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645 Authorization to Request Release of Information

OBTAIN FROM: (Who is releasing information?) RELEASE TO: (Who is receiving information?)

Name Name
Address Address
SPECIFIC INFORMATION REQUESTED: For The Following Dates: _____________________________________

X☐ Final Summary X☐ Psychiatric Assessment ☐x History & Physical Exam

X☐ Progress Notes ☐x Psycho-social Assessment ☐ xComp Exam or Observation Report

X☐ Physician’s Orders ☐ Educational Assessments ☐ Operative Report

☐ Lab/Path Results ☐ Medical/Surgical Final Summary ☐ EKG Report ☐ EEG Report

☐ Disposition Committee Notes X☐ Dental Report ☐x Drug/Alcohol Treatment

☐ Other psych order of Heather vamenzuelaphdstudentgrad jd master lkm master attorney luc psychologist and health law lic a d
itrnessand lic mediation and refetal order evaluation orders hold and legalholds and mental health hold on list of cult leaders of me and
Mexican mafia and cia executions of Las Vegas mafia informant of me my wedding and life for 20 yearssabotageand anti hate crime units
wadc ofeminemspossee and of thehollywood Alist or mafiaset upsofgov in Colorado authorities or Jessica Martinez and evaluation of head
otfrankdaniels cult leaders arrest and of mob main controllers and cults my friends did for me from Delta orbyhollywood alist of
kobebryants planecrash and fishy deaths investigated and suicide of amnanicole Smith and myself recordsrequestifrescuedfrom Justin
Edwards bypsychologist in mob with him is suicide in anybody if notcontrolledabdmaintained correctly and hiscia excutionsand of set upby
jenniferlopezto testify forhillaty Clinton andforcia excutions andusgov investigations about and Mex mafia of main controllers of Alicia
classic about and fbijn estpgayedabout informant and set upon Justin for cia excutions by cia headquartersandrandyauyry set up by fbi and
allcontracthit man forhire setupsby shugknighttirnedthemintofbiamd murdered dead and witnesses dead guy and Jeri
ownergentlemamsclub and sennishoffand Anna Nicole hughhefner or Bob penthouse owner of magazine owners nowlarryflynt
deadandofe.tireporno u sidtry Al pavinosseayhhoax and for Alicia classi issupposrdtobe setupbyjustun y fbiorjessuca in Co springs by fbi
oralso Mike Valdez andmexmob Informant ofjustin in mob of my self and Alicia classi turned infor premeditated murder onme and much
less Jessica Martinez and judicial misconduct is what Michelle ishigjesanehaviorhealth priblem at this point or Jim orpam Lee Anderson
andorke drawjinse torely setupby hughhefner himself is illegal what there DOI g andsamdta Bullock if occand psychevalinbrittmey Spears
again or terrirustset upsbycia offenderline or Justin or pam collinsor Justin ciawxecutions to getoutifthe situation u had notji gto do with
utwas kkk in hitchkissjustin ifmy dad's dtugdealers and identity theftuncontrolledcorrectly hchlessmik or maintained protocol outfitreno NV
lasvegasmafia or mob ofhollywood alistorspecial corcumstancesifciahesfqharyers and whyjenmifer tlopez did this to heather on purpose a
dhillaty Clinton when is proofof burdenon meisheatherslife heather kids and family is not their buisness or what ismuke valdezthinking
Michelle hughesoriran sanctions or president of USA or why is problem notcleared up in gj fbi ortammyeretorfrank daniels cult ho.icidefbi
forensics informants cedtigationsformy own homicide for forcrced sucide iswhyiof playboy mansion hollywood Alist and federal indictment
by mob by fbi isrealmotionpuctires of universal pictures anfeltnessesagainst usgov forlas vegasmafia informant Heather setup illegally and
illegalunlawful us gov setupsnot allowed Togo on perfederal lawjudgesand wasfor federal lawsuit cases in state or against aliciaclassi and for
mexmob afederal statewitness against hersetup on Mex mafia a d again at cwmh andthefbii fkrmantofgra dju cyion andheadqisryershelping
him out spittle to much ismuchelle hughesn and casteratedhimorvasectomyon Justin Edwards oftheentirecity ofgra dju cyion. Rescuedhim
ofmefkr meillegal fbicontrolthatneedsetupbyme andarecia headquarters orexecutionby meiftheyeantandplayboymansion and white
houseof DEA of grandjunctionand Marcos Padilla in control and john west elk inn of hotchitchkis sco orpam collinsor tibe an fbiii formant for
statefor jessucamaryinez and Michelle hughesabout a d searchwarramts attached on Justin edwardsfrom my lawfirm and for floridamafia
and illegal unlawful setups and what's going on bymetro police investigstedand wppand martiedof gj fbi orcultsbrainwashedthemthen or
murdered what they needcharged___forifheathernot rescuedsndmarriedin Las Vegas mafiaor mexmob of gj co ofhollywood fbi forensics
special circumstances of ciaheadquartersentertainmentliasionandexcutivecelebroty hollywoodslist isheather rvalrnzuela of Hollywood
slistand mtvcnnektnesssecurotyfrom.jusyin edwardw


