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Vision and Scope for <Project> Page i

Table of Contents
Table of Contents................................................................................................................ii
Revision History..................................................................................................................ii
1. Business Requirements..................................................................................................1
1.1. Background............................................................................................................1
1.2. Business Opportunity.............................................................................................1
1.3. Business Objectives and Success Criteria..............................................................1
1.4. Succes Matrix.........................................................................................................1
1.5. Vision Statement......................................................................................................
1.6 Business Risks........................................................................................................2
1.7 Business Assumptions and Dependencies
2. Scope and Limitations...................................................................................................2
2.1 Major Features.........................................................................................................2
2.2 Limitations and Exclusions......................................................................................2
Vision and Scope for <Project> Page ii

1. Business Requirements
1.1. Background
Hospital Management System currently uses manual System for maintaining and
managing critical information. This information includes patient history, ward and room
scheduling, staff information, Pharmacy and Laboratories equipment.

The current system is paper-based due to which it wastes significant amount of time in
hunting down the information because we have to retrieve certain record by stalking it
from vast data store. This can cause annoyance for employees and staff. Moreover, its
productivity is lowered by spending excessive time dealing with filing system.
Whenever, any emergency case encounter it has to first register itself in hospital which is
quite time consuming when it is done manually. Consequently, it leads to user

For admission in hospital we don’t have forms which follow standard management
format. Therefore, patients’ complete forms in random way and most of the required
information is missing. Moreover, if we have to transfer data from one place to another
forms may be lost in transferring. As you are placing faith in the people for handling the
files. There are so many ways they can be damaged, lost, or misplaced.  

Employees use paper documents for maintaining record so its costs will be higher
because management department have to pay for ink and paper. Also, employees have to
be paid for performing these duties. Therefore it will increase system’s budget.

This hand operated system is not reliable as humans can make mistakes due to small
negligence. It might alter results of test reports which is serious matter. Another problem
is that whenever doctors want to re-check the test reports of a patient, they have to search
it in data registers of laboratory.

It takes more struggle and physical space to keep track of paper documents and to keep
details secure.  Misplaced documents can easily be placed in the wrong hands. When
mistakes are encountered or record needs to be edited, a manual transaction must be
completely redone rather than just updated.  Multiple copies of the same data exist in
hospital and may lead to inconsistency and redundancy in various data registers.

1.2. Business Opportunity

Many employees and staff members have demanded a system that would permit the staff
to keep track of minute details of every entity. This system would provide online services
to the team so that they can work quickly and efficiently. Such a system also saves
employees time and reduce hospital operating costs. If we maintain database for saving
records then it might reduce redundancy and inconsistency is omitted from the data stores.
Knowing in advance that particular doctor is not available would save patient’s time of
travelling. By using online system, employees that are used for managing patients,
medicines and laboratories equipment are reduced because whole work gets automated
and does not require man power to store or analyze the information. It is only a matter of
few clicks and all the required information about a patient, from various departments in
the hospital can be accessible on the screen. When tasks are performed by software then
Vision and Scope for <Project> Page iii

it ensures supreme accuracy with least human involvement. Therefore, the risk of error is
reduced dramatically. 

1.3. Business Objectives

BO-1: Reduce cost of hospital resources (paper, ink, files) by 40% within after within 6
months releasing the product.

BO-2: Reduce hospital operating cost payment given to the employees) by 20 % after
releasing the product.

BO-3: Increase average work time use to record information of patients manually by 15
minutes per employee per day within 4 months.

1.4. Success Metrics

SM-1: The project will be successful if Hospital Management System will provide 25 %
return on investment and 300 new customers within the first year of its process.

SM-2: The average rating of patient’s satisfaction increases by 0.6 on a scale of 1 to 5

within three months following initial release.

SM-3: Before the development of the software SRS document was includes which
includes all the product requirements and if the developed project meets those
requirements then it indicates that project is successful.

1.5. Vision Statement

For all patients who want convenience in following all the procedures and rules of
hospital as well as wish to get treated in reliable manner, Hospital Management System is
an internet-based web system that perform all operations with ease and efficiency.
Through this system medical specialists, patients and hospital authorities can interact
online, make the appointments and exchange information, maintain necessary, precise
and appropriate data that have to be secured and only accessible to the allowed users,
needs less resources and consume fewer time. Unlike current system that uses telephone
for appointments and filing system for saving records, patients who use Hospital
Management System will not having any difficulty in providing his/her details for
registration because software provides user-friendly interface having several modules
which contains proper and well organized template for registration. It makes sure that
operational and clinical decision-making process is fast, accurate, efficient and

1.6. Business Risks

RI-1: If the developing software is not able to produce efficient and reliable results then it
might leads to user dissatisfaction therefore it yields loss in business investment
(probability = 0.4, impact =6).

RI-2: If the software does not has the ability to update according to new available version
then it becomes vulnerable to hacking. (Probability = 0.3, impact =3)

RI-3: The environment in which the product is going to be launch matters a lot. We
should identify competitors in the market so we should ensure high quality product
(probability = 0.2, impact =4).
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1.7. Business Assumptions and Dependencies

AS-1: System with suitable user interface will allow the employees to deal with every
query of patients in well and organized manner.

AS-2: The system will have high availability. It means we have networks of computer for
handling information and if one computer fails the whole system doesn’t halt rather it
divides the work load of failed system among active computers. In this ways, this system
ensures 24/7 availability to patients.

AS-3: As the system saves the verified medical data for patients so, it will produce 100%
secure and accurate data.

AS-4: The system will find patient’s record and will be able to suggest medicines for the
patients in less than 10 minutes.

DE-1: If the hospital has separate medical centers and dispensaries then the system
should have the ability to communicate with these systems as well.

2. Scope and Limitations

The proposed software product is the Hospital Management System (HMS). The system
will be used to get the information from the patients and then storing that data for future
usage. The current system in use is a paper-based system. It is too slow and cannot
provide updated lists of patients within a reasonable timeframe. The intentions of the
system are to reduce over-time pay and increase the number of patients that can be
treated accurately. Requirements statements in this document are both functional and

2.1. Major Features

FE-1: This web based automated management system eliminates the chance of errors
completely and offers 100% utmost accuracy.
FE-2: Hunting down the minute details of room occupancy, staff availability, patient
history and operational information, within seconds would be incorporated in this
FE-3: This system response to queries and perform transactions related to working staff,
patients and doctors. It would embed functionality of Create, view, modify and cancel
appointments with one click.
FE-4: This system is secure because every doctor, patient or staff would get login by
providing his username and password so that critical information would only be accessed
by authorized users.
FE-7: It also computerize the records of employees working in the hospital, including
their financial aspects. It offers ease in the process of handling accounts like bill
payments and receipt.
FE-5: Patients can View list of available doctors, medicines and laboratory timings from
user-friendly interface.
FE-6: This advanced system can be accessed through intranet, smartphones, and tablets
and can fulfill all the requirements and demands of patients.
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FE-7: It also computerize the records of employees working in the hospital, including
their financial aspects.

2.2. Limitations and Exclusions

LI-1: The process of Software implementation is tough task. Employees should be well-
educated and trained enough to understand and learn everything regarding the software
utilization. So, management department has to provide extensive training to employees
which is quite difficult.

LI-2: Computer networks in these days are vulnerable to hacking, which means critical
patient data could fall into the wrong hands or unauthorized users. It might be possible
that system gets corrupted due to hacking.
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