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GRK 24: Sophocles’ Oedipus Rex

[Max Ernst, Oedipus rex. 1922]

Dartmouth College
Classics Department
Winter 2015
Dartmouth (W15)


A&A = Antike und Abendland HSCP = Harvard Studies in Classical Philology

AJP = American Journal of Philology ICS = Illinois Classical Studies
BICS = Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies JHS = Journal of Hellenic Studies
CJ = Classical Journal PCPS = Proceedings of the Cambridge Philol-
CP = Classical Philology ogical Society
CQ = Classical Quarterly RhM = Rheinisches Museum
CR = Classical Review TAPA = Transactions of the American Philological
CW = Classical World Association
G&R = Greece and Rome
GRBS = Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies


1.1. Introductions and companions

A. Lesky, Greek Tragic Poetry, transl. by M. Dillon (New Haven & London 1972)
B. Knox & P. Easterling (eds.), The Cambridge History of Classical Literature, vol. 1: Greek
Literature (Cambridge 1985) 258–338

J. de Romilly, La tragédie grecque (Paris 1970; 6e éd. 1997)

B. Zimmermann, Greek Tragedy (German ed. 1986, engl. transl. London 1991)
A. H. Sommerstein, Greek Drama and Dramatists (London/New York 2002)
N. Sorkin Rabinowitz, Greek Tragedy (Oxford 2008)
E. Hall, Greek Tragedy: Suffering under the Sun (Oxford 2010)

P. E. Easterling (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Greek Tragedy (Cambridge 1997)

J. Gregory (ed.), A Companion to Greek Tragedy (Blackwell 2005)
R. Bushnell (ed.), A Companion to Tragedy (Blackwell 2005)
M. McDonald & M. Walton (eds.), Cambridge Companion to Greek and Roman Theatre
(Cambridge 2007)
H. M. Roisman (ed.), The Encyclopedia of Greek Tragedy, vols. 1-2. (Malden, MA 2014)
available on-line:

1.2. Context, performance, theatre

A. W. Pickard-Cambridge, The Dramatic Festivals of Athens (2nd ed., Oxford 1968)
O. Taplin, Greek Tragedy in Action (London 1987)

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J. R. Green, 'Theatre Production: 1971–1986,' Lustrum 31 (1989) 7–95 [a survey of articles on

Greek theatre and its production]
E. Csapo & W. Slater, The Context of Ancient Drama (Ann Arbor 1995)
J. R. Green, 'Theatre production: 1987–1995,' Lustrum 37 (1995) 7–202, 309–18 [a survey of
scholarship on Greek theatre and its production]
D. Wiles, Greek Theatre Performance: an Introduction (Cambridge 2000)
P. Wilson, The Athenian Institution of the Khoregia : the Chorus, the City, and the Stage
(Cambridge 2000)
B. le Guen, Les associations de Technites dionysiaques à l'époque hellénistique (Nancy 2001)
J.-Ch. Moretti, Théâtre et société dans la Grèce antique (Paris 2001)
P. Easterling & E. Hall (eds.), Greek and Roman Actors (Cambridge 2002)
C. Hugoniot, F. Hurlet, S. Milanezi (eds.), Le Statut de l'acteur dans l'antiquité grecque et
romaine (Presses Universitaires François-Rabelais 2004)
E. Csapo/M. Miller (eds.), The Origins of Theater in Ancient Greece and Elsewhere: From
Ritual to Drama (Cambridge 2006)
M.  Revermann, ‘The competence of theatre audiences in fifth- and fourth-century Athens’,
JHS 126 (2006)
O. Taplin, Pots and Plays: Interactions between Tragedy and Greek Vase-painting of the Fourth
Century BC (Getty Publications 2007)
P. Wilson (ed.), The Greek Theatre and Festivals: Documentary Studies (Oxford 2007)
A. Sommerstein, ‘’They all knew how it is going to end: tragedy and the spectator’, in his The
Tangled Ways of Zeus (Oxford 2010) 209–223
R. Wyles, Costume in Greek tragedy (London 2011)
D. Wiles, Mask and Performance in Greek Tragedy. From Ancient Festival to Modern
Experimentation (Cambridge 2012)

