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The Contribution of Management Control Systems to

Environmental Capabilities
Elisabeth Albertini

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The Contribution of Management Control
Systems to Environmental Capabilities

Elisabeth Albertini

Journal of Business Ethics

ISSN 0167-4544

J Bus Ethics
DOI 10.1007/s10551-018-3810-9

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Journal of Business Ethics


The Contribution of Management Control Systems to Environmental

Elisabeth Albertini1

Received: 25 March 2017 / Accepted: 5 February 2018

© Springer Science+Business Media B.V., part of Springer Nature 2018

A growing number of companies are implementing proactive environmental strategies with the objective of gaining competi-
tive advantage through an enhanced reputation, the reduction in production costs, and a first-mover advantage in the green
product market. Yet according to the natural-resource-based view, the development and maintenance of unique and valu-
able environmental capabilities are the central elements allowing companies to gain financial benefit from their proactive
environmental strategy. In this context, management control systems can contribute to the development of environmental
capabilities by focusing attention on strategic priorities and stimulating dialogue. Through a single case study, and building
on Simons’ (Levers of control: how Managers use innovative control systems to drive strategic renewal, Harvard Business
School Press, Boston, 1995) four levers of control, we propose a conceptual framework of management control levers that
show how companies can enhance (1) stakeholder integration capability through the joint use of belief, boundary, and
diagnostic control systems; (2) shared vision capability through the joint use of the belief and boundary systems; (3) organi-
zational learning capability through the use of interactive control systems and to a lesser extent diagnostic control systems;
and (4) continuous innovation capability through the use of interactive control systems, belief systems and to a lesser extent
diagnostic control systems.

Keywords Proactive environmental strategy · Natural-resource-based view · Management control systems

Introduction (Besio and Pronzini 2014). In that context, a growing num-

ber of companies have implemented practices such as formal
The environment has been identified as a major issue that ethics systems, corporate codes and participation in initia-
the academic business ethics community believes it will tives to shape ethical standards or behavior to address the
face in the coming decades (Holland and Albrecht 2013). environmental issue (Delgado-Ceballos et al. 2012; Dhanda
Indeed, from the mid-1990s, the yearly United Nations Cli- and Hartman 2011). Yet, many managers still believe that
mate Change Conferences, better known as Conference of protecting natural environment is a cost that erodes corpo-
the Parties (COP) assess progress in dealing with climate rate financial performance. These managers do not consider
through formal meetings. These conferences have led to proactive environmental management as contributing to
significant commitments such as the negotiation of the Pro- organizational survivability (Dibrell et al. 2015). However,
tocol of Kyoto in 1995 and more recently, the Paris Agree- it appears that corporate businesses will be significantly
ment in 2015. In that context, companies are increasingly constrained by and dependent upon ecosystems and natural
asked to manage the ethical implications of the issues of environment in the future. In other words, it is likely that
climate change (Chang 2011). As a result, societal pressure environmental strategy and competitive advantage in the
demanding that companies take responsibility for the risk coming years will be rooted in capabilities that facilitate
of global warning is, first and foremost, ethical in nature environmentally sustainable economic activity (Hart 1995;
Hart and Dowell 2011). This perspective has motivated
* Elisabeth Albertini researchers to identify key environmental capabilities that; support environmental and financial performance (Aragon-
Correa and Sharma 2003; Sharma et al. 2007).
IAE-Sorbonne Business School, 8 bis rue de la Croix Jarry,
75013 Paris, France

Author's personal copy
E. Albertini

According to the natural-resource-based view (NRBV) The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. In the
of the firm (Aragon-Correa and Sharma 2003; Hart 1995; next section, we review the background literature on pro-
Hart and Dowell 2011), only firms with specific environ- active environmental strategy and Simons’ (1995) levers
mental capabilities such as stakeholder integration, organi- of control framework. This is followed by a description of
zational learning, continuous innovation, and shared vision our research design, including the methods used to conduct
can realize financial benefits from a proactive environ- the study. We then present and discuss the study’s find-
mental strategy (L. C. Leonidou et al. 2017; Sharma et al. ings. Finally, we conclude and outline directions for further
2007; Sharma and Vredenburg 1998). Moreover, firms that research.
interpret their approach to environmental challenges from
an ethical perspective are likely to be more proactive to
find solutions, forward-looking, and less concerned with Theoretical Background
stopping at legal compliance (Besio and Pronzini 2014;
Haney 2017). Proactive Environmental Strategy
In that context, management control systems and the joint
use of the four levers of control—belief systems, boundary At a corporate level, a proactive environmental strategy,
systems, diagnostic control systems (DCS), and interactive defined as an environmentally oriented strategy, supported
control systems (ICS)—proposed by Simons (1990, 1995), by top management, that focuses on the prevention of waste,
can contribute to the development of firms’ environmental emissions and pollution through continuous learning, total
capabilities by focusing attention on strategic priorities and quality environmental management, risk-taking and plan-
stimulating dialogue (Arjaliès and Mundy 2013; Henri 2006; ning (Menguc et al. 2010), is affected by increasing public
Journeault 2016). concern regarding the ethical issue of the climate change and
Although the literature suggests that the development regulatory forces (Banerjee et al. 2003). Indeed, external fac-
of particular capabilities can contribute simultaneously to tors, such as environmental legislation, environmental move-
environmental and economic performance, little research ments (e.g., consumerism, environmentalism), or pressures
has explored this implication (Journeault et al. 2016). More exerted by competitors or stakeholders influence the firm’s
importantly, little attention has been devoted to identifying environmental behavior (Boiral 2007; Darnall et al. 2008;
the genesis of environmental capabilities (Hart and Dowell Williamson et al. 2006).
2011). This paper aims to enhance understanding of these At a functional level, R&D plays a decisive role in iden-
issues by exploring “how a company can use the four levers tifying technologies to produce goods that minimize nega-
of control to enhance its environmental capabilities and tive ecological impact (Shrivastava 1995), enhance energy
ensure they contribute to competitive advantage?”. This conservation (Cordano et al. 2010), or reduce carbon emis-
cross-disciplinary study contributes to both the manage- sion reduction (Revell et al. 2010). In that context, proactive
ment control and NRBV literature by proposing a concep- environmental strategy depends on the supportive role of
tual framework of management control levers that show top management in encouraging innovative environmental
how companies can enhance (1) stakeholder integration actions by employees (Ramus and Steger 2000) and the mar-
capability through the joint use of belief systems, boundary keting focus on the commercialization of the green products
systems, and DCS; (2) shared vision capability through the of the companies (L. C. Leonidou et al. 2017).
joint use of belief and boundary systems; (3) organizational According to the NRBV, a proactive environmental
learning capability through the joint use of ICS and (to a strategy is an extensive source of competitive advantage
lesser extent) DCS; and (4) continuous innovation capabil- in terms of increasing awareness of constraints imposed
ity through the use of ICS, belief systems, and (to a lesser by the natural environment (Hart 1995; Hart and Dowell
extent) DCS. This study addresses recent calls in the envi- 2011). Academic research has distinguished between low-
ronmental management literature for qualitative research cost advantages and differentiation advantages (Shrivastava
about the influence of MCS on organizational capabilities 1995). Companies can realize significant savings that result
(Hart and Dowell 2011; L. C. Leonidou et al. 2017; Lopez- in a cost advantage relative to competitors through pollu-
Gamero et al. 2008), and in the management control litera- tion prevention; this not only saves the cost of installing
ture for a better understanding of the dynamic relationships and operating end-of-pipe pollution control devices, but
between NRBV strategy and organizational capabilities also increases productivity and efficiency (Dowell et al.
(Henri 2006; Journeault 2016). From a managerial perspec- 2000; Hart and Ahuja 1996). Since pollution is a sign that
tive, the conceptual framework details more explicitly the resources have been used inadequately, inefficiently, or inef-
relations between the different levers of control and environ- fectively during the manufacturing process, it appears that
mental capabilities, so that companies can realize financial less pollution means better use of inputs, resulting in lower
benefits from their proactive environmental strategy. raw material and waste disposal costs (Lanoie et al. 2011;

