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The cloud keeps getting bigger. And that’s a good thing because premise-
based solutions for document management are not necessarily what every
enterprise needs. The logistics of capturing, storing, retrieving, indexing,
sharing, and securing documents is complex and can entail considerable
capital outlays. Small-to-medium-sized organizations cannot always
afford such large investments.
Fortunately, there are many good cloud-based options available for
document management that offer many advantages to the premise-based
model. Both Microsoft and Google now offer respectable document
management tools. I have designed a simpler and easy to use document
management system. The Software-as-a Service (SaaS) document
management solutions are, in my opinion, the best available to
Regardless of your choice of cloud-based DMS, there are distinct
advantages to the SaaS cloud-hosted model versus on premise.
1. Cost Savings
Servers, new computers, disk space are costly. Cloud-based DMS uses an
enterprise’s existing equipment eliminating the need for high-powered
servers or complex on-site architectures. Additionally, the monthly fee
for cloud-based DMS is usually far less than costs associated with
traditional premise-based solutions such as server upgrades, operating
system upgrades, server maintenance, security infrastructure, and
uninterruptable power supplies.
2. Rapid Deployment
Cloud-based SaaS is available through a simple Web browser Internet
connection. Minimal IT input is required on the client’s end. Little or no
software to install; no firewalls to configure; no backups to set up; all
provide for a turnkey DMS deployment. And yet, a cloud-based DMS
gives an enterprise the flexibility to customize and/or upgrade their
solution as needed.
The client will always have access to the latest version of the DMS
because upgrades and updates are made available automatically.
3. Better Accessibility
The Cloud is available anytime, anywhere. All that the client needs is an
Internet-accessible device for virtually ubiquitous document
management. Document sharing and collaboration are much easier and
accurate with cloud-based DMS.
The more advanced solutions allow for metadata tagging to help organize
and retrieve documents faster. Check in procedures prevent simultaneous
editing, while allowing group access to single documents. Also, multiple
versions of documents and their histories are easily shared and accessed
via SaaS cloud-based DMS.
4. Regulatory Compliance
Many industries have strict document and record keeping compliance
requirements. The server and storage capabilities of cloud-based
document management solutions usually exceed those of premise-based
solutions. This both lowers the cost and risk of failing to comply with
regulatory compliance mandates.
5. Top Level Security
It might be difficult for the organization on its own to provide the same
high level of document security available from the right cloud-based
solution. The document management solutions, for example, restricts
access to documents by using passwords and group permissions, as well
as auditing all activity.
Key-card access, diesel backup generators, off-site redundancy, fire
suppression equipment, and on-site parts replacement are essential
security measures at the disposal of the best cloud-based DMS providers.
6. Reduced IT Support Needs
In-house server maintenance, upgrades, security fixes and patches,
licensing, backups and monitoring can be reduced or eliminated. This can
free up IT personnel for other tasks and better allow them to pursue the
organization’s core mission.
7. The Cloud is Greener
Cloud-based document management solutions are more environmentally
sound. By sharing the cooling and energy needs of multiple servers,
reducing storage space, and using less local energy, cloud-based DMS is
greener than more traditional premise-based solutions.

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