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This issue we are discussing concerns everyone who has children.

A) Subject

B) Book

C) Article

Mengejutkan! Kulit tampak 7 hari lemak PERUT, Pemerintah Indonesia Tidak

muda seperti umur 25 tahun PINGGUL lenyap! Rahasia Ingin Anda Tahu Tentang ini
dalam 3 hari. Kelapa... langsing: sebelum tidur, ..

Agar lemak pinggang & perut Ini adalah blog saya "Cara Resep penurun berat asli!
hilang, makan INI saat perut saya membuat dada 2 kali Turun 27kg dalam 3 hari!
kosong selama 10 hari lebih besar tanpa operasi!" Tuliskan: Di pagi hari...

D) Equation

2.The evaluation stated that the secretary’s work has been satisfactory.

A) Whimsical

B) Adequate

C) Audacious

D) Comprehensive

3.The hospital is looking for people willing to donate their organs.

A) Sell

B) Retrieve

C) Give
D) Show

4.Most teenagers think their actions are mature.

A) Grown-up

B) Intelligent

C) Serious

D) Childlike

5.The chorale wanted to rehearse the song before the performance

A) Delete

B) Rewrite

C) Introduce

D) Practice

6.After an extended break, the class resumed.

A) continued

B) Returned

C) Repeated

D) Receded

7.Prejudice toward minorities probably stems from fear of the unknown.

A) Concerning

B) Upon

C) Through

D) Around
8.The bank needed some assurance that the loan would be repaid.

A) Conctract

B) Approval

C) Guarantee

D) Presence

9.This sign requested that we extinguished all fires before leaving the campground.

A) Count

B) Put Out

C) Remember

D) Locate

10.Invitation were extended to everyone who had worked on the project.

A)Offered to

B) Mandated For

C) Shown to

D) Intended for

11.The roof of the house was practically falling in and the front steps were rotting away.

A) Almost

B) Obviously

C) Always

D) Conveniently

12.Their inept handling of our account made us reevaluate our relationship with them.

A) Dishonest

B) Clever
C) Clumsy

D) Competent

13.The article alluded to the devastation in the countryside, caused by wind storms.

A) misrepresented

B) referred to

C) forgot about

D) Recounted

14.The zealous demonstratos were ignored by the media.


B) Colorful

C) Rude

D) Clever

15.No one ever knew the reason for the enmity between the two familie.





16.The teacher thought the aspiring writer’s essays were verbose.

A) Interesting

B) Concise

C) Clever

D) Redundant
17.The organizer’s intrasigent manner helped her get her way.





18.The humadity made us more lethargic than usual.





19.People usually think cats are naturally ferocious, but it depends on the type of cat.

A)people usually think cats are naturally ferocious, but it depends on the type of cat.

A) Friendly

B) Furry

C) Savage

D) Independent

20. Generosity is believed to be an innate quality of man.

A) A hidden

B) A benevolent

C) A natural

D) An Unselfish
21.The greatest physical distinction between humans and apes is the hollow space humans have
under their chins.

A) Attraction

B) Danger

C) Comfort

D) Difference

22.Physicists have made discoveries that challenge our most fundamental theories of the


A) Basic

B) Permanent

C) Interesting

D) Ancient

23. The most recent research indicates that dinosaurs were warm-blooede aimals.

A) Dispute

B) Insists

C) Suggests

D) Disproves

24.Contrary to popular belief, cleopatra, the famous egyptian queen, was greck, spoke six
languages and was a brilliant military strategiest.

A) An intelligent

B) A known

C) A proffesional

D) A popular

25.An archaeologist must know exactly where and when an artifact was found.

A) Intuitively

B) Immediately

C) Briefly

D) Precisely

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