Author's personal copy
The Contribution of Management Control Systems to Environmental Capabilities

Porter and van der Linde 1995). Furthermore, pollution activities, allowing it to remain a step ahead of its competi-
prevention has the potential to bring emissions well below tors (Journeault 2016). Moreover, green product and process
required levels, reducing the firm’s compliance and liability innovation is positively related to corporate environmental
costs (Worthington and Patton 2005). Finally, the combina- ethics that positively affects corporate competitive advantage
tion of end-of-pipe and pollution prevention technologies (Chang 2011). Organizational learning refers to the devel-
can be used to evaluate the advantages of viewing ethics as opment of ecological and ethical insight and its associa-
drivers for the long-term sustainability of a business (Lopez- tion with past and future ecological actions, as well as their
Gamero et al. 2008). The differentiation advantage is gained effectiveness (Kloot 1997). By developing a path-dependent
through green product stewardship that extends the scope of process of detecting ecological problems and opportunities
pollution prevention, ensuring that environmental concerns within the organization, and between the organization and
are integrated into product design and manufacturing pro- its changing environment, organizational learning is recog-
cesses (Dangelico and Pujari 2010). This can be achieved nized as a capability that is difficult to imitate or substitute
by gaining preferred or exclusive access to important, but and that contributes to developing a sustainable competitive
limited, resources or by establishing rules, regulations, or advantage (J. F. Henri and Journeault 2010).
standards that are uniquely tailored to the firm’s capabili- However, little attention has been paid to identifying the
ties (Aragon-Correa et al. 2008). While the green product genesis of these capabilities (Hart and Dowell 2011). This
stewardship strategy focuses on incremental improvements study attempts to bridge the gap between the NRBV and
to current products and processes, the clean technology strat- MCS literatures by studying how a company can use the four
egy focuses on future technologies and markets (Hart and levers of control to enhance its environmental capabilities,
Dowell 2011). Companies can gain a differentiation advan- which in turn can contribute to competitive advantage.
tage through the development of their organizational capac-
ity to innovate permanently in the specific field of clean Management Control Systems as a Means
technology (Dangelico and Pujari 2010). of Developing Environmental Capabilities
In this context, organizational resources, especially
physical, technical, and reputational resources, are vital to MCS are defined as a package of formal, information-based
gaining these competitive advantages (Aragon-Correa and routines and procedures that managers use to maintain or
Sharma 2003; C. N. Leonidou and Leonidou 2011; Rev- alter patterns in organizational activities (Simons 2000).
ell et al. 2010). More importantly, the NRBV posits that Financial and non-financial information is produced for the
financial benefits gained from a proactive environmental purpose of making decisions, monitoring the achievement
strategy are an outcome of some environmental capabili- of plans and goals, communicating corporate strategy inter-
ties, such as stakeholder integration, ongoing learning and nally, influencing the strategy-making process, supporting
continuous innovation and shared vision associated with a organizational learning, and producing external reports
proactive environmental strategy (Alt et al. 2015; Hart 1995; (Gond et al. 2012; Lueg and Radlach 2016; Tucker et al.
Journeault 2016). Indeed, a proactive environmental strategy 2009).
is built through a path-dependent process of integrating a Simons’ framework (1995) describes four levers of con-
firm’s environmental capabilities and is therefore non-rep- trol that help an organization implement its strategy success-
licable or inimitable (Hart and Dowell 2011; Hoffman et al. fully: belief systems, boundary systems, diagnostic control
2012; Sharma et al. 2007). systems (DCS), and interactive control systems (ICS). The
Stakeholder integration, defined as the ability to establish full potential of the four levers of control is realized when
trust-based collaborative relationships with a wide variety they are mobilized together so that they can facilitate the
of stakeholders (Sharma and Vredenburg 1998), helps com- implementation and attainment of a company’s strategic
panies to develop a more proactive environmental approach, objectives (Arjaliès and Mundy 2013; Lisi 2015).
since they have to collaborate with a wide variety of social, Belief systems are used by managers to define, commu-
environmental, and economic stakeholders in findings nicate, and reinforce the core values, purpose, and direction
solutions to environmental problems (Sharma et al. 2007). of the organization (Ahrens and Chapman 2004). Belief
Shared vision among employees and managers, providing systems help to foster a sense of stability and continuity
norms for behaviors and corporate environmental ethics, can but can also enable organizational change when managers
also intensify the extent to which environmental strategies use them to introduce new priorities or values (Bruining
lead to competitive advantage (Alt et al. 2015; Lannelongue et al. 2004). Within the context of proactive environmental
et al. 2014; Lopez-Gamero et al. 2008). Continuous innova- strategy, belief systems are used to establish commitment
tion, defined as the capability to create new environmental to agreed environmental plans through a code of conduct
ideas, products, and processes, involves the firm’s ability to or code of ethics and to motivate employees to implement
initiate strategic environmental changes in its policies and environmental activities (Arjaliès and Mundy 2013). Indeed,

Author's personal copy
E. Albertini

in decision-making processes, the presence of these code or in green products (Perez et al. 2007). The interactive
of ethics is intended to foster moral judgments based on use of MCS can trigger organizational learning processes
the values they contain (Besio and Pronzini 2014). Belief and changes that can enhance environmental performance
systems are also used to enhance the managerial perception (Shapiro 2016). The involvement of external stakeholders
of ethics within the organization, insisting on the applica- in these formal meetings can provide an alternative source
tion of moral principles when making business decisions of information about the direction of environmental strategy
(Lopez-Gamero et al. 2008). Indeed, the role of manage- (Arjaliès and Mundy 2013). Moreover, managers use ICS as
ment is crucial in establishing a company’s ethical norms a communication process that enables operational managers,
and expectations (Chang 2011). employees, and external stakeholders to share information
Top managers use boundary systems to establish specific and ideas (Lisi 2015).
limits and rules that must be respected. The boundary lever The application of the four levers of control (Simons
of control is represented by an explicit set of organizational 1995) provides a useful framework that can allow the devel-
definitions and parameters, commonly expressed in negative opment of environmental capabilities that provide competi-
or minimum terms (Simons 1995). Managers use strategic tive advantages. Indeed, the joint uses of the four levers of
boundaries to communicate to employees activities that are control allow the integration of sustainability values within
considered acceptable or off-limits to ensure that employ- organizational strategy (Gond et al. 2012) and substantially
ees do not waste the organization’s resources (Arjaliès and influence employees’ ethical reasoning processes (Goebel
Mundy 2013). In the context of proactive environmental and WeiBenberger 2017). Simons suggests bidirectional
strategy, legal or voluntary standards form strategic bounda- relations between interactive and belief systems on the one
ries that can be regulative (i.e., coerced, such as local laws hand, and boundary and diagnostic systems on the other.
limiting air, water, or soil pollution); normative (prescrip- Indeed, interactive/belief systems empower organizational
tively imposed through accreditation or certification, such as learning, create positive and inspirational forces, and pro-
ISO 14001 or the Global Reporting Initiative); or cultural- vide employees guidance and motivation (Journeault et al.
cognitive (mimetic common beliefs, customs, and logic of 2016), while boundary/diagnostic systems constrain and
action such as adhesion to the United Nations Global Com- ensure compliance with internal or external targets (Bedford
pact) (Scott 2001). 2015; Simons 2000). Diagnostic and belief systems foster
Diagnostic control systems (DCS) are formal feedback organizational learning, while interactive systems enhance
systems used to monitor organizational outcomes and to cor- the relationship between innovation and performance in the
rect deviations from preset standards of performance. Pro- long term (Bisbe and Malagueno 2009; Shapiro 2016).
gress on strategic initiatives is evaluated against performance In this context, it seems that the different levers of control
measures that incorporate a combination of short-term and can enhance the development of a company’s environmental
long-term measures, information on performance against capabilities. We investigate this through a single case study.
key financial and non-financial objectives, and compara-
tive data on competitors (Lisi 2015; Nilsson 2002). In the
context of environmental strategy, managers can use DCS Research Methodology
to compare the environmental performance of the company
against both internally or externally derived targets through To address our research question that is “How can a com-
reporting frameworks such as the green house gas emission pany use the four levers of control to enhance its environ-
dashboard (Arjaliès and Mundy 2013; Journeault 2016). mental capabilities and ensure they contribute to competitive
Interactive control systems (ICS) are formal systems advantage?”, we adopted a qualitative methodology based
used by top managers to involve themselves regularly and on a single case study (Yin 2009). The case study method is
personally in subordinates’ decision making. The purpose suited to answer “how” and “why” research questions and
of making a control system interactive is to focus attention to provide an in-depth study of a phenomenon in its real-
and force dialogue and learning throughout the organiza- life context (Yin 2003, 2009). It is also suited to research
tion (Bisbe and Otley 2004). Managers use ICS to facilitate questions requiring detailed understanding of organizational
the debate about the underlying action plans that drive an processes because of the rich data collected in context (Hart-
organization’s activities and to obtain access to local knowl- ley 2004). Case studies allow an in-depth and contextually
edge about strategic uncertainties that can be used to develop informed examination of specific organizations or events
strategic plans (Bedford 2015; Shapiro 2016). When applied that explicitly address theory (Lee 1999). Case studies are
to the management of environmental strategy, interactive widely recognized to be the preferred method when con-
processes can refer to frequent meetings between top manag- temporary phenomena, such as proactive environmental
ers and the environmental committee that stimulate environ- strategy, are studied in their real-life contexts (Yin 2009).
mental innovation either during the manufacturing process Finally, case studies are a systematic and organized way to

