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K: Good morning Cristian

C: Hi Karina how are you?

K: I’m very well and you?
C: all good, I can see you very excited. Where do you come from?
K: I'm coming back from the bank, I went to leave my savings.
C : I understand, we all want to save to make our dreams come true
K: Yes, I think that although money is not everything, it is very
important, that's why we work every day
C: Yes Karina, money gives you economic stability, it gives you a better
kind of life, it allows us to travel, go shopping, buy a house, a car, or
things that we always wanted to have.
K: Exactly Christian !!!! Today ,some teachers told me about investing in
the stock exchange , and they also explained to me about buying small
stock shares in companies.
C: wow! tell me about that Karina
K: What I understood was that with an exactly amount of money we can
buy a small part of a company, and with each profit of the company we
also earn.
C:That interests me Karina, I'll go to the bank to ask
K: Yes Christian, it was nice to see you, greetings to your family, I'm
C: Bye take care, greetings too

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