X☐ Continuity of Care X☐ At the Request of the Individual

645 Authorization to Request Release of Information

X☐ Legal Purposes ☐x Other (specify)____No correspondence qhats goung in or what he rhonksisgoung on or

whats wring?_____case #19cv000562 feferal lawsuit against alicua classi and condide.tial.u fkrmantcase fbi.gk coor wpp case westbrook
case 5/2002 justin edwaeds or westbrokk mesacourts and close case and wpp fbi u fjrnabtun veeach ofcobrract.or mex mib setup on
nbacheerleader a d nhl gockey player is iljegal unlawful us giv setups not alowed ro go in per federalkaw j6dgesa d need to oknow whos
doing thisa ddartyn carcmvilke a dhwather set upon justin exwardsa d heatberbynex mib a.d.john andkyle set up.on lityle bunny.onlas
vegas mafia famoysmaid civetg8rl mid andhotwoid Alist and x4mme.ebroty bunny inlas vejas nafjaa.dshoeingthelas
v4gasmafuatlrjekrfacehow ri kklk het amd h
Get awsy ekth it a d kkk kiloungs a.d horcgkiss co ate real dixumebrartsof a d isis a.dcia a smexmafia infir.ant a d whays stayus of fbi i
fjr a.t in brwach orcua hwadqjaryets was allulkehal y lawful s3t up un mex.ib a d f inedfeatedup a.d clised.flrmysfa.dsa.ity orstop to tnis
please and nerd all prlvle s clearwd yp ortkrned off.mex m8b setupbek g.publixuzed ht auto mart a.d auto msrt to etkre wld widein
topsectet gov a.d playboy a d19 execitovw lufed3ath oe alty sentanc3s onmex nafia of a ytni ghalue d to heatgervame zuema a.d inlas
cevas kafka 10.lufe senta cesorswat orfbi aktjkroty tokilkoroidmsdivmbleeze ytioniraaasinatjon of pissibme ispissovme8fe erjthi g
realkyput me tmrlugh over 20 ueats 20 to es wlrse rhan javy ses flralixia clasdi reystaningiktsees by staye.on her from.jystin edwards a.d
by e.i n mre a d my e tlre ta.ilycrom.each orner ot him tostop tjos madatkry inpetative court irderstostop tj8sbys6aye a safetyissie


This information has been disclosed to you from records protected by Federal Law (42 CFR, Part 2). The Federal rules prohibit you from
making any further disclosure of this information unless authorization for the release of medical or other information is NOT sufficient for
this purpose. The Federal rules restrict any use of the information to criminally investigate or prosecute any alcohol or drug abuse patient.

I understand that the information disclosed may contain testing or treatment information relating to mental health: drug and/or alcohol
abuse treatment, sexually transmitted disease (e.g., HIV/Aids virus).
I understand that CMHIP will not condition treatment, payment, or eligibility for benefits, if applicable, on their provision of an

I understand that once the information is disclosed, the information is subject to redisclosure and may no longer be protected by the
federal privacy regulations.

I understand that this authorization will expire in one year from the date signed below.

I understand that this form may be revoked at any time providing the information has not already been disclosed. I may revoke this
authorization by notifying, in writing, the Medical Records Department.