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The Contribution of Management Control Systems to Environmental Capabilities

produce information about a topic that will be valuable for billion units of equipment in 2016. Xerox’s environmen-
practitioners (Cooper and Morgan 2008). Case studies can tal responsibilities focus on climate protection, preserving
produce and communicate information about what compa- biodiversity, preserving clean air and water, and preventing
nies do and how they do it (Collins 2001). and managing waste. Xerox was the first in the market to
Our case study combines data stemming from different introduce two-sided copying technology in 1969, the first
sources, such as interviews, internal and external documents to implement a recycled grade of cut paper in 1973, and the
completed by site visits to establish its construct validity and power-down mode in 1982. It has been involved in product
reliability (Eisenhardt 1989). The most important advantage remanufacturing since 1991, and in 1993 it became the first
of using multiple sources of evidence is the development of company as a Charter Partner in the Energy Star Program, a
converging lines of inquiry, a process of triangulation and voluntary program launched in 1992 by the US Environmen-
corroboration (Yin 2009). tal Protection Agency with the objective of helping com-
panies to reduce their energy consumption. Since 1991, its
Case Selection Environmental Health and Safety (EH&S) policy has formed
the foundation of Xerox’s environmental leadership pro-
The criteria used to select our case study related to four main gram. Xerox was the first in the market to introduce emul-
issues: First, identifying an industry where environmental sion aggregation (EA) toner technology in 2002 and intro-
capabilities are essential to reduce the ecological footprint duced the industry’s first sustainability calculator in 2008.
of both the company during the manufacturing process and The company’s manufacturing facilities have been certified
the customers when using the product; second, identifying ISO 14001 since 1997, and some have gone on to achieve
a company whose activity has an impact on the environment certification to the recently issued ISO 50001 (energy man-
in terms of pollution and hazardous wastes and has con- agement) standard. Finally, in 2007, Xerox opened the EA
sequently implemented a proactive environmental strategy; Toner plant, which was engineered to save energy thanks to
third, identifying a company whose proactive environmen- thousands of sensors that track information about tempera-
tal strategy has gained sustainable competitive advantages ture, humidity, airflow, and other variables. More recently
through cost reduction, stakeholder integration, and continu- (2009), Xerox was the first to launch the solid ink technol-
ous innovation in terms of environmental-friendly product; ogy in its ColorQube printers, which allow a smaller carbon
and fourth, identifying a company that has implemented footprint. However, this program was halted in 2016 due to
MCS from an early stage of its proactive environmental an inadequate level of sales.
Xerox has implemented waste minimization, a pollution Data Collection
prevention program (Boiral 2006), and design for environ-
ment and product stewardship, initiatives that constitute We obtained different types of data from the fieldwork:
a proactive environmental strategy (Berry and Rondinelli documentary (internal and external documents) and discur-
1998). A sophisticated take-back and remanufacturing pro- sive (face-to-face interviews). Discursive data were obtained
cess allows equipment, parts, and components to be col- through face-to-face interviews conducted in June 2014 on
lected, reconditioned, tested to meet a “like new” condition, Xerox’s campus in Webster (N.Y.) with the Vice-President
reassembled, and remarketed. This competitive product of Environment, Health, Safety and Sustainability, and
stewardship established Xerox as an early mover in new nine EH&S team members. All the interviews were audio-
green product domains (Hart 1995; Lovins et al. 1999). recorded and fully transcribed. They resulted in a corpus of
Xerox’s proactive environmental policy involves design 128,676 words (see Appendix 4). As interviews are essen-
and manufacturing functions working together with units tial sources of case study information (Yin 2009), focused
responsible for interactions with customers (Hutchinson interviews remained open-ended and conversational, but fol-
1996; Russo and Fouts 1997). In this context, Xerox, as a lowed a set of questions derived from the case study protocol
business process and document management company, can (Merton et al. 1990) (Appendix 1). The documents collected
be considered an environmentally proactive company and were for both internal and external uses and were provided
can therefore be classified as a representative case study by the EH&S team, the partners to whom Xerox is commit-
from which lessons learned are assumed to be informative ted, or through the Web site.
(Huberman and Miles, (1994) about its organizational pro- Triangulation of data, that is, varying the sources of the
cesses and its proactive environmental strategy (Boiral 2006; data collected, is an important criterion of internal validity
Lovins et al. 1999). (Bamford 2008). To satisfy this, the interviews were com-
Xerox has five manufacturing sites located in Webster plemented by documentary data and some additional infor-
(N.Y.), Dundalk (Ireland), Wilsonville (OR), Aubagne mation obtained through site visits. Formal documentary
(France), and Venray (Netherlands) and sold nearly 2.5 data included the Energy Challenge (EC) 2012 and 2020

Author's personal copy
E. Albertini

program, through which Xerox made a public commitment orientation toward understanding the role of MCS as a sys-
to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions (GHG), initially tem to adequately convert proactive environmental strategy
from a 2002 baseline and later from a 2012 baseline; the into actions. However, our conceptual framework emerged
Global Citizenship Report; the Environment Health and inductively from the categorization process (Yin 2009).
Safety Report; Environmental Metric Report; and EC 2012 From the second-order categorization, we consolidated
Reporting Standards Presentation (see Appendix 3). These our 46 first-order categories to five emerging themes in an
documents represent Xerox’s overall environmental strategy abductive loop (O’Reilly et al. 2012): NGO partnerships;
during a 10-year period, from 1994 to 2014. This in-depth mandatory requirement of stringent regulations; internal and
document analysis allowed us to put Xerox’s environmental external reporting; environmental innovations, and sharing
strategy, as well as the statements of people interviewed, of best practices.
into context. For case studies, the most important use of
documents is to corroborate and argue evidence from other
sources that provide specific details on a topic and allow
inferences to be drawn from them (Yin 2009).
In recent years, companies have often turned to the Inter-
A Proactive Environmental Strategy Relying
net as their preferred method of communication in the inter-
on Environmental Capabilities
ests of transparency and public accessibility, rather than to
more traditional mass media channels. We have therefore
Our findings highlight that Xerox has developed several
included the content of Xerox’s environmental Web site
environmental capabilities such as (1) stakeholder inte-
(Jose and Lee 2007; Maignan and Ralston 2002; Snider
gration through its NGO partnerships and its willingness
et al. 2003).
to anticipate environmental regulations; (2) stakeholder
Finally, the data were enriched by site visits, resulting
integration and shared vision through extensive internal
in the field notes used in the analysis. We made two visits,
and external reporting; (3) organizational learning through
in June 2014, one to the Webster EA toner plant with the
sharing best practices; (4) continuous innovation through
Toner Development Manager and the other to the customer
extensive R&D activities.
innovation center. These visits enabled us to collect further
evidence and additional information about the topic under
study (Yin 2009). NGO Partnerships