1.3. Tragedy and the Polis: The ‘social function’ and 'civic ideology' debate
J-P. Vernant & P. Vidal-Naquet, Mythe et tragédie en Grèce ancienne (Paris 1972, engl.
Tragedy and Myth in Ancient Greece 1981, Myth and Tragedy in Ancient Greece 1988,
S. Goldhill, Reading Greek Tragedy (Cambridge 1986)
S. Goldhill ‘The Great Dionysia and civic ideology’ in J. Winkler & F. Zeitlin (eds.), Nothing to
Do With Dionysus? (Princeton 1990) 97–129
C. Meier, The Political Art of Greek Tragedy, transl. A. Webber (Baltimore 1993)
R. Kannicht, ‘Polis und Tragödie. Die Thebanische Trilogie des Aischylos’, in his Paradeigmata.
Aufsätze zur griechischen Poesie, hrsg. von L. Käppel/E. A. Schmidt (Heidelberg 1996) 100–
J. Griffin, ‘The social function of Greek tragedy’, CQ 48 (1998) 39–61
J. Griffin ‘Sophocles and the democratic city’, in J. Griffin (ed.), Sophocles Revisited: essays in
honour of Hugh Lloyd-Jones (Oxford 1999) 73–94
S. Goldhill, ‘Civic ideology and the problem of difference: the politics of Aeschylean tragedy,
once again’, JHS 120 (2000) 34–56

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R. Seaford, ‘The social function of Attic tragedy: a response to Jasper Griffin’, CQ 50 (2000)
P. J. Rhodes, ‘Nothing to do with democracy: Athenian drama and the polis’, JHS 123 (2003)
M. Heath, ‘The ‘social function’ of tragedy: clarifications and questions’, in: D. Cairns/V. Liapis
(eds.), Dionysalexandros. Essays on Aeschylus and his fellow tragedians on honour of A. F.
Gravie (Swansea 2006) 253–282
D. M. Carter. (ed.), Why Athens: A Reappraisal of Tragic Politics (Oxford 2011)

1.4. Religion and Theology of Greek tragedy

K. Latte, ‘Schuld und Sünde in der griechischen Religion,’ ARW 20 (1920/21) 254–298, repr. in
his Kleine Schriften (München 1968) 3–35
B. Snell, Aischylos und das Handeln im Drama, Philologus Suppl. 20/1 (Leipzig 1928)
H. Fränkel, 'Man’s ›Ephemeros‹ Nature according to Pindar and Others', TAPA 77 (1946) 131–
144 [engl. translation of a paper written in German in 1931)
K. Deichgräber, ‘Der listensinnende Trug des Gottes’, (1940); repr. in his Ausgewählte Kleine
Schriften, hrsg. von H. Gärtner, E. Heitsch, U. Schindel (Hildesheim 1984) 226–264
E. R. Dodds, The Greeks and the Irrational (Berkeley/Los Angeles 1951)
J. C. Kamerbeek, ‘Prophecy and Tragedy,’ Mnemosyne 18 (1965) 29–40
W. Burkert ‘Greek tragedy and sacrificial ritual’, GRBS 7 (1966) 87–121
H.  Lloyd-Jones, The Justice of Zeus (Berkeley 1971, 21983) [rev. by W. Kraus, Gnomon 49
(1977) 241–249]
W. Burkert, Greek Religion (Oxford 1985)
P. E. Easterling/J. V. Muir (eds.), Greek Religion and Society (Cambridge 1985)
S.  Halliwell, ‘Human Limits and the Religion of Greek Tragedy’, Literature and Theology 4
(1990) 169–180
J. Mikalson, Honor Thy Gods: Popular Religion in Greek Tragedy (North Carolina 1991)
N.  R. E. Fisher, Hybris: a study in the values of honour and shame in ancient Greece
(Warminster 1992)
B. Williams, Shame and Necessity (Berkeley 1993)
C. Gill, Personality in Greek Epic, Tragedy, and Philosophy (Oxford 1996)
R. Parker, ‘Gods Cruel and Kind: Tragic and Civic Theology’, in C. Pelling (ed.), Greek Tragedy
and the Historian (Oxford 1997) 143–160
M. L. West, ‘Ancestral Curses,’ in: J. Griffin (ed.), Sophocles Revisited (Oxford 1999) 31–45
C. Sourvinou-Inwood, Tragedy and Athenian Religion (Lanham 2003)
R. Parker, ‘Religion in the Theatre,’ in his Polytheism and Society at Athens (Oxford 2005) 136–
N. J. Sewell-Rutter, Guilt by Descent. Moral Inheritance and Decision Making in Greek Tragedy
(Oxford 2007)
R. Buxton, ‘Tragedy and Greek Myth,’ in: R. Woodard (ed.), Cambridge Companion to Greek
Mythology (Cambridge 2007) 166–189
M. Flower, The Seer in Ancient Greece (Berkeley 2009)

