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Valentine’s Day and Weddings Lesson Plan

Learning Objectives: To learn and practise Preparation Time: 5 minutes

vocabulary associated with weddings and to Completion Time: 60 minutes
speak about weddings.
Skill/Grammar: Speaking Age/Level: Adults/Intermediate–Upper Intermediate
Resources: Valentine’s Warm-Up, Wedding Words Worksheet, Wedding Words Worksheet
Answer Key, Romance and Relationships, Wedding Plans.

Warm-Up (10 minutes)

• Ask students
What do you know about Valentine’s Day?
When is it?
How is it celebrated?
Do you have the same occasion or an equivalent in your country?
Does it have any significance for you?
• Ask students to explain information to the class.

Optional Activity
Complete the Romance and Relationships resource to get your students talking.

Presentation (15 minutes)

• Tell the class they are going to learn some vocabulary related to weddings.
• To present the ‘wedding words’, give them the Wedding Words Worksheet and ask
them to complete it individually.
• Use the Wedding Words Flashcards to help students with the vocabulary.
• Check the answers with Wedding Words Worksheet Answer Key.

Wedding Words Worksheet Answer Key:

(1) church (5) aisle (9) veil (13) vows
(2) bride (6) bridegroom (10) bridesmaids (14) confetti
(3) train (7) best man (11) ceremony (15) reception
(4) bouquet (8) altar (12) hymns (16) honeymoon

Author: Louise Delahay Page 1 of 33

r:©Katie Jones.
Valentine’s Day and Weddings Lesson Plan
a aisle i a long narrow space between the rows of seats in a church
b honeymoon ii a holiday for a newly married couple
c altar ii a table used in ceremonies at churches or other religious buildings
d confetti iii small pieces of coloured paper thrown at a wedding
e veil i a thin piece of material covering the face
f vows iii serious promises

Speaking Practice 1 (15 minutes)

• Put the class into groups of four.
• Write the following questions on the board and ask them to discuss them:
1 What are weddings like in your country?
2 Who makes the plans for the weddings?
3 What do people wear?
4 Where do they take place?
5 What is the ceremony like?
6 Where is the reception normally held?
7 What do people eat?
8 Do people from your country usually go on honeymoon?
• Conduct some feedback to the whole class.

Speaking Practice 2 (10 minutes)

• Put students into pairs.
• Ask them to talk further:
Describe your own wedding or one you have been to.
If you are not married, what kind of wedding would you like?
Give some details and ask each other further questions.

Error Correction and Feedback (5 minutes)

• Give the class feedback on their speaking during the class.
• Praise good points and give assistance with any common errors.
• If time, ask students to repeat the speaking exercises bearing in mind your feedback.

Closure (5 minutes)
Author: Louise Delahay Page 2 of 33
r:©Katie Jones.
Valentine’s Day and Weddings Lesson Plan
• Ask students to comment on something interesting they discovered during the lesson.

Extension Activities
For more activities on love and romance look at the resources, Which Corner?, Wedding
Lists, Romance and Relationships (if you didn’t do it in the lesson), Expressions of Love,
and Expressions of Love Answer Key, Wedding Plans.

Author: Louise Delahay Page 3 of 33

r:©Katie Jones.

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