Data Analysis In 2003, Xerox made a public commitment to reduce

GHG emissions by joining the US Environmental Protec-
Data analysis was conducted by grouping and comparing tion Agency (EPA) Climate Leaders Program and launch-
several sources of information: interview transcripts, EH&S ing an internal program known as Energy Challenge 2012
documents, all the documentation collected, environmental (EC 2012). This program was renewed in 2012 and named
performance data, and notes from the site visits. The cat- “Energy Goal 2020, targets to reduce energy consumption by
egorization process makes possible to delve deeper into the 20 percent by 2020 (from a 2012 baseline)” (Xerox Global
interpretation of the data collected. This process is based Citizenship Report 2014). As nearly all of Xerox’s GHG
on the grouping, codification, and comparison of informa- emissions are linked to the use of energy, this program is
tion based on similar concepts or themes emerging from the composed of different energy efficiency projects. “The EC
data collection (Glaser and Strauss 1967). The qualitative 2012 is a corporate-wide initiative launched by the CEO; it
software QSR NVivo was used to facilitate this inductive relies on the active involvement of many departments/units
categorization process (Jiang and Bansal 2003; Welsh 2002). within the company, such as manufacturing, corporate real
NVivo facilitates data management, coding, text retrieval, estate, and technical services” (Environmental Sustainabil-
and theory testing and has become a widely used tool for ity Manager). Constant information about the EC2012 and
qualitative research (Crowley et al. 2002). If, logically, parts the Energy Goal 2020 are disclosed through every kind of
of the preliminary categories were, a priori, derived from documents such as annual report, Web site, Global Citizen
the literature review and the themes of the interview grid Report confirming information collected through interviews.
(Miles and Huberman 1994; Yin 2009), others emerged One of the key elements of the EC 2012 and the Energy
later during the categorization process (Appendix 2). These Goal 2020 management process is regular reviews with the
categories were then refined, modified, and subdivided program’s steering committee and operational managers.
throughout the qualitative analysis process. We then began These environmental commitments and NGO partnerships
searching for relationships among our categories in order can be considered as a mean to integrate the stakeholders’
to group them into second-order themes with a theoretical expectations in the core business of the group.

Author's personal copy
The Contribution of Management Control Systems to Environmental Capabilities

Yet, we must highlight that ethical values are extensively Investing in the appropriate ‘green’ facilities and modifying
detailed in the Xerox Global Citizenship annual reports, manufacturing processes or product components can antici-
illustrated by different practices and initiatives, while none pate the cost of compliance with future regulations” (Envi-
of the interviewees mentioned that protecting the environ- ronmental Program Manager in charge of energy reporting).
ment was just the “right thing to do from an ethical per- This anticipation of the environmental regulations is a key
spective.” Indeed, all pollution prevention practices are element of the stakeholder integration capability as the com-
connected with business performance and not with busi- pany seeks to maintain both its “licence to operate” and its
ness ethics: “If you identify a good project that has a good competitive advantage.
financial payback, it’s easy to sell the project on both sides:
financial and environmental. Reducing the energy consump- Internal and External Reporting
tion allows us to save costs. You get both. We focus on the
cost savings because it’s business” (Environmental Program The mandatory or voluntary reporting is extensively detailed
Manager in charge of energy reporting). Furthermore, more in the Xerox Citizenship CSR reports, the annual reports, the
recently, Xerox has become a member of the New York Web site and described during the interviews as well. “We
Environmental Leaders Program, which provides recogni- report yearly on our progress, including changes to our busi-
tion and incentives to businesses and organizations that are ness and emerging issues. This report was prepared using
committed to sustainable practices and conserving natural the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) G4 Sustainability
resources. “It’s good because even if we don’t get an award Reporting Guidelines and contains Standard Disclosures”
if companies want to do business with us, they will look for (Xerox Global Citizenship Report 2013). This company dis-
things like that; it’s more public relation. Over the years, it’s closes environmental data to external stakeholders to com-
becoming more and more important” (Environmental Sus- ply with increasingly stringent environmental regulations or
tainability Program Manager). Hence, the ethical implication institutional frameworks. Furthermore, the internal report-
of the stakeholder integration capability remains unclear. ing of environmental data is extensive and necessary, as it
Indeed, managers may broadly engage NGO partnerships enables facility and plant managers to make comparisons
with the intent of enhancing the image and the reputation between the results and targets of the whole environmental
of the company rather than promoting the urgent need of strategy. Hence, this internal and external reporting can be
addressing the climate change issue. seen as a mean to develop both stakeholder integration and
shared vision capabilities.
Mandatory Requirement of Stringent Regulations However, we must highlight that these CSR reports are
quite similar from year-to-year, presenting the information
Regulations significantly influence the company’s environ- mainly in a positive way. Moreover, we note that, even if
mental strategy, the first goal of which is to comply with environmental performance is disclosed over a five-year
all of them. “Our safety and supplier processes enable us period, preset targets are disclosed for major topics only.
to meet global regulations governing chemical use. Since
2007, Xerox’s newly launched products have been designed Environmental Innovation
to meet the European Union’s Restriction of Hazardous Sub-
stances (RoHS) requirements in all markets” (Xerox Global Life cycle analysis is a way to address environmental oppor-
Citizenship Report 2013). These regulations mentioned tunities as it prioritizes areas for future technology devel-
in different sources of information such as annual reports, opment. “The company’s aim is to design product, pack-
internal documents and extensively detailed through inter- aging and supplies that make efficient use of resources, to
views are increasingly stringent and ask for complete and minimize waste and re-use material where feasible, and
detailed information about the environmental impact of the recycle what cannot be reused” (Environmental Project
company. “I have noticed, over the last couple of years, that Manager of the EA Toner Plant). Beginning in the early
we have to provide more information through more specific 1990s, Xerox pioneered the practice of converting end-of-
dashboards. The EH&S team has put in place a lot of more life electronic equipment into products and parts that contain
standardized systems for tracking the environmental data” reused components: “Globally, the combined return program
(Environmental Project Manager of the EA Toner Plant, (equipment re-manufacture in conjunction with the re-use
Webster). We can see that anticipation of future regulation and recycling of parts and consumables) prevented nearly
is a means for Xerox to be environmentally proactive and to 46,000 metric tons of waste in 2010” (Xerox Global Citi-
develop effective, cost-efficient compliance strategies that zenship Report 2011). The monthly EH&S review meeting
will minimize the risk of non-compliance. “Xerox needs to considers any project, whether for a new product launch or
foresee the regulation requirements five or ten years ahead a new manufacturing process: “From an energy perspec-
of time and adapts its strategy to these anticipated changes. tive, facility managers and operational managers present

