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OGL 481 Pro-Seminar I: PCA-Structural Frame Worksheet

Worksheet Objectives

● 1. Describe the structural frame

○ I have chosen the human resource frame for the company I chose
which is QFC, a Kroger grocery company. I have chosen this
method because it criticizes the viewpoint that “employees had no
right beyond a paycheck, and their duty was to work hard and
follow orders” (Bolman & Deal, p. 118, para. 5, 2017).
● 2. Apply the structural frame to your personal case situation
○ This applies to the toxic work environment that I was exposed to during the
pandemic as well as the inhumane decision making on behalf of the companies
higher up authority. This includes but is not limited to unfair or unsafe work
conditions, unethical business practices and a lack of communal obligation to
give back or provide work life balance to those who dedicate their time to the
company. Many of the issues trickle down from the top and the solutions are not
being brought from the bottom up.

○ I would have chosen an outside source for management because the manager
was chosen from with in and was not equipped for this position. It was an e-
commerce position with a lot of employees and a fast-paced environment. There
were others who were looked over for the position such as my lead Josh and he
would have been a better fit. But as previously mentioned, Human Resources
had a close personal relationship with our manager and her “favorites” she hired
from her personal life. It was a huge conflict of interest and something they were
aware they were doing and worked to maintain for quite some time.

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