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Need Analysis

Grade 3
Language Arts

Questions asked oral

1. What’s your name?

2. How is school?
It’s fun l like everything but reading I don’t like its hard

3. What’s your favorite subject in class?

I like science it teaches you about space

4. What’s are activates you like to do?

I like when we play math games in class

5. What are some games you like to play in recess?

On the playground

6. How do to like to spend your time when your outside of school?

With my cousins at aunt house we play lots of games

The student answered the questions very briefly he didn’t want to talk much because of
his dialect. He liked sharing most of his stories playing at the playground with other students
learning in his science class. He did have trouble speaking in English he spoke a mixture of
English with words in Spanish. The student has many to improve on and learn from spelling
grammar and oral language.
Priorities Brown’s (1995)

 the most important information needed for oral language is do they know what is being
 are they using the right words and grammar to answer the question
 Ability to ask the questions you are asking your ESL

Abilities Brown’s (1995)

 Have no attitudes
 Seeking information out there either through the phone out in person
Solutions Brown’s (1995)

 Analyze the language it finds errors and solve the errors

 Find ways to make the system better

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