Author's personal copy
E. Albertini

different projects detailing the energy savings over a period but achievable goals is a means of rallying the management
of three or five years. The EH&S team works regularly with team around the energy reduction program and enabling
engineers and operating or facility managers to suggest environmental performance improvement” (Vice President
improvements in energy use” (Environmental Program Man- of Environment Health, Safety and Sustainability).
ager in charge of energy reporting). Hence, we can see that In many respects, Xerox has developed a proactive envi-
a strong innovation capability is more likely to respond to ronmental strategy that conforms to environmental regula-
technological uncertainty with a proactive clean technology tions and relies on extensive internal and external report-
strategy than one that lacks such capability. Yet the return ing, NGO partnerships, sharing of best practices and, finally,
on investment of environmental innovation determines environmental innovation in pollution prevention, product
the continuity of the program. For example, production stewardship and clean technology. These capabilities, pre-
of ColorQube printers, which rely on solid ink technology sented in Table 1, can be summarized around the shared
that offers customers a lower carbon footprint, was stopped vision, stakeholder integration, organizational learning and
in 2016 only 7 years after its launch because sales did not continuous innovation-specific environmental capabilities.
reach preset targets: “Every customer is keen to buy an eco-
logical product, but no one is ready to pay an extra price Management Control Systems as a Means
for it” (Vice President of Environment Health, Safety and of Enhancing Environmental Capabilities
Belief systems, such as citizenship reports, Web site, EPA
Sharing of Best Practices feedback and internal documents shared by a large number
of employees, as well as external stakeholders, are used to
A collaborative effort between the EH&S team members present the mission statement as the shared vision of the
on the one hand, and facility and operations managers on company. “Reducing our Company-wide Carbon Footprint:
the other, takes place through monthly meetings about the While our ultimate goal is to be climate-neutral, our first
key pollution indicators for improving environmental per- priority is to reduce our total greenhouse gas (GHG) emis-
formance and cost savings. “The EH&S team stretches goals sions by lowering the energy intensity of our operations”
in order to drive environmental innovations and challenge (Xerox Citizenship annual Reports). Hence, shared vision is
operational managers to be more energy-efficient” (Energy enhanced through belief systems that put forward the strate-
Manager for the EA Toner plant, Webster). Managerial cog- gic environmental commitment of the company. “We have
nition relies on environmental performance measurements, conducted a comprehensive review of the environmental
as “what gets measured gets managed. Setting challenging impact of our company and have identified four strategic

Table 1 Xerox’s proactive environmental strategy and environmental capabilities

Strategic capability Environmental driving force Key resource Competitive advantage

Stakeholder integration Compliance with regulations EH&S reporting Lower the regulatory cost
Compliance with customer requirements ISO 14001 reporting Brand reputation
Hazardous waste treatments Environmental programs Better relationships
EC 2012 Environmental partnerships Influence regulation
N.Y. Environmental Leaders Environmental agencies relationships
ISO 14001
Shared vision Reduction in emissions, effluents, waste Environmental innovation First mover
Climate-neutral Targets challenging but achievable Employee commitment
EC 2012 Collaborative way of working Cost saving
Remanufacturing, recycling, reusing ISO 14001
CSR annual reports
Organizational learning Frequent meetings Environmental innovation First mover
Cross-organizational team Patents Influence regulation
Process and routines Best practice sharing Green product
Cost saving
Continuous innovation EA Toner plant Environmental innovation First mover
EA Toner Patents Lower manufacturing costs
Sustainability Calculator Reusing, recycling, remanufacturing processes Green product
Eco-conception Energy savings
ColorQube program
Solid ink printers

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The Contribution of Management Control Systems to Environmental Capabilities

commitment areas where we can make a significant posi- to implement what we have to do, and to feed back ‘real-
tive impact: (1) Reducing Energy Use and Protecting the world considerations’ on what we can really do. Can we do
Climate, (2) Preserving the World’s Forests and Biodiver- that? Can we not? Is it too aggressive? Is it not aggressive
sity, (3) Preserving Clean Air and Water, (4) Preventing and enough?” (Environmental Project Manager of the EA Toner
Managing Waste” (Xerox Citizenship annual Reports). This Plant). Consequently, these practices show how boundary
shared vision is supported by several targets presented as systems are used to improve the stakeholder integration and
strategic goals either in written documents or disclosed dur- the shared vision capabilities throughout the company.
ing the interviews: “zero persistent, bio-accumulative, toxic DCS, such as standardized environmental templates, are
footprint,” “water neutral,” “zero hazardous or pollutants,” used to disclose GHG emissions, energy and water con-
“waste-free facilities or products,” “zero waste to landfill sumption, hazardous waste discharge, or reused, recycled,
for major facilities worldwide” (Xerox Global Citizenship or remanufactured equipment, either internally to the EH&S
reports). team or externally to all the stakeholders to whom the com-
In order to enhance the shared vision of the company, pany is committed. “The release of materials used in our
the facility and plant managers set environmental goals worldwide operations is evaluated annually and reported to
and objectives collaboratively with the EH&S team during government agencies under national toxic chemical release
frequent work meetings. “Each year, they set their energy reporting regulations, such as the U.S. Toxics Release Inven-
reduction goals in relation to the previous year’s perfor- tory, the Canadian National Pollutant Release Inventory,
mance and the following year’s forecast” (Environmental and the European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register”
Sustainability Program Manager). Moreover, belief systems (Xerox Global Citizenship annual reports). Thus, DCS,
are used to enhance the commitment of every environmental through these shared environmental templates, can be con-
manager leading them either to suggest a new environmen- sidered as a tool enhancing the stakeholder integration capa-
tal program or to improve some manufacturing process to bility. Moreover, the DCS provide feedback to EH&S top
reduce pollution or energy consumption. “Stretch goals are managers through the monitoring of environmental perfor-
seen to drive innovation and challenge people but if they are mance on an exceptional basis and rewards the achievement
not achievable, facility and plant managers won’t waste their of preset goals: “Very specific indicators are tracking energy
time trying to achieve them. Goals have to be achievable consumption over the Webster campus. These indicators can
and stretch, too, in order to rally operational units around very closely monitor changes that happened monthly and
the success of the environmental strategy” (Vice-President make projections and determinations on what happening
of Environment Health, Safety and Sustainability). Those on the Webster campus and what is possible for the future”
goals, detailed during the interviews by the EH&S team, (Environmental Engineer focusing on water). DCS are used
are extensively disclosed in many internal and external by the EH&S team to evaluate the qualitative improvement
documents. Finally, some activities of this shared vision are of their environmental management practice and to chal-
implemented collaboratively with partners such as NGOs, lenge managers to improve it: “In 2010 an environmental
the Nature Conservancy (to support a sustainable paper dashboard was implemented to assess how facility or plant
cycle), or the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) (to units were progressing toward the corporate goals in their
support the Energy Challenge commitment). “In the U.S., annual targets” (Environmental Sustainability Manager).
Xerox recently partnered with a large electronics recycler Hence, we can see that DCS can be used to trigger the organ-
to ensure that our customers have a means to have their old izational learning capability through the monitoring of envi-
imaging devices processed in a responsible manner” (Xerox ronmental performance. Top managers in the EH&S team
Global Citizenship Report 2014). view this feedback as a means of improving environmental
Boundary systems are used to present the shared vision performance by focusing on the difficulties encountered and
of the company to all the employees through specific docu- the way they are faced: “The environmental performance
ments, such as those related to the EPA partnership, the measurement provides guidance to facility or plant man-
ISO 14001 reporting or the EC 2012 and Energy Goal 2020 agers to achieve their goals by focusing on targets and by
program that define the organization and the mission of the correcting deviations from the pre-set standards. Frequent
EH&S team. However, boundary systems are also used to reviews of these key indicators improve the coordination of
integrate stakeholders’ expectations into the different phases the implementation of the environmental strategy over time”
of the environmental strategy implementation through fre- (Vice-President of Environment Health, Safety and Sustain-
quent meetings with NGOs. “The EH&S team have all of ability). Consequently, DCS is used to enhance continuous
the responsibility for communicating with outside agencies, innovation capabilities that can lead to competitive advan-
and keep their fingers on what’s going on with our stake- tage for the company.
holders, with our customers, with regulations. They come ICS allows top environmental managers to get involved
up with ideas of what we should do and our role is both in the managerial decisions of facility or plant managers