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J. Fletcher, Performing Oaths in Classical Greek Drama (Cambridge 2013)

R. Gagné, Ancestral Fault in Ancient Greece (Cambridge 2013)
F. Meinel, Pollution and Crisis in Greek Tragedy (Cambridge 2015)

1.5. Dramatic Irony

C. Thirwall, ‘On the Irony of Sophocles,’ Philological Museum 2 (1833), repr. in his Remains,
Literary and Philological, ed. J. Stewart Perowne (London 1878), vol. 3, 1–57
G. M. Kirkwood, ‘The Irony of Sophocles’, in his A Study of Sophoclean Drama (New York/
London 2 1971) 247–287
T. G. Rosenmeyer, ‘Ironies in serious drama,’ in: M. S. Silk (ed.), Tragedy and the Tragic (Oxford
1996) 497–519
N. J. Lowe, ‘Tragic and Homeric Ironies: Response to Rosenmeyer,’ in: M. S. Silk (ed.), Tragedy
and the Tragic (Oxford 1996) 520–533
R. B. Rutherford, Greek Tragic Style: Form, Language, and Interpretation (Cambridge 2012)
M. Lloyd, ‘Sophocles the Ironist’, in: A. Markantonatos (ed.), Brill’s Companion to Sophocles
(Leiden 2012) 563–577
S. Goldhill, Sophocles and the Language of Tragedy (Oxford 2012) 13–37

1.6. Character and characterization

J. Gould ‘Dramatic character and “human intelligibility” in Greek tragedy’, PCPS 24 (1978) 43–
63, repr. in his Myth, Ritual, Memory and Exchange (Oxford 2001) ch. 3
C. Gill, ‘The Question of Character and Personality in Greek Tragedy,’ Poetics Today 7 (1986)
S. Goldhill, ‘Mind and Madness,’ in his Reading Greek Tragedy (Cambridge 1986) 168–198
C. Pelling (ed.), Characterization and Individuality in Greek Literature (Oxford 1990)
P. E. Easterling, ‘Constructing character in Greek tragedy,’ in C. Pelling (ed.), Characterization
and Individuality in Greek Literature (Oxford 1990) 83–99
S. Goldhill, ‘Character and action, representation and reading: Greek tragedy and its critics,’
in: C. Pelling (ed.), Characterization and Individuality in Greek Literature (Oxford 1990) 101–
B.  Seidensticker, ‘Character and characterization in Greek tragedy’, in: M. Revermann & P.
Wilson (eds.), Performance, Iconography, Reception (Oxford 2008) 333–346
R.  B. Rutherford, Greek Tragic Style: Form, Language, and Interpretation (Cambridge 2012)

1.7. Chorus
A.  Henrichs, ‘Why Should I Dance? Choral Self-Referentiality in Greek Tragedy, Arion 3/1
(1995) 56–111
H. Foley, ‘Choral identity in Greek tragedy’, Classical Philology 98 (2003) 1–30

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L. Batezzato, ‘Lyric’, in J. Gregory (ed.), A Companion to Greek Tragedy (Blackwell 2005) 149–
L. Swift, The Hidden Chorus. Echoes of Genre in Tragic Lyric (Oxford 2010)
R. B. Rutherford, Greek Tragic Style: Form, Language, and Interpretation (Cambridge 2012)
R. Gagné and M. Govers Hopman (eds.), Choral Mediations in Greek Tragedy (Cambridge

1.8. Women on the Tragic Stage

N. Loraux, Tragic Ways of Killing a Woman, trans. by A. Forster (Cambridge Mass. 1987)
F. Zeitlin, ‘Playing the other: theater, theatricality, and the feminine in Greek drama,’ in Winkler, J.
J., and F. I. Zeitlin (eds.) Nothing to do with Dionysos? (Princeton 1990) 63–96
B. Seidenstciker, 'Women on the Tragic Stage,' in:  B. Goff (ed.),  History, Tragedy, Theory:
Dialogues on Athenian Drama (Austin, TX 1995)
F. Zeitlin, Playing the Other: Gender and Society in Classical Greek Literature (Chicago 1996)
H. Foley, Female Acts in Greek Tragedy (Princeton 2001)

