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The politicization of fashion must end.

What started as an innocent fashion trend popularized by movie stars during the 1950s -
wearing a tee shirt instead of a shirt- has now become as of late, a distasteful way to shove
one’s political and social opinions down everyone’s throats. The question that arises next is,
“why did people start audaciously wearing clothes expressing their political beliefs in such an
unfiltered way?” This trend has become increasingly popular in the last decade, and it can be
linked to the growing number of people colloquially known as “social justice warriors.” These
individuals usually adhere to socially progressive and liberal views, like feminism, civil rights,
multiculturalism, and other public affiliations. This essay will discuss why wearing a tee shirt
with a message is completely socially uncouth, since there are better ways to express one’s
political and social beliefs.
In 1948, the universal declaration of human rights established that the right of free speech
was granted to every single individual on the planet, therefore, the readers of this essay might
feel slightly confused as to why I oppose this in the form of a message on a tee shirt. My
rationale is the following, it has been proved time and again that social justice warriors,
although they seem to have firmly held beliefs and convictions, do not know how to defend
them without appealing to the use of emotional language, baseless facts and half-truths. There
are numerous videos on YouTube (the most popular ones are usually of the women’s march or
anti-Trump rallies in the US) of such people being questioned why they believe in their
political stances, and in many cases they do not know how to respond, or they are not
coherent with their answers. Thus, why would anyone flaunt the correctness of their liberal
opinions on a tee shirt, if they do not have a clue on how to defend them? Furthermore,
another reason they choose a tee shirt to express their opinions is to divide people, on the
basis of sex, gender, race, and political association.
We currently live in an era of political correctness dictating who is fired or promoted at a job,
or graded more or less depending on their ideological affiliations. The grudge against civilized
society does not need to run deeper than it already is. This is why wearing a tee shirt with a
message, is completely socially uncouth, since there are better ways to express one’s beliefs,
without being a social provocateur aiming at imposing a political opinion on bystanders, that
said person, does not know to defend without appealing to emotions and fallacies.

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