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Bryn Stevens

October 15, 2018

The Eagles
CHICAGO - A couple sat in the back seat of a black Honda civic. The driver

looked as if he had just come from a banquet. He was a clean-cut man dressed in a

suit with a Bluetooth in his ear. The couple sat silently as they watched cars fly by

their windows.

Abby Bernabei sat directly behind the driver's seat as she anxiously waited

to arrive at The United Center. Today was the day she would finally see her

favorite band, The Eagles.

As the car pulled up to a curb just across the street from a large building,

Abby and her boyfriend Logan quickly hopped out of the vehicle. Logan checked

his phone before looking up at Abby like a deer in headlights.

“We’ve got to get in there quickly,” Logan said anxiously. “My phone is

about to die and I have the tickets.”

Within moments the two were racing across the street to join the line of

people waiting to get in the doors. After what felt like years, the two finally got to

the metal detectors inside the doors to the arena. Almost immediately, a bitter

middle-aged woman walked up to them and asked for their tickets.

The lady stared at the phone for a moment before handing the phone back

and informed the two that they needed to print their tickets before they are let in.
Within seconds the relief Abby felt was replaced with sadness as she began to

accept that her night with The Eagles was over.

As the two started walking out of the arena, they saw the box office window

with a paper sign that read “print tickets here”. Realizing Logan only had a 3%

battery left, they made their way over to the box office where they were greeted by

a cheerful man sitting behind a wall of glass.

The man asked for Logan's phone before typing into his Apple computer.

Moments later he handed the two freshly printed tickets, and they made their way

inside. They wandered up to the 300 level and eventually made their way to their

seats in the last row of the arena. The blue-lit stage seemed so far away, but at least

she was there.

As they settled into their seats, a man with a United Center vest approached


“Would you two like to move to the floor?” the man asked while handing

them two brand new tickets.

Without hesitation, they got up and followed the man through the

Blackhawks press box, and down to the floor. Not even five minutes later, Abby’s

favorite band was on stage and only 30 rows from her.

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