1.9. Messenger Speech

J. Fischl, De nuntiis tragicis (Wien 1910)
L. Bergson, ‘Episches in den ῥήσεις ἀγγελικαί,’ RhM 102 (1959) 9–32
J. Keller, Struktur und dramatische Funktion des Botenberichtes bei Aischylos und Sophokles
(Tübingen 1959)
J. M. Bremer, ‘Why Messenger-speeches?’, in S.  L. Radt, J.  M. Bremer, and C.J. Ruijgh (eds.),
Miscellanea Tragica in Honorem J.C. Kamerbeek (Amsterdam 1976) 29–48
I. J.F. de Jong, Narrative in Drama. The Art of the Euripidean Messenger-speech (Leiden 1991)
A. D. Stéfanis, Le Messager dans la tragédie grecque (Athens 1997)
J. Barrett, Staged Narrative: Poetics and the Messenger in Greek Tragedy (Berkeley 2002)
M. Dickin, A Vehicle for Performance: Acting the Messenger in Greek Tragedy (Lanham, Md.
R. B. Rutherford, Greek Tragic Style: Form, Language, and Interpretation (Cambridge 2012)

1.9. Some other important aspects and studies

W.  Schadewaldt, Monolog und Selbstgespräch. Untersuchungen zur Formgeschichte der
griechischen Tragödie (Berlin 1926; repr. Berlin 1966)
R. Lattimore, Story Patterns in Greek Tragedy (Ann Arbor 1964)
W. Jens (ed.), Die Bauformen der griechischen Tragödie (München 1971)
B. Vickers, Towards Greek Tragedy (London 1973)
R. Buxton, Persuasion in Greek Tragedy (Cambridge 1982)

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B. Seidensticker, Palintonos Harmonia. Studien zu komischen Elementen in der griechischen

Tragödie (Göttingen 1982)
W. B. Stanford, Greek Tragedy and the Emotions (London 1983)
S. Goldhill, Reading Greek Tragedy (Cambridge 1986)
T. C. W. Stinton, ‘The Scope and Limits of Allusion in Greek Tragedy’, in: Greek Tragedy and its
Legacy: Essays presented to D.J. Conacher (1986) 67–102; repr. in his Collected Papers on
Greek Tragedy (Oxford 1990) 454–492
M. Heath, The Poetics of Greek Tragedy (London 1987)
R. Padel, In and Out of the Mind: Greek images of the tragic self (Princeton 1992)
R. Seaford, Reciprocity and Ritual: Homer and tragedy in the developing city-state (Oxford
R. Padel, Whom Gods Destroy: Elements of Greek and Tragic Madness (Princeton 1995)
B.  Goward, Telling Tragedy: Narrative Technique in Aeschylus, Sophocles and Euripides
(Duckworth 1999)
E. Hall, The Theatrical Cast of Athens: Interactions between Ancient Greek Drama and Society
(Oxford 2006)
E. M. Harris, D. F. Leão & P.J. Rhodes (eds.), Law and Drama in Ancient Greece (London 2010)
R. B. Rutherford, Greek Tragic Style: Form, Language, and Interpretation (Cambridge 2012)
S. Lawrence, Moral awareness in Greek tragedy (Oxford 2013)

1.10. Collections of essays

E. Segal (ed.), Oxford Readings in Greek Tragedy (Oxford 1983)
M. S. Silk (ed.) Tragedy and the Tragic (Oxford 1996)
C. Pelling (ed.), Greek Tragedy and the Historian (Oxford 1997)
A. Sommerstein, S. Halliwell, J. Henderson, B. Zimmermann (eds.), Tragedy, Comedy, and the
Polis (Bari 1993)
J. Elsner, H. Foley, S. Goldhill, E. Hall, and C. Kraus (eds.), Visualizing the Tragic. Drama, Myth
and Ritual in Greek Art and Literature (Oxford 2007)
A. Markantonatos, B. Zimmermann (eds.), Crisis on Stage. Tragedy and Comedy in Late Fifth-
Century Athens (Berlin/Boston 2011)

