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Feminism is a social phenomenon advocating for women’s rights for the purposes of

gender equality. This ideology is relevant to many sectors of the world including economic,

social, developmental, and political domains. This movement has initiated many events that

have dictated the course of the modern world. This essay will discuss why and how feminist

challenged conventional notion’s of politics. The organizational, international, scholarly, identity

and political science aspects are debatable topics within the field. There have been major

breakthroughs, setbacks and controversies that have made the subject relevant to modern

times. There are examples from the past, present, and possible future that illustrate the impact

of feminism combatting politics.

The study of feminism in an organizational context is a growing political discussion.

Women’s relations to their job, work relations, and organizational politics has presented many

opportunities and challenges. Women’s role within organizations have grown to include

decision making and authoritative power. They are no longer regulated to traditionally female

roles such as nurses, secretaries, and baby-sitting. Feminism is part of the organizations system

in order to diversify the business environment. In addition to what has been stated, challenges

include misogyny, sexual violence, harassment, and oppression on a structural level. Gender

based power structures; male dominance are common occurrences within several

organizations. Feminism has fought for appropriate training of staff to avoid these issues.

Feminism workshops as well as mental health programs are key indicators of progression. The

need for a knowledge base on feminism is being advocated for so that incidents, negative or

positive can be documented, tracked, and shared. Increasing studies on feminisms relation to
organizations economic, social, and political landscapes is the next significant step. On the

contrary, anti feminist groups argue that organizations are riding trends folding to social

pressures and accommodating women because liberal views have forced them to do such

actions. A criticism of feminism is that the movement should not be specific to women. Rather,

it should encompass equality, individuality, and power for all. This ignores many problems

women face because of their gender and the negligence of men to understand their privileged

position. Another argument that can be made is that individuals use feminism as a platform to

promote hate and superiority over men. This misconstrues the message of feminism as female

dominance instead of gender equality. Social media, celebrity events and political speeches

heavily discuss feminism promoting equality and understanding, Meanwhile, it can be

speculated that these events only take place to garner positive public attention, votes, and

business prosperity. Overall, the impact of feminism on organizations has challenged

conventional politics through effective measures though the motives of organizations is

questionable whether or not it is genuine or simply accommodating trends to appease the


Widening the horizon pass organizational politics, feminism has reached international

significance. Feminist international relation is a field of study directly linked to country

relations, trade, economic, social, and political aspects in the context of feminism. This study

denotes the negative consequences of male dominance in politics, the oppression within

gender power structures etc. There is increasing concern that radical feminism is covering the

core message of feminism, proposing the elimination of male supremacy in society. The

confusion dwells deeper as opposing groups argue that the political and personal should not be
put together. Second wave feminism has promoted this ideology and there are many skeptics.

Conventional politics would argue that each interpretation of feminism is more unclear than

the previous. Politically speaking, radical movements have been a strong reason for

conservatives to oppose feminism. Feminist international relations has given female

contributions credit for their activities in influencing country politics in many ways. In the past,

women’s roles at this scale would have been deemed a hindrance to operations. Technology

has been controversial for the field because the viewpoints of radical feminism are able to

access many people and shape their thoughts. Social media trends are predicated on radical

feminism, misinforming, and feeding false information to impressionable publics. Each new

wave of feminism has introduced new concepts to the feminism ideology expanding its

definition. These new ideas have created an illusion as to what feminism really is, interpretation

has become very individualized. The concepts of feminism have been put under one word,

feminist theory since it is unclear on how to approach the topic through political lens. While

feminist international relations have created opportunities, the challenges include vague

interpretations between true feminism, radical feminism, and the political space as debates

with liberals, conservatives, and other political parties continue on.

Integration of feminism on digital platforms requires authenticity, creative collaborative

effort, and alignment with modern day feminism. Likes, comments and shares have created a

new form of communication for feminism. The digital era has connected the world on a global

scale, boundaries have become irrelevant. The stories of women can now be shared with

millions of people in regard to harassment, rape, and other forms of abuse. These instances

kindle the conversation in politics as internet pressure can influence parties to enact policies to
protect women. The internet has diversified feminism with new ideas, methodologies, and

political campaigns. Social media in particular has generated lots of awareness, this can be

problematic because awareness may not lead to policy or legislative change. Since anybody can

have a voice on the subject manner, it can be difficult to determine good and bad information.

The introduction of social media gives millions of individuals a voice, however not all voices

should be heard. Even traditional media such as films, documentaries and television series are

pushing the boundaries of feminism. It is much more inclusive, critical, and understanding of

the modern space. The creative direction is articulated to accommodate these circumstances.

Through these media ventures, politics has been forced to address feminism because it is no

longer a small movement, rather it is a supported by a broad audience incapsulating many

perspectives. Feminism is a global concept, political parties from local to international must

address the subject. The presence of media and its authenticity has created conversation

amongst audiences in person and on social media. These conversations have pressured political

parties to make legislative and policy changes. Creative efforts have adopted real life stories

and dramatized them in a way broader audiences can relate. The sheer number of supporters

for feminism generated through content creation has been very significant. However, these

spaces have been subject to criticism based on fabrication, misinformation, and wrongful use.

Politics has changed because of these efforts.

Political science has progressed forward feminism in the subject of politics. Legislative

change by political bodies was made possible through the research and study of feminist

political science. The scope of this study has been misconstrued to an international scale. The
nature of political science mainly addresses local or at most national issues. Historically

speaking, the feminist movement of the 1970’s has had the most impact on the twenty-first

century feminism. The ideology of “personal is political” has initiated debate and conversation

amongst scholars and politicians alike. The activism of the seventies sought to dismantle

notions of male dominance, patriarchal hierarchy, and female oppression within social and

economic spheres, not just political. Political science also articulates the processes and

operations that take place in order to create change. The movement of the seventies was

predicated on sexual violence and harassment. These personal issues blended with the political

landscape. Conservatives argued against the mixing of personal and political problems. Arguing

that politics should be male dominant because women’s often make decisions based on their

emotions. Modern day feminism has more or less adopted the perspective of second wave

feminism. Smart political partnerships, movements, goal setting and appropriate funding have

created opportunities for females in the modern age. Furthermore, cooperating with the state

has driven opportunity for the feminism movement. On the contrary, the feminist movement

and feminist political science wants to remain independent from the state to avoid political

manipulation. The second wave feminism of the seventies and modern feminism share the

aggressive mindset of the western world according to political science. Protests, rallies, and

strikes take place all around the world to force political bodies to make change. In conclusion,

feminist political science studies have played a major role in feminisms stakes in politics.

Although, the scope is debatable the impact of second wave feminism is still a driving factor for

modern rendition of the subject.

Scholars have broadened the debate on politics based on class, race, ethnicity, and

sexuality. Instead of a narrow perspective, the focus is on overall oppression due to these

factors. Self identified feminist has had varying levels of receptiveness towards a number of

policies. Progressive minds were more aligned with gender and sexuality. Social justice is also in

a major area of concern. Surprisingly, the diversity of feminist politics supports multifaceted

justice agendas. Despite some differences diverse feminist views have been challenging

conventional notions of politics. Feminist identity is relatively unknown in terms of scope and

strength. The argument can be made that feminist identity is more so a coalition instead of a

homogenous group. Organizing into these identities does not necessarily mean essentialism

rather, it is strategic planning based on common goals. There is reason to believe that

intersectionality can be understood politically and on a structural, representative level ( ).

As explained in the text “a framework for contesting power and thereby linking theory to

existent and emergent social and political struggles.” ( ). There is general agreement

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