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Pediatric Medical Specialist Study Programme Module

Faculty of Medicine
Universitas Airlangga

Pediatric Growth and Development 1

Module Name Pediatric Growth and Development 1
Basic Science of Pediatric Growth and Development
Code Name KDP727
Module Level Students that have passed MKDU
Abbreviation if applicable
Module coordinator Dr. Ahmad Suryawan, dr., SpA(K)
Lecturer 1. Dr. Ahmad Suryawan, dr., SpA(K)
2. Dr. Irwanto, dr., SpA(K)
3. Mira Irmawati, dr., SpA(K)
4. Prof. Moersintowarti B.N., dr., MSc, SpA(K)
Language Bahasa Indonesia
Classification within curriculum a. Compulsory course
b. General Scientific Skill
Learning models Classic lecture, discussion, case presentation, homework, and bed-side
Teaching format/ class hours per 340 minutes lecture
week during per semester 14 lectures classes
Workload 90.6 hours
Credit Points 2 credits
Learning goal/competencies After following this course, students should be able to explain general
concepts of growth and development, use of demographic data and child
health s.tatistics, as well as children's rights and child protection
Content Pediatric Growth and Development Course 1 will discuss about
 Application General concepts of growth and development of
 Assessment of normal growth and development stages,
 Early detection of normal growth and development of children
and adolescents and their deviations
 Early Stimulation
Observation of Orphanages, children daycare, special needs children
school, etc.
Study/ Exam achievement 90% DOPS, Mini-clinical examination, Mini-PAT, OSCE, and CBD,
with 10% soft skills. Minimum score of 70.
Form of media LCD/video, computer, skill lab, manequin, medical record, imaging
Literature 1. Kliegman RM, St Geme III, Blum NJ, Shah SS, Tasker RC,
Wilson KM, Behrman RE, editor. Nelson textbook of
Pediatrics. Edisi 21. Elsevier, 2019.Foetus into Man (J.M.
2. Buku Ajar Tumbuh Kembang Ped.Sos PP-IDAI - Jilid I, II dan
Pediatric Medical Specialist Study Programme Module
Faculty of Medicine
Universitas Airlangga

3. Antropometri (Noel Cameron)

4. Community Pediatrics (David Hull)
5. Pediatric Decission Making (Behrman)
6. Growth Chart CDC-2000 dan WHO, 2005
7. Buku petunjuk pelaksanaan test Denver II – UKK TK-PS
8. Pedoman Stimulasi Deteksi dan Intervensi DiniTumbuh
Kembang (SDIDTK) Anak Departemen Kesehatan RI – 2006
9. Instrumen PEDS, CHAT, Corner’s Scale, ELMS-2 -UKK TK-
10. Buku Konvensi Hak Anak – UNICEF
11. UU Perlindungan Anak No. 23 Tahun 2002

Pediatric Growth and Development 2

Module Name Pediatric Growth and Development 2
Advanced Science of Pediatric Growth and Development
Code Name
Module Level Students that have passed junior level
Abbreviation if applicable
Module coordinator Dr. Ahmad Suryawan, dr., SpA(K)
Lecturer 1. Dr. Ahmad Suryawan, dr., SpA(K)
2. Dr. Irwanto, dr., SpA(K)
3. Mira Irmawati, dr., SpA(K)
4. Prof. Moersintowarti B.N., dr., MSc, SpA(K)
Language Bahasa Indonesia
Classification within curriculum a. Compulsory course
b. General Scientific Skill
Learning models Classic lecture, discussion, case presentation, homework, and bed-side
Teaching format/ class hours per 340 minutes lecture
Pediatric Medical Specialist Study Programme Module
Faculty of Medicine
Universitas Airlangga

week during per semester 14 lectures classes

Workload 90.6 hours
Credit Points 2 credits
Learning goal/competencies After following this course, students should be able to conduct
comprehensive treatment of child with developmental disorders. Able to
organize multidisciplinary case study groups for children and teenager.
Able to provide counseling to families, children, adolescents in
connection with the case. Able to do hospital public health promotion
through communication media (radio, TV, Talk Show, Education
entertainment etc.). Able to design scientific activities for major holidays
concerning the interests of Child and Teenager.
Content Pediatric Growth and Development Course 2 will discuss about
1. Disorder of child and adolescent growth and development
2. Child Abused / Sexual Abused & Neglect
3. Management of Motor and Speech Delay
4. Management of Behavior Disorders in children and adolescents
5. Management of Mental Retardation
6. Management of chronic growth and development disorders in
children and adolescents
7. Management of Drug Abuse
Study/ Exam achievement 90% DOPS, Mini-clinical examination, Mini-PAT, OSCE, and CBD,
with 10% soft skills. Minimum score of 70.
Form of media LCD/video, computer, skill lab, manequin, medical record, imaging
Literature 1. Kliegman RM, St Geme III, Blum NJ, Shah SS, Tasker RC,
Wilson KM, Behrman RE, editor. Nelson textbook of
Pediatrics. Edisi 21. Elsevier, 2019.Foetus into Man (J.M.
2. Buku Ajar Tumbuh Kembang Ped.Sos PP-IDAI - Jilid I, II dan
3. Antropometri (Noel Cameron)
4. Community Pediatrics (David Hull)
5. Pediatric Decission Making (Behrman)
6. Growth Chart CDC-2000 dan WHO, 2005
7. Buku petunjuk pelaksanaan test Denver II – UKK TK-PS
8. Pedoman Stimulasi Deteksi dan Intervensi DiniTumbuh
Kembang (SDIDTK) Anak Departemen Kesehatan RI – 2006
9. Instrumen PEDS, CHAT, Corner’s Scale, ELMS-2 -UKK TK-
Pediatric Medical Specialist Study Programme Module
Faculty of Medicine
Universitas Airlangga

10. Buku Konvensi Hak Anak – UNICEF

11. UU Perlindungan Anak No. 23 Tahun 2002

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