulval dermatitis
- ‫كلهم صح‬ ✌
: it is called pellagra prevention factor ]
- vit B3
- niacin
- nicotinic acid
- all
: vit B3....... ]
- its function is component of coenzyme
- recommended daily intake in male> female
- its deficiency cause pellagra
- all are true
: what's the meaning of casal's necklace...... ]
- skin rash in beri beri may appear as pigmented and scaly in area exposed
to sunlight
- skin rash in pellagra may appear as pigmented and scaly in area exposed
to sunlight
- its a sever disease because the deficiency of vit A
- its a mild disease because the deficiency of vit D
: it is considered anti stress vitamin ]
- B1
- B2
- B3
- B5
- B6
: acts as a coenzyme in the breakdown and utilization of carbs, fats and
protein ]
- B1
- B2
- B3
- B5
- B6
: vit B6 ]
- helps in the production of neurotransmitters
- its deficiency cause beri beri
- the recommended daily intake 2mc
- all are true
: too much vit B6 may result in nerve damage ]
- T
- F
: part of coenzyme THF and DHF used in synthesis and repair of DNA
and RNA ]
- pyridoxine
- riboflavine
- folat
- pantothenic acid
: B9....... ]
- needed together with B12 for development of RBCs in bone marrow
- Recommended daily intake women over age of 14 years 400mcg
- its deficiency leads to megaloblastic anemia and neural tube defects
- all are true
: medications used for rheumatoid arthritis can induce the deficiency of
B12 ]
- T
- F
: function of B12...... ]
- metabolism of nervous system
- acts a coenzyme in oxidation

- used in synthesis and repair of DNA and RNA
- helps in production of neurotransmitters
: sources of B12 only in foods of animal origin ]
- T
- F
: Recommended daily intake of vit B12 2mg for adults ]
- T
- F
: all of the following diseases may present because of B12 deficiency
Except ]
- pernicious anemia
- megaloblastic anemia
- demyelinating neurological lesions
- infertility
: it is called anti scurvy factor ]
- vit A
- vit C
- vit D
- vit K
: functions of vit C..... ]
- prevent hemorrhage and acts as a coenzyme
- essential in wound healing and synthesis nurcleoprotein
- protect against infection and facilitate absorption of sodium
- necessary for the formation of the cement substance of the walls of
: milk isn't good source for...... ]
- vit C
- ascorbic acid
- iron
- all
: Deficiency of vit C....... ]
- Scurvy

- bleeding at any place in the body
- both
- no one
: occurs in neonates exposed to high doses of vit C inutero ]
- Scurvy
- rebound scurvy
- anti scurvy syndrome
- casal's Necklace
: .... are single inorganic elements that are widely distributed in nature ]
- Vitamins
- minerals
- proteins
- Carbohydrates
: its function is central core of vit B12 ]
- Na, K
- Ca, Ph
- Cobalt
- Iodine
: Copper only works as cofactor ]
- T
- F
: iron function....... ]
- control water balance
- vital O2 carrier HB
- thyroid hormone regulates body metabolism
- aid in the transfer of nerve impulse
: major minerals occurs in large amount in the body and it's
concentration can be expressed in grams ]
- T
- F

: Trace elemants..... ]
- occurs in very small traces in the body in micrograms quantities
- 18 elemants
- ten of them have a recognized role in human nutrition
- all
: The activate vit D hormone improve calcium absorption ]
- T
- F
: B1 requires magnesium to function efficiently ]
- T
- F
: Osteoporosis with advancing age increases the risk of fractures ]
- T
- F

: The adult body contains 1200 gm, 99% of it in bones ]

- T
- F
: there is a dynamic equilibrium between Ca in blood and bone
controlled by thyroid gland ]
- T
- F
: essential for blood clotting it is a function to.... ]
- calcium
- one vit of fat soluble vits
- vit K
- all
: calcium......... vit B6....... ]
- helps in the production of neurotransmitters,...... regulation of neuromascular
- regulation of neuromascular transmission..., helps in the production of
- there are no difference between there functions
- on answer is true

: Deficiency of calcium....... ]
- Rickets i children and tetany
- osteomalacia in adults
- osteoporosis in old age
- all
: Calcification of kidney and urinary stones may present because of
calcium deficiency ]
- T
- F

: pregnant and lactating female require calcium equilibrium to adults ]

