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Personnel Selection system


The Case revolves around the selection dilemma faced by Comintech a

Successful industrial organization with offices in Europe, Asia Pacific
(APAC), North and South America who Recently decided to introduce a
new regional management level which required the recruitment of 25 new
middle management roles A new personnel selection system would be
developed and utilized to aid this recruitment where the owner of the
company Mr. koeing advises his hr. head Mr. Koch to apply standardized
selection/hiring process to hire different locals for different locations at
different places. The move was a strategic move to cut on hiring costs as in
the early stages the company had to develop new process according to
every country which attracted high costs Koch saw the drive to standardize
selection processes as arbitrary and unsustainable in the long run. When
hiring staff under the previous scheme, there may be formal interviews in
which the applicants were interviewed by HR members from both the
company's headquarters and the country in which they will operate to get
the right contextual environment. The company might recruit professionals
it deemed qualified based on universal criteria, but these workers may not
be as effective as initially assumed. This is since the business conditions in
an information-related firm necessitate the presence of socially and
culturally knowledgeable individuals.

Autocratic leadership: Nuanced nature of Mr. Koeing

Cultural Sensitivity due to lack of training

Administrative/rigid nature of the proposed selection system


Proper communication at every stage will help overcome challenges which

might arise as seen in the case that the team was not convinced for
proposed selection process.

Study of different cultures before going for meeting.

Culture training and team building exercises to overcome the barriers

Focus on long term objective/goal.


Dr. Koch should seek to convince Mr. Koenig of the potential risks and
drawbacks of such a hastily assembled recruiting scheme. A one-size-fits-
all personnel scheme is not a feasible solution for each nation, as cultural
awareness is needed when recruiting. A one-size-fits-all personnel scheme
is not a feasible solution for each nation, as cultural awareness is needed
when recruiting to minimize costs, complexity, and needless time waste,
the recruitment tiers should be simplified.

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