1.11. Metre
Paul Maas, Greek Metre, transl. by H. Lloyd-Jones (Oxford 1962) [engl. transl. of Griechische
Metrik, Leipzig 1923]
A. M. Dale, The Lyric Metres of Greek Drama (Cambridge 21968)
A. M. Dale, Metrical Analyses of Tragic Choruses, BICS Suppl. 21.1-3 (London 1971-1983)
*M. L. West, Greek Metre (Oxford 1982) and Introduction to Greek Metre (Oxford 1987)
R. Kannicht, 'Griechische Metrik', in: H.-G. Nesselrath (Hrsg.), Einleitung in die Griechische
Philologie (Stuttgart/Leipzig 1997) 343–362

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2.1. Text
**H. Lloyd-Jones & N. G. Wilson, Sophoclis Fabulae (OCT, 1990), reviewed by M. L. West,
CR 41 (1991) 299–301 and R. Dawe, 'On Editing Sophocles, Oxford Style', ICS 28
(2003) 1–19

2.2. Manuscript facsimile, scholia

E. M. Thompson and R. C. Jebb, Facsimile of the Laurentian Manuscript of Sophocles
(London 1885)
P. N. Papageorgius, Scholia in Sophoclis Tragoedias Vetera (Leipzig 1888)
G. A. Christodoulou, Ta archaia scholia eis Aianta tou Sophokleous (Athens 1977)

2.3. Commentaries
*R. C. Jebb, Sophocles. The plays and fragments. Pt. 1, The Oedipus Tyrannus (Cambridge

*J. C. Kamerbeek, The Plays of Sophocles: Commentaries. Pt. 4, The Oedipus Tyrannus
(Leiden 1967)
*R. Dawe, Sophocles, Oedipus Rex (rev. ed. Cambridge 2006)
J. Bollack, L'Oedipe roi de Sophocle: le texte et ses interpretations, vol. 1–4 (Villeneuve-d’Ascq
B. Manuwald, Sophokles. König Ödipus (Berlin 2012)

2.4. Studies on the text

R. D. Dawe, Studies on the Text of Sophocles, I–II (Leiden 1973); reviewed by M. L. West,
CPh 72 (1977) 264–7
H. Lloyd-Jones & N. G. Wilson, Sophoclea. Studies on the Text of Sophocles (Oxford
1990); reviewed by M. L. West, CR 41 (1991) 299–301
H. Lloyd-Jones & N. G. Wilson, Sophocles: Second Thoughts (Hypomnemata 100,
Göttingen 1997)

2.5. Lexicon. Language

F. Ellendt, Lexicon Sophocleum, rev. H. Genthe (Berlin 1872, repr. 1958)
L. Campbell, ‘Introductory Essay on the Language of Sophocles’ in his Sophocles (2nd
ed., Oxford 1879), i. 1–107
E. Bruhn, Anhang (Sophokles erklärt von F. W. Schneidewin und A. Nauck, 8. Band) (Berlin
1899, repr. 1963)
A. C. Moorhouse, The Syntax of Sophocles (Leiden 1982)

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2.6. Translations
Sophocles, ed. and transl. by H. Lloyd-Jones, vol. 1 (Loeb, Cambridge Mass. 1994)
NB! On-line :
Sophocles, Four Tragedies, transl. by O. Taplin (Oxford 2015) 14–74

2.7. Introductions (see also introductions listed under 1.1., which all have a chapter on
Sophocles) and Companions
R. Buxton, Sophocles, Greece and Rome New Surveys 16 (Oxford, 1986, 21995)
H. Flashar, Sophokles: Dichter im demokratischen Athen (München 2000) [to be used with
R. Scodel, ‘Sophoclean Tragedy’, in J. Gregory (ed.), The Blackwell Companion to Greek
Tragedy (Oxford 2005) 233–250
A. F. Garvie, The Plays of Sophocles (Bristol 2005)

K. Ormand (ed.), A Companion to Sophocles (Blackwell 2012)

A. Markantonatos (ed.), Brill's Companion to Sophocles (Leiden 2012)

2.8. Collections of articles

Sophocle, Entretiens 29 (Geneva 1983)
J. Griffin (ed.), Sophocles Revisited (Oxford 1999)
I. J. F. de Jong & A. Rijksbaron (eds.), Sophocles and the Greek language : aspects of diction,
syntax and pragmatics (Leiden 2006)
E. Hall & S. Goldhill (eds.), Sophocles and the Greek tragic tradition (Cambridge 2009)

