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RZzinc Pees
We know that summer is almost hene when we start to hear
those buzzing bees Although many people ane afrald of bees, they ane
very important to have anound Without fhem, we would not have honey
and there would be less frut and vegetable plants for us to eat
In the warm weather, we see bees Plying among the Plowens looking
For food They are collecting nectar and spreading pollen Nectar is a sweet
sticky lould that bees use to make honey Pollen is a povwder made by
Some plants As bees carry pollen from one flower to another, seeds
begin to gow This is called polination When a bee finds nectar or pollen
f does a dance for the other bees to let them know where to find the
As For those stingng bees,only fFemale bees have stingers They usually
STing when they are trying to protect themselves or their hive The most
common bee, the honeybee, des soon after stinging That is because the
stinger, whlch is attached to fhe bee's abdomen, getrs pulled out of the
bee's body after getting stuck in the victim's skin

Why are bees mportant nsects?they Ho1P9ray Pla/E5

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2 Wihat is polinatorf
foy Otner pl0y S+09O
3 What happens to a honeybee after tt stngs ? ItV|tSS

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