- T
- F
: Iron......... ]
- the body contains 3-4gm, 75% of ot in the blood
- its functions formation of hemoglobin, myoglobin and certain
- only 10% are absorbed from duodenum
- all
: all of the following decrease the absorption of iron Except ]
- phytic acid and
- fibers and tannin
- vit C and meat
- all
: increasing calcium in diet can increase absorption of iron ]
- T
- F
: The conditions determined by physical, social, economic and environmental
factors or processes which increase the susceptibility of individuals or a community
to the impact of hazards ]
- feeding
- vulnerability
- nutritional deficiency
- imbalanced nutrition
: Vulnerable groups........ are groups ]
- affected to a much greater than the general population with nutritional
- they include some industrial workers
- both
- no one
: ...... are considered the most vulnerable ]
- pregnant women and infants
- lactating women and growing children
- lactating and pregnant women
- industrial workers and infants
: calories during pregnancy should be 600 calories per day and during
lactation should be 600 calories per day ]
- T
- F
: during pregnancy the mother starts to gain weight at a rate two kg per
month from fourth month of pregnancy ]
- T
- F
: importance of adequate nutrition during pregnancy to insure normal
labour ]
- T
- F
: All conditions of toxemia of pregnancy, bleeding, uterine inertia,
premature labour and perinatal mortality are related to stste of nutrition
after pregnancy ]
- T
- F
: hypocalcemia it is a hazard to breast feeding ]
- T
- F

: All of the following are considered hazards to artificial feeding Except ]
- milk born infections of animal or human sources
- liability of overfeeding and obesity
- expensive and available all time
- no one
: Advantages of breat feeding for mothers ..... ]
- low cancer, weight loss and contraction of uterus
- anti allergic and natural child spacer
- prevention of obesity in children and psychological and intellectual
- all are true
: Which is important for human brain development ]
- - fats
- - linoleic acid
- - protein
- - carbohydrates
: fats contain....... ]
- lionleic acid which is important for haematopoesis
- glycerol esters which is important for human brain development
- cholesterol which is important for rapid brain growth
- all
: cholesterol content of human milk is higher than in cow's milk ]
- T
- F
: Are mainly in the form of beta lactose ]
- protein
- carbohydrates
- fats
- vitamins
: beta lactose is favorable for the synthesis of the galactolipids, important
for growing brain ]
- T
- F

: minerals and electrolytes are low in breast milk so renal solute load is
minimized which....... ]
- suits very well the immature kidney function in the newborn
- important to determine osmolarity of body fluids
- both
- all
: phosphorus ratio in human milk is suitable for assimilation by the
neonates and adequate mineralization of the skeleton aided by the high
lactose content ]
- T
- F

: iron content raises in breast milk ]

- T
- F
: The most important agent of immunoglobulin and has a concentration
in breast milk higher ]
- IgA
- IgM
- IgD
- IgG
: .....nitrogen containing carbohydrate ]
- Lysozymes
- lactoferrin
- the bifidus factor
- interferon
: lactobacillus bifidus is important in inhibitor of E coli ]
- T
- F
: An iron binding protein ]
- the bifidus factor
- lactoferrin
- lysozymes
- interferon
: The bifidus factor produced by breast milk macrophages and present
in high concentration in breast milk ]
- T
- F
: interferon inhabits viral replication ]
- T
- F
: artificial fed babies had a lower incident of atopic dermatitis, allergic
rhinitis and foid allergy ]
- T
- F
: breast feeding is important to establish the emotional bond and
interrelationship between mother and child ]
- T
- F
: The important malnutrition diseases can occur during pregnancy and
lactation ]
- megaloplastic anemia
- osteoporosis
- physiological goiter
- all
: Breast feeding and benefits for mother ]
- Sucking stimulate the secretion of oxytocin from posterior lob of
pituitary gland
- the incidence of breast cancer is less among mothers who breat fed
their infants
- lactation proceedes the accumulated fat is converted into energy in
- all

: The breast secrets a yellowish sticky fluid immediately after delivery
and for the first few days which is ]
- breast milk
- artificial milk
- colostrum
- GIT baby feeding
: promotion of breast milk.... ]
- maternal conffidence and family support
- avoid unnecessary separation of mother and infant
- avoid pre and post lacteal feeds
- all

