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EDIT 610 Final Project 1

Part I: Original Lesson Plan

Lesson Title: Great Trials and Issues in U.S. History

Objective: The purpose of this activity is to simulate the life of a sharecropping family. You will

be going through 4 separate phases of this activity.

Directions: Read each of the directions during each phase in the project. Some of the directions

are on this sheet, others will be given by your teacher-- Listen carefully to the directions!!!!

Record each answer on this sheet.

Summary: Students will use this activity to learn and understand the effects of Sharecropping on

former slaves and poor whites. It requires an understanding of math concepts and what it meant

to be a slave.
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Part II: Revised Lesson Plan

Lesson Title: Great Trials and Issues in U.S. History

Objective: The purpose of this activity is to simulate the life of a sharecropping family. You will

be going through 4 separate phases of this activity.

Target Audience: This lesson is designed for 5th-grade students in South Carolina.

Directions: Read each of the directions during each phase in the project. Some of the directions

are on this sheet, others will be in Google Classroom-- Read the directions Carefully.

Summary: Students will use this activity to learn and understand the effects of Sharecropping on

former slaves and poor whites. It requires an understanding of math concepts and what it meant

to be a slave.

Introduction: The students will begin this lesson with phase one of this assignment. They will

read a brief definition about Sharecroppers and the goals of a Sharecropper. The students will
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then give their opinion of “why would poor whites and freedmen become sharecroppers?” They

will place their response in Padlet and then reply to two other students with positive comments of

substance on their opinions.

Presentation: The students will log in to Google Classroom and follow the directions for the

second part of the lesson. They will each be assigned in Google Classroom a Google Slides

presentation for them to complete. The presentation is linked here. Once they complete the

Google Slides with their answers, they will move on to the third part of the lesson. The students

will create a Google Sheets project on how much money their sharecropping experience will

make. Their project should look and resemble the one linked below.
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This image will be linked in Google Classroom for them to see. The next step is to figure out

how much money they are making by rolling the dice to see how well they are doing. Each roll

of the die will be explained by the following information linked in Google Classroom as well.

The students can use dice from my set in the classroom or use the dice roller website linked here

and in Google Classroom. Once all of their numbers have been found, they will total everything

and list it all on their created Google Sheets. They will also have to answer the following

questions about how much they made:

Did you make enough money to live the lifestyle you want?
Are you able to leave sharecropping and become a tenant farmer?
Have you saved up enough money to move, however poor and penniless, to the city?
What option will you choose?
(These can be answered on a Google Doc and turned in with the Google Sheets)
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This assignment will then be turned in to me on Google Classroom. The last part of the main

lesson revolves around pros and cons of Sharecropping. The students will then fill out the linked

T-Chart on what they feel was beneficial to freedmen and what was detrimental. Once

completed this portion will be turned in to Google Classroom.

Closing: The students will login to Flipgrid and answer two questions about sharecropping.

They will be given the following pictures to study before answering their questions.

“How did sharecropping help or hinder Freedmen in achieving their goals?”

“Look at the "Worse Than Bondage” cartoon. The author of the cartoon clearly felt that freedom

and life as a sharecropper was worse than Slavery. What do you think?”
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After reviewing the photos, the students will answer the above questions in a Flipgrid post. They

must also reply to 2 other students about their comments, whether they agree with them, and


Before and After

When beginning this lesson plan, I took a Social Studies lesson that dealt with the lives of

Sharecroppers after the end of slavery. The lesson plan, as it stood, was a basic worksheet that

was meant to be done in a group of two to four students. They filled in the worksheet and turned

it in for credit. To me, this is not the type of engaging assignment students thrive on today. I did

my best to keep the majority of the lesson the same but added the use of technology to motivate

and engage students in learning the content.

Technology: The technology choices I chose were based on the LMS and apps I currently use in

my class. This was done for two reasons. The first is the students would already be familiar

with the apps we would be using, and I would not have to teach them to use new technology.

The second is I would be able to link all of these assignments in one spot on Google Classroom

for easy access and easy grading.