Author's personal copy
E. Albertini

through frequent face-to-face meetings focusing on strategic technologies and projects. Consequently, our findings high-
uncertainties, such as new environmental regulations to be light how ICS can enhance continuous innovation capability
met. The involvement of EH&S top managers occurs during through frequent regular meetings that facilitate information
regular meetings with the Environmental Manager Opera- sharing and coordination.
tions (EMO) or Energy Manager Representative (EMR) Table 2 presents the characteristics of the levers of control
for each facility or plant. “These monthly environmental of MCS of Xerox’s environmental strategy. It details key
network meetings monitor the results toward environmen- design variables and the purpose of each of the levers of
tal goals, allow the presentation of best practices imple- control, giving examples.
mented by different EMOs or EMRs, and facilitate learning Our results show that the four levers of control are used
from other managers or engineers about how to deal with interactively to enhance environmental capabilities. Indeed,
a particular environmental subject. This learning process belief and boundary systems set the shared vision and objec-
is enhanced by the EH&S team, which organizes and par- tives of environmental performance on the one hand, and
ticipates in the meetings on different environmental topics: the rules and limits that the company has to comply with on
they ask managers for further explanations of their targets the other. The DCS monitors environmental performance
or results, and reshape the corporate goal when necessary” through goal-setting, regular reporting, and deviation analy-
(Environmental Sustainability Program Manager). The col- ses on a regular basis to make sure that environmental per-
laborative way of working between EH&S team members formance complies with the regulations or voluntary com-
and facility and operations managers facilitates information mitment. Moreover, DCS are used to provide the EH&S
sharing and coordination. Thus, ICS, through frequent meet- team and operational managers with detailed information
ings, enhance organizational learning capability. “Things go so that they can improve environmental performance. ICS
both ways with the EH&S team: we bring them the project are used to share best practices between environmental man-
that we have identified and they look at the project, and they agers. The frequent involvement of the EH&S team, which
make sure that this project counts for the GHG reduction focuses on strategic environmental uncertainties, shows that
associated with this project and rolled up for the corpo- ICS can also stimulate new initiatives.
rate environmental goal. The EH&S team brings us kind of
knowledge, like during the North American Council, they
can bring ideas coming from other sites, and bring knowl-
edge on different practices on water savings, for example, Discussion
we are not good at that” (Energy Manager for the EA Toner
plant, Webster). The same goes for the clean technology pro- The purpose of this study is to describe how a company can
jects with teams that work under the leadership of the envi- use the four levers of control to enhance its environmental
ronmental engineer facilitating sharing best practices and the capabilities, which in turn, can contribute to competitive
learning process. In this context, it is worth observing that advantage. Based on our findings, we propose a concep-
the financial aspect of any project to some extent determines tual framework of the four levers of control that compa-
its implementation. Return on investment and energy saved nies can use to enhance stakeholder integration, shared
are extensively studied as key performance indicators of new vision, organizational learning, and continuous innovation

Table 2 Characteristics of the four levers of control of MCS of Xerox’s environmental strategy
Nature of systems Belief systems Boundary systems Diagnostic control systems Interactive control systems

Key design variables Shared vision Compliance Monitoring Anticipation

Purpose Provide environmental strat- Conformity with the EC Provide information to facil- Focus EH&S teams’ attention
egy direction 2012 program ity or plant managers on environmental strategic
Provide guidance for environ- Conformity with regula- uncertainties
mental R&D tions
Avoid regulatory costs
Examples “We believe that Xerox, as EC 2012 program Challenging but achievable Influence environmental
a global business, must do ISO 14001 certification goals regulations
its part to reduce the risk of Environmental regulation Yearly and monthly plan Sharing best practices
climate change” Supplier Monthly review of environ- Face-to-face meetings
requirements mental indicators New challenging environmen-
Year-on-year comparison tal program
Results of goal-achievement

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The Contribution of Management Control Systems to Environmental Capabilities

capabilities with the objective of gaining competitive advan- innovation capabilities once stakeholders’ expectations are
tages (Fig. 1). determined and taken into account.

Stakeholder Integration Capability is Enhanced Shared Vision Capability is Enhanced by the Joint

by the Joint use of Belief and Boundary Systems Use of Belief and Boundary Systems
and DCS
Belief systems shared by all employees can be activated
The stakeholder integration capability within the organiza- through mission statements that inspire the search for new
tion implies that the company pays attention to its stake- opportunities in line with environmental values. Indeed,
holders’ concerns, such as ethical, environmental, and social as boundary and belief systems are used to ascertain that
issue when setting its objectives. The joint use of belief and employees behave according to pre-established rules, these
boundary systems and to a lesser extent DCS can adequately levers of control provide limits and force organizations to
help integrate stakeholders’ different and increasing expecta- convert intended strategy into action. A joint use of these
tions. Indeed, the joint use of belief and boundary systems two levers of control can foster shared vision capability sup-
may help company learning about product life cycle and porting pollution prevention activities that can lead to com-
designing environmental-friendly products and services petitive advantage in the form of cost reduction. Belief and
from suppliers and customers’ expectations. Moreover, boundary systems can encourage employees to participate in
belief systems may enhance employee stakeholder integra- environmental decision making, facilitate their involvement
tion that will trigger a pervasive business ethics where all in environmental activities, and finally be rewarded for envi-
individuals are involved in greening the company. Hence, ronmental good practices at work. It must be highlighted that
the joint use of boundary systems and DCS can set envi- DCS are not used to enhance shared vision capability since
ronmental indicators, monitor environmental performance, there is no need to monitor it or to correct its deviation. ICS
and correct deviations from preset standards of performance, are not used either to enhance shared vision capability since
meeting stakeholders’ expectations. Moreover, boundary it enhances organizational learning or continuous innova-
systems can be used to identify and manage risks, such as tion capabilities once the shared vision has been set by the
new environmental regulations, providing a competitive company. Finally, interpretation of environmental strategy
advantage by reducing regulatory costs. Stakeholder integra- may diverge across organizational levels, due to diversity of
tion is not enhanced by ICS since this system is mainly used interests among managers and employees. Hence, the joint
from an internal rather than an external perspective. Indeed, use of belief and boundary systems may enhance a shared
ICS facilitate organizational learning and environmental vision capability that provides goal clarity by mitigating

Fig. 1 Conceptual framework

of management control levers
enhancing environmental

Author's personal copy
E. Albertini

ambiguities and conflicting interests and coordinating the contributes to a firm maintaining its lead in its environmen-
focus of departments and teams. tal practices. In that context, the joint use of belief systems,
DCS, and ICS may enhance this capability by stimulating
Organizational Learning Capability is Enhanced new initiative in the specific environmental credo of the
by the Use of ICS and to a Lesser Extent by the Use company while measuring the costs and economic benefits
of DCS of these innovations.
Boundary systems are not used to enhance continuous
Using DCS, environmental managers can set goals that innovation capability since environmental innovations are
are challenging yet achievable, so that a company always proposed, studied, and implemented by the environmental
seeks to improve its environmental performance. Indeed, team while respecting the most stringent environmental
an adequate environmental measurement system improves regulation. Indeed, continuous innovation capability allows
the deviation analysis of goal-related results and year-on- the company to improve its environmental performance in
year progression. Furthermore, ICS can be used to enhance terms of its preset goals without getting around environmen-
the sharing of best practices through frequent meetings tal regulations.
between top managers and operational environmental man- This conceptual framework underlines the key role of the
agers. Indeed, interaction and coordination between business joint use of the four levers of control. Indeed, ICS can fos-
units are essential to enhance organizational learning. One of ter environmental capabilities that rely on co-working and
the objectives of ICS is to enhance organizational learning sharing best practices, such as organizational learning or
through the extensive communication of strategic goals. ICS continuous innovation, while belief and boundary systems
can therefore be used to stimulate the disclosure and sharing are used more to integrate stakeholders’ expectations and
of environmental data between environmental and facility rally round all the company’s employees. DCS is clearly
managers through frequent working meetings. Finally, the used for monitoring purposes as a precondition for ICS to
joint use of DCS and ICS, stimulating organizational ten- play its full role.
sions such as dealing simultaneously with goal achievement
and new initiatives emerging from threats and opportunities, Theoretical Contributions
can also help develop organizational learning capabilities
that can lead to a first-mover advantage. In an environmental From a management control perspective, this study con-
strategy context, the company can encourage a collaborative tributes to highlight some new associations of levers of
way of working, such as sharing best practices. control. Generally, ICS and belief systems are used jointly
Belief and boundary systems are not used to enhance to empower organizational actors, while DCS and bound-
organizational learning since they are used to set the shared ary systems are used jointly to elaborate on and interpret
vision of the company and the integration of stakeholders’ findings (Gond et al. 2012; Henri 2006; Simons 1995). Our
expectations around which the company maps its environ- findings show that a company can use boundary and beliefs
mental strategy. systems jointly to enhance the shared vision capability and
can use DCS and ICS jointly to enhance organizational
Continuous Innovation Capability is Enhanced learning capability. Moreover, our study shows that, con-
Mainly by the Use of ICS and Belief Systems trary to Simons (1995, 2000) and Henri (2006), DCS can
and to a Lesser Extent DCS contribute to the development and the maintenance of the
organizational learning and continuous innovation capabili-
ICS can be used to focus organizational attention on strategic ties. Finally, our findings show that every lever of control
uncertainties to prompt the emergence of new initiatives; is not required with the same intensity for the development
in consequence, frequent face-to-face meetings with opera- of environmental capabilities. Indeed, stakeholder integra-
tional units foster awareness of difficulties in implementing tion and continuous innovation capabilities are implemented
an environmental strategy. Using belief systems and ICS to with three levers of control while only two levers of control
encourage innovative behaviors can stimulate opportunity- develop shared vision and organizational learning capabili-
seeking and innovation, resulting in the definition of new ties. Hence, this study challenges the common view that
strategy. The joint use of these two levers of control can management control systems are equally needed to support
help develop clean technology capabilities that can lead to a strategy in all contexts.
first-mover advantage on the green product market. Indeed, From the environmental capability perspective, our find-
the outcomes of continuous innovation capability may be ings highlight that stakeholder integration with continuous
renewal in manufacturing process or in products. As other innovation may help identify opportunities for reducing
firms may easily imitate first movers’ successful innovations, pollution, whereas shared vision and organizational learn-
the capability of continuously generating such innovations ing may enhance improvements in environmental-friendly

