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Sustainability and development.

This is what the world has been tirelessly running after in all the
years of research. The more developments there are, the more options provided for the world’s
leading technologies. Of course there are corresponding repercussions and issues that grow well
along with all the advancements, but more often than not, the end always justifies the means. In the
Philippines, however, advancement seems somewhat diminished by the fact that the country has too
many internal problems to entirely focus on moving forward, especially in terms of the supply and
demand for power.
In this webinar, we were taught the engineering ethics that would make us effective engineers
for the country. Focusing on our chosen engineering programs in school helps us learn what has to be
learned. Real learning, on the other hand, only begins once we step outside of college and into our
respective engineering fields. We were taught that as engineering students, there are codes and
guidelines that we must adhere to no matter where we are assigned. In order to maximize our skills
and knowledge, developing one’s character in accordance with how we are expected to carry
ourselves is of high essence. The speakers reiterated how we should behave as engineers to other
people and to our fellow engineers that we socialize with. Penalties for violators and corresponding
sanctions were tackled, as well. Ethics in terms of building and design were also discussed,
emphasizing that the implemented guidelines relating to height, dimensions, and regulations must
always be strictly complied with.

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