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Guide 3
1. What the terms mean:
HTML is a language that belongs to
the family of "markup languages"
and is used to create web pages.
HTTP controls data transfer on the
World Wide
TCP Data transmission control
IP is a set of numbers that
identifies, in a logical and
hierarchical way, an Interface in
the network
LAN wired network mode
WWW global computer network
information search system available
on the internet
URL is a uniform resource
FTP File transfer protocol between
systems connected to a TCP network
2. What is the set of protocols by
which the Internet works.
3. TCP (Transmission-Control-
4. IP (Internet Protocol)
5. HTTP (HyperText Transfer
6. ARP (Address Resolution
7. FTP (File Transfer Protocol)
8. SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer
9. POP (Post Office Protocol)

• What the acronym ARPANET meant at

the time, and in Spanish that it
would translate.

It was a computer network built in

1969 as a rugged means of sending
military data and connecting major
research groups across the United
States. Network of Advanced
Research Project Agencies in
• What is the usual way in which
you browse the web.
The usual way to navigate the web
is through a browser through the
computer, telephone, using the
browser of your choice

• An application or web page is

a document or electronic
information capable of containing
text, sound, video, programs,
links, images, hyperlinks and many
other things, adapted for the so-
called World Wide Web and that can
be accessed through a browser

• What are the two properties of

web pages.
 Background image.
 Background
 Text
 Link. ...
 Links visited. ...
 Active links. ...
 Left margin and Right margin. ...
 Top Margin and Bottom Margin

• What does the term Multimedia


That it is intended for

dissemination by various combined
communication media, such as text,
photographs, video images or sound.

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