Author's personal copy
The Contribution of Management Control Systems to Environmental Capabilities

products. In that context, the four levers of control enhance could lead to more complex pollution control and preven-
the cross-functional management capability which in turn tion systems. Furthermore, these reduced pollution sources
trigger the corporate performance, improve the reputation of allow a proactive environmental program that is focused
the company, and facilitate strategic alignment with future predominantly on energy reduction that facilitates goal-
changes in the general business environment. setting, monitoring, and management. This study calls for
Finally, this study contributes to the business ethics future research that could examine how companies from
debate on the reasons why managers develop a stakeholder different industries can use the four levers of control to
integration capability. While the stakeholder theory argues enhance their environmental capabilities. Indeed, the type
that the integration of stakeholders reflects an ethical con- of industry, the governmental regulations that affect it and
sideration, our study highlights the “dark side” of the devel- the manufacturing process seem to be a determinant factor
opment of this capability in which managers may want to in the design of the environmental strategy and as a con-
enhance their reputation and follow their own financial sequence in the development of the environmental capa-
goals. In some way, managers can develop the stakeholder bilities. Furthermore, it could be interesting to understand
integration capability in an opportunistic way. how the consequences of the climate change in terms of
rising of temperature and resource depletion may influ-
ence the development of some specific environmental
Conclusion capabilities for those companies that have to deal with
those effects.
This study aims to examine how a company can use Simons’
(1995) four levers of control to enhance environmental capa- Compliance with Ethical Standards
bilities, which in turn, can contribute to a competitive advan-
tage. From our findings, we propose a conceptual framework Conflict of Interest The author Elisabeth Albertini declares that she
has no conflict of interest.
of management control levers that shows how companies
can foster (1) stakeholder integration capability through the
joint use of belief systems, boundary systems, and DCS;
(2) shared vision capability through the joint use of belief
and boundary systems; (3) organizational learning capability Appendix 1: Main Guidelines
through the joint use of DCS and ICS; and (4) continuous for the Interviews with EH&S Team Members
innovation capability through the use of ICS, belief systems,
and to a lesser extent DCS.
This model enhances our knowledge of both the use,
rather than the existence, of various tools and systems when
1. EH&S team
making environment-related decisions, and the identification Description of the job position in the EH&S Team
of the genesis of environmental capabilities, thus answering Description of Xerox’s environmental strategy and its evolution
several calls in the literature (Aragon-Correa and Sharma i.e., priorities, pollution control, pollution prevention, environmental
2003; Arjaliès and Mundy 2013; Journeault 2016; Molloy innovation: product, manufacturing process
Role of the EH&S team in the implementation of environmental
et al. 2011). Moreover, this framework may help managers strategy
figure out what combination of levers of control they should i.e., set or provide guidelines, managing environmental strategy,
use to enhance some specific environmental capabilities. challenging environmental performance, reshaping or replac-
Nevertheless, there are limitations to this research that ing environmental strategy, monitoring results, reporting data,
employee training
must be acknowledged. The single case study method, the Certification ISO 14001
goal of which is to describe complex phenomena rather Energy Challenge 2012 program and role of the EH&S team in that
than measure their frequency and correlations to extrapo- program
late to the general population (Eisenhardt 1989), limits the i.e., corporate communication about the EC2012 program outside
and inside the company.
possibility of generalizing these results to other organiza- Xerox’s commitment to the EPA Climate Leaders Program
tions. Consequently, these results are specific and con- Description of the Lean Six Sigma process developed for implement-
tingent, even if it is reasonable to think that the observed ing the Energy Challenge 2012
phenomena apply, to a certain extent, to other certified
organizations. Other limitations relate to Xerox’s manu-
facturing activity, since its GHG emissions are mainly a
result of its energy consumption. Pollution control and
prevention are focused primarily on a few specific pol-
lution sources rather than several different ones, which

Author's personal copy
E. Albertini

2. Target and goals Simons (1995): four levers of control

First target: reduction by 10% greenhouse gas emission between 2002 Belief systems (core values) Mission statements, vision state-
and 2012 ments, credo, statements of
i.e., setting goals, previous analyses, involvement of the manufactur- purpose, target market
ing team or facilities management team
Boundary systems (types of Clear rules, limits, code of busi-
Evolution of the target of the program, setting a new program
behavior no longer allowed, ness conduct, operational guide-
Explanation of the success of the first EC2012 program
risks to be avoided) lines, strategic planning systems,
3. Data gathering and analysis assets acquisition regulations,
Procedure, frequency, measurement tool, monitoring system capital budgeting systems
Who is concerned? What kind of reporting?
Interactive control systems (stra- Face-to-face debate, meeting with
4. Diagnostic control system tegic uncertainties) operating managers, focus of
i.e., description of the goal and objective systems, indicators used to attention, involvement of top
monitor and manage environmental performance, reporting, revi- managers, assumptions and
sion of the goal or objective. action plans of subordinates,
i.e., description of the automatic management tool (the Johnson concentration on strategic
Control Energy and Emissions Management Tool) uncertainties, continually chal-
i.e., audit and certification of the data disclosed lenging, action plans, manage-
5. Interactive control system between EH&S team and other manag- ment tool, reshape or replace the
ers strategy, strategic uncertainties
i.e., meeting between EH&S team and other managers, frequency, Diagnostic control systems (criti- Profit plans, budgets—invest-
objectives, support, face-to-face or team meeting, involvement of cal performance variables) ments, goals, and objectives
the top managers in environmental strategy, description of the systems, monitoring and
“action plans,” description of the strategic uncertainties of Xerox’s coordination systems, indicators,
corporate environmental strategy review of critical performance
indicators, correcting deviation,
measurement systems, feedback,
achievement, audit
Appendix 2: NVivo Coding Themes

