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Class : S.E.I.T Semester - I Year : 2020-21

Subject :- Logic Design & Computer Organization Laboratory


Common questions to all Group A Combinational assignments

1. Define sequential logic and combinational logic circuits.

2. What is the difference between sequential logic and combinational logic circuits?
3. What is a function of IC 7400, 7402, 7404, 7408, 7432, 7486?
4. What do you mean by active high and active low signals?
5. Which are the universal gates and why they are so called as?


6. What do you mean by propagation delay?

7. Compare TTL and CMOS logic families?
8. What is noise immunity?
9. What is noise margin?
10. Define fan in and fan out of an IC.
11. Explain figure of merit of an IC
12. What is TTL?
13. What is CMOS?
14. What is temperature range of 74 series of TTL families?
15. What is temperature range of 54 series of TTL families?

 Code converters

16. What are the different number systems?

17. Define bit, byte, nibble, word & double word.
18. How many ways are there to represent negative nos.?
19. Which are the different methods of reducing Boolean equations?
20. What is the difference between BCD & binary number systems?
21. What are the limitations & advantages of BCD & binary number systems?
22. What is the range of positive and negative nos. in an 8-bit number system using sign
magnitude representation?
23. What is the range of positive and negative nos. in an 8-bit number system using 1's
complement representation?
24. What is the range of positive and negative nos. in an 8-bit number system using 2's
complement representation?
25. What is the difference between weighted and non- weighted codes?
26. Why gray codes are called as reflective codes?
27. Why Ex-3 codes are called as self complementary codes?
28. What are the applications of gray codes, Ex-3 codes, binary, BCD code?
29. What do you mean by SOP & POS forms?
30. What is the difference between minterm & maxterm?
31. What is don't care condition?
32. Code converters are examples of combinational or sequential circuits?
33. What is the need of code conversion and applications of code converters?

 BCD adder
34. What is the range of valid BCD nos.?
35. What are the rules of BCD addition?
36. Why you are adding (6)10 only while converting invalid BCD to valid BCD nos.?
37. What is a function of IC 7483?
38. IC 7483 is a binary or BCD adder?
39. To add two digit nos. what will be the possible design?
40. BCD adder is example of combinational or sequential circuits?

 Multiplexer/Decoder

41. What is Mux, Demux, and Decoder?

42. What is the difference between Mux & Demux ?
43. What is the difference between Decoder & Encoder ?
44. What is the difference between Decoder & Demux
45. How will you increase capacity of mux?
46. What do you mean by mux tree?
47. What is the function of IC 74153, and IC 74151, IC 74138?
48. What is the significance of enable (strobe) signal?
49. What are the applications of mux and decoder?
50. Mux/demux / decoder is an example of combinational or sequential circuits?
51. How many 4:1 mux are required to construct Boolean function of 4 variables?
52. How many select lines is a need of 8:1 mux?
53. What is the relation between select inputs and outputs of a decoder?
54. What is the difference between active low and active high output decoders?
55. Half adder and full subtractor are the example of combinational or sequential circuits?
Common questions to all Group B sequential assignments

1. Define sequential digital circuits?

2. Why f/fs are called as one bit memory cell?
3. What is a truth table of SR F/F?
4. What is a truth table of JK F/F?
5. What is a truth table of D F/F?
6. What is a truth table of T F/F?
7. What is a long form of “D”?
8. What is a long form of “T”?
9. Flip flop is an example of combinational or sequential circuits? What is race condition
in a flip flop?
10. What is the difference between SR flip flop and JK flip flop?
11. What is the difference between truth table and excitation table of flip flop?
12. What are the applications of T & D flip flop?
13. Why D f/f is called as latch?
14. What do you mean by divide by 2 network?
15. If 'f 'is a clock frequency, what will be the frequency of toggle f/f output?
16. What is a significance of preset and clear signals?
17. Why preset and clear signal are called as asynchronous signals?
18. Preset and clear signals are active high or active low signals?
19. Why preset and clears are connected to Vcc in IC 7476? What will happen if
both or either of is connected to ground?
20. What is the function of IC 7476?
21. What do you mean by clock?
22. What are the different types of clock?
23. What is the difference between level triggered and edge triggered clocks?
24. Which type of clock you will prefer and why?
25. What is the difference between synchronous sequential circuits and asynchronous
sequential circuits?
 Asynchronous (ripple) counter

26. What do you mean by counter?

27. What are the types of counters?
28. What is the difference between asynchronous and synchronous counter?
29. Why asynchronous counters are called as ripple counters?
30. What do you mean by presetttable asynchronous counters?
31. What are the applications of asynchronous counters?
32. What do you mean by mod asynchronous counter?
33. What is truncated counter?
34. How many f/fs are needed to design n- bit asynchronous counter?
35. Asynchronous counter is an example of combinational or sequential circuits?
36. Can we call n- bit asynchronous counter as mod-n counter?
37. What is the difference between up and down counters?

 Synchronous counter

38. What are the applications of synchronous counters?

39. How many f/fs are needed to design n- bit synchronous counter?
40. Synchronous counter is an example of combinational or sequential circuits?
41. What is ring counter?
42. What is twisted ring counter?
43. What do you mean by pre-settable synchronous counters?
44. What do you mean by mod synchronous counter?
45. What is truncated synchronous counter


46. IC 7490 is an example of combinational or sequential circuits?

47. What do you mean by modulus of the counter?
48. What is a function of IC 7490?
49. IC 7490 is an example of ripple counter or synchronous counter?
50. Explain the significance of reset and set signals of IC 7490?
51. Can we use IC 7490 as down counter?
52. How many and which type of f/fs are present inside the IC 7490?
53. What type of clock is used with IC 7490?
54. What is BCD divide by 10 counter using IC- 7490?
55. Modulo N counter needs how many flip flops?
Common questions to all Group C Computer Organization assignments

 Single bit RAM cell

1. What is difference between sequential & random access memory devices?

2. List examples of sequential & random access memory devices?
3. What is difference between RAM & ROM?
4. What is relationship between number of address lines & memory capacity of a
memory chip?
5. How many single bit memory cells will be required to construct memory with m
words & n bits per word?
6. What is function of enable/select input with memory?
7. What is function of Read/Write input with memory?

 Single bit ALU

8. What is ALU?
9. How many Data inputs, data outputs & function select inputs, 4 bit ALU will have
with 4 operations?
10. Which hardware component will be used to implement AND operation for 1 bit
11. Which hardware component will be used to implement OR operation for 1 bit
12. Which hardware component will be used to implement EXOR operation for 1 bit
13. Which hardware component will be used to implement ADD operation for 1 bit
14. Which hardware components will be required to construct 1 bit ALU with AND,
OR, EXOR & ADD operations?
15. How many function select inputs, 8 bit ALU will have with 16 operations?

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