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Tyra Gonzales

Ms. Steiner

English 10

12 March 2019

Abortion Should Be Made Fully Illegal in the United States

Millions of embryos, or babies still in the womb, are killed everyday, many of them, done

illegally. Which is why abortion should not be legal in the United States. Abortion is the

deliberate termination of a human pregnancy, most often performed during the first 28 weeks of

pregnancy. There are two sides to abortion, pro-life and pro- choice. Pro-life is anti-abortion,

these people believe that abortion is wrong and the life of the fetus should not be ended. On the

other hand, there is pro- choice, these people believe that woman should have a right to choose

what they do to their bodies, whether that be them choosing to abort or keep the baby. This is

why abortion should become illegal in the United States because it leads to death, there is no

funding, and it starts wars.

In the first place, abortion leads to death. In order to abort, the mothers are given a pill to

dilate the cervix, which kills the embryo. In an information article, they explained what is done

to the embryo in order to “terminate it”. This pill poisons the embryo, thus allowing it to detach

from the uterus. This “poison” can go into the mother’s body and kill her too (“Abortion” 3).

This is very bad because the mother’s decision can also kill her. This would result in 2 deaths,

and would involve legal action to the malpractice doctor. According to the Vess’ informational

article, over 120-165 women are in danger due to them going to illegal abortion clinics (Vess 5).
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Since in many states in the U.S., abortion is illegal, woman go to anyone they can find. This is

very dangerous due to the fact that we are unsure if the “doctor” even knows what they are

doing. Also, in an article it states, if the pill doesn’t kill the mother it could also lead to mentally

induced illnesses to the mother. Or, if the embryo isn’t fully detached from the mother due to

mistakes, it will lead to children with many birth defects (“Abortion” 14). This is going back to

the original topic, that abortion causes death. Not just to the embryo which was cause but also to

the mother. If in fact that the case leads to no death, it will affect the baby with alarming birth


To add, there is no funding according to the article, funding is only given to women

wanting to abort because of rape or incest issues (“Unsafe Abortion” 3). Many woman brought

up the fact that the reason for an unwanted baby was due to sexual assault. The end result in their

assault was them getting pregnant. They don’t want this so mothers often turn to abortion. The

only way that abortion will get funding according to Vess’ information article, is because the

Vatican said abortion is apart of planned parenthood (Vess 6). Because of this many abortion

clinics will be closed down then woman will have to go to unauthorized abortion clinics that's

causing disease. Lower classes tend to have more death rates due to the fact that they're going to

“on the corner” abortion clinics and get work done by unauthorized doctors. Due to the many

complications of illegal abortions women, doctors, and others put together anti abortion groups,

these groups are mainly held by Roman Catholic churches (Phelps 4). These groups were made
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to help get their words and ideas out to the public. These people are pro-life and believe that all

lives matter.

In addition, abortion causes wars. The battle for abortion is often known as “America's

New Civil War” (Kearl 386). Abortion fights have brought bombs, fights, and marches in front

of the White House in order to get abortion be legal in the United States (“Unsafe Abortion”).

Because of this, Human Life Day was made to celebrate pro- life, on this day everyone comes

together and holds a march in front of the White House, about 1/2 million marched about

abortion rights on this day (Kearl 387). By the end of the 1870s, over 40 states had passed anti

abortion laws because of this. Many choose not to abort due to morals and human bonding.

Many say it is morally wrong because the fetus is a person too, this is why there is a lot of

controversy if it should stay legal abortion. Abortion is compared to euthanasia because it is the

loss of value can't get back (“Unsafe Abortions”). Many people believe that abortion is murder,

the loss of a life you can’t ever get back.

Although some may argue that abortion is needed in cases of rape, however, abortion

should be illegal because it leads to death, there is no funding, and it causes wars. Since, the

main reason why women abort is because of rape or sexual assault, the government has provided

funding only for these woman (“Unsafe Abortions”). This makes it more safe for the woman

because they will be provided with trained doctors. This will make sure that they are safe and no

harm will come to them.

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To conclude, abortion should be handled more carefully and made illegal to prevent death

to the mother, keep the funding to only those who need it, and stop the many wars. If abortion

would be illegal all throughout the United States, then woman would stop dying from

unauthorized doctors performing malpractice on the patients. These doctors are using unsanitized

tools and unauthorized techniques to remove the embryo, this is very unsafe for the mother. Also,

if abortion was made illegal it would only be allowed to those who need it, such as woman

pregnant from rape, insest, or any other sexual assault issue. Finally, it would stop the wars that

are going on, and put the anti abortion groups at ease.
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"Abortion." Opposing Viewpoints Online Collection, Gale, 2018. Opposing Viewpoints in


87c6a134. Accessed 28 Feb. 2019.

Kearl, Michael and Richard Harris. 1981–82. “Individualism and the Emerging ‘Modern’

Ideology of Death.” Omega 12:269–80. Accessed 28 Feb. 2019.

"Front Cover." Gale Encyclopedia of American Law, edited by Donna Batten, 3rd ed., vol. 1,

Gale, 2010, p. [0]. Gale Virtual Reference Library,

d=2583c546. Accessed 28 Feb. 2019.

Phelps, Shirelle, and Jeffrey Lehman, editors. West's Encyclopedia of American Law. 2nd ed.,

vol. 1, Gale, 2004. Gale Virtual Reference Library, Accessed 28

Feb. 2019.

World Health Organization. “Unsafe Abortion: Global and Regional Estimates of Incidence of

All Mortality Due to Unsafe Abortion with a Listing of Available Country Data.”

Available from <>. Accessed 28 Feb. 2019.

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