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Today on 26 February 2017, I am very excited about entrepreneurship and setting up my own business.

Meanwhile thoughts on pursuing masters degree from Germany are also somewhere at the back of my
mind. I also have a job offer, sort of a freelance service provider, from my previous employer Descon.
Until today morning I was sure enough to take up this job from Descon and continue applying for
masters education in Germany. But today morning I read an article shared by a friend on facebook. It
disturbed the calmness of my mind and pushed me more towards entrepreneurship.

The article was on the thoughts and dreams of a corporate job holder, who seemed to be unhappy
about his job. He always cherished the tech startups of some of his university class fellows and he him
self dreamed about starting such an adventure. Many times, he made up his mind several to embark on
this journey but the pay cheque and job promotions held him back. Once when he tried to seriously
start his own business, a thought occurred to his mind that acquiring an MBA degree before starting
business would be very beneficial. And this is the point where I compare myself with this article. What to
do and what not to do ? Which path to be preferred and why ? are some of the questions that have
produced chaotic environment in my mind.

And just a couple of hours after reading this article, I received a phone call from a colleague and he
congratulated me that we have won a research project for which we submitted our quotation last week.
I was both happy and stressed after hearing this news. Happy because it was a step towards
entrepreneur ship and stressed about how I will manage it, if I take up the contract job from Descon.

Now my situation is that I plan to take up this research project and say good bye to offer from my
previous office. These are my thoughts now and what happens next will be decided after my meeting
wih HR of Descon on my package. I do not why I plan to visit office even if I have decided to reject this
offer. Probably because there is some inner feeling of relatively strong insurance in this job, although I
mostly do not think of this in such a way. I have learnt from my life experience that most of the troubles
in my life arise because I seldom stick to a decision in such matters. I always try to run various
opportunities in parallel but mostly my life becomes miserable in this way, and finally I give up those
tasks or opportunities which seem to be difficult and whose accomplishment does not seem to be in the
very near future.

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