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Krystalla was born in a lavish and green forest filled with nature, where the air was healing and magical.
Birthed by parents of great power; Athena, the goddess of wisdom and handicrafts, and Apollo, god of light,
sun, healing, and music. Her parents are half-siblings through their father Zeus. Therefore, with them being
siblings, Zeus believed it was a disgrace for the two to partake in such relations. As a result, for Krystalla to
prove herself as valuable enough to be a part of the Olympians, Zeus created a set of quests for her to complete.
If she successfully accomplished each quest, she were to earn her seat and place on Mount Olympus, and be
accepted by the other gods. Over the course of many years, Krystalla sailed across all ends of the earth and
underworld to finish each and every quest to her fullest potential. Receiving help from fellow gods such as
Hestia, Hera, Ares, and Hades.
However, one obstacle she continued to face was hurting any being. Whether it be human or not, she
found it exceptionally difficult to wound or defeat them. Although, her parents would never permit her from not
completing these quests. They demanded their daughter be accepted as a goddess, because with such
extraordinary parents, they wanted to continue the legacy. So, Krystalla persevered, and fought and destroyed
each and every obstacle in her path. She slowly finished all the quest, defeating monsters with multiple heads,
finding herbs, animals with significant power, and many more. With the ending of each quest, Zeus awarded her
with sacred minerals that were later discovered to be crystals and gemstones. Each with its own unique power
and significance. This was because Krystalla in Greek translated to crystal, and Zeus believed it was only
After many, many difficult years, she finally completed all 12 challenges. When facing Zeus, he was
shocked. These quests were designed for her to fail, so the fact that she triumphed was incredible. As promised,
Krystalla gained her seat on Mount Olympus. She was well respected by all the gods and goddesses, and her
parents were beyond proud. More for themselves than for her. However, as a gift, he took all of her power and
constructed an extremely powerful Opal ring. This became what was like Zeus’ lightning bolt. Her symbol, her
power holder, everything. From here on and forever, Krystalla became known as the all mighty and powerful
goddess of crystals and gemstones. With the power of healing and the ability to control the weather through her
crystals. By intermingling air with earth she can cause a dust storm, a typhoon, winds as strong as a tornado,
and a firestorm.

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