: Rickwts, iron deficiency anemia and marasmus are deficiency diseases

of infants ]
- T
- F
: After one year of life the energy needs can be computed by adding ]
- 100 cal for every month of life
- 1000 cal for every year of life
- 100 cal for every year of life
- 200 cal for every year of life
: Deficiency diseases of childhood.... ]
- protein energy malnutrition
- iron deficiency anemia
- Rickets and Airboflavinosis and vit A deficiency
- all
: Causes of malnutrition in geriatric population...... ]
- poor oral health and changes in taste and smell
- lack of knowledge and practical cooking skills
- social isolation and affordability
- all

: Good nutrition in older people is associated with..... ]
- preventing malnutrition and disability
- supporting physical function and mental health
- reduction the risk of chronic diseases
- all
: Chronic diseases can affect malnutrition in older people ]
- T
- F
: Refers to all deviations from adequate nutrition, including under
nutrition, over nutrition and specific deficiencies of essential nutrients ]
- imbalanced diet
- balanced diet
- malnutrition
- science of nutrition
: When people lack secure access to sufficient amount of food for normal
growth and development ]
- food insecurity
- malnutrition
- food security
- imbalanced diet
: undernutration because of macronutrient cause...... ]
- Rickets
- all
: Hypervitaminosis occur because of...... ]
- Overnutrition caused by macronutrient
- undernutrition caused by micronutrient
- undernutrition caused by macronutrient
- overnutrition caused by micronutrient
: Gout and atherosclerosis may occur because of overnutrition in
macronutrient ]
- T
- F
: the consequences of malnutrition ]
- comprmised immune function and impaired wound healing
- contribute significantly to morbidity and mortality
- increase health care costs by prolonged hospital length of stay
- all are true
: In the first stage of malnutrition occur ]
- decrease in nutrient intake or excessive losses and limit nutrient
- nutrient stores are depleted
- metabolic and biochemical changes
- deficiency symptoms appeared
: Deficiency symptoms appear in.... ]
- the first stage
- second stage
- third stage
- fourth stage

: biochemical changes occur in the second stage ]

- T
- F
: wasting is more common than stunting in children ]
- T
- F
: The higher prevalence of stunting is due to chronic poverty ]
- T
- F

: moderately manuorished patients who because of their physical illness

are not expected to eat for 7-10 days ]
- T
- F

: A polymeric diet with whole protein and fat can be used in all patients
without exception ]
- T
- F
: Causes of malnutrition.... ]
- failure to take the proper quantity and quality of foods to meet
individual requirements
- defective absorption and impaired metabolism of nutrients
- increased needs for foods
- all
: Economic: poverty especially with misdistribution of wealth and with
inflation this cause considered.......... cause of malnutrition ]
- defective absorption
- failure to take tje proper quantity and quality of food to meet personal
- impaired metabolism of nutrients
- increased needs for foods
: all of the following are considered defective absorption causes of
malnutrition Except ]
- chronic diarrhea, antacids
- malabsorption and hereditary and acquired biochemical disorders
- intestinal parasitism and protein losing entroapthy
- no one
: Causes of malnutrition because increased needs for foods ]
- Growth, pregnancy and lactation
- physical warl and activity, nausea and vomiting
- chronic ferbile state and increased metabolism as in hyperthyrodism
- all are true
: malnutrition increase the risk of infection and infectious diseases,
infection woresns nutritional status ]
- T
- F

: malnutrition....... ]
- affects a variety of immune and disease resistance metabolism
- leads to poor wound healing
- decrease the protective bowl secretions
- all of them
: Infection...... ]
- Can lead to anorexia and increase metabolism
- leads to malabsorption and increase losess of stools, vomitus and
- may present due to dietary taboos
- all
: The consequences depend on the previous nutritional status, nature of
infectious agents and diet during the recovery period ]
- T
- F
: Who is most vulnerable to malnutrition ]
- physiological and geographical vulnerability
- political vulnerability
- internal displacement and refugee status
- all of them
: stunting considered...... form of malnutrition ]
- acute
- chronic
- micrnutrient deficiencies
- macronutrient deficiencies
: forms of malnutrition ]
- wasting (chronic malnutrition)
- stunting (acute malnutrition)
- micronutrient deficiencies
- all

: Acute malnutrition....... ]
- a drastic deterioration of nutritional status
- it occurs in long time
- can lead to stunting
- all are true
: wasting........ ]
- may occur because of chronic malnutrition
- occurs in long time
- individuals too thin for their height
- stunting is more sever health risks than it
: in the sever form of malnutrition can lead to death ]
- T
- F
: Kwashiorkor is a form of acute malnutrition and sever weight loss
leaving skin and bones ]
- T
- F
: a combination of sever weigh loss leaving and bloated appearance ]
- marasmus
- kwashiorkor
- marasmic kwashiorkor
- no one
: all of the following are clinical features of marasmus Except ]
- balanced malnutrition and normal hair
- senile facies and loo alert and irritable
- presence of oedema and poor appetite
- sever muscle wasting and less sever anemia

