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The Self Concept Model

Lesson Title: All About Me Scrapbook

Targeted Grade Level: 1st Grade

Academic Subject: English Language Arts

Lesson Goals:

Students will be able to focus on their individual feelings and perceptions about
what they love about themselves and who they are as a person.

Lesson Objectives:

 The student will learn to create a positive self-image.

 The student will create a positive self-concept
Materials/Resources Needed:

 This lesson will require color paper

 This lesson will require colors
 This lesson will require labeled positive words
 This lesson will require cardboard mirrors for each student
 This lesson will require glue
 This lesson will require the all about me handout for each student
 This lesson will require what I like about me! Book by Allia Zobel Nolan

EDUC 6330 | Lesson Plan Template
 This lesson will require different color yarn
 This lesson will require dry macaroni

Lesson Components:

Phase I: I will start the class by describing the meaning of self-concept and the
importance of establishing a positive self-image. We will discuss positive self-talk
and give them some examples like “I’m good enough” or “I can do it”, before getting
their thoughts and examples of positive self-talk. I will also
discuss examples of negative self-talk like “I can’t do this” or “I’m
a failure” and open the floor for discussion amongst the class to
see if they can give me some examples as well. We will also
discuss what we can do to combat those negative thoughts
about ourselves. I will read the what I like about me aloud and
then inform the students on their assignment involving them
making a scrapbook about themselves.

Phase II: I will then pass out their all about me handouts for them to start filling
them out. Once completed I will go around the class and ask certain students with
hands raised what they put for certain questions on the sheet about themselves.

Phase III: I will pass out supplies for them to start on their own personalized
scrapbooks that contain what they want to be when they grow up, there favorites,
and their family and friends. that will describe them in detail, they will get to make
themselves as well as place attributes about themselves that they like.


My rubric will consist of determining if the students get the basis of self-concept
and what stage they are in which are they need a lot of help, I’m learning, I need a
little help, I can do it.
 Be able to give an example of negative self-talk
 Be able to give an example of positive self-talk
 Be able to identify what to do when negative self-talk happens

EDUC 6330 | Lesson Plan Template
EDUC 6330 | Lesson Plan Template

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