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1. Ada yang bisa saya bantu?

2. Proses BAB (hitam)
3. Pola makan (ga suka daging)

Bleeding manifestation

1. Ny Tika 29
2. Lemas tidak berenergi
3. Kurang nafsu makan
4. Kulit pucat
5. Tangan kaki banyak bintik merah
6. Badan panas
7. Lebih sering sakit??
8. Ada yang seperti ini juga??
9. Ada konsumsi obat rutin?
10. Bagaimana tempat tinggal ibu?? Apa ada pabrik?

Small children offer few specific complaints, but parents may describe pallor,
excessive sleepiness, tiredness, irritability, or inappropriate behavior. Older children
may have shortness of breath, decrease in exercise tolerance, palpitations, syncopy,
or orthopnea. Jaundice (transfusion blood)

A dietary history of excess milk intake between 6 months and 2 years of age strongly
suggests iron deficiency as the cause of anemia. Hematochezia (red blood in the
stool) or melena (tarry stools) indicates blood loss and, if chronic, could account for
iron deficiency in a patient of any age.

A family history of splenectomy may reflect a hereditary hemolytic disorder and

heightens the possibility of a thalassemia syndrome. The hemoglobinopathies,
particularly sickle cell disease and sickle thalassemia, are most prevalent in black

The presence of concurrent disease such as chronic inflammation (for example,

juvenile rheumatoid arthritis) or chronic renal or hepatic disease may underlie the


Pallor, tachycardia, or signs of cardiac failure are rare but may be evident when the
child is examined.

Glossitis and decreased vibration and position senses suggest a lack of vitamin B12,
which is a rare disorder in children.

Substantial enlargement of lymph nodes may indicate a neoplastic process, and

expansion of the diploe of the bones creating frontal bossing and maxillary
overgrowth indicate chronic hernolysis, which is seen in patients with thalassemia
syndromes. An enlarged spleen may result from an immune hemolytic anemiaor
hereditary spherocytosis. Skeletal abnormalities may be seen in persons with Fanconi
anemia or the Diamond-Blackfan syndrome, and pigmentation at mucosal-epidermal
junctions in older children may be associated with chronic lead poisoning.

Laboratory assessment of hemoglobin and hematocrit is initiated either because the

clinical features of anemia are present or because a screening program has
suggested an abnormality.
Pendarahan mengakibatkan anemia

Anem karna nutrisi (vit B /asam folat)

Demam = penyakit kronik/ gangguan susum tulang Leukimia l

Anemia kronik = CHF, PPOK,

Infeksi, ISK, paru” ditanyain


BAK (fungsi hatinya)

limpa dan hati (organomegaly), kalau ga ada maka bisa di curigai anemia aplastik dan luekimia

Perubahan struktur wajah dan pert

26 thn cewek lemas, Jati.
3 bln
dari bangun pagi lemas seharian

Debar” 3 bln terakhir

No sesak
Menstruasi normal

Sehari selesai flek

Ga ada obat-obatan

Pola makan 2 kali ssehari, beli daging, daging ayam, bayam kangkung, toge (banyak sayuran)

Kuran berat badan ga ada

demam ga ada
batuk pilek ga ada

Ga ada ringan ga ada berat

Keluhan ganggu aktivitas sehari hari

Pernah pucat waktu kecil ( pernah minum obat)

Penyakit keluarga (ga ada semua)

Konsumsi alkohol (secukupnya)

Ada rujukan dr bedah

H2TL (HB, HCT, Trombosit, leukosit)

serum iron, feritin

Pekerjaan (infeski parasit (blood loss))

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