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What is PNS in the nervous system and how does it contribute to coordination in neural

In the nervous system of human beings are divided into two parts. One part is called the
central nervous system (CNS) and the other part is called peripheral nervous system (PNS).
The CNS is the part which compresses of brain and spinal cord whereas the PNS is
compressed of all the nerves which spread out from the brain and the spinal cord. Then these
nerves extended to different parts of the body which includes muscles and organs.

The PNS main role is to receive and send the information to other different parts of the body
allowing human beings to have reaction to stimuli in our environment. In this PNS is further
divided into two other parts which are the autonomic nervous system and the stomatic
system. The somatic system in the PNS has the job to transmit sensory information and is
responsible for human beings’ voluntary movement. The motor neurons and Sensory
neurons are the two types of neurons in the somatic system. The motor neurons have the
function to carry information to the muscle fibers from the brain and spinal cord. These
motor neurons are reason behind for a human being taking physical actions to respond to
stimuli in the environment. Then the other part which is called the sensory neurons that has
the function to carry information to the CNS from the nerves. These sensory neurons are the
reason for natural beings taking in sensory information and sending it to the spinal cord and

The other part of PNS is the Autonomic Nerves System which has the function for the
regulation of involuntary body function for example, heartbeat, breathing or digesting food.
In order words this system makes us do things or functions that we do not consciously think
about it. The Autonomic Nerves System is then divided into Parasympathetic system and
Sympathetic system. The Parasympathetic system is responsible for maintaining normal body
functions and help in conserving the physical resources. For example, when threats are
already passed the Parasympathetic system will slow down the breathing and heart beat of
individuals. Plus, it will also start reducing the blood flow to the muscles and constrict the
pupils. Thus, will lead bodies of human beings to return back to the normal state of resting.

Then the Sympathetic system has the function for preparing the body of human beings in
responding threats from the environment by expanding the energy of body. For instance,
when the human body needs to carry out an action against a threat this system will trigger the
response with acceleration of the heartbeat, increasing the breathing rate and the blood flow
to the muscles. Also, it will stimulate the sweat secretion.

As a result the PNS helps with the neuron signaling because connects the CNS to the other
organs through which these neuron signals will transmit. The PNS is also responsible for
sending the information and signals to other body parts by allowing the brain and spinal cord
to receive that information. Therefore, one can see how this PNS is responsible for the
contributing to the coordination of neural signals because it ensures the transference of
signals from the brain and spinal cord to different parts of the human beings. 1
Kendra Cherry (2020). How the Peripheral Nervous System Works,

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