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3 Circle the word(s) which do not collocate in each
GRAMMAR sentence.
1 Scientists undertook / carried out / extracted the survey
1 Complete the sentences with the correct passive forms to find out about public conceptions of their work.
of the verbs in brackets. 2 Scientists made a major breakthrough / condition /
1 While we (show) around the castle, one step forward in the fight against cancer.
of the people in our tour group slipped and fell off 3 Researchers stuck / devised / invented a way to
the battlements. It was awful. measure the amount of gas produced.
2 The trees near the centre (cut) down 4 Biochemists reproduced / inserted / duplicated the
today to make space for the new cinema complex. results of the earlier experiment under stricter
3 Both of these gadgets (can / use) to conditions.
slice hard-boiled eggs, but this one is much cheaper. 5 The underlying / due / root cause of the problems
4 Some of these vases (think) to be over a remains to be discovered.
thousand years old. They’re probably worth millions! 6 The patients all had a rare genetic condition / disorder /
5 Andy (must / give) that pullover at reproduction which may prove fatal in the long term.
Christmas. I haven’t seen him wear it before. /6
6 Last term, Simon and I (ask) to sing at 4 Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs
the concert by the head teacher. in the box.
7 I remember (not allow) to stay up late
to watch the final of the World Cup when I was ten. pave   stand   come   resonate   prompt
I was really upset that I couldn’t watch it. address  unfold   reflect
8 Many (know) to have died in the
disaster, but the authorities are not releasing names 2001: A Space Odyssey
yet. The novel 2001: A Space Odyssey, which was written
9 I’ve heard that Harrison (may / present) by Arthur C Clarke, and the film based on the book,
with a medal for his bravery. directed by Stanley Kubrick, both 1
10 Don’t worry about (not / give) a ticket. important issues facing humanity. They explore
You’ll get one as soon as you board the boat. the dangers associated with the nuclear age, and
/ 10 warn against the destructive power associated with
2 Choose the correct form to complete the sentences. technological innovation in the military arena. At the
1 One athlete, choosing / chosen / having chosen at time of the film’s release, these fears 2
random, will be asked to light the torch. with many in the audience who also feared the rapid
2 What happened next shouldn’t ever be allowed / development of technology.
being allowed / to be allowed to happen again. It was Although it 3 out in 1969, the film
and is a disgrace. has 4 the test of time. One reason for
3 As a kid, I got told off / told off / had told off on a daily this is that it so clearly 5 the fears and
basis. Mind you, I was really naughty most of the anxieties felt at that time. Another reason is that
time. it 6 each of us to speculate about our
4 The disease thought / was thought / has thought to role in the universe. As the story 7  , we
be caused by poor-quality drinking water. gradually realise that the computer Hal has a mind
5 My grandmother was the tumour removed / got of its own. This 8 the way for a tense
removed the tumour / had the tumour removed last showdown between man and machine that results
February, and she’s been fine since. in a mind-bending trek through space and time.
6 That cut needs see / to see / seeing to. It looks serious /8
to me. 5 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the
7 Did you know that you can play / be played / playing words in the box.
that game online?
8 It has argued / has been argued / has arguing that the remake  impress  cynic  exploit  stupid  imply
penal system is not fit for purpose. colony  technology
9 A boat made / was made / has made out of paper has
sailed across the Mediterranean. 1 Susie made a very speech during her first
10 Steve had fixed his bike / had his bike fixed / had been conference. I was surprised by how good it was.
fixed his bike last week at the local bike shop. 2 I can’t believe the of the council in
/ 10 placing the school crossing so near the dangerous
3 There have been so many advances in
the world of science during the last decade that it’s
hard to keep up.

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4 Some people were very about Don’s

plans at first. They thought they wouldn’t work and
made sarcastic comments.
5 I preferred the to the original film,
6 During times, European settlers paid
little attention to the rights of native peoples in the
7 Asking us to work extra hours without pay amounts to
 . We’re going on strike!
8 It will take a long time before we are fully aware of
the of the government’s decision. It may
change our way of dealing with childcare.
6 Choose the correct word to complete the sentences.
1 There is no causal between the new road
signs and the rise in the number of accidents.
a  join b  link c  connection
2 A number of need to be taken into
consideration before we can reach an accurate
interpretation of the data.
a  variables b  varieties c  various
3 I think these figures are statistical  . We
can disregard them.
a  disabilities b  enemies c  anomalies
4 You shouldn’t the figures to suit your
own preconceptions.
a  revolve b  turn c  twist
5 Henning Corporation should not be part of the enquiry
because the company has a interest in
the results being shown to be inaccurate.
a  vested b  tested c  conflicted
6 Contrary to popular  , the drug has no
effect on intelligence.
a  view b  belief c  knowledge
7 Crowther’s figures simply don’t up to
a  shift b  set c  stand
8 The entire experiment was fundamentally
a  error b  flawed c  anomaly
/8   / 50

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