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Parcial ingles

Today I am going to talk about communications over the years

Communication in past

I am going to start talking about the letters because this was one of the communication methods
most used previously by people, these letters were written and sent and from there comes the
second topic that I am going to talk about because many people sent their letters in carrier
pigeons, which were used more regularly in wars, these pigeons are raised in a specific place and
then they are taken from that place so that they can return home and that was the way in which
the pigeons sent the messages Finally I am going to talk about Morse code, it consists of dots and
dashes and the most common way to send a message was through a telegraph. In addition, the
morse code was also used in wars so that the opponent did not know what they were talking

Communication in present

In today's communication it can be said that it is digital communication due to its great
effectiveness. In addition to being a very simple method, it allows you to transmit and share
messages much faster and in any part of the world, that is why it seems to me that the most
important is the cell phone since it is part of the lives of most people in Nowadays, since with the
cell phone we can send text messages, video calls and we can even watch movies and series on
our cell phone, I also think that the computer is very important since it has become a very
important tool today for the pandemic siege that we are experiencing. work at home and study at
home increased and it is much easier if we have a computer.

Communication in the future

I investigated and one of the possible methods of communication are robots and although the
idea seems very crazy it is not, since there are several robots that exist today. Fulfilling several
functions that humans do, one of them communication, then I saw an example that there was a
family in a house and instead of stopping and talking everything they want to say they send the
robot to the room that each one is to say to each other I don't know if you understood me well.

There are also implanted cell phones that will be used for medical situations, for example to treat
ischemia, since with the implanted cell, stem cells can be transported that can help the
management of this disease, however, this cell phone will also serve as a means of communication
because the cell phone will send signals to the brain in the form of communications and although
the scientists still don't know how to do it they said it would be something safe.

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