: dehydration and electrolyte imbalance frequent infection in marasmus

only ]
- T
- F

: children under the age of five are particularly affected by chronic
malnutrition ]
- T
- F
: The short term implications of chronic malnutrition in children and
adults include ]
- growth faltering and weight loss associated micronutrient deficiencies
- weight loss and various micronutrient deficiencies
- both
- no one
: promotion of breast feeding is a way to prevent malnutrition and food
insecurity at the community level ]
- T
- F
: prevention of malnutrition at the community level ]
- health promotion and nutrition education
- socioeconomic development and control of infectious diseases
- improve status of women, screening for malnutrition and
environmental sanitation
- all are true
: Supplementation has been used for iron deficiency anemia in the form
of syrup or tablet ]
- T
- F
: Is a public health, measure where nutrients are added to food to
maintain the quality of diet ]
- supplementation
- food fortification
- immunization
- food security
: supplementation ia an example of primary level of prevention ]
- T
- F

: criteria for food fortification.... ]
- Vehicle to be fortified must be consumed regularly in deit by
- amount of nutrient added must not cause deficiency or toxicity in
- on addition of nutrient there is no changes in taste, odour..... and its
cost most be affordable
- all
: food fortification most infectious diseases of childhiid potentiate
malnutrition ]
- T
- F

: ...... is the interpretation of anthropometruc, biochemical, clinical and dietary

data to determine whether a person or groups of people are well nourished or
malnurised ]
- physical assessment
- nutritional assessment
- malnutrition
- science of nutrition
: There are three methods of nutritional assessment ]
: The word anthropometry comes from tow wards, anthropo means
human and metry means measurement ]
- T
- F
: The anthropometry still in normal when malnutrition is present in any
individual ]
- T
- F

: ....... is measured with the child or adult in a standing position ]
- Height
- weight
- level of contiousness
- ssessment of body
: salter scale is used in measuring the weight of adults ]
: Beam balance is used to measure in adults only ]
: is an index used in growth monitoring for assessing children who may be
underweight ]
- Weight for age
- height for age
- weight for height
- height for weight
: is an index used for assessing stunting ]
- weight for age
- height for age
- weight for height
- height for weight
: wasting defined as a low height for age of the child compared to the
standard child of the same age ]
- T
- F
: height for weight is an index used for assessing wasting ]
- T
- F
: wasting is defined as a low weight for the height of the child compared
to the standard child in the same height ]
- T
- F

: BMI....... ]
- height in kg and (weight in m)²
- weight in kg and height in m
- weight in kg and (height in m) ²
- weight in kg and height in kg
: Is only simple method in measuring body fat and its sites over triceps
and inferior angle of the scapula ]
- mid upper arm circumference
- head chest ratio
- skin fold thickness
- waist circumference and hip ratio
: Head chest ratio is used to detect early protein caloric deficiency ]
- T
- F
: waist circumference and waist hip ratio ]
- it is only simple method in measuring body fat
- used to assess adiposity wich is related to visceral fat
- they are equal at about 6 months of age
- is used to detect early protein caloric deficiency
: They are useful for detecting sub clinical deficiency and indicate the
changes in nutrient supply ]
- anthropometric measurement
- biochemical assessment
- clinical assessment
- dietary assessment
: clinical assessment one of the easiest ways to assess the nutritional
status of a population ]
- T
- F
: Biochemical methods as radiological examination, cytological tests as
buccal smears ]
- T
- F

: it is considered dietary assessment and retrospective ]
- records
- recalls
- both
- non
: food records...... ]
- completed at the time of each meal for one day or multiple days
- its advantages qunatative and no memory errors
- its dis advantages respondent burden and alter deit
- all are true
: Recalls..... ]
- obtained by interview with individuals
- its advantages that is talke a long time
- utilizing new technologies
- all
: guided interview in which the food consumed in the previous 24h period
are described in detail ]
- records
- recalls
- hour dietary records
- hour dietary recalls
: all of the following are considered advantages of Hour dietary recalls
Except ]
- unusual and restaurant foods
- require multiple assessment and some understimation
- recent memory and diet not altered by method
- esy to do, little training and inexpensive and quick

