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For the first time in my life, in this 16 years old of living, i overcome a huge issue that i have

never been through before, and probably the other planet such as Mars and venus know this. I
know what you’re thinking, it’s a Covid-19 issue. This issue impacts many aspects of life.
But one of those aspects that i relate the most is education. There were so many culture shock
after all that happened. As a students we need survive and adapt because the government
implements policies to break the chain of this issue.

I asked my friends about study from home experience, especially in my school’s learning
system. They said it’s so much different than face to face learning. We need to be more active
and attractive. The teachers usually give us material or youtube video link. At first, it was so
hard for each one of us as a student because we can’t ask question easily, we do not 100
percent understand the material. But one thing that impacts me the most in this online
learning is i can’t freely interact with my friends as we have many assignments to be done
and interact with friends has been one of the ways to clear up my mind after all.

Neverthless, as a Senior High Schoolers we require to be more aware of responsibilities that

has given in tasks or assignments no matter we fully understand the material or not. But
remember one thing, that the success and failure in this online learning system depends on all
parties. My teacher ever said the one who adapt learning easily in every situation is the one
who is going to nail the learning process.

This pandemic does not only affect the education, it has become a major threat for many
organization parties around the world. Work From Home has been goverment policy as a
solution to break the chain of this issue. The solution starts appear in this pandemic and
becomes a strategy for many organizations.

This has become a priority for most governments around the world. But this has not become
the main alternative strategy in Indonesia as several organizations have given flexibility for
the employees to work.

Work from home felt so optimistic during the first half as the productivity still increase, said
Yesiska Putri, a 24-year-old project supervisor at a digital technology firm in Jakarta. But
after four weeks, work from home felt so bored. She felt less energized than usual. It has been
significantly stressing for everyone.

But she solved this problem by listening to podcasts while working. And yeah it helped her
regain her sense of focus and drown out negative thoughts amid the health crisis. Other than
that she said that Work From Home has given her freedom to do work and it might be a great
sollution for organizations with great facilities to implement the policy.

Distance learning and working are effective solution to keep going during the pandemic
without going through it directly. So many consideration to enhance the distance learning and
working such as students, teachers, organization and employees readiness, and infrastructure.

This strategy is a great solution to be implemented in school, campus or even organization.

Teachers as a main factor to create achievement in this learning process should provide
usefull learning process by using online learning platforms. Work from home that has
implemented in organization has advantage and disadvantage that must be received by both
organizations and employees. And the fact that organizations have implemented work from
home, it must be a big consideration for the organizations for taking a solution.

Remember that we are in this together and we are going through this together.

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