The way the assignment was set up was a basic worksheet with input from partners. I

chose to change this by adding four different apps and websites. The first app and the last app

are very similar in nature, but both have different functions. The first assignment asks the

students to give their opinion as to why someone would choose to become a sharecropper. They

will give this answer in Padlet and then reply to two peers about their ideas. The last assignment

is similar, but the students are using Flipgrid to film their answers while still replying to two

other peers. The presentation part of the lesson moves into two different Google Drive

applications. The students will be using Google Slides to answer a few questions and tell about
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where they will live. They will then use Google Sheets to create a mock income sheet for their

new land. These two assignments will take the place of the worksheet and allow the students to

share documents if this lesson changes into groups. The last addition of technology I added was

to the rolling of the dice. If this lesson plan was designed for students to do during E-Learning

but did not have access to a pair of dice at home, then they could use the digital dice roller. It’s a

small addition but could benefit students who do not have access to certain supplies.

Needs of Learners: The needs of learners are important in every assignment we design as

educators. This lesson in particular is designed with different students’ needs in mind. I chose

Padlet because it does allow the students to see other ideas before they do their own. I do not

want them to copy and paste the exact same idea as someone else but being able to read other

ideas might help them make a connection before we even begin the lesson. The Google apps are

beneficial in my class because of the ability to share documents. If needed, I could group

students who may struggle with concepts, be ELL’s, or just need extra help with the work. The

last app used is Flipgrid and that can be adapted to different learners as well. Students who may

be uncomfortable videoing themselves could use an emoji to cover their face in the app. Flip

grid does a great job of allowing students to use icons and apps to make the assignment fun, but

this could also benefit students who are shy. These little changes could be made to each

assignment and allow all students the opportunity to succeed.

Digital Citizenship: Digital citizenship starts to take place as soon as students have access to

devices in classrooms. The biggest point I try to make with my students when using technology

is the words and images they use are available for anyone to see. I chose these apps and services

because of their ability to be monitored, tailored to students and their ability to keep students
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safe. In 5th grade students are still getting used to internet protocols and as a teacher I would not

want to grant them access in my classroom to something that would jeopardize their safety.

Part III: Assessment

Lesson Title: Great Trials and Issues in U.S. History

Objective: The purpose of this activity is to simulate the life of a sharecropping family. You will

be going through 4 separate phases of this activity.

Standard: 4.5.P Summarize Reconstruction as a turning point in American history

Indicator: How were founding principles as viewed through this period of federal government

involvement, the development and realignment of a new labor system not based on a system of

slavery, and the significant political realignment of the South.

Assignment Standard Grading Assessment

Padlet Discussion 4.5.P Summarize Practice: 50% This assessment will

Reconstruction as a be based on student
turning point in participation. Did the
American history student post a
response and did they
respond to two peers?
Google Slides 4.5.P Summarize Practice: 50% This assessment will
Reconstruction as a be graded based on
turning point in completion. Credit
American history will be given if
finished. This is an
Google Sheets 4.5.P Summarize Practice: 50% This assessment is
Reconstruction as a two part. Is it
turning point in finished and are the
American history math aspects of the
assignment correct?
Did the students
answer the questions?
Padlet 4.5.P Summarize Summative 20% This assessment will
Reconstruction as a be based on students
turning point in explanation of the
American history questions. Did they
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fully answer the


Padlet: This assignment aligns with the objective stated as well as the standards. The students

are beginning to understand that life is not getting better after slavery for all people. I will be

able to use this information to see how their ideas and opinions change from the beginning to the

end of the activity.

Google Slides: This assignment aligns with both the standards and the objectives. The

assessment is based on students filling in the Google Slides presentation assigned to them on

Google Classroom. It does not need a rubric as they are making choices for their new family of

sharecroppers. This type of assessment adds interests to the students as they are able to

customize the family and make it personal to them.

Google Sheets: This assessment aligns with both the standards and objectives. The students

will be graded based on the following rubric.

Charts Total Questions

Are the charts filled in Is your total correct? Did you answer the questions
correctly? fully?
Yes-30 pts Yes-30 pts Yes-40 pts
No-15 pts No-15 pts No-10 pts off for each missed
Blank-0 pts Blank-0 pts Blank-0 pts

Flipgrid: This final assignment aligns with both the standards and objectives. The students are

concluding this assignment with an overall statement of what they learned. They are given the

two images to look at and use Flipgrid to explain their answers. The student’s responses should

be detailed and mention one aspect of new learning in them. They also need to respond to two

peers with comments about their posts.

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Assessments: All of these assignments and assessments will be available to the students to

allow them to work on them at home. I will post every aspect of this in Google Classroom as to

make sure I can monitor the students work, grade assignments as they are submitted, and make

sure I am available to help when needed. All of these items free me up to become a coach and

facilitator to the students.

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