: written survey of food consumption during a specific period of time]

- dietary history
- hour dietary recall
- food frequency questionnaire
- food reports

: all of the following are considered disadvantages of foid frequency
questionnaire Except ]
- indicates usual intake over a period of time typically past year
- semi quantitative and underestimation
- doesn't include infrequently eaten foods
- recall bias (memory)
‫ ال تنسونا من صالح دعائكم‬، 63 ‫كدا نكون وصلنا لصفحة‬

: ... it means practical application of the principles of nutrition ]

- diabetics
- dietetics
- duriteics
- no one
: medical nutrition therapy refers to the dietary management of patients
with diet related to medical condition ]
- T
- F
: Type two diabetes the main effort should be directed toward dietary
manipulation and insulin therapy to improve glycemic control ]
- T
- F
: graduall weight loss for overweight people via diet and lifestyle
modifications it is a medical therapy of type two diabetes ]
- T
- F
: the lean patient is put on..... of calories ]
- approximately 1000-1600kcal daily
- 1000-1600 gm daily
- isocaloric diet
- unequal diet

: Simple sugars are rich in fiber rather than CHO which is slowly
absorbed preventing rapid swings in blood glucose ]
- T
- F
: eating an apple is better than drinking the same amount of CHO as
apple juice ]
- T
- F
: fiber per week is recommended ]
- 30
- 60
- 100
- 210
: Should reduced to less than 30% of the total energy intake ]
- calories
- carbs
- fats
- proteins
: all amount of fat intake should be saturated fatty acids ]
- T
- F
: Diabetics should lower dietary cholesterol to..... per day ]
- 300gm
- <200mg
- >200mg
- 500gm
: protein should be used to treat or prevent noght time hypoglycemia ]
- T
- F
: salt should be limited to three gm in normo and hypotensive ]
- T
- F

: carbohydrate counting, exchanges or experienced based estimation,
remains a key strategy in achieving glycemix control ]
- T
- F

: Exchange lists can help people with diabetes to manage their blood
glucose levels by controlling the amount and kinds of carbohydrates they
consume ]
- T
- F
: Carbohydrate exchange system... ]
- the standard one carbohydrate exchange is equivalent to 15gm of
- any food on a list can thus exchanged for any other food on the same
- both
- all
: the total carbohydrate exchange per day...... ]
- 225g
- 15mg
- 225mg
- 15g
: larg meals should be avoided and if necessary weight reduced ]
- T
- f
: medical nutrition tgerapy for heart failure ]
- salt restriction
- foods rich in salt
- added salt in cooking and at the table should be avoided
- all should be done

: Management of hypertension through lifestyle modifications and non
pharmacological therapy should instituted wherver appropriate in ALL
hypertensive individuals ]
- T
- F

: lifestyle modification recommendations for hypertensive patients ]

- weight gain for obese persons
- reduce salt intake lower salt intake to 1.5g per day of sodium
- limit physical activity
- improve smoking
: in hypertensive patients they should limit the intake of potassium ]
- T
- F
: in hypertensive patients they should increase potassium and
magnesium and decrease sodium ]
- T
- F
: hight protein, low fat and high fibers in hypertension ]
- T
- F
: nutrient recommended daily intake for hyperlipidemia ........ ]
- total fat 20% to 30% of total calories, carbs 50-60 of total calories
- protein about 15% of total calories, dietary fibers 25-30g per day
- cholesterol less than 200mg daily
- all
: medical nutrition therapy for renal disease we should reduce protein
less than normal ]
- T
- F

: in chronic kidney disease protein needs ]
- 1g
- 1-1.5gm
- 0.6-.0.8gm
- 1.2-1.5gm
: protein needs in hemodialysis 1.5-2gm ]
- T
- F
: in the acute phase of liver disease ]
- energy and protein needs are increased
- sever reduction of fat intake should avoided
- small and frequent meals are generally Better tolerated
- all
: patients with fulminant hepatitis may experience sever episodes of
hypoglycemia ]
- T
- F
: acute liver disease patients need stable glucose administration often
given orally through dextrose solution ]
- T
- F
: Hepatic encephalopathy may occur because of excessive amount of ]
- fat
- protein
- carbohydrate
- fibers
: To prevent osteoporosis..... ]
- adequate intake of calcium and vit D
- adequate intake of protein, avoidance of excessive phosphorus
- caffeine intake should be limited in individual
- alchohol should be completely avoided
- all

