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Admission means (1) the act of allowing to enter, (2) the right to enter, (3) the price required to

enter, and (4) an acknowledgment of truth. The word is often figurative; for example, you might gain
admission to a college or club without physically entering it. Admittance refers to the act of
physically entering. Though you might gain admission to a college months before the school year
starts, admittance doesn’t happen until you actually get there.

A much cited study finds that caste-based reservation reduced the overall number of women
gaining admission into engineering colleges. [Wall Street Journal]

He was refused admittance by the guards because he was not registered as living in Klein-
Glienicke. [BBC News]

Admission will remain free for children 16 and under. [New York Times]

Although the show is free, tickets are required for admittance to this event. [Star-Ledger]

By the government’s own admission, a once-great manufacturing tradition, vastly diminished

from its heyday, would be in terminal decline. [Guardian]

Key Difference – Admission vs Admittance

Although the two nouns admission and admittance sound somewhat similar, there is a
distinctive difference between them. While both admission and admittance have somewhat
similar when referring to permission to enter a place, admittance specifically refers to the
physical entry. Thus, the key difference between admission and admittance is the fact that
admission can be used in a figurative sense whereas admittance can be only used to
refer to a physical entry. In addition, admission also has several other meanings. Therefore,
admission is the most commonly used noun out of these two.

What Does Admission Mean?

Admission can refer to

1. The process or fact of entering or being allowed to enter a place or organization

Our college’s standards of admission are high.

After his admission to the hospital, his parents went to church.

I submitted an application for admission to the university.

2. Statement acknowledging the truth of something

His narration was taken as an admission of his crime.

The police took his silence as an admission of his guilt.

His admission that he lied was enough to prove him guilty in the eyes of the law.

What Does Admittance Mean?

Admittance can be defined as the process or fact of entering or being allowed to enter a place
or institution. Admittance refers to the physical entry, i.e. you cannot use this term unless you
are talking about physically entering a place. For example, you might get admission to a
school long before the school year; however, your admittance to school happens at the
beginning of the school year when you are physically entering the school.

You may have also seen this noun in signs and notices. “No admittance” indicates that you
are not allowed to physically enter a place.

The garage charges 5$ for admittance.

Only the women from upper middle class were allowed admittance to the club.

He was refused admittance since he was garbed in indigenous clothes.

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