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-- Interogari BD Chinook - IE si SPE:

-- SQL 02: Jonctiuni interne
-- ultima actualizare: 2020-03-07


-- ############################################################################
-- Care sunt albumele formatiei `U2`
-- ############################################################################

-- sol. 1 - NATURAL JOIN

select *
from album natural join artist
where name = 'U2'

-- sol. 2 - ECHI-JOIN
select *
from album inner join artist on album.artistid = artist.artistid
where name = 'U2'

select album.*,
from album inner join artist on album.artistid = artist.artistid
where name = 'U2'

-- ############################################################################
-- Care sunt piesele de pe albumul `Achtung Baby` al formatiei U2?
-- ############################################################################

-- sol. eronata care foloseste NATURAL JOIN

select *
from album
natural join artist
natural join track
where name = 'U2'

-- sol. corecta - folosind INNER JOIN

select track.*
from album
natural join artist
inner join track on album.albumid = track.albumid
where = 'U2' and title = 'Achtung Baby'

-- ############################################################################
-- Care sunt piesele formatiei `Led Zeppelin` compuse de cel putin trei muzicieni?
-- ############################################################################

SELECT track.*
FROM track
INNER JOIN album ON track.albumid = album.albumid
INNER JOIN artist ON album.artistid = artist.artistid
WHERE = 'Led Zeppelin' AND
regexp_match(composer, '.*(/|,).*(/|,).*') IS NOT NULL )

-- ############################################################################
-- Care sunt piesele formatiei U2 vandute in anul 2013?
-- ############################################################################

SELECT as track_name, title as album_title

FROM track
INNER JOIN album ON track.albumid = album.albumid
INNER JOIN artist ON album.artistid = artist.artistid
INNER JOIN invoiceline ON track.trackid = invoiceline.trackid
INNER JOIN invoice ON invoiceline.invoiceid = invoice.invoiceid
WHERE = 'U2' AND EXTRACT (YEAR FROM invoicedate) = 2013

-- ############################################################################
-- ############################################################################

-- ############################################################################
-- Care sunt celelalte albume ale formatiei care a lansat
-- albumul 'Achtung Baby'?
-- ############################################################################

-- solutie care utilizeaza AUTO JOIN

FROM album NATURAL JOIN artist
INNER JOIN album a2 ON album.artistid = a2.artistid
WHERE album.title = 'Achtung Baby'

-- ############################################################################
-- Care sunt celelalte piese de pe albumul pe care apare piesa
-- 'For Those About To Rock (We Salute You)'?
-- ############################################################################

-- solutie care utilizeaza AUTO JOIN

SELECT track1.*
FROM track track1
INNER JOIN track track2 ON track1.albumid = track2.albumid
WHERE = 'For Those About To Rock (We Salute You)'
-- ############################################################################
-- Care sunt clientii din aceeasi tara ca si clientul `Robert Brown`
-- ############################################################################
select customer1.*
from customer customer1
inner join customer customer2 on =
where customer2.firstname = 'Robert' and customer2.lastname = 'Brown'

-- sau
select customer2.*
from customer customer1
inner join customer customer2 on =
where customer1.firstname = 'Robert' and customer1.lastname = 'Brown'

-- ############################################################################
-- Care este numele angajatului: lastname = 'Johnson' AND firstname = 'Steve'
-- ############################################################################

-- care este numele angajatului: lastname = 'Johnson' AND firstname = 'Steve'

SELECT sefi.*
FROM employee subordonati
INNER JOIN employee sefi ON subordonati.reportsto = sefi.employeeid
WHERE subordonati.lastname = 'Johnson' AND subordonati.firstname = 'Steve'

-- ############################################################################
-- Probleme de rezolvat la curs/laborator/acasa
-- ############################################################################

-- In ce tari s-a vandut muzica formatiei `Led Zeppelin`

-- Afisare piesele si artistii din playlistul `Heavy Metal Classic`

-- Care sunt piesele formatiei `Led Zeppelin` la care, printre compozitori, nu apare
-- `Robert Plant`

-- Care sunt piesele formatiei `Led Zeppelin` la care, printre compozitori, nu apare
-- nici `Robert Plant`, nici `Jimmy Page`

-- ############################################################################
-- La ce intrebari raspund urmatoarele interogari ?
-- ############################################################################

SELECT track.*
FROM track
INNER JOIN album ON track.albumid = album.albumid
INNER JOIN artist ON album.artistid = artist.artistid
WHERE = 'Led Zeppelin' AND
(UPPER(composer) LIKE '%BONHAM%' OR UPPER(composer) LIKE '%LED ZEPPELIN%')

select name as artist_name, title as album_title
from artist inner join album on artist.artistid = album.artistid
where name = title
order by 1 ;

select as track_name,
title as album_title, as artist_name,
milliseconds / 1000 as duration_seconds
from track
inner join album on track.albumid = album.albumid
inner join artist on album.artistid = artist.artistid
where = 'U2'
order by milliseconds desc
limit 9

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