Appendix 3: Inventory of Documentary Data

Hart (1995): Natural-resource-based theory
Pollution control and prevention: Pollution control: storage of emis-
minimize emissions, effluent, sions or effluent, treatment of
and waste emissions or effluent, pollution Type of Description Authors Date Diffusion
control equipment or device, document
preserving (protecting) clean
air, water, biodiversity Pdf Energy Environ- March Internal
Strategy prevention: reduction in Managers’ mental 2008
emissions or effluent (green- quarterly Sustain-
house gas emissions), preven- newsletter ability
tion of emissions or effluent, Manager
housekeeping, material substitu- Pdf Energy Health and 2002 and Internal/
tion, manufacturing process challenge Safety 2006 external
innovation, reduction in energy 2012 and Sus-
consumption or water consump- reporting tainability
tion, employee involvement, con- Depart-
tinuous improvement of emission ment
reduction, cost advantage for
Pdf Global Citi- Health and 2006 to External
customers, cost saving for the
zenship Safety 2016
Report and Sus-
Product stewardship Life cycle analysis of the product, tainability
supplies return, reuse, recycling Depart-
program, eco-design of the ment
product, environmental innova-
Pdf Environ- Health and 2006 to Internal
tion (product), competitive
mental Safety 2015
advantage (product), suppliers’
Health and Sus-
requirements, value chain lever-
and Safety tainability
age, long-term approach, green
Report Depart-
product, leader position

Author's personal copy
The Contribution of Management Control Systems to Environmental Capabilities

Type of Description Authors Date Diffusion Type of Description Authors Date Diffusion
document document

Pdf Environ- Health and 2006 to External Pdf Xerox Graphic 2010 Internal and
mental Safety 2010 guides Commu- external
Protection and Sus- customers nication
Agency tainability to print Business
partner- Depart- responsi- Group
ship ment bly: Help- (market-
Pdf Preserv- Health and 2011 External ing to ing print-
ing Our Safety meet the ing)
Planet and Sus- challenge
through tainability of sus-
Sustain- Depart- tainable
able Inno- ment printing
vation and PowerPoint Xerox Cor- Health and 2012 and Internal
Develop- poration Safety 2014
ment Environ- and Sus-
Pdf White Environ- 2010 Internal mental tainability
Paper, mental Sustain- Depart-
EPS Sus- Sustain- ability ment
tainabil- ability PowerPoint Xerox Educa- 2009 Internal
ity, Xerox Manager Enterprise tion and
Enterprise Print Learning
Print Services: Depart-
Service Sustain- ment
Pdf White Vice 2008 External ability
paper, President is smart
Smarter Environ- business
Ways to ment, PowerPoint Xerox Case Educa- 2009 Internal
Green: Health Studies— tion and
How to and Good for Learning
Make Safety Business, Depart-
Sustain- Good for ment
ability the Envi-
Succeed ronment
in Your
Business PowerPoint Xerox Inno- Educa- 2009 Internal
vation, tion and
Pdf Xerox and Senior Vice 2008 Internal and Good for Learning
Paper: A President, external Business, Depart-
Sustain- Xerox Good for ment
ability Supplies the Envi-
Reference Business ronment
Guide Group  Innovation
Pdf Xerox and Office and 2010 Internal and in paper
the Envi- Solution external  Innovation
ronment: Business in toner
Our Sus- Group  Innovation
tainability (mar- in multi-
Commit- keting function
ment— product) devices
Briefing PowerPoint Environ- Health and 2010 and Internal and
Paper for mental Safety 2012 external
Xerox Sustaina- and Sus-
Custom- bility: Our tainability
ers Commit- Depart-
ment ment
Pdf Green Product 2008 and Internal
Product Manager 2010 PowerPoint Sustain- Health and 2010 Internal
Speci- ability Safety
fication Reporting and Sus-
Develop- tainability
ment Depart-

Author's personal copy
E. Albertini

Type of Description Authors Date Diffusion Function Hierarchical position Duration

Environmental saving reporting Middle manager 1 h 28 min
PowerPoint Xerox’s Health and 2006 and Internal and Environmental engineer focusing Middle manager 1 h 26 min
GHG Safety 2010 external on water
Reduction and Sus-
Initiative tainability Environmental engineer focusing Top manager 1 h 05 min
Depart- on air
ment Environmental engineer focusing Middle manager 1 h 24 min
Excel and Environ- Health and 2002–2011 Internal on air
internal mental Safety
software Perfor- and Sus-
mance tainability
Metric Depart-
Report ment
Excel and Greenhouse Health and 2002–2011 Internal
internal Gas Safety
Ahrens, T., & Chapman, C. C. (2004). Accounting for flexibility
software Emissions and Sus-
and efficiency: A field study of management control systems in
reporting tainability
a restaurant chain. Contemporary Accounting Research, 21(2),
Alt, E., Diez-de-Castro, P.-D., & Lloréns-Montes, F.-J. (2015). Linking
Pdf EC 2012 Health and 2006 Internal employee stakeholders to environmental performance: The role
Revision Safety of proactive environmental strategies and shared vision. Journal
and Sus- of Business Ethics, 128(1), 167–181.
tainability Aragon-Correa, J. A., Hurtado-torres, N., Sharma, S., & Garcia-
Depart- Morales, V. J. (2008). Environmental strategy and performance
ment in small firms: A resource-based perspective. Journal of Environ-
PowerPoint Environ- Health and 2003 Internal mental Management, 86(1), 88–103.
ment Safety 2006 Aragon-Correa, J. A., & Sharma, S. (2003). A contingent resource-
Health and Sus- 2009 based view of proactive corporate environmental strategy. Acad-
and Safety tainability emy of Management Review, 28(1), 71–88.
Seminars Depart- Arjaliès, D. L., & Mundy, J. (2013). The use of management control
ment systems to manage CSR strategy: A levers of control perspective.
PowerPoint Lean Six Health and 2006 Internal Management Accounting Research, 24(4), 284–300.
Sigma, Safety 2011 Bamford, D. (2008). The use of grounded theory in change manage-
Environ- and Sus- ment research. Journal of Change Management, 8(2), 111–121.
ment tainability Banerjee, S. B., Iyer, E. S., & Kashyap, R. K. (2003). Corporate envi-
Modules Depart- ronmentalism: Antecedents and influence of industry type. Jour-
ment nal of Marketing, 67(2), 99–120.
Bedford, D. S. (2015). Management control systems across different
modes of innovation: Implications for firm performance. Manage-
ment Accounting Research, 28, 12–30.
Berry, M. A., & Rondinelli, D. A. (1998). Proactive corporate envi-
Appendix 4: Inventory of Interviewees ronmental management: A new industrial revolution. Academy of
and Classification Management Executive, 12(2), 38–50.
Besio, C., & Pronzini, A. (2014). Morality, ethics, and values outside
and inside organizations: An exemple of the discourse on climate
change. Journal of Business Ethics, 119(3), 287–300.
Function Hierarchical position Duration Bisbe, J., & Malagueno, R. (2009). The choice of interactive control
systems under different innovation management tools. European
Vice president, health, safety, and Top manager 1 h 14 min Accounting Review, 18(2), 371–405.
sustainability Bisbe, J., & Otley, D. (2004). The effects of interactive use of manage-
Environmental sustainability Top manager 1 h 24 min ment control systems on product innovation. Accounting, Organi-
program manager zations and Society, 29, 709–737.
Environmental project manager of Middle manager 1 h 21 min Boiral, O. (2006). Global warning: Should companies adopt a proactive
the EA toner plant (Webster) strategy. Long Range Planning, 39(3), 315–330.
Boiral, O. (2007). Corporate greening through ISO 14001: A rational
Energy manager for the Xerox Middle manager 1 h 15 min myth? Organization Science, 1, 127–146.
Webster campus Bruining, H., Bonnet, M., & Wright, M. (2004). Management control
Environmental program manager Middle managers 1 h 25 min systems and strategy change in buyouts. Management Accounting
in charge of energy reporting Research, 15(2), 155–177.
Chang, C.-H. (2011). The influence of corporate environmental ethics
Environmental sustainability Top managers 1 h 23 min
on competitive advantage: The mediation role of green innovation.
Journal of Business Ethics, 104(3), 361–370.

Author's personal copy
The Contribution of Management Control Systems to Environmental Capabilities

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