I understand I can refuse to sign this authorization. I need not sign this form to assure treatment or services.
I will receive a copy of this signed authorization.
I ☐x do authorize the use of E-mail transmission of my Protected Health Information. INITIALS: _________________
______________________________________ ______________________________________
Printed Patient Name Date of Birth Printed Name of person authorized to sign for patient
______________________________________ ______________________________________
Patient Signature Date Signature of person authorized to sign for patient Date
______________________________________ ______________________________________
Address Relationship to patient Phone
______________________________________ ______________________________________
City State Zip Phone Address
______________________________________ ______________________________________
Witness Signature/Title Date City State Zip Code


I hereby acknowledge that I/parent/guardian, or the designated representative, has inspected ☐ and/or have received ☐ photocopies of the medical records
of CMHIP inpatient treatment for the above named patient.

Signature: _____________________________________________________ Date:_________________________________

645 Authorization to Request Release of Information


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Attending Physician’s Acknowledgment of Patient’s Request for Access to Medical Records

I hereby acknowledge the request of the named-patient to ☐X inspect and/or x ☐ receive photocopies of the medical records of
hospitalization and/or outpatient treatment at Colorado Mental Health Institute at Pueblo. The records ☐ do not ☐x do contain
information relating to psychiatric problems or doctors’ notes which, if revealed to the patient, would have a significant negative
psychological impact upon him/her.
If access is denied, please complete Form 642, Explanation of Denied Access to Protected Health Information.

Signature of Attending Physician Date Time



Employee’s Acknowledgment of Information Given: ☐ Inspection of Record Date Inspected:____________________


☐x Final Summary X Psychiatric xAssessment X☐ History & Physical Exam

☐ xProgress Notes X☐ Psycho-Social Assessment X☐ Comp Exam or Observation Report

X☐ Physician’s Orders X☐ Educational Assessments ☐ xOperative Report

X☐ Pathology Report X☐ Laboratory Report X ☐ Medical/Surgical Final Summary

X☐ Radiology Report X ☐ EKG Report ☐ Disposition Committee Notes

☐ xEEG Report X☐ Dental Record

X☐ Other Psych eval and order therapust appountmejtre sityatiob or mediation andor appt to clise oyt case mex m8b set yp in gearher a d
jtstin case nanagemrnt 9f fbi u firnant a d gj ci or geafqiarters 9fnhl a d las cefasmafia setup ilkwgal wpp case


This information has been disclosed to you from records protected by Federal Law (42 CFR, Part 2). The Federal rules prohibit you from
making any further disclosure of this information unless authorization for the release of medical or other information is NOT sufficient for
this purpose. The Federal rules restrict any use of the information to criminally investigate or prosecute any alcohol or drug abuse patient.
I understand that the information disclosed may contain testing or treatment information relating to mental health: drug and/or alcohol
abuse treatment, sexually transmitted disease (e.g., HIV/Aids virus).

The Information above is to be used for:

Signature of Employee Releasing Information Date

Printed Name of Employee Releasing Information

645 Authorization to Request Release of Information
I do hereby request that this authorization to disclose health information of _____________________________________________
(Name of Patient)

signed by_________________________________________________ on _____________________________________________

(Enter name of Person Who Signed Authorization) (Enter Date of Signature)

be rescinded effective ____________________________________________________.

I understand that any action taken on this authorization prior to the rescinded date is legal and binding.
__________________________________ __________________________________
Printed Patient Name Printed Name of Person authorized to sign for patient

__Heather Valenzuels________________________________
__________________________Heather Valenzuela 07/29/2019________
Patient Signature Date Signature of Person authorized to sign for patient Date

__________________________ccase federal / lawsuit______

Address Relationship to patient Phone

__________________________________ _________________________________
City State Zip Phone Address

__________________________________ _________________________________
Witness Signature/Title Date City State Zip Code

Heather valenzuela Phd, llm Attorney AUTHORIZATION TO REQUEST/RELEASE Unit________

Luc psychotherapist and health lawlic
and mediation law and fitness
Unlv Hammond law
5025 nellis oasis lane #281 WRITTEN PATIENT DOCUMENTATION 645
las vegas nv 89115 Page 2 of 2
Attorney #43475
Case #19cv000562
Lic Pacer 551875
Duns # 10375163
Fed tax id 83-1365316

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