2.9. Books and articles on Sophocles in general and OT in particular

C. Thirwall, ‘On the Irony of Sophocles,’ Philological Museum 2 (1833), repr. in his Remains,
Literary and Philological, ed. J. Stewart Perowne (London 1878), vol. 3, 1–57
U. v. Wilamowitz-Moellendorff, 'Excurse zum Oedipus des Sophokles', Hermes 34 (1899) 55–
T. Wilamowitz, Die dramatische Technik des Sophokles (Berlin 1917)
K. Reinhardt, Sophokles (1st German ed. 1933, engl. transl. Oxford 1979)
W. Schadewaldt, Sophokles und das Leid (Potsdam 1944), repr. in his Hellas und Hesperien I2
(Zürich/ Stuttgart) 385–401
H. Diller, 'Göttliches und menschliches Wissen bei Sophokles', Kieler Universitätsreden 1 (Kiel
1950), repr. in his Kleine Schriften (München 1971) 255–271
V. Ehrenberg, Sophocles and Pericles (Oxford, 1954)
H.  Diller, 'Menschendarstellung und Handlungsführung bei Sophokles', A&A 6 (1957) 157–
169, repr. in his Kleine Schriften (München 1971) 286–303
B. M. W. Knox, Oedipus at Thebes (New Haven 1957)

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H. D. F. Kitto, Sophocles: Dramatist and Philosopher (London 1958)

H. Friis Johansen, 'Sophocles 1939–1959', Lustrum 7 (1962) 94–288
H. Funke, Die sogenannte Tragische Schuld, Diss. Köln (Köln 1963)
B. Knox, The Heroic Temper: Studies in Sophoclean Tragedy (Berkeley 1964)
J. C. Kamerbeek, ‘Prophecy and Tragedy,’ Mnemosyne 18 (1965) 29–40
E. R. Dodds, ‘On misunderstanding Oedipus Rex’, G&R 13 (1966) 37–49, repr. in his The
Ancient Concept of Progress (Oxford 1973) 64–77 and in E. Segal (ed.), Oxford Readings
in Greek Tragedy (Oxford 1983)
G. M. Kirkwood, A Study of Sophoclean Drama (New York/London 2 1971)
H. Lloyd-Jones, ‘Sophocles’, in his The Justice of Zeus (Berkeley 1971) 105–128
P. Easterling, ‘Character in Sophocles’, G & R 24 (1977) 121–129, repr. in E. Segal (ed.), Oxford
Readings in Greek Tragedy (Oxford 1983) 138–145
J. Gould, ‘The language of Oedipus,’ in H. Bloom (ed.), Sophocles’ Oedipus Rex (New York
and Philadelphia 1988) 143–60; repr. in his Myth, Ritual, Memory, and Exchange: Essays in
Greek Literature and Culture (Oxford 2001)
K. Reinhardt, Sophocles (engl. transl. Oxford 1979)
R. P. Winnington-Ingram, Sophocles: an Interpretation (Cambridge 1980)
R. W. B. Burton, The Chorus in Sophocles’ Tragedies (Oxford 1980)
R. G. Buxton, ‘Blindness and Limits: Sophokles and the Logic of Myth’, JHS 100 (1980) 22–37
J.-P. Vernant, ‘Ambiguity and reversal: on the enigmatic structure of the Oedipus Rex’, in
Vernant & P. Vidal-Naquet, Myth and Tragedy in Ancient Greece (tr. J. Lloyd, Brighton 1980,
New York 1988) 113–140
C. P. Segal, Tragedy and Civilization: A Study of Sophocles (Cambridge, Ma., 1981)
R. Scodel, ‘Hybris in the Second Stasimon of the Oedipus Rex’, Classical Philology 77 (1982)
O. Taplin, ‘Sophocles in his theatre’, Sophocle, Entretiens 29 (Geneva 1983) 155–183
C. Carey, ‘The second stasimon of the Oedipus Tyrannus’, JHS 106 (1986) 175–179
S. Goldhill, ‘Blindness and Insight,’ in his Reading Greek Tragedy (Cambridge 1986) 199–221
M. W. Blundell, Helping Friends and Harming Enemies (Cambridge 1989)
J. Bollack, L'Oedipe roi de Sophocle: le texte et ses interpretations, vol. 1–4 (Villeneuve-d’Ascq
W. Burkert, Oedipus, Oracles and Meaning. From Sophocles to Umberto Eco (Toronto 1991)
B.  Manuwald, ‘Ödipus und Adrastos. Bemerkungen zur neueren Diskussion um die
Schuldfrage in Sophokles ‹König Ödipus›’, RhM 135 (1992) 10–32
K. Sidwell, 'The argument of the Second Stasimon of Oedipus Tyrannus’, JHS 112 (1992) 106–
R. Kitzinger, ‘What do you know? The end of Oedipus’, in R. M. Rosen and J. Farrell (eds.),
Nomodeiktes: Greek Studies in Honor of Martin Ostwald (Ann Arbor 1993) 539–555
C. P. Segal, Oedipus Tyrannus: Tragic Heroism and the Limits of Knowledge (NYC 1993, 2nd ed.
J. Jouanna, ‘Oracles et devins chez Sophocle,’ in J.G. Heintz (ed.), Oracles et prophéties dans
l’antiquité (Paris 1997) 283–320