: the increasing of uric acid excretion via urine cause ]
- liver disease
- hyperlipidemia
- gout
- osteoporosis
: The breakdown of uric acide produce purine ]
- T
- F
: To treat gout..... ]
- avoid alcohol
- consumer a healthy and balanced low purine diet
- maintain healthy body weight
- all
: dietary recommendations for wellness from gout ]
- eat lots of fruits and vegetables, consume fresh cherries
- reduce or eliminate the consumption if meats....
- incorporate omega three oil into your diet
- all
: Medical nutrition therapy for peptic ulcer disease ]
- avoid low PH juice, avoid large meals
- encourage non residue and low fat foods, eat at least three small
meats per day
- give ample time for each meal, avoid anxiety
- all
: The main goals of nutrition therapy for cancer..... ]
- prevent or treat nutrition problems, decrease side effects of cancer
- keep up the patient strength and energy, help immune system to fight
- help the body to recover and heal, keep up or improve the quality of
- all are true

: nutrient to detoxify carcinogens like vit C, A and selenium ]
- T
- F
: immune inhancing vits B2 and B5 only ]
- T
- F
: guidelines for a healthy diet ]
- plant -based diet, plenty of fruits and vegetables, high fiber
- low fat diet, low sugary diet
- drink plenty of fluids, pe physically active
- all
: ....... which substances can start the process of cancer ]
- cancer disease
- carcinogenic substances
- health substances
- no one
: food may contain carcinogens ]
- T
- F
: ...... are examples of carcinogens present in poorly stored foods and
may cause cancer liver ]
- Naloxane
- Aflatoxins
- Sabroflexacine
- all
: High fat diet have been linked to increased risk of ]
- breast and endometrium cancer
- colon and pancreas cancer
- prostate and ovary cancer
- all

: ...... are associated with a reduced risk for cancer especially cancer of
colon ]
- diet high in fat containing foods
- diet low in fibers containing foods
- diet high in fibers containing foods
- diet low in fat containing foods
[Poll: calcium supplements may reduce the formation of colorectal
polyps ]
- T
- F
: ....... increase the risk of prostate cancer ]
- iron supplements
- salt supplements
- calcium supplements
- magnesium supplements

: the lower consuming diet in fruit and vegetables the lower cancer risk ]
- T
- F
: In postmenopausal women, breast cancer risk is associated with being
overweight ]
- T
- F
: liver cancer, cancer in mouth and oesophagus may increase in ]
- overweight persons
- alcoholic intake
- increase fruits and vegetables
- increase calcium supplements intake
: Being physically active is important for..... ]
- weight control
- increase bowl movement and enhance immune function
- reduce the risk of breast cancer and colonrectal cancer
- all

: ... Refers to all mammalian muscle meat ]
- white meat
- red meat
- all types of meat
- any meal
: processed meat refers to meat that has bees transformed through
salting, fermentation, smoking or other processes ]
- T
- F
: Methods of cooking meat change the risk of cancer ]
- T
- F
: Eating processed meat causes colorectal cancer ]
- T
- F
: eating..... of processed meat every day increase the risk of colorectal
cancer by..... ]
- 50mg, 18%
- 50gm, 18%
- 100mg, 17%
- 100gm, 17%
: eating 100gm of red meat daily increasing risk of colorectal cancer by
17% ]
- T
- F
: meat consists of multiple components such as haem iron makes red and
processed meat increase the risk of cancer ]
- T
- F
: ..... of processed meat is okay to eat and has less risk to cancer ]
- hot dog sausages
- sausages and corned beef
- hot dog and hamburger

- sausages and hamburger
: .... is due to combination of poor appetite and rapid metabolism ]
- headache cachexia syndrome
- cancer cachexia syndrome
- liver cirrhosis cachexia syndrome
- renal failure cachexia syndrome
causes of cancer cachexia syndrome
- psychological stress and depression, feeling of fulness
- altered tastes, nausea and vomiting, pain , obstructions
- food aversion, chewing and swallowing problems, lack of energy
- all are true

‫كدا وهلل الحمد والمنه التغذية خلصت اسئلة اخيرا الحمدهلل‬

‫دعواتكم وبالتوفيق للجميع يارب‬
‫ال تنسوني من صالح دعائكم وهللا ولي التوفيق‬

‫جزا هللا القائمين علي هذا العمل خير الجزاء‬

‫مكتبة ستار نتمني لكم التوفيق‬

‫ جنيه‬6 ‫االسئله دي موجوده في المكتبه ب‬


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