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Derek Lopez

Ms. Acosta

English 12

3 December 2020

Alcoholic Youth

Why are too many young innocent lives stolen each year due to underage drinking? Teens

and tweens all around the world consume alcoholic beverages under the age of 21. Many kids as

young as 6 are legally able to ingest alcohol. This behavior is very common and has even been

legalized in some countries and unnecessarily causes countless issues around the world.

Although some may say the drinking age should be lowered to 18, the drinking age should never

be lowered because it has a high probability of causing lifelong damage in a matter of seconds.

To begin with, alcohol damages neurons and can cause neuron death. It can also cause

shrinkage in the brain “which is reduced volume of both gray matter (cell bodies) and white

matter (cell pathways) over time” according to It can also cause other

damages such as “neurotoxicity, which occurs when neurons over react to neurotransmitters for

too long” according to To make matters worse, these problems are even

worse when faced with a teen or tween drinker. The human brain isn’t even fully developed until

the age of 25. These neurological diseases can cause issues in the advancement of the youth

brain. They can essentially put a halt in the overall growth of the brain. Drinking not only affects

the brain, but also heavily affects the liver. Prolonged liver dysfunction can also cause added

damage to the brain known as hepatic encephalopathy which can be fatal. Alcohol is a very
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strong liquid with severe effects, especially to the youth.

Additionally, it has been argued that alcohol is no worse for young people than other

legal drugs. According to “As a drug, alcohol is relatively safe for humans,

compared to many newer prescription drugs.” To explain, there are other far worse drugs in the

sense that they can be more damaging to the human body yet they are still legal over alcohol.

Critics have a valid point about legal substances which can be even more harmful than alcohol

itself . Even though this is true, this fact does not and will never validate underage drinking.

There are other legal substances which can affect the body in worse ways, this fact doesn’t make

alcohol any healthier or better for the body is any way shape or form. Just because it's legal to

harm your body in one way, why make it legal and easier to do it in another way? Alcohol will

always have its negative short and long term effects and shouldn't be legalized for underage

consumption under any circumstances.

In brief, alcohol is a very additive and damaging liquid that inevitably tears away brain

matter permanently. The consequences of alcoholic beverage consumption are already harmful to

adults. The situation only gets worse when a minor or underage drinker is faced with these

consequences. Not only does alcohol have its long term ramifications but also short term as well.

Alcohol changes the way one acts and can lead one to a life long road of pain or even cut it short

all together.
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Works Cited

“ALCOHOL'S DAMAGING EFFECTS ON THE BRAIN.” National Institute on Alcohol Abuse

and Alcoholism, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,

“Alcohol Effects on the Brain.” Alcohol Effects on the Brain | Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation,

#:~:text=Alcohol has a profound effect,poor memory, and slowed reflexes.


Joe Giessler. “How Does Alcohol Affect the Brain?” Ohio State Medical

Center, 29 June 2018,

Mandal, Saunak. “Reasons to Challenge the Drinking Age.” NYRA,

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