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Issue : Employers did not take women to be in charge for higher positions.

Employers does not trust

women enough to put them on any important position since they thought women can not handle
pressures just like men can but in fact, it depends on the person themselves on how to manage
handling any situations. Gender does not have anything to do with the suitability on any positions,
men and women both can handle any positions they are assigned to. Although women have made
clear they have the ability to perform with the same skill and success in every endeavor engaged in
by men, the issue of sex discrimination still holds many back. Sex discrimination, although
predominantly an issue for women, can sometimes be directed towards men as well.

Solution : The solution to this issue is by having women represented in government and politics.
Next, representing women in having equal access to education and women to having senior
positions in businesses. One way to solve this issue is by standardise interviews, anonymise resumes
and use blind evaluation processes.

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