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Conservation is important because

1) It protects wildlife (no extinction)

Protecting wildlife means to preserve the incredible species that live within the natural world for the
future genertaions to enjoy and so that the different species dont just become a distant memory (extinct).

2) To promote biodiversity

Environmental and human influences can badly affect species and their interaction within their
ecosystems. When farming is done pesticides and artificial fertilizers enter soil systems and are washed
into waterways. The depletion of plants and animals at the base of complex food webs, reduces numbers
of both species and individuals, which has a cumulative effect in the food web. Rediction in numbers of at
least one animal interrupts the entire ecosystem and the natursl food vhsin, and it can lead to the threat of
several other species.

3) To provide a barrier from the tranfer of infectious diseases from animals to humans (maintaining a
healthy ecosystem)

To maintain a healthy and functional ecosystem means to have habitats for animals that serve as a barrier.
It prevents emerging infectious diseases to transfer from animals to humans. And to also sustain the
balance of nature, by not harming living things and the environment.

4) To provide opportunities for education for the future generations

Accessing the conservation of wildlife and their habitats is of immense educational value. It is of utmost
importance that the future generations (young people) are educated about the vitality of protecting
wildlife. The emphasis on environmental issues is an integral part of the national curriculum, and
conservation makes a direct link between practical action and theory.

5) To maintain the lives of humans (we depend on the environment for our survival)

We would have a hard time surviving, if we did not conserve it. Trees and plants manufacture oxgen and
they directly/indirectly give us food to eat. They prevent soil erosion and it's is paramount to note that us
humans cannot utilize the sun to produce our own food, we depend on plants for that.

Methods of Protection

Reduce means to minimise the amount of waste we create by using less.


We can reduce by limiting the amount of stuff we buy and taking only what we need. For example buying
just the right amount of foodstuffs that would be needed, so that there arent any leftovers.


Reuse refers to using items more than once to divert millions of tons of garbage thrown into lanfills.


We can reuse plastic bottles, straws, cups, polythene bags, newspapers and egg cartons.


Recycle means change a product (garbage) into a new material instead of throwing it away, it will lower
greenhouse gas emissions.


We can recycle plastic, soda and food cans, jars, glass bottles, paper and cardboard.

Ways of sustaining the environment or ecosystems

1. Reduce Pollution – How? 5mks

We can reduce pollution by:

i) Planting trees around factories/schools to trap dust in the air and to filter out noise.

ii) Reducing the number of trips you take in your car (be more efficient)
This will reduce the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) and carbon monoxide (CO), which are major
contributing factors to climate change.

iii) Avoiding to burn garbage/waste materials

This releases toxic chemicals that pollute our air, and residue from burning contaminated tge soil and
iv) Reusing materials such as glass, plastic and cloth in your home instead of littering

v) Reducing the use of non-biodegradable things eg) plastic

2. Conserve natural resources –How? 5mks

We can conserve natural resource by:

i) Using less water

For example turning of the faucet while brushing your teeth, taking shorter showers, fixing leaks in
faucets, showerheads and toilets, and also washing only when their is a full load of dishes/laundry.

ii) Using renewable energy sources such as solar energy and wind mills to generate electricity.

iii) Turning of the lights and television after you leave rooms and unplugging devices when they are done

iv) Composting (foodstuffs)

Converting leftover food scrapes into useful materials for your kitchen gardens.

v) Reusing items
This will help you to reduce waste and prevent more garbage from getting into landfills.

3. Protect endangered species – How? 5mks

We can protect endangered species by:

i) Protecting the habitats of species

Stop destroying animal's habitats

ii) By recycling plastic products

They get thrown into oceans and they kill endangered turtles.

iii) Stop littering and consume less (reduce)

Humans are hoarding the earth's natural resources, while animals are suffering
iv) Educate others about buying sustainable products so they too can reduce their carbon footprint.

v) Planting more trees

This will provide a home for several different species

4. Conserve soil – How?5mks

We conserve soil by:

i) Constructing dams
Dams will reduce erosion by restricting the velocity of flow in the channel/slow down water run-off.

ii) Planting more trees

This will protect areas that are likely to be eroded by holding the soil together by the roots of trees.

iii) Recycling and Reusing waste materials

Wastes such as paper, plastics, metals, glasses and petroleum products should be recycled and reused.

iv) Stop using chemical fertilizers, insecticides and herbicides

This causes soil degradation instead use organic nutrient sources like compost, green manure and bio-

v) Stop cutting down trees

We will lose our vegetation and the soil will be affected by soil erosion.

5. Preserve clean water – How? 5mks

We can preserve clean water by:

i) Properly disposing motor oil and cleaning chemicals by not pouring them down the drain.

ii) Ensure that fertilizers don't get into our waterways to pollute water

iii) Joining a wetland cleanup

Which will ensure that we will have cleaning drinking water

iv) Not littering in streams/drains/rivers/lakes

v) Using phosphate-free detergents

This will prevent algae blooms and the reduction of oxygen in water.
6. Improve land used in mining- How?- 5mks
We can improve land used in mining by:

i) Adding local microorganisms to the topsoil

Microorganisms help create humus. They decay animals and plants, which provide the soil with nutrients.

ii) Adding processed kimberlite to the topsoil

Kimberlite is composed of olivine, mica, serpentine, and calcite. This is very nutritious for the soil.

iii) Adding silty loam overburden to the topsoil

This has all the soil nutrients needed for a healthy soil because it is the perfect mixture of sand, silt and
clay particles.

iv) Adding a peat layer to the soil (lots of humus)

This is an organic layer of soil that consists of partially decomposed organic matter.

v) Planting grass and bushes to gradually restore the vegetation

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