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V. Liapis, ›Nothing that is not Zeus‹. The Unknowability of the Gods and the Limits of Human
Knowledge in Sophoclean Tragedy (unpublished Ph.D. Thesis Glasgow 1997)
S. L. Schein, ‘Divinity and moral agency in Sophoclean tragedy’, in: A. B. Lloyd (ed.), What is a
god? Studies in the Nature of Greek Divinity (London 1997) 123–138
E. Carawan, ‘The edict of Oedipus (Oedipus Tyrannus 223–51),’ AJP 120 (1999) 187–222
G. O. Hutchinson, ‘Sophocles and Time’, in: J. Griffin (ed.), Sophocles Revisited (Oxford 1999)
R. Parker, ‘Through a glass darkly: Sophocles and the divine’, in J. Griffin (ed.), Sophocles
Revisited (Oxford 1999) 11–30
F. Budelmann, The Language of Sophocles. Communality, communication and involvement
(Cambridge 2000)
L. Edmunds, ‘The Teiresias Scene in Sophocles OT,’ Syllecta Classica 11 (2000) 33–73
M. Altmeyer, Unzeitgemäßes Denken bei Sophokles (Stuttgart 2001)
M. Lurje, Die Suche nach der Schuld. Sophokles’ Oedipus Rex, Aristoteles’ Poetik und das
Tragödienverständnis der Neuzeit (München/Leipzig 2004)
D. Cuny, Une leçon de vie. Les réflexions générales dans le théâtre de Sophocle (Paris 2007)
M. Vickers, Sophocles and Alcibiades. Athenian Politics in Ancient Greek Literature (Ithaca
P. J. Finglass, ‘The end of Sophocles' Oedipus Rex’, Philologus 153 (2009) 42–62
D. Kovacs, ‘The role of Apollo in Oedipus Tyrannus,’ in J. R. C. Cousland & J. R. Hume (eds.),
The Play of Texts and Fragments: Essays in Honour of Martin Cropp (Leiden 2009) 357–368
P. Woodruff, ‘Sophocles’ Humanism’, in: W. R. Wians (ed.), Logos and Muthos: Philosophical
Essays in Greek Literature (New York Press 2009) 233–254
G. Boter, ‘Lees maar: er staat niet wat er staat. Over Oedipus’ schuld en Aristoteles’ hamartia’,
Lampas 43 (2010) 3–19
E. M. Harris, ‘Is Oedipus Guilty? Sophocles and Athenian Homicide Law’, in: E. M. Harris, D. F.
Leão & P. J. Rhodes (eds.), Law and Drama in Ancient Greece. Ed. by (London 2010)
L. J. Apfel, The Advent of Pluralism. Diversity and Conflict in the Age of Sophocles (Oxgord
A. H. Sommerstein, ‘Sophocles and the guilt of Oedipus,’ Estudios griegos e indoeuropeos 21
(2011) 93–107
A. H. Sommerstein, ‘Once more the end of Sophocles’ Oedipus Tyrannus,’ JHS 131 (2011) 85–
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